江苏省宜兴市届九年级英语上学期寒假提优训练2 牛津版

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1、江苏省宜兴市汇文中学2016届九年级英语上学期寒假提优训练一、单项填空1. Welcome to our online mall! If you buy _ iphone6 here, you can get a watch for _ free. A. a; /B. an; theC. an; /D. the; the2. The rich, _ money was not a problem, wanted to stay in expensive hotels. A. whomB. for whomC. for whichD. whose3. China has succeeded in

2、 producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways _ cloning can benefit mankind. A. in whichB. by thatC. whatD. where4. Do you still remember the happy days _ we stay close to each other? A. whichB. whenC. thenD. on which5. Although Tim has many business _, I know by _ this man can

3、not be trusted. A. experiences; experienceB. experience; experiences C. experience; experienceD. experiences; experiences6. We study and live together as if we _ brothers and sisters. A. areB. wereC. have beenD. was7. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes.A. t

4、urning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up8. Lucy was sitting by the desk and chatting online with her friends the last time I _ to see her. A. goB. am goingC. was goingD. went9. With the days work _, the men left office and headed for the bar for a drink. A. finishingB. to finishC. finished

5、 D. being finished10. _ in the rules that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account. A. What is required B. What required C. It is required D. It requires11. The population of Jiangsu _ to more than twice what it was in 1949. The figure is now approaching 74 million. A. ha

6、s grownB. have grownC. grewD. are growing 12. On their journey around the world, the Greens met with lots of things and persons _ interested them. A. whoB. thatC. whichD. what13. -Do you make _ visits to your parents? -Yes. Usually two or three times a week. A. regularB. averageC. specialD. common14

7、. The boss left Tom _ the whole company when he was in hospital. A. in charge of B. in honor ofC. in place ofD. in favor of15. Having suffered huge losses in the financial crisis, the company reached a point _ its existence was threatened. A. thatB. whereC. whenD. which二、完形填空The Price of a DreamI gr

8、ew up poor, living with my wonderful mother. We had little money, but plenty of love and attention. I was 41 and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still 42 a dream.My dream was 43 . By the time I was sixteen, I started playing baseball. I could throw a ninety-mil

9、e-per-hour fastball and 44 anything that moved on the football field. I was also 45 ; my high school coach was John, who not only believed in me, but also taught me 46 to believe in myself. He 47 me the difference between having a dream and remaining true to that dream. One particular 48 with Coach

10、John changed my life forever.A friend recommended me for a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket-money for a new bike, new clothes and the 49 of savings for a house for my mother. Then I realized I would have to 50 up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I wou

11、ld have to tell John I wouldnt be playing.When I told John, he was 51 as I expected him to be. “You have your whole life to work,” he said. “Your 52 days are limited. You cant afford to waste them.” I stood before him with my head 53 , trying to think of the 54 that would explain to him why my dream

12、 of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his 55 in me.“How much are you going to make at this job, son?” He asked. “3.5 dollars an hour,” he replied.“Well,” he asked, “ is 3.5 dollars an hour the price of a dream?”That simple question made 56 for me the difference bet

13、ween 57 something right now and having a 58 . I decided myself to play sports that summer and in that year I was hired by the Pittsburgh Pirates to play baseball, and was 59 a 20,000 dollars contract. In 2005, I bought my mother the house 60 my dream!41. A. happyB. politeC. shyD. honest 42. A. spend

14、B. affordC. makeD. need43. A. athleticsB. musicC. businessD. money44. A. kickB. playC. passD. hit45. A. rightB. popularC. luckyD. confident46. A. howB. whyC. whenD. whether47. A. gaveB. taughtC. broughtD. asked48. A. accidentB. matterC. problemD. experience49. A. aimB. ideaC. startD. purpose50. A. k

15、eepB. endC. giveD. pick51. A. madB. mournfulC. frightenedD. shameful52. A. livingB. playingC. workingD. learning53. A. movingB. noddingC. shakingD. hanging54. A. answersB. excusesC. wordsD. ways55. A. sadnessB. regretC. hopelessnessD. disappointment56. A. directB. clearC. straightD. bare57. A. wanti

