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1、本资料为共享资料 来自网络 如有相似概不负责2020高一英语学案:M2U1 READING单词(牛津译林版必修2)Teaching content: learn words and expressions about Readinng in unit 1Teaching aims:leran words and expressionnsTeaching difficult and importand points:Grasp the related usage about words.Period One自主学习的过程1 Tales of the unexplainedTale名词(1)(尤指

2、充满惊险的)故事 a fairy tale 童话 a tale of two cities双城记 (2)(精彩但不一定完全真实的)讲速,叙述Story指真实或虚构的故事 The film is based on a love story written by a famous writer.tale 指传说或带有童话性质的故事When I was young, I had heard this fairy tale.I love listening to his tales of life at tea2 unexplained无法解释的,神秘的explain vt.解释,说明explanat

3、ion n 解释,说明 sth This book explains the meaning of wordsexplain + sth to sb I didnt understand the question, but the teacher explained it to me. (to sb) that +/wh-clause He explained to me how the machine was used.3 puzzled 困惑的,迷惑的I am still slightly puzzled as to why he never called us She read the

4、letter with a puzzled expressions on her facePuzzling adj 另人费解的说法,事情,态度a puzzlig statement 令人费解的陈述。短语拓展puzzlle over 苦思冥想 Se has been puzzling over his strange letter for weeks.puzzle out 苦苦思索而弄清楚 Te teacher left the students to puzzle out the answer to the questions themselves.In a puzzle 疑惑,困惑He wa

5、s in a puzzle.4 step up 加快, 加速When Jack found that he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace/step(步子).杰克发现他就要迟到了,他加快了脚步。The factory has stepped up its output of cars. 工厂加快了汽车生产。step forward 走上前来,跨前一步step back (由于吃惊)后退一步step inside(in) 进屋里来step into 进入里面step by step 一步步地out of step 合不上步子take st

6、eps (a step) to do sth 采取措施 ,走(一步)5due to ( because of, caused by)1. 由于,因为,归功于2.后可接不定式Due to his rudeness, I didnt say one more word to him. good beginning is half the battle. 好的开端等于成功一半 编者:陈美玲 adj,应付的,应得到的,到期的 3.正当的,适宜的The plane was put off due to the heavy fog He arrived late due to the unexpected

7、 storm. The problem is how much money is due Because of“因为,由于”Because of his wife there, I said nothing about it.Owing to “由于,因为”The game was cancelled owing to a terrible rain.Due to “由于” Most of problems was due to human error.On account of “因为,由于”She retired early on acount of ill health.Thanks t

8、o “幸亏,多亏” Thanks to your rotten idea(馊主意) ,we went the long way.As a result of “造成的结果” He came late as a result of the bad weather6 disappear vi 消失,失踪,不复存在。The old man disappeared into the night.【派】disappearance n 不见,消失【辨析】disappear 与 fadeDisappear 指具体,有形的东西突然或逐渐地“不见”,强调的是看 不见了,不存在的结果Fade 指逐渐的,一点一点的

9、减弱或消失。比disappear 更强调逐渐消失的过程。7witness n 目击者,见证人The police found the witness to the murder警方找到了谋杀案的目击者v. 当场看见,亲眼看见你亲眼目睹了这场事故吗?Did you witness the accident?8 creature n. 生物v. create 创造n. creation 创造,(尤指)艺术品n. creator 创造者adj. creative有创造性的n. creativity 创造力9 flash 。n 闪光/ 闪现突发/ 闪光灯 / 课件/ 瞬间a flash of ligh

10、tning 电光的一闪 in a flash 一刹那 vt 使闪光:闪烁 flash sb a meaning look 给某人使一个颜色10 assume vt 1) 假定,假设,设想We must assume him to be innocent until he is proved guilty.尚未证实他又最,就得假设他是清白的 2)装作,假装 He assumed an air of concern. 3)承担责任,就(职)He assumes hia new responsibilities next month.assumption n 假定,假设/ 承担,担任11 occur

11、 发生 when did the accident occur? 常用句型 occur to sb An idea occurs to me.我有主意了It never occurs to her to ask anyone.她从未想到问问他人。同意短语:happen take place occur1) happen 指事情的发生往往带有偶然,或未能预见的意思2) take place指事先布置或策划好而后发生,没有偶然的意味,有时还有举行的意思3) occur 常指意外或预料(计划)中的(事情)发生,有时他们三个可以互换。三个短语都无被动语态good beginning is half t

12、he battle. 好的开端等于成功一半 编者:陈美玲 12 show up : 1.出现, 出席, 到场Elizabeth showed up in Paris, having got a weeks leave.得到一个星期的假后,伊丽莎白来到巴黎。Weve been waiting for hours for you to show up!我们等你来已经等了几个小时2.揭露,揭穿 Someone showed him up as a thief 3.露出,显出 At times like these, the true character of the map shows up.13r

