Section A,Unit 2,Book 2,NHCE,新版课文,鲍东梅、曹月秋

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1、新版新视野大学英语教师备课簿(第二册)鲍东梅 曹月秋Unit 2学 习 目 标一、核心词汇一般要求词汇:pat, presence, promising, session, amusing, massive, fatigue, approximately, fuss, shift, indifferent, stack, assert, swear, persist, frown, rank, bond较高要求词汇:clearing更高要求词汇:makeshift二、重要短语next to, in sbs presence, by no means, count on, come upon,

2、pack into, take notice of, sing out, point out, reflect on, in advance三、疑难句子:四、阅读技巧:猜度词义五、真题测试:与本课词语和语法项目相关的历年四、六级及考研真题自测。Section A Learning the Olympic Standard for Love一、重点词汇Section A (一)一般要求词汇1. (L5) pat: vt. touch someone or something lightly and repeatedly with a flat hand 轻拍n. C a light friend

3、ly touch with the flat hand轻拍【用法】a on the back鼓励,表扬e.g. a) The teacher patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him.老师拍拍他的肩膀,给他鼓励。 Linda patted her hair to be sure it was neat. 琳达拍了拍头发,把头发弄得整整齐齐的。b) The nurse gave the little girl a pat. 护士轻轻拍了一下那个小女孩儿。2. (L10) promising: adj. showing signs of being

4、 successful in the future有前途的,有希望的e.g. a) The boy is clever and hard-working; he must have a promising future. 这男孩儿既聪明又勤奋,他一定大有前途。b) Intelligent and promising, students at this famous university are quite proud of themselves.这所著名大学的学生聪明有为,很为自己感到骄傲。3. (L12) session: n. a period of time used for a par

5、ticular activity (从事某项活动的)一段时间a formal meeting of an institution such as a parliament or a court of law (议会等机构的)正式会议part of a period of time during which a class or meeting takes place上课时间,开会时间e.g. a) A question-and-answer session will be held after the lecture.讲座结束后是问答时间。 a training/counseling/phot

6、o/recording session训练/咨询/拍照/录音时间 b) an emergency session of the UN security Council联合国安理会的紧急会议 c) Shakespeare was discussed during the morning session. 上午的课上,我们讨论了莎士比亚。4. (L15) amusing: adj. able to make people laugh or smile; funny and enjoyable有趣的e.g. a) My workmate is an amusing guy with a lot of

7、 funny stories. 我的同事是个有趣的家伙,总能讲许多好笑的故事。b) When he shared his amusing travel experience with us, we all laughed a lot. 他给我们讲他有趣的旅游经历时,我们都笑得很开心。5. (L30) baby: vt. treat someone like a young child when they are old enough to do things for themselves 把.当婴儿对待;骄纵 【用法】 sb. 骄慣某人e.g. Grandma still likes to b

8、aby us. 奶奶仍然喜欢把我们当婴儿对待。 Dont baby me, Ill do it myself. 不要娇惯我,我自己来做。6. (L30) massive: adj. large in size, quantity, or extent 大的,严重的e.g. a) People got angry at the evidence of massive cheating in business.大量商业欺诈的证据使人们愤怒了。b) The man with a massive forehead is our new manager.这个前额宽大的人是我们新来的经理。7. (L31)

9、 fatigue: vt. make someone feel tired使疲劳n. U great tiredness疲劳e.g. a) My new job really fatigued me during the first two months. 最初的两个月,我的新工作真地使我感到非常疲劳。 It took us a whole week to rest after the fatiguing travel.在那次令人疲劳的旅行之后,我们休息了整整一周。b) He decided to quit his job because of fatigue. 他因为太累而决定辞掉工作。8.

