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1、掌上电脑历史 |掌上电脑发展编年史(英文版)Palm掌上電腦歷史最經典機型回顧太平洋电脑网 文/天空之城从第一种真正意义上的具有palm操作系统的PalmPilot 1000在1996年诞生以来已经整整走过了7年,这7年间,palm操作系统在与wince的斗争中不断被完善,从1.0发展到了5.0。直至今天,palm,sony,handspring仍然不断开发出新的功能和特性的机型,就有十几款新机型上市,引人注目的有sony的有着蓝牙,wi-fi和键盘的ux 50,handspring的tero 600智能手机,palm公司的Tungsten T3,Tungsten E等。7年间风云变幻,让我们

2、通过palm历史上典型机型的回忆,来看一下7年间的发展变化。开山鼻祖PalmPilot 1000(1996) 图为:PalmPilot 1000掌上电脑显示屏幕:单色STN;160x160象素;2级灰度;无背光解决器: MOTOROLA Dragonball 16MHz 操作系统: PalmOS 1.0 RAM: 128KB 尺寸: 12 x 8.1 x 1.8 (cm) 重量: 162g 通讯:串口同步提起palm我们不得不提起palm pilot1000,这个第一部的palmpilot电脑使用的是Hawkins和Dubinsky自己开发的Palm OS 1.0操作系统,只有128K内存。这

3、个机器开创了palm的先河,虽然其销量平平,然而这个还算小巧、能与个人电脑同步数据,价格十分便宜的机器开始受到了人们的关注。Pilot的功能虽然十分简陋,但是它已经具有了今天Palm的诸多特性,从外型、按钮布局到手写辨认系统。真正意义的现代palmPalm III(1998)图为:Palm III掌上电脑显示屏幕:单色STN;160x160象素;4级灰度;背光解决器: MOTOROLA Dragonball 16MHz操作系统: PalmOS 3.0尺寸: 12 x 8.1 x 1.8 (cm)RAM/ROM: 2MB/2MB flash重量: 162g外壳:硬塑料通讯:串口同步/红外98年,

4、Palm公司发布了第三代掌上电脑Palm III,由于Pilot是出名的制笔公司Pilot Pen的商标,因此Palm不得已把自己的产品重命名为Palm III。Palm III使用的是Palm OS 3.0操作系统,拥有2M内存和2M的Flash ROM,顾客可以升级操作系统。这是第一款拥有红外线的palm机型,从此之后palm开始可以同手机和palm之间进行数据互换。同步Palm OS 3.0在底层的稳定性和易用性方面有了很大的改善,多种应用软件开始大量浮现。但是7号电池的使用使本机器的外形和体积都大大增长,厚厚大大的机身使得随身携带并不是一件很舒服的事情。顺便提一下palm III对中文

5、使用者来说是第一款真正用使用意义的机器,2m的RAM在装入中文系统后还会有几百k的剩余空间,亲切的中文终于能显示在palm上面了。轻薄美丽Plam V (1999)图为:Plam V掌上电脑解决器: MOTOROLA Dragonball EZ 16 MHz操作系统: PalmOS 3.1 显示屏幕:增强的屏幕技术;加强型STN;16级灰度;背光;RAM/ROM: 2MB/2MB Flash尺寸: 11.5 x 7.7 X 1(cm)重量: 113g外壳:铝合金电池:内置锂电通讯:串口同步/红外PalmV是Palm掌上电脑家族中体积最轻巧的一款。整个机器简直就是完美,它杰出的获得工业设计大奖的

6、外型,超轻,113g的重量,放在上衣口袋里也没什么感觉,并且下缘的弧度刚好贴合大部分衬衣口袋。颇具质感的铝合金外壳;内置可以便充电的锂电池,提供超长待机时间,每天用30分钟能用上将近一种月对于国内顾客,唯一的缺陷就是RAM只有2mb了,但是国内的硬件高手如广州的wujing大侠,推出的升8MB RAM的服务真是以便了不少人。相信今天尚有某些朋友手中拥有升级过的8MB的Palm V吧。潮流美丽visor deluxe()图为:visor deluxe掌上电脑操作系统: PalmOS 3.1 显示屏幕: 4级灰度;背光;RAM/ROM: 8MB/2MB mask外壳:艳丽彩色透明塑料壳电池: AA

