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1、云南德宏州梁河县一中18-19学度高二上年中考试-英语考试时间:120分钟 试题满分:150分第I卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给旳A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷旳相应位置.听完每段对话后你都有10秒钟旳时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.1. What season is it now?A. Late winter. B. Early C. Late autumn.2. What time is it now?A. 7 :15. B. 7

2、: 30. C. 7 : 45.3. What is Bob probably doing according to the man?A. Sleeping in the bedroom. B. Working in the lab.C. Sleeping in the lab.4. What does the man mean?A. The hike is worth $100. B. They shouldnt buy the bike.C. Repairing the bike wild cost $ 50,5. Why is the man late for the film?A. H

3、e had an unexpected visitor.B. He had an unexpected accident.C. He had been waiting for a friend.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独自.每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给旳A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷旳相应位置.听每段对话或独自前.你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟旳作答时间.每段对话或独自读两遍.6. Where will the speakers go this weekend?A. To a zoo. B.

4、To a beach. C. To a park.7. When do the speakers plan to meet?A. On Saturday morning.B. On Friday afternoon.C. On Friday morning.8. How will the speakers go there?A. By car. B. By train. C. By bike,听第7段材料,回答第911题.9. When did the woman hurt her hand?A. Yesterday morning,B. Last night.C. This morning.

5、10. What does the man advise the woman to do?A. Take some medicine.B. Rest at home.C. Go to the hospital11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Workmates.B. Husband and wife.C. Host and guest.听第8段材料,回答第1214题.12. When does the conversation take place?A. In the morning.B. In the

6、afternoon.C. In the evening.13. What will the man most probably do?A. Go on waiting in line.B. Look for a place to rest.C. Give up what hes doing.14. What can we know from the conversation?A. The woman has waited for one and a half hours.B. The ticket office will close in two hours.C. The man came h

7、ere before lunch.听第9段材料,回答第1517题.15. What would the woman always do when she was a child?A. Swim in lakes. B. Skate in gyms. C. Play in the snow16. What will the weather be like in the afternoon?A. A bit colder. B. Less cold. C. Very warm.17. What is the woman most probably going to do in the aftern

8、oon?A. Go out by car. B. Go skating. C. Listen to the radio.听第10段材料,回答第1820题.18. Where will the first activity be held?A. At the Rose Hall. B. At the City Hall. C. At the City Theatre.19. What should one do if they are to join in the second activity?A. Wear comfortable shoes. B. Arrive at 1 : 30. C.

9、 Call 4987898.20. What can we know about The Zoo?A. Its a US concert. B. Its a music group. C. Its a name of a song.第一节:单项填空:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Why not go and have dinner in a restaurant? _ Its too expensive. A. Why not? B. I agree. C. Im afraid not. D. Im sure.22.Have you seen _ new bike? I put

10、 it here just now. Is it _white one? A boy has ridden it away. Aa ; aBa; theCthe; theDthe; a23. -Has Alice handed in her paper yet? -Im not sure. She _ on it last week.A. has worked B. was working C. worked D. had worked24. It was not until 1936_baseball became a regular part of Olympic Games. A. th

11、en B. which C. that D. when25. 1 will describe to you _ I saw when there.A. whatB. thatC. which D./26.Why were you late for the meeting yesterday?Well,my car _ on the way to the company.Abroke out Bbroke down Cbroke up Dbroke through27. I lost the job I dreamed about. Never_so upset at that timeAdid

12、 I feel BI felt C.I had felt Dwill I feel28. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _in fact, I was talking about my daughter. A. whom B. where C. which D. while 29. the letter, he went out to post it. A. Writing B. Being written C. Having written D. Written30.Jane had prepared well for her f

13、inal exam so that she could pass it on her first .A. intention B.attempt C.purpose D.desire31. _ not to miss the meeting at 4 p. m,the manager put down his work at once and set out for the City Hall.AReminding BTo remind CHaving reminded DReminded32They have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was

14、 delayed. Awill Bcan Cmust Dshould 33 .No hurry at all. The train will come in an hour;_,we can have lunch.Athough Bmeanwhile Chowever Dwhile34. A new _bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.Anormal Busual Cregular Dcommon35. You are confident about the job interview,arent

15、you?_.Im well prepared and feel Ive got everything they need.ASure,I am BIts hard to say CI hope so DWell,maybe第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给旳四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处旳最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.It was pouring outside. We all stood there 36 , some patiently , others annoyed 37 nature messed u

16、p (弄糟) their hurried day. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens 38 away the dirt and dust of the world.“Mom, lets run through the rain,” a girls voice 39 me.“No, honey. Well wait until it 40 down a bit,” Mom replied.The young girl waited about another minute and 41 : “Mom, lets run throug