10、 (L31) approximately: adv. about, nearly大约,大概e.g. a) Approximately 100 people attended the meeting. 约100人参加了这次会议。b) Approximately, the monthly income for an average family in this area is 5,000 yuan. 这个地区平均每个家庭的月收入是5,000元左右。9. (L33) fuss: vi. complain over samll matters因小事抱怨,小题大做n. sing., U a lot of

11、 unnecessary worry or excitement about sth. 小题大做,大惊小怪 【用法】 about/ over 对.小题大做 make a about/over对.大惊小怪/小题大做e.g. a) I spent several days fussing about the travel arrangements. 我为旅行安排紧张了好几天。 b) Dont make a fuss about such trifles. 不要为区区小事大惊小怪。10. (L34) indifferent: adj. not interested in; not caring冷漠的

12、,漠不关心的【用法】be to对.漠不关心e.g. a) The star always seems indifferent to public opinions. 这位明星似乎总是对公众的评价漠不关心。 b) Uncle John is a strong-minded adventurer, always indifferent to hardships and dangers. 约翰叔叔是个意志坚强的探险者,总是把困难和危险置之度外。11. (L40) stack: n. a pile of things placed one on top of another一叠,一堆 vt. arra

13、nge in a stack; pile堆成堆;垛堆放 【用法】a of 一堆/一叠e.g. a) She began stacking plates on the trolley. 她开始把盘子摞在手推餐车里。 b) There were stacks of books on the floor. 地板上有一摞摞的书。12. (L41) assert: vt. state or declare forcefully断言,声称 make a claim to要求【用法】 sth./that-clause断言 sth.要求某物e.g. a) He asserted his ideas clear

14、ly at the board of directors.他在董事会上清楚地说出了自己的想法。He asserted that the girl had stolen his wallet. 他坚持说那个女孩偷了他的钱包。b) People in that nation began to assert their right to govern themselves.那个国家的人民开始要求自治权。13. (L42) swear: vi. curse咒骂 vt. promise formally发誓 【用法】 at 咒骂e.g. a) The woman swore at the waiter

15、after he spilt coffee onto her skirt. 服务员把咖啡溅到了那个女人的裙子上,她狠狠地骂了他。 Lisa asked her husband to stop swearing in front of the kids. 丽莎要她的丈夫不要在孩子们面前说脏话。b) I swear that I would never let the secret out. 我发誓永远不会泄露这个秘密。The young man swore on his honor that he would be loyal to his wife forever. 年轻人以自己的名誉发誓会永

16、远忠于他的妻子。14. (L52) persist: v. continue firmly (and perhaps unreasonably) in spite of opposition or warning坚持continue to exist or happen继续存在或发生【用法】 in坚持e.g. a) If you persist in being late for work, you will be fired. 如果你老是上班迟到,你会被开除的。The teacher persisted in working regardless of his illness. 那位老师带病

17、坚持工作。b) We hope the good weather wil persist for at least one week.我们希望好天气能至少持续一周。I wonder how long the problems will persist. 我想知道这些问题多久才能解决。15.(L53)frown: vi.wrinkle the brow, as in thought or displeasure皱眉:沉思或不高兴时regard something with disapproval or distaste不同意或不欣赏某事n. a wrinkling of the brow in

18、thought or displeasure; a scowl深思或不高兴时皱眉的样子;皱眉 【用法】 at对.皱眉 on/upon对.表示不赞成 e.g. a) Stephen frowned at Lily over the top of the Sunday paper.斯蒂芬越过星期日报纸的上端朝莉莉皱了皱眉。He frowned as he tried to work out the sum.当他试图算出总数的时候他皱起了眉头。The teacher frowned angrily at the noisy class.老师生气地对那班吵吵嚷嚷的学生皱起眉头。 b) Personal

19、 phone calls are frowned on at work. 上班时间禁止打私人电话。16. (L57) rank: vi. have a particular position in a list of people or things位于.的等级(或地位)vt. decide the position of someone or something based on importance or quality排列n. C, U the position or level that sb. holds in an organization; ones social positio

20、n排名,级别e.g. a) This small city ranks high among tourist spots. 这座小城市在旅游景点中享有盛名。 I rank all other Chinese poets below Li Bai. 中国的诗人中,我将李白列为第一。 b) All cups were ranked neatly. 所有的杯子都整整齐齐地排列着。 The owner of the bookstore was ranking books on the shelf. 店主正在排列架子上的书。 c) In the past, dress, speech and table