7、A电池通讯: usb口同步/红外99年成立的handspring在推出了自己的第一款palm产品:Visor Delux。一口气推出了五种颜色炫丽的外型,搭配略为透明的外壳,在Palm业界又掀起一片波澜-本来palm也可以这样潮流美丽。令人兴奋的是,连同步底座都是透明的雾白色。Visor Deluxe几乎成为年轻学子或新鲜人类最种意的机种。在工业上,visor Delux第一种推出usb的同步底座,让文献传播的速度有了一种质的提高。另一方面handspring在visor delux上加上了Springboard扩展技术,不断浮现了多种的springboard模块如内存模块,minijam m

8、p3模块,sondgoodmp3模块,visorphone手机模块,Magri Presenter2Go简报模块,eyemodule相机模块,Xircom 56k modem模块,Xircom WIFI模块,magellan gps模块,redm blade蓝牙模块,InnoPak/2v振动提示加内存模块,特别值得一提的模块的领域中也有西安的笨鸟benbird大侠开发的cf扩展模块,能以便将可以使用的内存拓展到你的cf卡那么大,功能多样化的模块将visor的应用领域极大的扩展。多彩天地Palm IIIc 图为:Palm IIIc掌上电脑解决器: MOTOROLA DragonBall EZ 2

9、0MHz 操作系统: Palm OS 3.5 显示屏幕:彩色TFT液晶显示;160x160像素;彩色256色;背光; RAM/ROM: 8MB/2MB FLASH 尺寸: 12.9 x 8.1 x 1.7(cm) 重量: 193g 外壳:硬塑料电池:内置锂电通讯:串口同步/红外Palm IIIc是Palm公司2月22日发布的最新产品,是该公司第一款带彩显的掌上电脑。它的浮现将黑白的palm代入了多彩的世界,一下palm的世界变得如此美丽。但是对于一种彩色的机器8M内存实在有点儿紧张。此外,彩色屏幕带来的不太长的使用时间,串口同步的较慢的同步速度就是个问题。但是记住,它是第一款彩色的palm掌上

10、电脑。特立独行-handera 330 图为:Handera 330掌上电脑解决器: Dragonball vZ 33Mhz操作系统: PalmOS 3.5.2显示屏幕: 320*240 16级灰度RAM/ROM: 8MB/2MB Flash尺寸: 12.1 x 8.1 X 1.7(cm)重量: 167g外壳:塑料其实提起palm我们就不应当忘掉TRG,从一开始TRG就致力于将cf的扩展槽引入palm。并推出了第一款的cf扩展槽的机器TRGpro,还记得那个红色限量版的机器吗?美丽的让人心动。TRG改名为Handera,并推出了Handera330,就是那个16级灰度,320240辨别率,有着

11、软手写区全屏手写的大机器,还记得看电子书时候它带来的惊喜吗?电池的耐力也不错。此外它一方面发明了双扩展,cf和sD.。此外尚有一种长处就是全屏的背光,记得晚上使用palm III时,手写区没有背光的烦恼吗?handera再也不会有这样的问题了。缺陷就是320240的屏幕可不是什么软件都可以使用的,开始时有点麻烦,要多试试多种的软件,等到一切的软件都稳定下来后,handera 330可是平常办公的好帮手。近于完美tero 90 图为:Handspring Tero 90掌上电脑解决器: Motorola DragonBall VZ 33 MHz 操作系统: Palm OS 4.1 显示屏幕:辨别

12、率:160x160;12位色RAM/ROM: 16MB/4MB FLASH 尺寸: 10.8 X 7.0 X 1.8(cm) 重量: 116g 扩展: SD/MMC插槽电池:内置锂电通讯: USB同步/红外Tero -Handspring一种新的系列机器,中规中矩的设计。但是难得的全面,该有的均有了,彩色屏幕,16M内存,SD卡槽,116g的重量。尚有一种小键盘,打消新手对Graffiti的畏惧。使用被动显示的STN屏幕,日光直射的时候比反射式的屏幕,如m515/T615要难读,刷新率低,在动画中有明显的影子现象,图片不如m55或者T615细腻,但是大多数状况下有极佳的色彩和亮度,如果你不玩动

