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1、大纲内词汇逆向思维(不要查汉英字典):蜿蜒的小路 a zigzagging (winding) path 开发区 a development zone 酸奶和冰淇淋 yogurt and ice-cream 瑜伽和武术 yoga and Wushu (martial art) 向打哈欠的人高喊 yell at those who are yarning 斟酌措词 wording 撤军 withdraw troops 在研讨会上做报告 make a presentation at a workshop (symposium) 轮船的残骸 wrecks of a ship 脚拧了 wrench (

2、sprain) the ankle 不发布重要信息 withhold important information 战胜疾病 overcome (combat) disease 值得做的事业 a worthwhile cause 劳动力 workforce / labor force 脏话 vulgar / nasty / obscene words 容易患肺炎 be vulnerable / susceptible to pneumonia 库存与仓库 inventory and warehouse 市场监管者 watchdogs / regulators of the market 优缺点

3、strengths and weaknesses / merits and demerits / strong points and weak points 小康生活 a comparatively decent and well-off life 儿童的幸福 childrens wellbeing 靠福利生活live on welfare 零售与批发 retail and wholesale 重视 give weight to / attach importance to / lay emphasis on 野生动物保护 conservation of wildlife 差距拉大 a wid

4、ening gap 普遍的浪费现象 widespread wastefulness 物质财富 material wealth 网址 website 急事 sth urgent / pressing 公共设施 public utilities 填补空缺 fill the vacancy 吸尘器 a vacuum cleaner 过去习惯于被用来 used to be used to being used for 发出声音utter a sound 完全傻了be utterly at a loss 徒劳 in vain / to no effect / to no avail 合同的有效性 val

5、idity of a contract 口头交流 verbal communication 证明消息的真伪 verify the truth of the new 破产的边缘 on the verge of bankruptcy 自发的掌声 spontaneous applause 无任何意义 be void of any sense / make no sense 火山爆发 volcanic eruption 义务劳动 volunteer work 几乎看不见 be hardly visible / virtually invisible 虚拟的世界 the virtual world 恶性

6、循环 vicious cycle 有暴力倾向的青少年 violence-prone teenagers / adolescents 要求立即停止暴力行为 demand an immediate end to violence 血管 vein 战争受害者 victims of war 交通工具 traffic vehicles 发泄情感 give vent to / release / let go of emotions 通风良好的煤矿 well-ventilated mines 习惯因人而异 habits vary from person to person 奥运场馆 Olympic ven

7、ues 利用外资 utilize foreign capital 琐事 trifle / trivial matters 是三倍 triple 热带雨林 tropical rainforests 试管婴儿a tube-baby 地铁the tube / subway / metro / underground 肺结核的诊治 diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis 波涛汹涌的海洋 turbulent sea 股票交易量volume of transactions of stocks 大选的投票率 the turnover of a general elec

8、tion 把搁浅的船拖走 tow away a stranded boat 溃疡 ulcer 一致同意 agree unanimously 单边关系 unilateral 揭开一个秘密 unveil a secret 更新数据 update data 展现在眼前 unfold before the eyes 欠发达地区 underdeveloped areas 非法开采 unlawful exploitation 公认为 be universally recognized as 事先 upfront / in advance / beforehand 来临的沙尘暴 the approachin

9、g / upcoming sandstorm 坎坷 ups and downs 前所未有的挑战 unprecedented challenges 作为习俗基础的文化 culture underlying customs 最终目标 the ultimate / final goal 逗小孩 tease an infant 倾斜的影子 tilting shadow 向国庆献礼 a tribute to National Day 审判席 the tribunal 稍纵即逝的快乐 transient pleasures 把讲话记录下来 take down the speech 提高透明度 upgrad