21、 manners indicated social rank.过去,一个人的着装、言谈和餐桌礼仪都显示出此人的社会地位。17. (L62) bond: n. C sth. that unites two or more people, such as love, a shared interest, etc.联系,纽带a document given to someone who invests money in a government or company, promisingto pay back the money with interest公债,债券e.g. a) The exper

22、ience formed a close bond between us. 那次经历使我们建立了密切的联系。 b) Government bonds are usually a safe investment. 政府债券通常是可靠的投资。(二)更高要求词汇1. (L39) makeshift: adj. suitable as a temporary or expedient substitute权宜的,临时代用的n. a temporary or expedient substitute for something else权宜之计 e.g. a) We sat on makeshift c

23、hairsempty boxes. 我们以空箱子当板凳凑合坐着。 b) a makeshift shelter/ hospital临时躲避处/医院二、重要短语 1. (L5) next to: beside or very near someone or something靠近e.g. a) He sat down next to me without a word. 他挨着我坐下来,一句话也没说。b) We live next to the central park. 我们住在中央公园附近。2. (L6) in sbs presence/ in the presence of sb: in

24、the same place as someone else有某人在场e.g. a) I could think of little to say in the presence of so many people. 在这么多人面前,我几乎说不出话来。b) I asked you not to smoke in my presence. 我跟你说过别在我面前吸烟。3. (L11) by no means: (used to emphasize a negative statement) not at all决不e.g. a) We are by no means satisfied with

25、their reply. 我们对他们的答复一点也不满意。 b)This story is by no means interesting; why not tell us a better one?这个故事一点也没意思,为什么不给我们讲个有意思点儿的呢?Note: when “by no means” is used at the beginning of a sentence, an inversion structure should be used. e.g. a) By no means can teaching in school be separated from practice

26、. 学校教学决不能脱离实践。 b) By no means will our friendship be affected. 我们的友谊不会受到影响。4. (L14) count on: rely on; depend on依靠;依赖;指望e.g. a) I had thought I could count on the support of my family; but I was wrong.我原以为家人会支持我,可我想错了。b) I always count on my father to cheer me up whenver I feel unhappy.当我不愉快时,我总是靠父亲

27、帮我鼓气。5. (L31) come upon: meet someone or find something by chance偶然遇见,偶然发现e.g. a) I came upon an old friend on the street. 我在街上遇到一位老朋友。b) He came upon a book he had always wanted to have. 他意外发现了一本梦寐以求的书。6. (L33) stride into: walk into a place with long steps, especially in a hasty or vigorous way阔步走

28、进e.g. a) He strode angrily into the classroom.他气愤地跨进教室。b) He came upon a book he had always wanted to have. 他意外发现了一本梦寐以求的书。7. (L37) pack into: put in a very small place塞进;使挤入e.g. Approximately 250 students were packed into the classroom and I found it hard to breathe.大约250名学生挤在教室里,我发觉连呼吸都很困难。8. (L43

29、) take notice of: pay attention to; notice注意到e.g. a) She took little notice of his manner, good or bad. 她并不介意他的态度是好是坏。b) The old members of the committee took no notice of what I said.老委员们对我说的话不予理会。9. (L45) sing out: shout or sing some words clearly and loudly大声清晰地喊出或唱出e.g. a) “See you this summer!”

30、 Jimmy sang out as the train began to move.“夏天再见!”火车启动时杰米大声喊道。 b) Having passed the final exams, students felt relaxed and sang out their plans for the holiday.期末考试结束了,学生们感觉很放松,大声谈论着假期计划。10. (L49) point out: draw ones attention to指出 e.g. a) He pointed out some spelling mistakes in the article. 他指出了文

31、章中的几处拼写错误。 b) Some economists have pointed out that low inflation is not necessarily a good thing. 一些经济学家指出,低通货膨胀不见得是件好事。11. (L61) reflect on: think deeply about; consider carefully仔细考虑 e.g. a) Sitting in the kitchen, the mother reflected on the future of her child.母亲坐在厨房里,想着孩子的前途。 b) Reflecting on

