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1、2015年中考英语阅读题命题分析与答题策略 是非判断题与阅读选择题涟源市金石中学 刘松昂很荣幸能有这次机会与各位同仁一起来探讨2015年中考这一话题。首先我就参与2010年中考命题谈一点我个人的体会与感悟:一、 体会与感悟:十六个字:严肃严谨,受益匪浅;课标考标,教学指南!中考命题的严肃性不须多说各位都能想到,“严谨”二字也只有在你真正参与了之后才能体会得到。我们英语命题组三个人用了整整八天时间才出了这么一张试卷,需要考虑的因素太多了!作为一位普通的英语教师能有这样一次命题机会,很难得,我确实从中学到了很多东西!此外,我们的常规教学与复习务必以课标考标为指挥棒,才不至于迷失方向,取得良好的教学

2、效果。下面言归正传。二、阅读题命题分析:下面本人拟不惴浅陋,就中考英语阅读理解题中的是非判断和阅读单选题做一个简单的分析,并与各位一起探讨答题策略与方法。我仔细研读了2009-2014年历届中考的是非判断和阅读单选题,首先请各位看看我统计的三张表格: 是非判断题(41-45题)年份文体话题字数出处难易度题型分类教材内教材外易中难细节题主旨题逻辑推理题计算题2009记叙文taxi driver cheating passengers188*232010寓言giving and to be a kind man173*412011说明文Parents school in Beijing138*32

3、2012应用文Coming to China to travel104*322013应用文Mo Yan-the winner of Nobel Prize for Literature248*412014说明文Shopping in Taobao184*311阅读理解单选题(46-50题)年份文体话题/内容字数出处难易度题型分类教材内教材外易中难细节题主旨题逻辑推理题计算题2009说明文Chinese Spring Festival153*412010说明文Cars in the future189*232011记叙文Two clever students204*322012记叙文An old

4、 man planting acorns243*232013说明文Air pollution206*412014说明文Sending text messages through mobile phones 206*32阅读图表及其它应用文等单选题(51-55题)年份文体话题字数出处难易度题型分类教材内教材外易中难细节题主旨题逻辑推理题计算题2009表格Teenagers problems112*322010应用文Name card64*142011表格(记叙文)An old couple and a waiter113*412012表格Some ads106*3112013表格说明文Gift

5、giving166*412014表格说明文Tour in Loudi City134*311通过分析这些统计表,我们可以得出如下结论:1. 文体以说明文居多,其次是记叙文和应用文体;2. 话题则涉及教育、经济、 旅游,科技,环保、文化习俗、网络等等多个方面的内容,内容有相当的时代特色,并有涉及当年社会热点问题;3. 字数平均在180字左右;4. 内容绝大多数选自教材外,只有2013年的表格阅读题来自教材内容改编。绝大多数比教材内容难度略低;5. 试题难易程度中等偏易;6. 试题类型以细节理解题居多,其次是逻辑推理判断题,少量的计算题,近六年似乎没有主旨大意题和猜测词义题。综上所述,结合我个人的

6、命题体验,对于2015年的中考以及我们今后的英语教学,我有了以下的几点启发和感悟与各位分享,权当抛砖引玉:1. 紧跟课标考标课程标准是我们常规教学的指挥棒,作为专任教师,务必仔细研读,所有的教学活动应以不偏离课程标准为原则,毕业班任课老师还需认真钻研考试标准,考标就是我们复习的指南,紧跟考标,我们的复习就不会偏离方向;2. 扩大阅读面也就是海量阅读。在平时的常规教学和中考复习过程中,我们应该让学生尽可能多地了解教材以外的涉及社会各个方面的有鲜明的时代气息与现实意义的相关文章与文献,如果在复习中学生碰巧阅读过与今年中考内容相关的文章,学生在考试时就会要轻松许多,信心也更足!3. 培养语感我们在平