17、h the rain.”“Well get wet if we do,” Mom said.“No, we wont, Mom. Thats not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she 42 her Moms arm.“This morning? 43 did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?”“Dont you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said,

18、” If God can get us through this, he can get us through 44 .”The entire crowd turned 45 . Mom paused and thought for a moment about 46 she would say. Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being 47 . But then we heard, “Honey, you are 48 . Lets run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe we ju

19、st need washing,” Mom said. Then 49 they ran.We all stood 50 , smiling and laughing as they ran past the cars. Yes, they got wet. But they were 51 by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the 52 to their cars. Circumstances (境况) or people can take away your material possessions, and they

20、can even take away your 53 . But no one can ever take away your precious 54 . So, dont forget to make time and take the 55 to make memories every day! I hope you still take the time to run through the rain.36Atalking BcomplainingCwaiting Dexpecting 37Aas if BbecauseCeven if Dwhen 38Awashing Bputting

21、 Cdriving Dtaking 39Abroke Bcaught Cimpressed Dcalled 40Acalms Bcomes Cpushes Dslows 41Aasked BrequiredCrepeated Dadded 42Apulled Btouched Cwaved Dfelt 43AWhen BHow CWhy DWhere 44Athe rain BanythingCthe diseaseDsomething 45AstillBsilent Cserious Dangry46Awhether BhowCwhat Dif 47Adishonest Bforgetful

22、Cdaring Dsilly 48ArightBwrong Cstupid Dclever 49AonBalong Coff Dover 50Asighing Bjoking Cdiscussing Dwatching 51Aguided Bfollowed Crespected Dpraised 52Atime Bway Csame Dbest 53Ahouse BmoneyCtimeDhealth54Amemories Bchildren Ccourage Dexperience 55Apossibilities Brisk Copportunities Dchallenge 第三部分 阅

23、读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AWill it matter if you dont take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United States. Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Spe

24、cial tests were set up to see how well their body worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with a better effect (效果) than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person w

25、orks with his brain. If a student eats fruits, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class. Contrary to what many people believe, if you dont eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon t

26、hat they eat too much for lunch and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you cut down your other meals.56. During the test, those who were tested were given _.A. no breakfast at all B. very rich breakfastC. little food for breakfast D. different breakfasts o

27、r none57. Which of the following statements is Not True according to the passage?A. Poor breakfasts affect those who work with brains.B. Morning diet may cause one to get fatter. C. Reducing lunch and supper is of less value in weight-losing.D. Eating less in lunch and supper may help to lose weight

28、. 58. The passage mainly tells us that _.A. how to prepare your breakfast.B. the importance of eating breakfast. C. how to lose weight.D. if you eat much for lunch, you will be healthier.BAs one comes to some crossroads, he or she sees a sign which says that drivers have to stop when they come to th

29、e main road ahead. At other crossroads, drivers have to go slow, but they do not actually have to stop unless, of course, there is something coming along the main road; and at still others, they do not have either to stop or to go slow, because they are themselves on the main road. Mr Williams, who

30、was always a very careful driver, was driving home from work one evening when he came to a crossroad. It had a “SLOW” sign. He slowed down when he came to the main road, looked both ways to see that nothing was coming, and then drove across without stopping completely. At once he heard a police whis

31、tle (口哨声), so he pulled into the side of the road and stopped. A policeman walked over to him with a notebook and a pen in his hand and said, “You didnt stop at that crossing.” “But the sign there doesnt say STOP.” answered Mr Williams, “It just says SLOW, and I did go slow.” The policeman looked ar

32、ound him, and a look of surprise came over his face. Then he put his notebook and pen away, scratched (抓) his head and said, “Well,Im in the wrong street!”59. Mr Williams was driving _ one evening. A. to a party B. to his office C. home after work D. to work from home60. When he was stopped by a pol

33、iceman, he _. A. was driving at a high speed B. was driving onto the cross road C. was going to stop his car D. was driving slowly 61. Though slowly, Mr Williams continued driving at the crossing because_ . A. he didnt see any “STOP” sign there B. he paid no attention to the traffic rules C. he was

34、careless D. he was eager to get home62. Looking round Mr Williams, the policeman was surprised because_ . A. he met a mad man B. he realized that he himself was mistaken C. Mr Williams dared to speak to him like that D. Mr Williams would not apologize to himCLive MusicLate Night JazzEnjoy real Ameri

35、can Jazz(爵士乐)from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player(号手). He is known to play well into the early hours, so dont want to get much sleep. Scottish DancingScottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will be given. ShowsAnhui MuseumThere are 12,000 pieces on show h

36、ere. You can see the whole of Chinese history. Your pen-friend is coming from Australia to your city for a holiday. You send him this E-mail to tell him something about the hotels. TEL: 4686788 E-MALL: Li Hong 163. com63. If you want to watch dancing, you can call _. A. 4858749 B. 4983084 C. 4467834