10、e transparency 剪树trim a tree 体型好 be slender and trim 以直线传播travel in a straight line 悲剧与喜剧 tragedies and comedies 超越民族界限 transcend / go beyond national boundaries 个性的特点 traits of personality 器官与组织 organs and tissues 忍受虐待 tolerate / withstand maltreatment 爱的表示 tokens of love 抛硬币 toss a coin 难打的比赛 a to

11、ugh / close match 血液传播的疾病 blood-transmitted disease 飞越一条河 traverse a river 临床试验阶段 clinical trial phase 害羞的和惭愧的 timid and ashamed 心态和德行 temperament / state of the mind and character 缓解紧张局势 ease the tension 尝试性计划 tentative plans 结束了外国的统治 terminate / end foreign rule 恐怖主义 terrorism 趋势和倾向 tendency / tre

12、nd / inclination 电信telecommunications 理论价值 theoretical value 终端和流量 terminal and traffic 对和平构成威胁 pose a threat to peace 刚刚就任新职位 be sworn in 彻底调查 thorough investigations 标明领地 mark / designate the territory 客运暂停 suspend passenger transportation 可持续发展 sustainable development 摇摆 sway / rock / stagger 生存率

13、 rate of survival 商品交流 goods / commodity / merchandise swap 被沼泽吞没 be swallowed by a swamp 俚语和忌讳的话 slang and taboos 关税 tariff 免税 duty-free 团队精神与共同努力 teamwork an concerted / joint effort 合成与加工 synthesis and processing 转换 switch / convert 陷入困境 be trapped / stuck in difficulty 易受外来影响 be subject to exter

14、nal influence 表面的友好 superficial / apparent friendliness 精彩演出 superb performance 上网 surf the net / get online / access the Internet 补充维生素supplement vitamin 压抑的情感 suppressed emotions 向居民区猛烈发射炮弹 slam shells on residential areas 经济衰退的迹象signs / symptoms of economic recession 剩余劳动力 surplus labor 惊喜 a plea

15、sant surprise 最高法院 the supreme court 大幅度削减经费 slash expenditures 斜坡和梯田 slopes and terraced land 膨胀的人口 the swelling population 被树桩拌倒 stumble over a stump 象征意义 the symbolic meaning 刺激与鼓励 stimulus and incentive / impetus 规定 stipulate / regulations 早期发现肿瘤 detect tumor in the early stage 初级阶段 the prelimin

16、ary stage 拯救人类 salvage humans 自我牺牲 self-sacrifice 白手起家 start from scratch 空气稀少 scarce air 没时间 be short of time 分散的房子 scattered / detached houses 马上 shortly in no time straight away 冻得发抖 shiver / quake / shake / tremble with cold 直截了当的 straightforward 贫穷地区 poverty-stricken areas 流浪猫 stray cats 订阅期刊 s

17、ubscribe to a journal 适合各年龄段的运动 exercise suited to each age 只说.就够了 suffice it to say. 基本谋生手段 basic subsistence / livelihood 巨大变化 substantial / drastic / dramatic / radical changes 近郊与远郊 in the suburbs and on the outskirts 用生物燃料替代石油 substitute alternative fuels for fossil oil 自杀 suicide (commit suici

18、de / kill oneself) 高峰会谈 summit talk 被洪水淹没 be submerged by floods 压力与放松 stress and relaxation 惊人的发现 stunning discoveries 长足进步 make a stride 连续的改革 successive / consecutive / persistent reform 社会地位 social status / position 珍惜物种 rare species 专门从事 specialize in 研究领域 spheres of research 令人满意的结果 a satisfac

19、tory outcome 最新统计 latest statistics 成见与偏见 stereotypes and prejudice 由于不满意和不感兴趣 because of dissatisfaction and disinterest 平局 end up with a tie / a draw 喷水 spray 把书摞起来 stack books 推测与假说 speculation and hypothesis 长期的干旱 a long stretch / spell of drought 怀疑的 suspicious / skeptical / dubious 市场疲软 slump