13、作游戏的话,她的体现甚至好过m5x5和T615。另一种缺陷sd插槽必须打补丁后才可以支持SDIO。OS4能做好的,能做到的事情它都做到了。对于这样一种机器除了典型之外尚有什么可说的?完美商务m515 ()图为:Palm 515掌上电脑解决器: Motorola DragonBall VZ 33 MHz 操作系统: Palm OS 4.1 显示屏幕:辨别率:160x160;反射式背光彩色屏幕/16位64K真彩;增强背光RAM/ROM: 16MB/4MB FLASH 尺寸: 11.4 X 7.9 X 1.3(cm) 重量: 139g 扩展: SD/MMC插槽电池:内置锂电通讯: USB同步/红外拥

14、有Palm m515就等于拥有了一切-几乎是一切。PALM OS 4时代的完美商务机型,亮金属色的机壳,简洁大方,易用。提到palm的机器不得不提到sony。Sony在获得了palm的授权,就像sony在其家用电器中的体现同样,在palm上Clie更新太快了,让人都没有时间对一种机型留下深刻的印象,几乎没留下什么典型机型。几种有特色的机型基本又有着不同方面的缺陷使得我不懂得如何对她们归类。如T415的烂屏幕,T615巨好的屏幕但是很差的电池,n7高高在上的价格都成为了你不懂得与否应当选她们成为典型的因素。固然sony就是sony,总喜欢把任何的东西打上自己的烙印,memory stick的扩展

15、槽,jog(转点通的滚轮),和弦铃声,似乎都是所有sony机器的特点,此外高分的屏幕,增强红外的遥控乐趣,N系列支持的mp3,白色的金属外壳,似乎在palm的单一的商务面孔外增添了许多的乐趣。提到历史似乎就停不下了,有人说ppc是炫目的情人,而palm却是老婆,你怎么想?但愿拥有自己的一台palm吗?等待着你,加入“胖”的行列! Chronology of Handheld ComputersCopyright - Ken Polsson1972(month unknown) Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP-35, the first scientific

16、handheld calculator. 4.178 1973(month unknown) Texas Instruments enters the pocket calculator field with the introduction of the Texas Instruments SR-50 Slide Rule Calculator. It sells for about US$75. 4.179 1980July 31 Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Pocket Computer. It features a 24 character di

17、splay, QWERTY keyboard, and 1.9 KB of programmable memory. Price is US$230. 5.172 8.198 86.144 140.D3 (August 7.30) (month unknown) Panasonic and Quasar unveil handheld computers, made by Matsushita. The units use a 1-MHz 6502 CPU, and weigh 14 ounces (397 grams). 6.34 1981November 10 Panasonic intr

18、oduces The Link handheld computer, the size of a small book, with a keyboard but no display. It can be hooked up to a television or to a host computer via a telephone dial-up connection. Price is US$500-600. 155.D5 1982January Sharp introduces the Sharp PC-1500 Hand Held Personal Computer. It comes

19、with 16 KB ROM, and 3.5 KB RAM. Price for computer is US$300. Price for tiny color graphics printer that attaches to the side, US$250. 10.67 Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Pocket Computer, Model PC-2, for US$280. It uses a 1.3 MHz 8-bit microprocessor, and has a 26-character display, with upper a

20、nd lower case characters. It comes with 16 KB ROM, and 2.6 KB RAM, expandable to 16 KB. An optional 4-color printer attaches to the side. 11.216 15.41 August Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP75C portable computer. It features a rechargeable battery pack, 16K RAM, 65 key keyboard, 1 line by 32 charac

21、ter LCD display, magnetic card reader, 48K ROM including BASIC interpreter, text editor, and scheduler. Size is is 11.1 x 6 x 1.1 inches; weight is 26 ounces; price is US$995. 31.184 45.178 74.D4 (month unknown) NEC introduces the PC- Hand-Held Computer. It features an 8-bit 4 MHz CMOS uPD7907 micro

22、processor, 36 KB ROM, 16 KB RAM, serial port, and 40x2 character LCD screen. 18.125 Sanyo introduces the PHC-8000 handheld computer. It features a NSC-800 CMOS microprocessor, 24 KB ROM, 4 KB RAM, one-line LCD screen, optional I/O unit PHC-8010 allows connection to video monitor and microcassette re

23、corder and adds 14 KB ROM and 22 KB RAM. 18.125 Toshiba introduces the Pasopia Mini. It features an 8-bit CMOS microprocessor, 4 KB RAM, 20 KB ROM including 16 KB BASIC, and a one-line LCD screen. 18.125 1983January At the Winter CES, Commodore Business Machines demonstrates the HHC-4 (Hand-Held Com