16、ngB. changingC. dreamingD. enjoying58. A. wishB. goalC. scoreD. desire59. A. paidB. gotC. presentedD. offered60. A. onB. forC. ofD. by三、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)AEvery year mobile phones develop. Imagining what they will look like and be able to do in 2020 is really a challenge. To help, experts have

17、outlined three major mobile trends that they believe will have become reality by then.Our phones will be so smart in 10 years time that theyll know everything about our situation and warn us when something needs our attention. This is the top prediction of both Nokia and Google. They predict that ou

18、r cars and home appliances will be able to communicate with our mobile. For example, fridges will tell your mobile to tell you to pick up milk on the way back from work. While driving, your mobile will suggest that you take a different route because theres a road accident up ahead. The second trend

19、is in gesture-based controls. People who know the iPhones touch - sensitive screen are already familiar with the technology. It translates hand movements into actions on-screen. But gestural communications will make the phone more convenient to use and may completely replace touchpads. According to

20、industry insiders, the most immediate step forward in gestural technology will be in voice recognition. Its believed voice recognition technology will speed up communications. It is quicker to speak than type. Eventually, phone screens will disappear.The third major development will change our under

21、standing of a mobile phone. From a single phone, the mobile will be developed into multi-part devices. It is opposite to the current trend in which mobile phones are combining the functions of cameras, music players and game consoles(控制台). The prediction is based on the idea that the world will beco

22、me more wireless and all these - cameras, music players and game consoles - will be wirelessly connected. Mobile phones wont need to contain these devices because users will be able to control them wirelessly through their phones.61. The first paragraph serves as .A. a lead-inB. a conclusionC. a sum

23、mary D. a supporting fact62. From the text, we can learn that the future mobile phones will . A. drive cars for us B. be controlled by the users voices C. be controlled by home appliances D. be very big together with separated multiple parts 63. The writers attitude towards the development of mobile

24、 phone is _. A. worriedB. positiveC. concernedD. nervousBChemistry was taught at Duke University for many years by professor Bonk. One year, two guys took the class and did pretty well on all the quizzes and mid-terms. They each had an A. These two friends were so confident in going into the final t

25、hat the weekend before finals week, despite the Chemistry final being on Monday, they decided to go to the University of Virginia to party with some friends.They had a great time there. However, with their hangovers (宿醉) and tiredness, they overslept all day Sunday and didnt make it back to Duke unt

26、il early Monday morning. Rather than taking the final then, they found professor Bonk after the final and explained to him how they missed the final. They told him they went up to the University of Virginia for the weekend and had planned to come back in time to study, but they had a flat tire(轮胎)on

27、 the way back and didnt have a spare. So they were late getting back to the university.Bonk thought this over and agreed that they could take the final the following day. The two guys, happy and relieved, studied that night and went in the next day at the time that Bonk had told them. He placed them

28、 in separate rooms and handed each of them a test booklet. He told them to begin.They looked at the first problem which was something simple about solution (溶解). It was worth 5 points. “Cool,” they thought, “this is going to be an easy final”. They then turned the page. They were unprepared, however

29、, for what they saw on it. The question contained only two words: (95 points) which tire?64. From the passage we know _. A. the two guys came back to campus late on purpose B. Bonk wasnt strict with the two guys C. repairing the flat tire took the two guys a lot of time D. Bonk didnt believe the two

30、 guys explanation65. After the final, they _. A. may apologize to professor Bonk B. must have the same scoresC. wouldnt be confident in their Chemistry D. would feel happy and relieved66. From the passage we can get a lesson that _. A. he who makes no mistakes makes nothing B. he who is honest is wi

31、seC. one never loses anything by politeness D. think twice before you doCThings adults should learn from kids Children can teach adults a lot. In other words, there are many things adults can learn from children. For example, kids tend to show love. Every action they do for parents, friends, pets, a