20、of markets 尖端武器 sophisticated weapons 向大街上洒水 spray water on streets 挫败某人的企图 frustrate / upset ones attempt 溜走 slip sneak go unnoticed 苗条的体型 be in shape a slim figure 货摊上不新鲜的水果 stale fruit on the stall 民族的团结 national solidarity / 孤独的身影 a solitary figure 严峻的形势 stern / grim / grave situation 决定某人的观点 sh

21、ape ones view 精明的商人 shrewd businesspeople 流泪 shed tears 没有一丝怜悯 without any touch / trace of compassion 衣食住 clothes, food and shelter 保护 shield / protect 使我梦想破灭 shatter my hope 饱和的市场 saturated markets 经过严格审查undergo strict examinations 种族隔离racial segregation 被传染者的隔离 isolate the infected 序列 sequence 分会

22、 a session 挫折 setback 感觉 feeling / sensation 抢坐位 scramble for a seat 蔑视 scorn / contempt look down upon / despise 破坏活动 sabotage undermining activities 讥讽 sarcasm 卫星城 a satellite city 维护世界和平 safeguard world peace 支持 support / uphold 神圣的sacred divine 圣城 a holy city 没机会接受正规教育be denied access to formal

23、education / schooling 中小学 elementary and secondary schools 认真对待 take seriously 缝制裙子 sew a shirt 无缝钢管 seamless steel 看似正派的人 seemingly decent people 废铁 scrap iron 不可逆影响 irreversible effect 回到原来的话题 return to the topic 振兴传统行业 revive traditional industries 严格训练 strict / rigorous / rigid training 加剧竞争inte

24、nsify competition / enhance rivalry 健壮的和有力气的 robust and physically strong 处理日常工作 go about / deal with / attend to routines 寻找爱情 seek romance 贸易路线trade route 世界著名的考古学家 a world-renowned archaeologist 战争回忆录 war reminiscences 农药残余 remnant of pesticide 异同 difference and similarity / resemblance 提供服务 offe

25、r / render services 重新统一 reunification 收支 revenues and expenditures 启示 revelation 激烈战斗 violent / fierce fighting 压抑的气氛 repressive atmosphere 反驳某个论点 retort an argument 乐于回首 relish in retrospect / enjoy looking back 重组政府 reshuffle the government 避暑胜地 a summer resort 借助于武力 resort to force 要求总统辞职 demand

26、 the resignation of the president 各自的烦恼 respective distress / trouble 保留曲目 repertoire 限制 restrain constrain check curb limit 不愿意发布新闻 be reluctant to release news 在统治期间 during the reign of 比较美 relatively / comparatively beautiful 加紧控制 tighten the reign over 纠正错误 rectify mistakes 彩排与演出rehearsal and pe

27、rformance 排异与吸收 rejection and absorption 加强某个习惯 reinforce a habit 医药市场监管 regulation of pharmaceutical markets 戒烟 refrain / quit / give up smoking 罗嗦的表达 redundant expression 经济复苏 economic recovery 支持率 approval rating 使人们意识到 make sb. aware of / bring sb.to the realization that 喜获丰收 reap a good harvest

28、 接受移植的人 recipients of transplant 开垦土地 reclaim land 互惠 reciprocal / mutual benefit 逐渐减少的影响力 receding / diminishing influence 而不是 rather than 获得全球承认 win worldwide recognition 敲击 rap / tab / knock 衣衫褴褛的 ragged / shabby 调查表 questionnaire 量化分析 quantitative analysis 止渴 quench thirst 古怪的发型 queer hairstyle

29、追求真理 in quest of truth / seek truth 被掌声打断的讲话 a speech punctuated / interrupted by applause 不遵守时间 unpunctuality 推进 propel / boost 心理医生 psychologist / psychiatrist 大量宣传 massive publicity 接近 proximity 一想到 at the prospect of 挑起事端 provoke disputes 主流文化 mainstream culture 占主导地位的趋势 the prevailing trend 更好

