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1、看电影学英语 Night at The Museum 1 博物馆奇妙夜 1-Taxi Driver: Hey, watch it.喂,小心点。-Larry: Oh, come on.哦,拜托。-Larry: Hey, Mike!嘿,Mike!-Mike: Hey, Larry. How you doing?嘿,Larry,你好吗?-Larry: Have you seen Nicky?你看到Nicky了吗?-Mike: Im pretty sure he went with Erica. It was half day today.pretty: 相当地 我肯定他跟Erica走了,他今天只有半

2、天课。Parent Career Day.career: 职业今天是父母职业主题日。-Larry: Hey.嘿。-Erica: Hey.,Come on in.嘿,快进来。You all right?你还好吧?-Larry: Yeah, yeah.是啊,是啊。Why didnt anybody tell me it was Career Day?为什么没有人告诉过我今天是父母职业主题日?-Erica: What do you mean? Nicky said he was gonna tell you.gonna: 将要你说什么呢? Nicky说过他会告诉你的啊。-Larry: Oh, oka

3、y, I guess he forgot.哦,好吧,我猜他可能是忘了。-Don: There he is. How are you, Larry?他来了啊。你好吗,Larry?-Larry: Good. How are you doing, Don?不错。你呢,Don?-Don: Good.不错。Can you believe this weather?你们能相信这样的天气吗?Chilly, right? Chilly, chilly, Chilly Willy the penguin.chilly: 寒冷的 penguin: 企鹅真冷,是吧?真冷,真冷,我都变成企鹅了。Leave me al

4、one. Hey, why dont I go tell the little corncob youre here.corncob: 玉米棒子 little corncob: 小家伙又来了。嘿,不如我去告诉那小子你在这里吧。-Erica: Great. Great, thats great. Yeah, thanks.太好了。太好了,这太好了。好的,谢谢。-Larry: Wow, your fiance really manages to squeeze a lot onto that belt.fiance: 未婚夫 manages: 管理,整理 squeeze: 压缩 belt: 腰带哇

5、,你未婚夫真是个忙人,你看他腰上挂满东西。-Erica: Stop it.别说了。-Larry: What?What? No, its like hes.什么?什么呀? 不,他看上去就像.The Batman of stockbrokers.stockbroker: 股票经纪人股票经纪人中的蝙蝠侠。-Erica: Bond trader.bond trader:证券交易员 bond: 证券 trader: 交易者是证券交易员。-Larry: Bond trader. Sorry.证券交易员。对不起。-Erica: Hey, hows it going with that virtual-rea

6、lity driving range that you wanted to open?virtual-reality:虚拟现实 virtual: 模拟的 reality: 现实 range: 范围嘿,你打算开的那个模拟驾驶练习场怎样了?-Larry: Getting there, still waiting for the technology to catch up.wait for: 等候 technology: 技术 catch up: 赶上正在弄,还在等着那样的技术快点出现。Its not easy; there are a lot of moving parts.那可不简单,有很多东

7、西要动来动去。Hey, do you think Nick would like Queens?嘿,你认为Nick会喜欢皇后区吗?-Erica: Oh, no, Larry. You didnt get evicted again, did you?evict: 驱逐,逐出哦,不是把,Larry。你又被房东赶出来了,对吗?-Larry: I didnt.我没有.Get evicted. I didnt get evicted, no. I mean, I didnt.被赶出来。我没被赶出来,不。我是说,我没有No, I didnt get evicted yet. Its like.不,我还没

8、有被赶出来。只是-Erica: Larry, listen to me.Larry,听我说。I dont know how much more Nicky can take.我不知道Nicky还能忍你多久。Every couple months, its a new career, a new apartment.apartment: 公寓,住所每几个月,就要换工作、换住址。If it wasnt for Nicky, I wouldnt say anything, I would stay out of it.stay out of: 置身于之外要不是为了Nicky,我什么也不会说,我不会来

9、掺和。Its just, its too much instability. Its not good for him.instability: 不稳定的,不安定的只是,你也太不稳定了。这样对他不好的。-Larry: Im trying to figure things out right now, okay?figureout: 解决,想办法我正在想办法呢,好吧?-Erica: You know.你知道.I dont think that Nicky should stay with you.我不认为Nicky愿意跟你呆在一块。-Larry: What?什么?-Erica: Just unt