13、ule out 排除(可能性)I cant rule out the possibility of trouble.我不能排除遇到麻烦的可能性。The doctor took X-rays to rule out the chance of broken bones.医生进行了X光检查以排除骨折的可能性。Liver cancer can not be ruled out in this case.这病例不能排除肝癌的可能性14 possiblity 可能性,可能的事(可数名词,是考点)The posssibility of breaking the word record never occu

14、red to him. 15 take charge (of) 负责(处理某事或照顾某人),接管John was elected the new president of the club and took charge at the next meeting.约翰被选为俱乐部的新主席并在下一次的集会上接管了俱乐部。Who will take charge of all the plans of the party?谁将负责所有的晚会计划?in charge (of ) 负责(某事)Tom works there, in charge of the sales department.汤姆在那儿

15、工作负责销售部。in the charge of (sb.s charge) 由掌管、负责The girl was safely in the charge of a nurse.那个女孩安全地有护士看护着。16 look into 调查, 检查, 了解Well look into the matter together.我们将一起调查这件事。Perhaps you wouldnt mind looking into it for me?或许你不介意为我了解这件事是吗? 17 aboard prep 在(船或飞机上)等adv上船(飞机,车)All the passengers have gon

16、e aboard the plane.Abroad 宽的,宽阔的,广泛的 iThe Yellow River is very abroad in this area. Board 板,甲板,布告牌 I have bought a new cutting board. 我已买了一块新的切菜板。18 case n 1)箱,盒子,柜,套Shall I take your cases down to the car 要我把你的箱子拿到汽车上吗?2)情况,状况 Its a case of too many people and not enough jobs.3)事例,实例 there were six

17、 cases of SARS in his hospital.4)案件:The court may deal with the case.5)论据,理由 I am sure we can make out a good case for a pay rise常用的固定短语casegood beginning is half the battle. 好的开端等于成功一半 编者:陈美玲 In any case 无论如何 In no case 绝不In this case 如果这样的话 In case of 以防,万一In the case of 就来说,在情况下 Be on ones case 不

18、停的指责某人 Be on ones case 不停的指责某人 be on the case 负责某个案件As the case may be根据情况(而定19 In any case 无论如何 In no case 绝不In this case 如果这样的话 In case of 以防,万一In the case of 就来说,在情况下 Be on ones case 不停的指责某人 Be on ones case 不停的指责某人 be on the case 负责某个案件As the case may be根据情况(而定journalist n 【C】记者,新闻工作者A week later

19、, the journalists report was printed in the newspaper.journal报纸,刊物,杂志【C】 Nowadays, there are numerous various journals on the market.20 make up 编造, 捏造Uncle made up a very interesting story for the children.大叔给孩子们编了一首很有趣的故事。He didnt have a good excuse for being late, so he made one up.因为没有迟到的的理由,他就编了

20、一个。弥补, 把补上Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙。John must make up the work he missed.约翰必须把他缺的工作弥补上。(2) 化装, 打扮The actors were making up when we arrived.我们到达时,演员们正在化装。These days many girls make up when they are still very young.近来许多女孩很小时就化装。(3) 构成, 占Nine players make up a team.

21、个球员组成一个队。21 evidence证据,证词,证明,根据The witness gave his evidence in a firm voice. 迹象,行迹The murder didnt leave any evidence in the room.call sb in evidence 传唤某人in evidence 明显地,显眼地,显著地,give evidence for /against提出对某人有利/不利的证据evident adj 明显地,明白的 evidently adv 明显地,显然22 injury n 伤害【C/U】 伤害,损害Dont do that, or

22、else you will do yourself an injury. 受伤处 Getting it wet will prevent the injury from healing23 dismiss v开除 解雇 she was dismissed for laziness.遣散,解散 The teacher dismissed the class ten minutes late.老师晚了十分钟下课消除,摒弃(思想,感情)Dismiss such thoughts from your mind.习惯用法dismiss sb /sth (from) 把某人打发走/摒除(思想,感情等) D

23、ismiss sb /sth from ones mind试图忘记某人某事 拓展 dismissal n 打发,免职,解雇,开除,遣散 Dismissive adj 打发走的,瞧不起24 look into 调查, 检查, 了解Well look into the matter together.我们将一起调查这件事。Perhaps you wouldnt mind looking into it for me?或许你不介意为我了解这件事是吗? looked up查找 looking through翻阅,浏览 looked on. 旁观look on sb-as把某人看作-Look out当心looked about/around/round四下看look down upon瞧不起looked back upon回顾

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