30、preferable 初试 preliminary test 名望 prestige / reputation 总统大选 presidential election 忙于 be preoccupied / occupied with 奖金 prize / premium 流行病 prevalent / popular disease 以 为借口 on the pretext of 以前的讨论 previous / preceding discussions 对感到自豪 be proud of / take pride in / pride oneself on 主要原理 principal /

31、 cardinal principles 探索 probe 隐私权 privacy 有问题的 problematic 有车 possession of a car / car ownership 声明 declaration / proclamation 提高生产能力 improve productivity 英语水平 mastery / command / proficiency of English 深远影响 profound / far-reaching impact / influence 低姿态(低调生活) keep a low profile 著名的预言 prominent pro

32、phecy 传播 propagate / disseminate 延长寿命 prolong / extend / lengthen life 受疾病困扰的人 disease-plagued people 高原与平原 plateaus and plains 听起来似乎有道理 sound plausible 摆脱窘境 be out of plight 下跌 plunge 民意测验 an opinion poll 防止恶化 preclude deterioration 上一段 the preceding paragraph 越来越流行 get increasingly popular 大部分 a l

33、arge proportion of / the majority of 恳求 plea / plead 保证 pledge 爱国 patriotism 永久的和平 perpetual / permanent peace 企鹅和麻雀 penguins and sparrows 对困惑 be perplexed / bewildered / puzzled by 盗版光盘 pirated discs 刺骨的冷 piercing cold 从历史角度 from a historical perspective 医生与物理学家 physicians and physicists 无所不在的悲观 pe

34、rvasive pessimism 灭亡 perish 一包香烟 a packet of cigarettes 包装技术packing technology / expertise 挤满了 be fully packed 令人怜悯的 pathetic / pitiful 瓜分殖民地 partition of a colony 积极参与维和行动 take active part in / get actively involved in / active participation in peace-keeping activities 国会和议会 the Congress and parlia

35、ment 参数与半径 parameters and radius 生活节奏 pace of life 随着时间的流逝 with the passage / elapse of time 恐慌 panic 前所未有的繁荣unparalleled prosperity 使运输瘫痪 paralyze transit / transportation 直率的 outspoken 前景 outcome / prospect 愤怒 outrage fury rage indignation 推翻 overthrow 无法抗拒的改革浪潮 irresistible / overwhelming waves o

36、f reform 公有制 public ownership 超车 overtake 天桥 overpass 总体的表现 the overall performance 偶然听到 overhear 克服困难 overcome difficulties 由于 owing to / due to / thanks to 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide 臭氧层 the ozone layer 明显的缺陷 overt / obvious / conspicuous defect / flaws 一夜成名 rise to fame overnight 自相矛盾的 paradoxical / sel

37、f-contradictory 天堂般的生活 paradise life 挑剔 be particular about 密码 password 步行街 pedestrian streets 蛋白与胆固醇 protein and cholesterol 反对者与赞成者 opponents and advocates 感谢 be obliged to / be grateful to express gratitude to 使视野模糊 blur the vision 发展的障碍 obstacles / barriers to development 职业病 vocational disease

38、祖先与后代 ancestor and offspring 事故的发生 occurrence of an accident 有偏见的 biased / opinionated 让总统下台oust the president / ask the president to step down 瘟疫的爆发 outbreak of an epidemic 新颖性 novelty / originality / ingenuity 外向型企业 foreign-oriented enterprises 装饰物 ornaments 病情发作 onset 抵消副作用 offset the adverse eff

39、ect 正在进行的观察ongoing observations 迷恋 be obsessed with / be crazy about 网上聊天 chat online / cybertalk 光学仪器 optical instrument 最佳条件 optimal conditions 不这样认为 think otherwise 过时的设备 outdated equipment 谈判的结果 the outcome of the negotiation 听话的与反叛的obedient and rebellious 肥胖与超重obesity and overweight 宣誓 take oat