10、il you get really settled.settled: 稳定的等到你真正稳定下来就好。-Nicky: Hey, Dad.嗨,爸爸。-Larry: Hey, ready to carve it up?carveup: 划分【离开这里】嗨,准备好走了吗?-Nicky: Cool.当然。-Larry: All right, good! Take it, Nicky! Break away!break away: 逃跑,【甩掉】好的,真棒!稳住了,Nicky!甩掉他!-Man: What are you doing?你在干吗呢?-Larry: Hey, Nicky!Are you all

11、 right?喂,Nicky!你还好吗?You okay?没事吧?-Nicky: Im fine. Would you get off the ice?我没事。你先出去行不?-Larry: Listen. Their left defenseman is a very weak skater.defenseman: 防守队员 skater: 溜冰者听着,他们的左后卫滑行技术很差。So you go left side, you got a clear shot at the goal. Okay?clear shot: 【有机会】 goal: 得分所以进攻左路,你就有机会了。怎么样?-Nick

12、y: Cool, thanks.酷,谢谢。-Larry: all right, man.好的,小家伙。Were good here. Were good. All right. As you were, skaters.我们没事了。没事了。好的。你们继续吧,小队员们。Game on!比赛开始!Im good.我没事。-Larry: Im telling you, you tore it up out there today.tearup: 挖开,撕毁,【突破】我得说,你今天表现真不错。Thinking the NHL is a serious possibility.possibility:

13、可能真要认真考虑考虑加入NHL了。-Nicky: I dont really wanna be a hockey player anymore.wanna: 想要 hockey: 冰球我不那么想当冰球选手了。-Larry: all right. What do you wanna be?好吧。你想当什么呢?-Nicyk: A Bond trader.证券交易员。-Larry: A bond trader?证券交易员?-Nicky: Yeah, its what Don does. He took me to his office last week.是啊,Don就是做这个的。他上周带我去了他的

14、办公室。-Larry: Thats cool.不错啊。So you wanna dress up in a monkey suit and tie every day?dress up: 打扮 suit: 套装 tie: 领带所以你就愿意每天跟个猴子似的穿西装?Like an automaton robot?automaton: 自动机器人 像个机器人?Trust me, you cant play hockey in a cubicle. Kind of awkward.cubicle: 小房间 kind of: 有点儿 awkward: 笨拙的,不合适的相信我,你不可能在小房间里打冰球。转

15、不过身的。-Nicky: Well, hes got a pretty big office.可,他的办公室还是很大的。-Larry: Thats not the point. Come on, you love hockey.那个不是重点.。好了吧,你可是很喜欢冰球的。-Nicky: I still like it, but bond tradings my fallback.fallback: 撤退,退却我还是很喜欢的,但是证券交易员是我的退路。-Larry: Your fallback?退路?Wait a minute. Youre too young to have a fallbac

16、k, okay?等等。你不觉得你这个年纪就想退路有点太早了吗?And also, where did you ever even hear that word?还有,谁教你这个词的?-Nicky: Mom was talking to Don about all your different schemes.scheme: 计划,方案妈妈跟Don说起过你的那些方案。-Larry: She called them schemes?她把那叫方案?-Nicky: She said it was time you found a fallback.她还说你该想想自己的退路。Are you really

17、 moving again?你真的又要搬家了?-Larry: I dont know. Well see. I mean.我不知道。再说吧。我是说.Theres some pretty cool places out in Queens.在皇后区里有些不错的房子。-Nicky: yeah.是啊。-Larry: Hey.嘿。Hey, Nicky, look at me.喂,Nicky,看着我。Look at me, man. I wanna tell you something.看着我,伙计。我想告诉你一些事情。I know that things have been kind of up an

18、d down for me lately.lately: 近来,近况我知道最近我的情况不是太好.And thats been hard for you.对你来说也是很困难。But I really feel like my moments coming and when it does.moment: 重要时刻但是我真的感觉很快就要成功了.Everythings just gonna come together, you know?gonna: 将要一切都会安好起来的,明白吗?-Nicky: What if youre wrong.如果你感觉不对呢.And youre just an ordi

19、nary guy who should get a job?ordinary: 普通的,平凡的也许你只个要找份工作的普通人?-Larry: All right, well.好吧You know what, well figure it out, okay?你知道,我们总会解决的,对吗?All right? Come on, lets get you back to Moms.get back to: 重新回到好吧? 走吧,我送你回妈妈那边。-Debbie: Mr. Daley, I can honestly say, in 43 years at this agency.honestly: 诚