7、时的教学中应该更注重对学生整体阅读能力的培养而不必过分拘泥于字、词、句法和语法等微观的语言知识,一句话,英语教学重在语感的培养;4. 把握题型题型训练这一块,应特别注重对细节题和分析推理题的解题能力的训练与把握,计算题也不应忽略,主旨题更多的可能出现在简答题中,词义猜测题一直未曾出现,今年中考或有可能,实际上猜词能力也是评价学生阅读能力的一个重要指标之一;5. 读懂题干我们不应忽视对学生读懂题干能力的培养,有些学生之所以选错,原因之一就是不理解题干的含义,或忽略了对题干的完整的理解和把握;6. 培养思维能力我们还应重视培养学生缜密的思维,特别是要培养逻辑推理判断能力、综合概括归纳能力等等。题型

8、分析与答题策略:一) 、细节理解题细节理解题属浅层次问题,这类题型直接难度相对较小,但学生往往会因为顾此失彼、粗心大意而失分。这类题主要考查学生对文章具体事实、信息的理解和搜索能力。一般根据文章的事实或细节给出一个句子判断正误,或就文章中某一个细节设置两个干扰项,让学生通过查读法找到信息选择正确答案。解题方法与策略:要求学生读懂文章后每一个待判断的句子或每个问题的含义,找出题干中包含的细节和关键词,然后带着这些细节和关键词快速阅读原文,把握文章大意,明确作者的观点和态度,搜寻所需信息。需要提醒学生注意的是只有完全符合文章意思的才可判断为正确,对部分相符的应判断为错误,对文章未提及的应选择“I

9、dont know”或“Not mentioned”选项。训练时要求学生把主要精力放在寻找所需细节上,快速通篇跳读,眼睛从左至右、自上而下呈Z形扫视,一直找到你所需要的部分时可放慢速度细读要查找的内容。按段落组织模式阅读。如时间型段落,作者在记叙或说明历史人物或事件时往往按时 间先后的顺序组织细节,时间型段落有明显的信号词,如first, then, later, next, after, at last finally等等。例题解析:2013年娄底中考试题.Mo Yans 1986 novel Red Sorghum is an example. . Many people got to k

10、now Mo Yan when the book was made into a successful film by director Zhang Yimou in 1987.In 2006, Mo Yans novel Life and Death Are Wearing me out came out and it quickly got popular. Mo Yans latest novel, Frog, is about a rural doctors experience.45. The novel Life and Death Are Wearing me out made

11、many people get to know Mo Yan.( B)2014年娄底中考试题.It was reported that more than 300 billion(十亿) yuan was spent on online shopping last year, 43. 300 billion yuan was spent on online shopping last year through Taobao.(B)答题策略:只有完全符合文章意思的才可判断为正确,对部分相符的应判断为错误。二)、逻辑推理分析判断题此类题型主要考查学生对文章的言外之意,也就是隐藏在字里行间中表达的意

12、思的准确理解,这类题型有一定难度,因为不能直接从文中找到答案,必须把握上下文之间的关系作出合理的推理。解题方法与策略:特别留心“特定细节”。所谓特定细节,就是问题所涉及的范围和对象中的细节事实,做题时先找到这些细节再做出合理的判断;注意作者的语气和态度。作者的语气和态度通常体现在短文所使用的措辞和句式上,从措辞上我们可以判断作者对所讨论话题的态度;3. 要提醒学生特别注意的是不可凭个人主观臆测作出选择,务必理解作者意图,根据文章所表达的观点进行判断才是可靠的,有时候真理不一定是正确答案,尤其是像The writer thinks that.之类的题干。例题解析:2009年娄底中考试题It wa

13、s a cold night. The taxi driver didnt take even one passenger(乘客) all day. . When the taxi driver heard this, he didnt feel happy any more. The young man would give him only three dollars because the hotel was near the railway station. But suddenly, he had an idea. He took the young man through many

14、 streets of the big city.After a long time, they arrived at the hotel. “Here we are! You should pay me fifteen dollars, please,” the taxi driver said to the young man. “What? Fifteen dollars! Do you think Im a fool? Only last week, I took a taxi from the railway station to this hotel and I only gave