40、h 宣誓就职 be sworn in / take the oath of office 骂人 swear at 不一定傲慢 not necessarily conceited 被提名国务卿 be appointed secretary of state 氧气与氮气 oxygen and nitrogen 中立国 neutral countries 非盈利机构 nonprofit institutions 关系正常化 normalization of relations 核酸 nuclear acid 核能 nuclear energy 培育新菌种 nurture / breed / cult

41、ure new strains 营养与消化 nutrition and digestion 树立某种态度 nurture an attitude 众多的准则 numerous rules 显著的和值得注意的 notable / noticeable and worthy of note 肉眼 naked eyes 母语 native language / mother tongue 糟糕的天气 nasty weather 在附近 nearby / in the neighborhood 多民族的 multinational 加减乘除 plus / and, minus / subtracted

42、 by, times / multiplied by divided by 市政府 city council / municipal government 仍是个谜 remain a mystery / unknown 沉默的音乐家 mute musicians 货币政策 monetary policies / guidelines 打破垄断 break the monopoly 死亡率 the mortality rate 提出动议 submit / present a motion 没学习劲头 not motivated to learn 转基因 GM / genetically modi

43、fied 湿度 moisture / humidity 手机 a cell / mobile phone 获得推动力 gain momentum 在噪声中 amid the noise 民工 migrant laborers 以最小的代价 at the minimum cost 不幸 misfortune 载人飞行 manned mission 巨大力量 mighty might 微小的细节 minute details 奇迹 miracle 创造奇迹 work wonders 教育部 the Ministry of Education 优势最大化 maximize the superiori

44、ty / advantage / edge 同时meanwhile / in the mean time / simultaneously 查明机理 identify / find out about the mechanism 医疗保险 Medicare 备忘录 memorandum 多媒体 multimedia 里程碑 milestone / landmark 调解 mediate 电磁 electromagnetic 地震的强度 magnitude of the earthquake 汽车多 multitude of automobiles 违法行为 malpractice / misc

45、onduct 恶意的表示 malicious gestures / signs 产假 on maternity leave 屠杀 massacre / slaughter 男性美 masculine beauty 体现在 manifest oneself in / find expression in 操纵市场 manipulate the market 军事行动和军事演习 military operations and maneuvers 情绪不好 in a bad mood 大都市的缩影 a miniature of a metropolis 身心健康 mental and physica

46、l health 体力劳动 manual labor 公司管理层 the management / executives 保持婚姻stay married 牢固的夫妻关系strong marriage名著 masterpiece 生产商与经销商 manufacturer and distributor 衣着方式 the mode of dress 留胡子 leave a moustache / beard 销售网络 a network of distribution 边际利润 marginal profits 编故事 make up / fabricate / forge a story 会徽

47、 logo 诱惑 lure / appeal / attraction 买不起的奢侈品 unaffordable luxuries / beyond budget 阴历 lunar calendar 发光天体 luminous heavenly bodies 忠诚 be loyal to 专心于 be lost / absorbed / immersed in 放松对的控制 loosen the control over 崇高目标 a lofty goal 直译与意译 literal and liberal translation 几乎literally 当代文学contemporary li

48、terature 文盲率 rate of illiteracy 当地居民 local residents / inhabitants 当地化 localize 位于 be located / situated 更有可能成功 be more likely to succeed / have better chance of success 徘徊 linger 条状设计 linear design 游说 lobby 保持联络畅通 maintain smooth liaison 同性恋 lesbian / gay 立法与合法的 legislative and legitimate 有限责任公司 co

49、rporations of limited liabilities 外行与爱好者 laymen and amateurs 强有力的领导 strong leadership 领先世界和领先世界的 lead the world and world-leading 详细地 in detail / at length 诉讼 lawsuit 手提(笔记本) laptop 纬度 latitude 抽打 lash / slash / whip 最近 lately 发动战争 launch a war 嫉妒 envy / be jealous of 使面临危险 jeopardize / endanger / e

