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1、仁爱版九年级英语上册第二单元第三个话题SectionC教案Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C课题Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C课型Reading comprehension时间2009年9月28日教学目标三维目标1. Learn the new words:technology, electric, wheel, steel2. Go on learning some compound sentences:(1) In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and

2、 causes acid rain.(2) Although electric vehicles produce no pollution, there will be an increase in electricity needs if they are widely used.3. Know about the modern technologies on environmental protection.4. Improve the students reading abilities.教学重难点1. Go on learning some compound sentences.2.

3、Learn the advantages and disadvantages of some kinds of energy.教学策略学法指导Reading comprehension, revision, discussion, pair work, group work教 学 过 程教学内容(用好教材、开发资源),教师引领(创设情景、问题设计、点拨诱导、分层导学)学生求学(自主、合作、探究),活动过程(教学环节、师生互动、反馈练习、布置作业)设 计 意 图Step 1. Duty Report Ask one or two students on duty to give a report

4、, the others listen carefully and answer some questions according to the report.Step 2. Review1. Learn the new words and phrases by looking up in the dictionary and making sentences. E.g. power, acid, nuclear, biogas, technology, straw, efficient, per, wheel, guide, steelproduce power, solve problem

5、s2. Discuss the content they learned in the last class:T: What shoule we do to be a greener person?S1:Take a cloth bag when we go shopping. S2:Walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi 教 学 过 程教学内容(用好教材、开发资源),教师引领(创设情景、问题设计、点拨诱导、分层导学)学生求学(自主、合作、探究),活动过程(教学环节、师生互动、反馈练习、布置作业)通过对节能环保知识的复习讨论,

6、导入新课,教学部分生词。设 计 意 图S3:First, turn off the lights when we leave a room. T: Great. Its easier said than done. So we have to keep on doing that every day. 3. Discuss how to save energy:T: We must not only protect our environment but also save energy like electricity. Now discuss this problem in pairs:

7、What should we do to save energy?S1: Dont drive a car if you travel a short distance.S2: Write on both sides of the paper. S3: Dont use the things that can be used only once. S4: After we wash faces, we can use the water to wash clothes. S5: Take a cloth bag when we go shopping. S6: Turn off the TV

8、set while we are away. S7: T:Well done! Actions speak louder than words. If you want to be a greener person, you should do as what you say.Step 3 Presentation1. Talk about the pictures in 1a.They show us some forms of energy. Some of them may do less harm to our environment. Whatre they?2. Read 1a-2

9、 (1) Read the passage quickly, and choose the right picture for each paragraph.(2) Read the passage again, and then mark True(T) or False(F). ( ) Its good that people produce power from coal. ( ) Nuclear power is dangerous. So we cant use it. ( ) China is one of the first countries in the world to u

10、se biogas technology. ( ) The maglev train can be used in most of China.(3) Listen to the tape of 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Step 4 Consolidation1. Look at the form in 1b. Read the passage again and fill out the table. 2. Discuss the answers in groups. Then chec

11、k them together.教 学 过 程教学内容(用好教材、开发资源),教师引领(创设情景、问题设计、点拨诱导、分层导学)学生求学(自主、合作、探究),活动过程(教学环节、师生互动、反馈练习、布置作业)让学生分组讨论节约能源的各种方法,以旧带新,导入新课主题。培养学生快速阅读的能力。先让学生在小组内讨论,然后师生共同核对答案。设 计 意 图3. Encourage the students to pick up the points they dont understand or those they feel important, then discuss by themselves,

12、 eg.(1)people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain.(2) It takes people 30 km to the airport in juse 7minutes and reaches a top speed of 431 km per hour.It takes sb. Some time to do some things.4. Encourage the students to retell 1a according to the table in 1b by asking

13、 and answering.Example:(1) T: What are the advantages of biogas? Ss: Renewable.(2) T: Can you say something about electric vehicle? Ss: Efficient, cheap, and no pollution.(3) T: What are the disadvantages of maglev train? Ss: Much more expensive than traditional trains.Step 5 Practice1Now please loo

14、k at the four pictures in 2 . What ways do they use to produce electricity? Match the pictures with the proper sentences above. 2. Discuss the pictures: T: Whats the advantage of these ways?Ss:Less pollution.T:Thats right. For example, lighting is powerful. If it can be made good use of, that would

15、be great. Im sure you can do it one day. Come on, my children.T:Whats the disadvantage of these ways?Ss:All of them must be used to produce electricity in some special situations. Thats to say, they are limited. For example, people can produce electricity from the sun, but if there is no enough sunl

16、ight, how does it work? (学生在教师的帮助下回答。)3. T: Now, work in groups of four. Think about what else can be used to produce electricity. Then report to the class.教 学 过 程教学内容(用好教材、开发资源),教师引领(创设情景、问题设计、点拨诱导、分层导学)学生求学(自主、合作、探究),活动过程(教学环节、师生互动、反馈练习、布置作业)让学生再读1a,找出疑难点,并鼓励他们分组讨论解决疑难点,教师作补充讲解。根据1b表格,以问答形式复述1a课文,

17、巩固1a。培养语言表达能力。学生四人一组讨论,进一步了解节约能源的几种新型发电技术,完成2。让学生四人一组讨论更多的发电技术,然后向全班汇报。完成2。设 计 意 图Step 5 Project1. Discuss in groups: Do we need to save energy? Why?2. Summarize the ways of saving energy learned in this section. Have a discussion in groups. Then come up with new technologies of producing electricit

18、y and new methods to save enery.归纳本节课环保节能的方法,同时教育学生学会节约能源以及合理地利用能源。教学反思(教学随笔)本节课容量大,对学生来说,所涉及的内容比较难。所以,在教学过程中,根据“导学自悟”课堂教学模式,特别注意导入部分的教学:先引导学生整体感知本话题的要点,再逐步理解、探究词、句以及语法现象,最后强化练习,巩固所学内容。阅读课的目标主要是培养学生阅读能力,引导、辅助学生学会有效阅读。掌握高效、科学的阅读方法。我设计了几个环节以强化能力的培养:阅读后配图阅读后判断正误阅读后复述短文。层层递进,引导学生学会阅读理解的方法。板书设计Would you

19、like to be a greener person?Section Celectric (adj. )electricity (n. ) 1. In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. maglev train 2. Although electric vehicles produce no pollution, there will be an increase in electricity needs if they are widely used. 3. It takes sb. Some time to do some things.

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