15、 the driver thirteen dollars. I know how much I have to pay for the trip.” 23. The young man was cheated(骗).(A)24. The two taxi drivers were both honest.(B)25. Maybe the taxi driver got thirteen dollars at last.(A)答题策略:不可凭个人主观臆测作出选择,务必理解作者意图,根据文章所表达的观点进行判断才是可靠的。三)、 主旨大意题主旨大意题主要考查学生对短文主题思想或全文梗概的掌握和理解

16、情况,属较深层次的理解题。这类题型要求能读懂主要内容,有一个总体的把握。主旨题常见的设问句式:Whats the main idea of this passage? The writer means to tell us that., The passage is mainly about., From the passage we can know/learn., Whats the best title for the passage? The best title/headline for the passage is.等等。 解题方法与策略:1找主题句(Topic sentence)

17、。主题句的两个功能:a. 介绍段落的主题(topic);b .阐述控制概念(Controlling idea)。控制概念用以控制段落功能句子讨论的内容,防止与主题无关的细节或讨论内容跑偏。. 主题句位于句首。这种段落称之为演绎型段落。在英文议论文或说明文中有70-90%的主题句是段落的第一句。主题句后常见的信息词有for example, first, then, to begin with . 主题句位于段末。作者先摆事实后做结论,我们称之为归纳型段落。主题句偶尔位于段落的中间(不一定是正中间)。如第一句是承上启下的过渡句,第二句才是主题句。2. 选择答案。先彻底弄懂主题句的句意,然后阅读所

18、给选项,选择与主题句句意相吻合的答案。要注意的是,有时备选答案不一定是主题句的重复,而是主题句句意的复述或推论,有些干扰项仅仅是支撑性细节或文章未曾阐述的事实,要排除。例题解析:2008年娄底中考试题Im 15. Now Im studying English in London. I want to invent a language machine that can help me understand many languages. Li Ming, Hunan Im a 12-year-old boy. I like traveling very much. How I wish to

19、 visit the moon some day! Wu Dong, Guangdong Im 16. Before the earthquake (地震) in May 12, I wanted to be a news reporter. But now I want to be a doctor in the future. Id like to help all the sick people. Wang Hao, SichuanIm a 14-year-old girl in Tibet(西藏). The Qinghai Tibet Railway has been built. I

20、ll be able to reach Beijing by train in about 48 hours. My dream is to go to Beijing to watch the 2008 Olympic Games. Joma, Tibet Im 13 years old. I want to invent a machine. It can send things or people from one place to another place far away in a minute. Wei Hua, Beijing 55. The best title(标题) fo

21、r these passages would be “_B_”.A. A Doctor B. My Dream C. An English Teacher答题策略:有些干扰项仅仅是支撑性细节或文章未曾阐述的事实,要排除。四). 词义猜测题猜词能力是评价英语阅读能力的一个重要指标之一,因此培养学生词义猜测能力是很有必要的。(考试不允许考生查字典)解题方法与策略:1.、 根据上下文来猜测词义;2、通过同义词或反义词来猜测词义;3、通过构词法来猜测词义;4、通过该词后的定义或释义来猜测;5、根据转折因果关系来猜测词义;6、根据生活常识来猜测词义。需提醒学生注意,以上方法往往可以合并使用。采取代入法猜

22、测词义很有效。即将备选答案逐一代入文中,哪一个选项能使句子意思通顺、连贯,且与上下文内容一致,哪个选项就是该题的正确答案。(例题)五)、 数字计算题数字计算题要求考生就文章提供的数据以及数据与文中其它信息的关系简单计算和推断。解题方法与策略:1、要抓住并正确理解与数据有关的信息;2、仔细甄别有用信息,排除干扰信息。例题解析 From English Weekly WANTED CleanerAre you hardworking? Can you make a large house clean and tidy? If you hope to get the job paid at $ 30