32、those nice days, Elizabeth couldnt help giving out a sigh.想着过去那些美好的日子,伊丽莎白不禁叹了口气。12. (L65) in advance: doing something before a particular date or event事先,预先e.g. a) Thank you in advance. 预致谢意。 b) I paid for the ticket in advance. 我预付了票款。三、疑难句子1. (L23) Nikolai Petrovich Anikin was not half as intimid

33、ating as I had imagined he would be.【释义】I had expected that Nikolai Petrovich Anikin would be a quite frightening person, but actually he was not at all.【译文】尼克莱彼得洛维奇安尼金一点也不像我想象的那么吓人。【结构分析】as I had imagined he would be为as引导的比较状语从句。2. (L2729) His consistent good humor, quiet gratitude, perceptivity, a

34、nd sincerity set an Olympic standard for love that I continue to reach for, even though my skiing days are over.【释义】He was always humorous, thankful, perceptive and sincere, which set for me a standard for love, even after I stopped skiing, as high as those standards set for athletes at the Olympics

35、.【译文】他以一贯的幽默、默默的感恩、敏锐的感觉和真诚的态度为爱设立了奥林匹克般的标准。即使在我结束了滑雪生涯之后,我仍一直努力去达到那个标准。【结构分析】主句的主语为his consistent good humor, quiet gratitude, perceptivity, and sincerity;that I continue to reach for为定语从句,修饰standard;even though my skiing days are over为让步状语从句。3. (L6062) Missing the Olympic Team the previous year ha

36、d made me pause and reflect on what I had gainednot the least of which was a quiet, indissoluble bond with a short man in a tropical shirt.【释义】Missing the Olympic Team the previous year forced me to stop and make time to think about what I had gainedone important gain was the close and lasting relat

37、ionship with my coach, Nikolai.【译文】怀念起前一年的奥林匹克队,我一时沉默,回想起自己曾经获得的一切很重要的一点就是我和这个穿着颇具热带风情衬衫、个子不高的男人之间形成了并不张扬但又牢不可摧的纽带。【结构分析】主句的主语为动名词短语missing the Olympic Team the previous year;not the least of which was a quiet, indissoluble bond with a short man in a tropical shirt为非限制定语从句。其中,关系代词which指代what I had g

38、ained。Section B The Standard for Olympic Excellence一、 重点词汇Section B(一)四级词汇1.(L 2)competition: n. U the activities of competing竞争,比赛 【用法】free 自由竞争 open 公开竞争 national beauty 全国选美比赛 e.g. a) There will be a chess competition next week.下周有一场国际象棋比赛。 b) There is keen competition between the two motorcar fi

39、rms.两家汽车公司之间存在着激烈的竞争。c) He has decided to withdraw from the competition. 他已决定退出竞赛。 【派生词】competitor: n.a person who tries to win something for which others are trying at the same time 竞争者,对手,参赛者 competitive: adj. based on competition 具有竞争性的 compete: vi. try to win 竞争,比赛2.(L 3)sacrifice: n. the act of

40、 offering sth. to a god 供奉,祭品,祭祀 the act of giving up sth. for another 牺牲 vt. give up sth., esp. for a good purpose or belief 牺牲;奉献 vt. offer as a sacrifice供奉;祭祀【用法】fear no 不怕牺牲 make s (a sacrifice) 作出牺牲sacrifice ones personal interestse.g. a) His parents made a lot of sacrifices to make sure he got

41、 a good education.他的父母为确保他得到良好的教育而作了很多牺牲。b) Before the battle, the commanders ordered the sacrifice of two bullocks to the god of war.打仗之前, 指挥官下令给战神供奉两只小公牛。c) They killed a sheep as a sacrifice.他们宰了一只羊作为祭品。d) Jacelin sacrificed his life to save the child from the fire.杰斯林牺牲自己的生命把孩子从火中救了出来。e) He sacr

42、ificed his holiday to help his brothers business.为了帮助兄弟经商,他放弃休假。f) The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle.古希腊人在打仗前用羊和小牛作祭品。3.(L 9)exploit: vt. use sth. fully so as to get benefit from it 利用 make full use of开发 make unfair use of 剥削 【用法】 natural resources 开发资源 potentia