24、puter). It features 24-character LCD screen with 4 KB RAM expandable to 16 KB. This was one of Commodores pre-PET business products. Price is US$199. 38.17 (month unknown) Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Pocket Computer, Model PC-4, replacing the PC-1, for US$70. 20.288 May At the Japan Microcompu

25、ter Show, Casio shows the Casio FP 200 handheld microcomputer. It features 8-line x 20 character display, 8 KB RAM, 32 KB ROM, for about US$300. 45.251 At the Japan Microcomputer Show, Canon shows the Canon X-07 Handy Personal Computer. It features an NSC 800 microprocessor (Z80 compatible), 20 KB R

26、OM with BASIC, 4-line by 20-character display, just over one pound weight, for about US$445. 45.251 At the Japan Microcomputer Show, National shows the National JR-800, featuring 63A01V processor (compatible with Motorola 6801), 8-line by 32-character LCD, 16 KB RAM, 20 KB ROM with BASIC, 1551 bytes

27、 of video RAM, five-octave music, 1 5/8 pounds weight, 10 1/4 x 5 5/8 x 1 3/8 inches, and runs for 25 hours on batteries. 45.252 (month unknown) Texas Instruments introduces the Compact Computer 40 (CC-40). It uses the 8-bit TMS 70C20 processor, 6 KB RAM, 34 KB ROM with BASIC, and 31x1 LCD display.

28、It runs on four AA batteries, lasting up to 200 hours. 21.37 Radio Shack introduces the PC-3 pocket computer. It features 24-character LCD, 1.4 KB RAM, 4 ounce weight, for US$99.95. 45.7 Sharp introduces the PC-1250 pocket computer, for US$110. It measures 5 5/16 x 2 1/2 x 3/8 inches. 45.7 1984Janua

29、ry Seiko Instruments U.S.A. Inc. displays the first wristwatch computer, with a 10-character, 4-line LCD. 1 (month unknown) Casio unveils the PB-700 handheld computer. It features 4 KB RAM (expandable to 16 KB), 20x4 character display, 58 key keyboard, BASIC. Weight is 4.5 pounds; price is about US$

30、200. Optional add-on FA-10 color printer/plotter costs about US$250. Optional add-on CM-1 microcassette module costs about US$90. 71.15 1989(month unknown) Atari Computer introduces the Portfolio, a 1-pound DOS-based PC. It uses a 4.92 MHz 80C88 processor, 240x64 resolution screen, and runs on three

31、 AA batteries. Price: US$400. 12.57 September Poqet Computer ships the Poqet PC computer, featuring 512 KB RAM, 6.8 x 2.7 inch monochrome LCD screen, 80x25 text, 640x200 pixels, 77 keys, 7 MHz Intel 80C88 processor, 640 KB ROM, MS DOS 3.3 and GW BASIC in ROM, card slots for ROM or RAM. The system ru

32、ns for about 100 hours on AA batteries. Weight is 1 pound; price is about US$. 75.115 1991(month unknown) Apple Computer petitions the FCC to allocate a 40 MHz wide band of frequencies for use with its personal digital assistants. 32.211 September Chips & Technologies introduces the F8680 PC/Chip mi

33、croprocessor. It is designed for use in notebook and handheld computers. The CPU is compatible with the Intel 8086 and Intel 80186. The chip also includes a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter, CGA-compatible display controller, and PCMCIA support, making it the most integrated chip ever pro

34、duced to date. Price is US$45. 19.128 October At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced RISC Machines presents the 32-bit ARM600 processor. It incorporates 33,494 transistors. 57.1 66.134 (month unknown) Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 95LX handheld computer. It runs MS-DOS 3.2, includes Lotus 1-2-3 v

35、2.2 in 1 MB of ROM, displays MDA graphics, and weighs 11 ounces. 512 KB RAM is standard, with optional 128 KB and 512 KB RAM cards. Two AA batteries can power the system for six weeks. Price is US$699. 39.128 Psion introduces the Psion Series 3 palmtop computer. It features 8 row by 40 column LCD di

36、splay, 4 MHz NEC V30 processor, 384 KB ROM with operating system and seven built-in applications, 128 KB RAM, slot for Flash EPROM memory cards. It runs for up to 120 hours on two AA batteries. Size is 6.5 x 3.3 x 1 inches; weight is 0.5 pounds; price is US$425. 73.40 1992January 9 At the Winter Con