23、 once, call us at 2886888 or send an e-mail at cleaner service .tw.1. How much should a cleaner be paid for a month if she is asked to clean a house once a week? ( C) A. 30 dollars. B. 60 dollars. C. 120 dollars.答题策略:平时要培养学生严谨细心的学习品质!答题时要抓住并正确理解与数据有关的信息并根据生活常识计算而得出正确答案。四、热门考点文章推荐: . China DreamRecen

24、tly the “China dream” has been the subject of a public topic. Although it is quite common for Chinese people to dream of an empowered or a prosperous(繁荣)China, most people also have their own dreams. Throughout Chinas thousands of years history, these “China dreams” have always existed(存在). Do you h

25、ave a “China dream”? I brought up this topic with several young Chinese students with higher US educational backgrounds. Unsurprisingly, they all had their own heartfelt hopes and dreams for their native country.Fred Wang an MBA candidate(申请人) in the US said,“I dream of equal (相同的,同等的)chance for the

26、 young in China. Equality means all young people can compete fairly, based on the rule-of-law whether they are rich or poor. ”Yujie Zhao, another MBA candidate in California said,“I dream of a happy family with an affordable home. I dream of having the best education for my children so they will not

27、 lose at the starting line, and dream of being able to take good care of my parents after they retire(t退休).” She said,“It seems like all my dreams are about family, but it is so true for most Chinese young dreamers today.”Yiqiong Zhang, an MBA graduate from the US shared her dreams.“I have been hold

28、ing for many years, that is after working hard for about 20 to 50 years, I can have enough money to build and manage a small bookstore or a flower shop. Besides working hard, I am be able to enjoy life: to play the piano, to hike and to enjoy a two-month-long vacation every year. This may be a commo

29、n dream among young Chinese students.”There is no doubt that all of these students have their “China dream”. They all love China, and they all love chasing their dreams. Beautiful “China dream” requires hard work. Everyone should work hard to make their dreams come true.选择最佳答案。Which is right about t

30、he three Chinese young students?They receive higher education in China.They have their own hopes and dreams for China.They have their own hopes and dreams for America.What does the word “compete” in the second paragraph mean?A. 完成 B. 成功 C. 竞争3. Yujie Zhao hopes that _.A. all young people can have eq

31、ual opportunitiesB. she can have a happy family with a big houseC. she can look after her parents well when they are old4. Which one is NOT Yiqiong Zhangs dream?A. Working hard for about 20 to 50 yearsB. Managing a small bookstore or a flower shopC. Playing the piano and hiking in her free time5. Fr

32、om the passage we can learn that_A. “China dream” is very difficult to come trueB. “China dream” does need everyones hard workC. “China dream” is only a dream about the development of our country.Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet, but what is it?The Internet is many different networks

33、around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called the Internet.Maybe that doesnt sound interesting. But when weve joined the Internet,there are lots and lots of things we can do. We can have a lot of interest on the World Wide Web(WWW). We ca

34、n use the Internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information about our favorite sports or film stars and doing shopping on the Internet. We can also send messages to other people by e-mail. It is much cheaper and quicker than calling our friends or sending a letter.Thanks to the Internet

35、, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information they need. They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet. But do you know 98% of the Information is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?1. The pa

36、ssage is mainly about _.A. the Internet B. information C. e-mail 2. The quickest and cheapest way for people to send messages to their friends is _.A. by e-mail B. by telephone C. by post3. The Internet CANNOT be used to _.A. find information for our homeworkB. do some shoppingC. do housework4. Whic

37、h of the following is NOT true?A. The Internet is a big computerB. The Internet is very helpful.C. People can work at home with the help of the Internet5. What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?A. All the information is in English.B. English is important in using the Interne

38、t.C. The Internet is more and more popular.IIIThe human brain is divided into two sides called the right brain and the left brain. The two sides work together,but each one specializes (专门从事)in certain ways of thinking. Each side has its own way of using information to help us think,understand, and d

39、eal with the information.The left side of the brain controls language. It is more verbal(语言的) and logical(合逻辑的). It names things and puts them into groups.It uses rules and likes ideas to be clear,logical and orderly. It is best at speech,reading,writing and math. You use this side of the brain when