43、lities 挖掘潜力e.g. a) Many countries exploit oil under the sea. 许多国家在海底开采石油。b) They are trying to exploit the situation to their advantage. 他们试图利用局势,使其对自身有利。c) The planters exploited the slaves by making them work day and night for nothing. 种植园主剥削奴隶,让他们日夜劳作而一无所获。【派生词】exploitation: n. the act of exploit

44、ing开发,利用,剥削4.(L 13)defy: vi. do sth. that is considered impossible; challenge 向.挑战refuse to obey sb. or sth.违抗,不服从 show no fear of nor respect for蔑视 【用法】 an order 抗命 severe cold不畏严寒e.g. a) He defied his opponents.他公然反抗他的对手们。b) If you defy the law, you may find yourself in prison.如果你不服从法律, 你就可能会坐牢。c)

45、 The soldiers defied death to defend their motherland. 战士们誓死保卫祖国。 d) Those who defy the laws must be punished. 蔑视法律的人必须受到惩罚。5.(L 23)pursue: vt .continue doing an activity or trying to achieve sth. over a long period of time从事,追求;chase sb. or sth. in order to catch them追赶.e.g. a) I plan to go abroad

46、and pursue my studies after graduation.我计划毕业以后出国深造。 b) Foxes, wild cats and other animals pursue the hare.狐狸、野猫及其他一些动物都捕食野兔。 c) He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life.他开始追求安逸舒适的生活。【派生词】pursuit: n.the act of pursuing追逐,追赶6.(L 25)strip: n. C a narrow piece条,带 vt. remove the covering of sth. 剥

47、去,除去 【用法】sb. of sth. 剥夺 a of cloth布条 e.g. a) He often uses a strip of paper as a bookmark while reading.看书时他经常用纸片做书签。 b) He was stripped of civil rights.他被剥夺了公民权。 c) You could strip me of anything but my dignity.你们绝不能剥夺我的尊严。7.(L 26)singular: adj. very great or very noticeable 卓越的,非凡的 of or being a w

48、ord representing one单数的e.g. a) The young man has a singular ear for music.这个年轻人对音乐有非凡的欣赏力。b) The noun “mouse” is the singular form of “mice”.名词mouse是mice的单数形式。c) “One box” is singular; “two boxes” is plural.“One box”是单数, “two boxes”是复数。【词义辨析】single , singularsingle 单身的,单人的,单个的; singular 单数, 多为语法用语,如

49、,third person singluar:第三人称单数,single, 对应的是double(两个的,双人的),triple(三个的).mulitple(多个的);而singular对应的是plural (复数的,如第一人称复数是first person plural)。e.g. a) Are you married?你结婚了吗?No. I am single.没,我是单身。b) Do you live in a double room, a small single, or a large single? 你是住双人间、小单人间、还是大单人间呢?c) This is the one si

50、ngle thing that I cannot do for you. 只有这一件事我不能为你做(其他都可以)。d) The noun is in the singular.这个名词是单数形式。8.(L 42)explosive: adj. sudden and rapid迅猛的 likely to explode 易爆炸的n. a substance that can cause an explosion爆炸物e.g. a) Unemployment became an explosive issue. 失业成了一个爆炸性的问题。 b) Gasoline fumes are highly

51、explosive. 气态汽油极其易爆。c) The old man has an explosive temper. 那老人性情暴躁。d) Dynamite is a powerful explosive. 炸药是一种强有力的爆炸物。 【派生词】explode: vi. burst sudden with a loud noise爆炸,爆发 explosion: n .the act of exploding爆炸物9.(L 49)indicate: vt. show that sth. is true or exists 表明,显示 e.g. a) She indicated where I

52、 should go.她指出了我该去的地方。b) The snow indicates the coming of winter.这场雪表明冬天来临。【派生词】indication: n. the act of indicating指明,显示,征兆 indicator: n. a person or thing that indicates指示者,指示物 indicative : adj. suggesting指示的,象征的10.(L 49)trail: vi. move slowly behind other people无精打采地慢走,跟在后面走,落后 vt. follow sb. sec