37、sumer Electronics Show, Apple Computer chairman John Sculley coins the term Personal Digital Assistant, referring to handheld computers that typically operate via a stylus on a LCD display. Sculley announces that Apple will enter the consumer-electronics market by the end of the year. 22.67 33.49 13

38、9.D4 (month unknown) Apple Computer and Sharp announce an agreement to co-develop a personal digital assistant, based on Apples software and Sharps hardware. 420.125 At the Spring Consumer Electronics Show, Apple Computer announces the Newton pen input device. Features include: multitasking NewtOS o

39、perating system, ARM 610 processor, one PCMCIA 2.0 card slot, 7 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch size, 3 x 6 inch screen, and weight of under one pound. 66.63 94.129 October 14 At the Microprocessor Forum, AT&T Microelectronics unveils its Hobbit processor, implementing the CRISP architecture. Formal name of the pr

40、ocessor is ATT9. Processor speed is 20-30 MHz, depending on voltage. Price is US$35 in quantities of 10,000. 57.1 At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced RISC Machines introduces the ARM250 chip, combining the core ARM processor with memory controller, video controller, and I/O interface. CPU speed is

41、 12 to 16 MHz. The chip uses under 100,000 transistors, built in a 1-micron CMOS process. Price is US$25 in 100,000 unit quantities. 57.1 (month unknown) Eo announces the Personal Communicator 440 handheld pen-based microcomputer. It features 20 MHz Hobbit processor, 4 MB RAM, PenPoint operating sys

42、tem in ROM, 480x640 screen, optional internal 20 MB hard drive, optional external floppy disk, keyboard port, one PCMCIA Type II slot, and various built-in software programs. Weight is 2.2 pounds. Size is about 11 x 8 x 1 inches. Battery life is about 4 hours. Pricing will start at about US$. 58.1 E

43、o announces the Personal Communicator 880 handheld pen-based microcomputer. It features 30 MHz Hobbit processor, 4 MB RAM, PenPoint operating system in ROM, 480x640 backlit screen, optional internal 64 MB hard drive, VGA output port, SCSI II interface, optional external floppy disk, keyboard port, t

44、wo PCMCIA Type II slots, and various built-in software programs. Weight is 4 pounds. Size is about 13 x 9 x 1 inches. battery life is about 4 hours. Pricing will start at about US$3000. 58.1 1993January Apple Computer shows off test versions of its Newton Personal Digital Assistants at the Winter Co

45、nsumer Electronics Show. 2 March Amstrad begins shipping the Amstrad Pen Pad PDA600 Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) in England. It is the first PDA to be shipped. The Pen Pad weighs under a pound, is 1 inch thick, and features a 240x320 resolution 3x4 inch screen. It uses a 20 MHz Zilog Z8S180 micr

46、oprocessor, and can run for 40 hours on three AA batteries. It includes 128 KB RAM, with a PCMCIA expansion slot for memory expansion to 2 MB. 23.143 (month unknown) Casio introduces the Zoomer personal digital assistant, developed jointly with Tandy. It features 7.4 MHz 8086-compatible processor, 4

47、 MB ROM, 1 MB RAM, GeoWorks Geos operating system, PCMCIA flash memory cards. The system operates for about 100 hours on three AA batteries. Price is US$900. 59 81 August Apple Computer launches the Newton MessagePad 100 personal digital assistant at Macworld Expo, in Bostons Symphony Hall. It featu

48、res 640 KB RAM, 3 MB of ROM storing applications and the operating system (Newton Intelligence), a low-voltage 20 MHz 32-bit ARM 610 microprocessor, 240x336 resolution (85 dpi) 2.8 x 4-inch LCD screen, one PCMCIA Type II expansion socket, data transfer of 9600bps, and runs on four AAA batteries. 50,

49、000 units sell in the first 10 weeks, but only 80,000 are sold during the products life. 2 3 9.N7 16.187 17.36 23.148 26.21 27.61 81 (4 MB of ROM 32.104) (July 24.159) September VLSI Technology and Intel announce the Polar processor chip set for handheld computers. The VI86C300 integrated processor

50、controller incorporates a 386 processor core with 2 KB cache, memory controller, LCD controller, andgraphics accelerator. The VI86C100 multiple peripheral controller includes support for peripherals typically used in handheld systems. Speed is 33 MHz. Price is US$50 in quantities of 10,000. 68 Octob

51、er At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced RISC Machines unveils the ARM7 processor family. Features are 0.8 micron technology, 3-5 volt operation, 20-33 MHz. 80 At the Microprocessor Forum, AT&T Microelectronics announces the Hobbit 9S processor, compatible with the 9 processor. The 9S doubles the in

52、struction cache to 6 KB, and operates at 20 MHz. Price is US$37 in 10,000 unit quantities. 69 At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced Micro Devices announces the Am386SC processor for handheld computers. Operating speed is up to 33 MHz, operating at 3.3 Volts. Price is US$49 in 10,000 unit quantities.