32、nd people they like, is filled with love. They dont think twice before loving, and they just love. So adults can learn this: the best way to receive love is to first give it. Unfortunately, most of us have developed the habit of questioning everything. We often try too hard with love, and connect it

33、 with weakness. Actually, the only way to experience love is to have the smallest expectations, and love your dear ones unconditionally(无条件地). Kids never hide feelings. They cry when they hurt themselves, and express displeasure when things dont go their way. On the contrary, we adults always try to

34、 hide our feelings, and never express ourselves sincerely. We often feel happy for others with negative thoughts in our hearts. Crying or expressing oneself is what normal people do. Never hold back tears or happiness. If you want to cry, cry your eyes out, and if you are happy or pleased about some

35、thing, dont be afraid to show or share it. Kids are curious (好奇的) little beings, who always try to understand their surroundings by completely involving themselves in every task they do. They have a huge appetite for knowledge, and ask lots of questions every day. This curious nature guides their li

36、fe, and often leads them to simple yet wonderful discoveries. Are adults as curious as kids? Well, most of us arent. Also, they no longer have the thirst for knowledge, and dont even ask questions if they dont understand something. Adults often forget that it isnt talent or skill but our curiosity a

37、nd a huge appetite for knowledge that makes us worthy. Kids live in the present, and give 100% to any task they are doing. They never worry about the future, and since they are so busy enjoying their present, life is great today. However, with a job, money, and relationships, it does get hard for an

38、 adult to enjoy life. The best thing to do here is to change oneself, and if that isnt possible, we can live like a child. Just dont be worried about the future, because it isnt in your control. The only thing you can control is your present, so work hard toward it. As kids treat everyone equally, t

39、hey make friends soon and also play a lot with them. Through playing, they make a lot of astonishing discoveries about their friends and surroundings. They also learn a lot about life, because they are out in the open and are playing with all their hearts. So how long has it been since you played ou

40、tdoors for fun as an adult? Not some serious sporting event or activity, just kicking a ball, running in the park, or any other silly game! Playing doesnt mean that you have to achieve a purpose. Sometimes, it is healthy to just have some fun.Paragraph outlinesMain pointsShow love.l Adults should le

41、arn to give love first instead of 71 love.l In order to experience love, adults should 72 less and love others unconditionally.Never hide emotions.l Children arent afraid to display their emotions while adults always 73 _ to express themselves sincerely.l Its normal to express oneself, so try to sho

42、w or share your emotions, 74_ you are happy or sad.Be curious.l Kids are curious and are 75_ for knowledge, so they ask questions every day.l Most adults dont ask questions even if they feel 76 about something. l Actually, our 77_ depends on our curiosity and desire for knowledge. Live in the presen

43、t.l Kids live in the present happily, while adults have 78 in enjoying life with many things to consider.l Change yourself, or enjoy your present without worrying about the future that cant be 79 .Play more.l Children 80 and learn a lot through playing.l Adults should also play outdoors for fun just

44、 like kids.DYears ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The next building was only a few feet away from m . There was a woman living there, and I had never met her, yet I could see she sat by her window each afternoon, sewing or r_. After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her

45、window was dirty. Everything was unclear. I would say to m . “I wonder why that woman doesnt wash her window. It really looks t_.”One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, including w_ the window on the inside.Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a c

46、up of coffee for a rest. What a s_! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible (看见). Her window was clean!Then it dawned on me. I had been criticizing (批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers t_ my own dirty window. That was quite an important lesson for m

47、e. How often had I looked at and c_ others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings? Since then, w I wanted to judge (评判) someone, I asked myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world a

48、bout me more c . 1-5 CBABA 6-10 BCDCC 11-15 ABAAB完形填空:(1*20=20)41-45 ABADC46-50 ABDCC51-55 ABDCD 56-60 BABDC阅读理解:(2*10=20)61-66 ABBDAB71. receiving 72. expect 73. refuse 74. whether 75. dying/eager/thirsty76. confused/puzzled 77 .worth 78. difficulty/trouble/problems 79. controlled 80. discoverMine reading myself terrible washing surprise through criticized whenever clearly6

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