53、retly跟踪,尾随n. a mark, trace, smell etc. left by sth. that has passed along痕迹a path 小径e.g. a) They trailed by two goals with only eight minutes left.只剩8分钟时他们还落后两球。b) She trailed the suspect to his hiding place. 她跟踪嫌疑犯到他的藏身点。 c) The hound found the trail of the rabbit.猎狗发现了兔子的踪迹。d) The men had followed

54、 desert trails for days.那些人沿着沙漠小道走了数日。11.(L 51)conquest: n. U the act of taking control of sb. or sth. 攻占,占领,征服 e.g. a) They succeeded in the conquest of that city. 他们夺取了那城市。 b) His family traces back to the Norman Conquest. 他的家世可追溯到诺曼人征服英国的时代。【派生词】conquer: vt. win or defeat 获胜,征服【用法】 nature 征服大自然 n

55、atural disasters战胜自然灾害 12.(53)counter: vt. reply to a criticism that one disagrees with反驳adv. in the opposite direction反方向地, 对立地e.g. a) She countered that her advice had not been heeded.她反驳说她的建议未被重视。 b) Economic trends are running counter to the forecasts.经济发展的趋势与预测的结果截然相反。【派生词】counteract: v. act ag

56、ainst抵消,抵制 counterattack: vt. attack in return 反攻,反击 countercharge: n. a charge by an accused person against his accuser反诉13.(L59)suspicion: n. C,U a feeling of not trusting sb. or sth.猜疑,不信任 n. C,U a feeling that sb. has done sth. wrong怀疑,疑心【用法】avoid 避嫌 arouse 引起怀疑ignore peoples 冒嫌疑e.g. a) I have a

57、 suspicion that hes right.我隐约觉得他是对的。b) The behavior of the stranger aroused our suspicions.那个陌生人的行为引起了我们的怀疑。c) Since they discovered the truth about his background, his colleagues have regarded him with suspicion.他的同事虽然摸清了他的背景, 但对他还是疑神疑鬼的。d) He is under suspicion of murder.他涉嫌谋杀。【派生词】suspect: vt. fe

58、el doubt about怀疑14.(L60)erosion: U the process by which sth. is gradually reduced or destroyed侵蚀,腐蚀【用法】coast 海岸剥蚀 wind 风力侵蚀e.g. a) Plant trees to prevent soil erosion. 植树预防土壤侵蚀。【派生词】erode: vt. eat out or destroy腐蚀,侵蚀15.(L 67)amazing: adj. causing great surprise令人惊异的【用法】 achievements了不起的成就 willpower惊

59、人的毅力e.g. a) What an amazing view of the city from the top of the mountain! 从山顶上看,这个城市的风景真是太美了! b) Look! The first man is running at an amazing speed! 看!第一个人跑得太快了!【派生词】amaze: vi. surprise greatly使吃惊,使惊讶 【用法】be d at/bybe d to see/hear/findamazement: n. sudden wonder or surprise惊愕 【词义辨析】amaze , astonis

60、h, surpriseamaze 表示“惊叹,佩服,或困惑”,如:be amazed at his ability to solve the problem;astonish表示“大吃一惊,无法相信”,如:be astonished at his behavior;surprise语气较弱,表示“出乎意外地惊异”,如:be surprised at finding the house emptye.g. a) Her knowledge amazes me.她的学识令我吃惊。Visitors were amazed at the achievements in the car manufact

61、ure of the city during the past decade.参观者对这城市过去十年中汽车制造工业的成就感到惊奇。I was amazed by the news of Georges sudden death.听到乔治突然去逝的消息,我感到惊愕。 b) I was astonished when I heard the hospital had burnt down.当我听到那所医院被烧毁时,我大为惊讶。He was astonished at what he found.他发现的情况使他十分惊讶。We were astonished to hear that their f

62、ootball team had won the champion.听说他们的足球队获得了冠军,这真叫人意想不到。 c) His anger surprised me - I had thought he was a calm person.他的愤怒使我很惊讶,我原来以为他是个冷静的人。He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away.此人由于被发现而非常吃惊,甚至都没有想起逃跑。His colleagues were surprised at his absurd behaviour.同事们对他那荒诞的行为感到吃惊。二、 重要短语Section B1.(L2) for the sake of: for the purpose of为了e.g. a) For the sake of safety,

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