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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。外研版(一起)一年级英语下册教案Module 9 Unit 1 I dont like meat.课题Module9教学内容Unit1 I dont like meat.教学目标a)能听懂、会读、会说noodles, meat, fish, rice, soupb)能听懂、会读、会说What do you like?教学重点用What do you like? 询问你的爱好能理解并用HeShe likes表达别人喜欢的食物。教学难点能理解并表达别人的饮食爱好。He likes She likes让学生在具体的语境

2、中理解、听懂He doesnt like She doesnt like教学准备单词卡片多媒体课件板书设计Module 9 Unit 1 I dont like meat. What do you like? Lingling (食物的图片) He likes Sam She likes Amy 具体教学过程一、Warming up1. Greeting: 2. Have a chant: Mum, mum, mum, a mango please3. Sing a song: Whats your favorite food? 二、Lead in1. T: Whats your favori

3、te animal? colour? fruit?sport?(老师唱问,学生唱答)2. T: Whats your favorite food? Look, they are so much food. Cakes, meat,chicken. Mm. How nice. I like food very much. Do you like food? (课件出示food的图片)3. Show the topic: Module 9 Food三、Present the task: T: Today were going to talk about the topic about “food”

4、, so Miss * wants to know what kind of food you like? Then lets join in the game, the games name is“真心朋友,了解喜好”。OK? (今天我想了解一下我们班的小朋友喜欢什么食物,然后我们一起来玩一个有趣的游戏,游戏的名字叫“真心朋友,了解喜好”,通过这个游戏让小朋友进一步了解自己的好朋友喜欢什么食物呀,OK?)四、New lessons and activities1. Watch CDROM (教食物名称)T: 有一群你们非常熟悉的老朋友正在聚餐呢,Lets go and have a look

5、. 小朋友仔细看,注意听。Then tell me (1) who are eating food? (2)What are they eating?(回答对的小朋友奖励soup的贴贴纸) (学生边回答老师边贴Lingling ,Sam, Amy, Daming, Tom的头饰、食物的图片)2. T: Look at these food, what are they? (带读板书上的单词)3. T: Who likes meat, stand up please and say: I like meat. Who likes fish, stand up please and say: I

6、like fishWho likes noodles, stand up please and say: I like noodles.Who likes rice, stand up please and say: I like rice.Who likes soup, stand up please and say: I like soup.4. T: I like meat. What do you like? S1: I like meat. S2: I like soup. (指着图片引导五、六个学生回答,让学生将所喜欢的食物表达出来, 老师拿着话筒, 然后将话筒拿给一个同学,引导全

7、班学生用What do you like?问,老师也可用口型提示,之后带读,贴板书)5. T: Shall we play a chain game?(学生在chain game中练习句型)6. T:小朋友想知道你同伴喜欢什么食物吗?Now you can talk about with your partner.7. Ask some students to talk S1: What do you like? S2: I like fish. T: HeShe likes fish. S1: What do you like? S2: I like meat. T: HeShe likes

8、 meat. (再请四组同学说,全班介绍HeShe likes) 8. Lets have a chant: Like, like, I like meat. Likes, likes, he likes fish.(出示男孩笑脸) (将男孩笑脸、女孩笑脸贴在食物旁,说绕口令) Likes, likes, she likes soup. 9. Lets play a game: Among these food, 我还想了解一下你们喜欢哪些食物,不喜欢哪些食物。Ill ask some students to come here. For example: I say noodles, if

9、you like it, show me the happy face. If you dont like it, show me the sad face. (请三组同学上来) The whole class introduce: HeShe likes T: HeShe doesnt like 10. Listen to the tape and find out: (第一遍听,第二遍读,我们的老朋友都喜欢哪些食物? T: What does Lingling like? S1: She likes noodles. (老师边把食物图片贴在相应的人物旁) What does Sam lik

10、e? S1: He likes fish. What does Amy like? S1: She likes meat. What does Daming like? S1: He likes rice. What does Tom like? S1: He likes soup. T: Does Tom like noodles? Yes or no. Ss: No. T: Yes, he doesnt like noodles. T: Does Tom like fish? Ss: No. T: Yes, he doesnt like fish. T: Does Tom like sou

11、p? Ss: Yes. T: Yes, he likes soup.11. T: Lets have a competition: T: There are five children. 他们也有自己喜欢的食物和不喜欢的食物。小朋友能不能用你们手中的笑脸、哭脸替他们表达?他们喜欢的请你们举笑脸、他们不喜欢的请你们举哭脸,比一比哪一组小朋友最快? Listen and show the happy face or the sad face.五、“真心朋友,了解喜好”的游戏( Ill send you the sticker of hamburgers, 老师示范,再请同学上来做游戏,依时间安排几

12、组同学做游戏)T: Whos your good friend? S1: My good friend is T:老师请他的好朋友S2上台,并挑出他所喜欢的食物S1: My good friend is he likes fish.Ss: What do you like? S2: I like noodles. (拿出刚才的图片验证)T: Are they good friends? Ss: I think maybe youre good friends. But you must get to know each other deeply.六 Asses them(通过小熊猫爬竹腾进行评价)七 HomeworkListen and repeat Module 9 Unit 1 Listen and repeat Listen and repeat , then act it out2. 了解你爸爸妈妈喜欢吃的食物并能介绍。3. 了解别人不喜欢的食物,下节课学会介绍。设计意图

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