50、xpose sb. to hazards 少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency 托儿所与幼儿园 nursery and kindergarten 司法公正 judicial justice / impartiality 战地记者 war correspondent 从事新闻报道 take up journalism 有理由做 there is justice in / it is justifiable / we are justified in doing 喜爱 be keen on / take pleasure in 时差 jet lag 跑步 jogging 更新知识 u

51、pdate knowledge 初中 junior high school 乏味的旅行 a boring / tedious trip 削减经费 cut down on expenses 砰地关门 slam the door shut 有点儿累 be sort of / somewhat tired 恢复主权 resume sovereignty 亲密的采访 intimate interview 不吃早饭 skip breakfast 浏览 skim / browse 禁止 forbid / ban / prohibit 法律解释 legal interpretation 审问 interro

52、gation 介入疗法 intervention 干涉与干扰 intervention and interference 复杂的人际关系 intricate / tangled interrelationships 内部原因 internal causes 外来物种 invasive species 无价的 invaluable / priceless 象牙塔 the ivory tower 浇灌 irrigation 向里或向外伸展 stretch inward or outward 不管 regardless of / irrespective of 恐吓 intimidate 知觉与直觉

53、 consciousness and intuition 无法忍受的 intolerable / unbearable 大量投资 substantial investment 寿命 life span 激发兴趣 arouse / ignite interest 经济萧条 economic depression 飞行器与宇航员 aircraft and astronauts 垃圾食品 junk foods 在不了解 情况下 without any knowledge of 征税 impose / levy taxes on 以防 in case / lest 四肢 limbs 并购 merger

54、 and acquisition 语言学 linguistics 与结合 mingle with / combine with 金牌获得者 a gold medalist 适量消费 moderate consumption 榜样 a role model 缩小差距 narrow the gap 深刻了解 a keen insight into / a thorough understanding 质检 quality inspection 内部争端 internal disputes / conflicts 中级英语 intermediate English 间断发烧 intermittent

55、 fever 暂行条例 interim regulations 专心学习 be immersed in study 更激烈的竞争 intensified competitions 旨在 be intended to 搜集情报 gather intelligence 无法理解的文章 incomprehensible articles 知识产权 intellectual property rights 脑力的提高 intellectual growth 领土完整 territorial integrity 正直与诚实 integrity / uprightness and honesty 整合资源

56、 integrate resources 兴趣广泛的人 a person of wide interests 为老百姓利益工作 work in the interest of the general public 每隔一会儿 at intervals 完好无损的文化遗产 intact cultural heritages / relics 造反的 insurgent / rebellious / revolting 有助于 be instrumental in 高等学校 institutions of higher education 很快成功 be an immediate success

57、灵感与智慧 inspiration and wisdom / wit 坚持认为 insist / maintain 传授知识 impart knowledge 妨碍 impede / hinder / obstruct / be in the way 至关重要的 imperative 帝国主义与资本主义 imperialism and capitalism 推动力(鼓励物) impetus / incentive 实施新立法 implement new legislations 即兴表演 perform impromptu 不现实的规划 impractical planning 不合适的评论

58、inadequate comments 就职演说 inauguration speech 沉迷于 be indulged in 随心所欲 self-indulgence / have ones way 成功必不可少的条件 conditions indispensable for success / essential to 使敌人遭受重大损失 inflict heavy losses on the enemy 传染病例 cases of infection 推断 infer 使我无限快慰 to my infinite relief 战争带来的痛苦 war-inflicted pains / misery / agony 践踏国际法 infringe on international laws 新颖的图案 ingenious patterns 药品成分 ingredients of drugs 猴子居住的山 hills inhabited by monkeys 人类居住的痕迹 traces of human inhabitation / settlement 主动性 initiative 执行新的行动方案 initiate / pursue new plans of action 启动和谈 initiate a peace talk 技术革新 technica

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