37、 D. 468678864. You can see the whole of Chinese history at _ in April in Anhui Museum. A. 3 p. m. every day B. 9 p. m. from Monday to FridayC. 7 a. m. at weekend D. 7 p. m. every day65. You can enjoy _ at Jack Steins. A. American jazz B. Scottish dancing C. 12,000 pieces on show D. yourself all nigh

38、t66. If your friend wants to live in ROSE HOTEL for 3 days in February, how much should he pay for it?A. ¥594 B. ¥534 C. ¥592D. ¥832DMark was walking home from school one day when he saw the boy in front of him fall over and drop all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a basketbal

39、l and a walkman(随身听). Mark stopped and helped the boy pick up these things. Since they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of his things. As they walked, Mark knew that the boys name was Bill, that he loved computer games, basketball and history, and that he was having lots of troubles

40、with his other subjects and that he had just broken up with his girlfriend.They arrived at Bills home first and Mark was invited in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed happily with a few laughs and some small talk, and then Mark went home. They often saw each other at schoo

41、l, had lunch together once or twice, and then they both finished middle school. They ended up in the same high school where they sometimes saw and talked with each other over the years. At last just three weeks before they finished high school, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.Bill asked Mark if h

42、e still remembered the day years ago when they had first met. “Did you ever think why I was carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill. “You see, I cleaned out my locker(锁柜) because I didnt want to leave anything for anyone else. I had put away some of my mothers sleeping pills and I was goi

43、ng home to kill myself. But after we spent some time together talking and laughing, I began to understand that if I killed myself, I would have missed that time and so many others that might follow. So you see, Mark, when you picked up those books that day, you did a lot more. You saved my life.”67.

44、 When Mark met him the first time, Bill was going _. A. to have a basketball gameB. to his classroomC. to see Mark D. back home68. From what Bill was carrying, we can know that he _. A. was a good student B. liked sports and musicC. liked all the subjects in schoolD. was a good friend69. Mark and Bi

45、ll _. A. were in the same middle school and high schoolB. were in the same middle school but not in the same high schoolC. often had lunch together at schoolD. had known each other before they began to study in middle school70. When Mark helped Bill to pick up some of his things, he _.A. knew he cou

46、ld save Bills lifeB. knew who Bill was and wanted to help himC. didnt know why he was going to help himD. didnt know what he was doing was very important to Bill 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后旳选项中选出能填入空白处旳最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.Ways to fight the flu The flu is annoying enough on its own. In order to ke

47、ep yourself from it, follow these tips. Get the flu vaccine(疫苗). Its the best way to protect yourself against the flu. 71 It also helps the people around you because theres less chance you will catch the flu and pass it on. Wash your hands often. Hand washing is an important way to protect against g

48、erms(细菌) like flu viruses. 72 So get in the habit of washing your hands when you come home from school, the mall, or anywhere else where you are around a lot of people. 73 Flu viruses travel through the air, so try to stay away from people who look sick. Its also a good idea to avoid touching your n

49、ose, eyes, and mouth three places flu viruses can easily enter the body. Cough or sneeze into a tissue(手巾纸) not into your hands. That way, youre not spreading the virus when you touch surfaces that other people may touch too. 74 You dont want to pass your germs to someone else. And staying home is a

50、 great excuse to watch your favorite movie, play video games, or read to have a good rest. 75 You also can fight the flu by getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, and getting regular exercise. Dont let the flu ruin your fall and winter fun. Fight back!A. Stay home if y

51、ou have the flu.B. Rest can help the body recover faster.C. Keep your distance if someone is sick.D. Take some medicine as soon as you have the flu.E. It also helps protect against other germs and illnesses.F. Getting vaccinated doesnt just protect your own health.G. Dont let the flu fall at one of

52、the most exciting times of the year.第二卷第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加旳词.删除:把多余旳词用斜线( )划掉.修改:在错旳词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后旳词.注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分.Dear John, Last summer I take a part-time job in the InternationalCamp for children. I have been t

53、old one more workerwill be needed this year and I think you are fit it. Howabout join us? The camp is at the foot of a small hillclose to a river. It is so a beautiful place! We can hearbirds singing happy all around. Everybody sleeps intents, that is very exciting. We usually work only fivehour a d

54、ay, so we will have plenty of spare time visit thearea and have a fun. I am sure it will be an unforgettableexperience. If you have interest on it, reply to me soon. Yours,Li Ping第二节书面表达 (25分)假定你是李华.你班同学决定为小明举办生日聚会.请你写信邀请外教Susan参加,要点包括: 时间:周五晚8点至9点 地点:学生俱乐部 内容:生日歌、蛋糕、游戏等 要求:备小礼物注意: 词数100-120字左右,开头语已

55、为你写好;Hi, Susan, Li Hua一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一





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