53、 69 December 31 Shipments of handheld PCs for the year: 244,000. 36.36 1994(month unknown) Shipments of Apple Computer Newton MessagePad 100 systems in the first five months: 80,000. 14 March Apple Computer introduces the Newton MessagePad 110 handheld computer. It features 1 MB RAM, 20 MHz ARM610 p

54、rocessor, and runs on four AA batteries. Remote data transfer rate is 38.5 Kbps. Battery life is five times that of the Model 100. Price is US$599. 2 9.N7 17.36 14 Apple Computer introduces an improved Newton MessagePad 100. It is physically identical to the previously released model, but contains i

55、mproved software. Price is US$499. 2 9.N7 17.36 14 (month unknown) AT&T closes subsidiary Eo, ending life for the Hobbit processor, and the PenPoint operating system. 48 September Palm Computing releases the Graffiti handwriting recognition software. Price is US$79. 113.33 December 31 Shipments of h

56、andheld PCs for the year: 390,000. 36.36 1995January Apple Computer announces the Newton MessagePad 120. 2 9.N7 September Intel announces the 80486SXSF and GXSF 486 microprocessors, designed for handheld computer products. The GX has a 16-bit bus, the SX a 32-bit bus. Both are 33 MHz, operating on 2

57、.0-3.3 volts. 13.3 82 December Apple Computer ships the Newton 2.0 operating system. 9.N7 December 31 Shipments of smart handheld devices in the US for the year: 1.5 million. World shipments: 2.4 million. 53.232 (1.1 million in US 41.28) 1996January 3Com debuts the Palm Pilot. 40.138 97.101 (month u

58、nknown) Sharp Electronics introduces the Zaurus ZR-5800FX handheld computer. It features keyboard and fax modem. Price is US$729. 114.113 June Apple Computer introduces the Apple Newton MessagePad 130, with transreflective LCD with an electroluminescent backlight, battery life about 8 hours (4 with

59、backlight on), 1.2 MB heap space, 20 MHz ARM 610 RISC processor, 320x240 pixel display, one Type II PC Card slot, 2.5 MB internal RAM, for US$799. 44.45 114.113 (month unknown) NEC Electronics begins shipping its R4101 processor for personal digital assistants. The chip includes a 33 MHz 4100 proces

60、sor core, 2 KB instruction cache, 1 KB data cache, real-time clock, DMA controller, audio driver, and interfaces for serial port, keyboard, infrared, and touch-screen interfaces. 83.5 September 16 Microsoft unveils Windows CE operating system for handheld PCs. Code-name of the project was Pegasus. C

61、E stands for Consumer Electronics. 25.32 28.4 138.36 (month unknown) LG Electronics introduces the LG HPC GP40M handheld computer. It features a Hitachi SH3 processor, 480x240 LCD screen, one Type 2 PC Card slot, 4 MB RAM, 4 MB ROM with Windows CE, fax modem, IrDA port, keyboard. Size is 6.5 x 3.8 x

62、 1.1 inches; weight is 0.77 pounds; price is about US$650. The systems runs for about 15 hours on two A batteries. 70.135 Microsoft ships Windows CE 1.0 for handheld microcomputers. 54.151 56.46 November Apple Computer unveils the MessagePad computer. It features 1 MB DRAM, 5 MB Flash RAM, 2 Type II

63、 PC Card slots, backlit 480x320 100 dpi display, size 4.7 x 8.3 inches, Newton OS 2.1, 1.4 pound weight, and 161.9 MHz StrongARM 110 RISC processor. It runs on four AA batteries. 49.45 61.44 Compaq Computer ships the Compaq PC Companion handheld computer. It features a Hitachi SH3 processor, 480x240 pixel backlit LCD, one Type 2 PC Card slot, 2-6 MB RAM, 4 MB ROM with Windows CE, IrDA p

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