40、 you memorize spelling and grammar rules or when you do a math problem.The right side of the brain is more visual and creative. It specializes in using information it receives from the senses(感觉) of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. This side of the brain likes to dream and experiment. It contro

41、ls your appreciation of music, color and art. You use this side when you draw a picture or listen to music.Although we all use both sides of our brains, one side is usually stronger or dominant(优势的), some people are more “left-brained”, and others are more “right-brained”. Our dominant side influenc

42、es the kinds of jobs and hobbies we have. Politicians, artists and musicians depend on their right brains. Accountants(会计师), engineers, doctors and lawyers(律师) usually rely(依赖)on their left brains.判断正(A)误(B)。1. The two sides work separately(分开), and each one specializes in certain ways of thinking.(

43、 )2. According to the passage, our left brains control the sense of taste. ( )3. when you do a math problems, you will mainly use your left brain. ( )4. As for musicians, their sense of logic is usually stronger. ( )5. A host is right-brained while an engineer is left-brained. ( )IVWhere are you, MH

44、 370?We love you! Please come back!l It went missing on March 8th last year with 239 people on the plane.l It was flying from Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia to Beijing when it lost contact(联系) with air traffic controllers over the South China Sea.l The passengers included 154 Chinese(including 1 from Hong Ko

45、ng and 1 from Taiwan),38 Malaysians,7 Indonesians, 6 Americans, 2 citizens(公民) each from Canada, New Zealand, Iran and Ukraine and 1 each from the Netherlands and Russia. 阅读图表内容,选择最佳答案。1. The accident happened to Flight MH 370 on _, 2014.A. March 8th B. March 9th C. May 8th2. Of all the people on th

46、e plane, _are passengers.A. 154 B. 227 C. 2393. Flight MH370 lost contact _.A over the South China Sea.B. in the sky of Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.C. on the way to Kuala Lumpur from Beijing.WANTEDMath teacherAre you a warm and patient college student? Are you able to teach the seventh graders? If your an

47、swer is “yes”, then we will have a job for you as a math teacher.Come to Juyuan Middle School to visit the headmaster.CleanerAre you hardworking? Can you make a large house clean and tidy? If you hope to get the job paid at $ 30 once, call us at 2886888 or send an e-mail at cleaner service .tw.Are y

48、ou hardworking? Can you make a large house clean and tidy? If you hope to get the job paid at $ 30 once, call us at 2886888 or send an e-mial at cleaner service .tw.4. Mike is a college student who is interested in teaching. He should _.A. call the headmasterB. visit the headmasterC. e-mail the head

49、master5. How much should a cleaner be paid for a month if she is asked to clean a house once a week?A. 30 dollars. B. 60 dollars. C. 120 dollars.V阅读下面材料,选择最佳答案。CCTV reported that every year Chinese people throw away a lot of food, it can feed 200 million people for a year.Do we have too much food? O

50、f course not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010. Six million children die of hunger every year. Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing,

51、lost her job because she took some leftover(剩余的) food home for her son. Many people stood by her side and criticized the waste of food.What should we do in our daily life to waste less food? Here are some tips: Dont order too much food in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you c

52、ant eat all the food you order, take the rest of it home.Dont be too picky (挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.Dont keep too much food at home, especially for vegetables and fruit. “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work .”(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦) It tells us everybod

53、y must save food.1. How many children die of hunger every year?A. 200 million. B. 925 million C. 6 million.2. Why did Li Hong lose her job?A. Because she wasted food.B. Because she took some left food home.C. Because many people stood by her.3. How many tips are there to waste less food?A. 2. B. 3.

54、C. 44. What should we do if we cant eat all the food we order?A. Dont order too much food.B. Dont be too picky about food.C. Take the rest of food home.5. What can we learn from the passage?A. It tells us everybody must save food.B. It tells us to take the food home.C. It tells us not to keep much food at home.April 14, 2015

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