20、实的 agency: 中介Daley先生,老实说,我在这里干了43年.Ive never seen a resume quite like yours.resume: 个人简历 还从来没有看到过像你这样的简历。-Larry: All right.好吧。-Debbie: That wasnt a plement: 赞赏那不是赞赏。It says here you were the CEO.这里说你曾经做过行政总裁.of Snaptime lndustries.industry: 行业聚焦是在Snaptime工业公司。Care to elaborate on that?elaborate: 详细的

21、说说具体情况好么?-Larry: Sure. Well, that was the umbrella corporation for my invention, the Snapper.corporation: 公司 invention:发明 当然。那是为我的发明响指建立的公司。You know, you snap, the lights come on. Snap, they come off.snap: 啪的打一下 come on: 打亮 come off: 熄灭 你知道,你打一下,灯就亮了。再打一下,就灭了。-Debbie: Didnt they already make that?这个

22、发明很早不是就有了吗?-Larry: No, no, thats the Clapper, which, obviously.clapper: 拍手者 obviously: 明显地不,不,你那是拍掌,不过。很明显.stole a bit of our thunder.stole: 盗窃 a bit of: 一点 thunder: 雷声【名声】比早出风头。Personally, I dont really see what the big difference is, I mean:personality: 个性【个人观点】 difference: 差异个人认为,根本看不出来它们有什么大区别,我

23、是说:You know, whatever, but.你知道的,不管怎样了,但是.apparently there is a significant portion of the population that has trouble actually.apparently: 显然地 signaficant: 重要的 portion: 部分 population: 群体 trouble:.麻烦还有很大一部分人都不会.snapping.打响指。-Debbie: Clappings easier.拍掌简单些。-Larry: Debatable.debatable: 可争论的难说。-Debbie:

24、I cant help you.看来我帮不了你了。-Larry: Debbie?Debbie?Can I call you Debbie? Because.我可以叫你Debbie吗?因为.I felt a connection when I entered this office.connection: 关系 enter: 进入刚刚当我进入这件办公室的时候我就有种感觉,感觉我们有一种联系.and I dont know, I feel like you did too.我不知道,我觉得你也应该有这样的感觉。-Debbie: I didnt feel a connection.我没感觉到什么。-

25、Larry: Look.听我说。I need a job tomorrow, okay?我明天需要一个工作,明白吗?If I dont have one.如果我没有得到工作Well, I just need it, okay?我真的是很需要,好吗?-Debbie: Well, I dont know.哦,我也不知道。I might have one thing.有份工做你或许可以试试。Theyve turned down everyone Ive sent over there, but-turn down: 否决,回绝因为之前介绍去的人都退回了,但是呢-Larry: Great.太棒了。-D

26、ebbie: Who knows?谁知道呢?You might get lucky.你可能运气比他们好。-Larry: Excuse me. Hi.打扰一下。你好。-Rebecca: Hi.你好。-Larry: Im Larry Daley. Ive got a job interview with Cecil Fredricks.interview: 面试我是Larry Daley。我是来跟Cecil Fredricks面试的。-Rebecca: Right. He should still be in his office.好的,他应该还在他办公室里。-Larry: Great.太好了。-

27、Rebecca: Im Rebecca Hutman. Im a docent here.docent: 讲解员我是Rebecca Hutman,是这里的工作人员。-Larry: Hi.嗨。-Rebecca:Let me point you in the right direction.direction: 方向我来告诉你应该往哪儿走。-Larry: Great.太好了。Teddy Roosevelt, right?这是Teddy Roosevelt,对吧?-Rebecca: Yes, A great visionary.visionary: 梦想者是的,伟大的梦想家。-Larry: Yes,

28、 definitely.definitely: 当然是的,绝对的。He was our 4th president, right?president: 总统他是我们的第4任总统,对吗?-Rebecca: Twenty-sixth.第26任。-Larry: Twenty-sixth.第26任。-Dr. McPhee: Please dont touch the exhibits! I mean.exhibit: 展品请不要碰展品!我是说Riffraff.riffraff: 流氓这些小流氓。Miss Hutman. I cannot tolerate this type of chaos.tole

29、rate: 忍受 type of: 类型 chaos: 混乱Hutman小姐,我受不了这混乱的场面了。I mean, this is a museum, not a.我是说,这里是博物馆不是个Do you know what museum means?你知道“博物馆”是什么意思吗?It doesnt mean,Daddy,Its a big Tyrannosaurus thling.Can I touch its leg?No!tyrannosaurus: 暴龙那不意味着说,“哇,爸爸,好大的恐龙,我能碰它的的脚吗?”不行!Work it out, please.work out: 解决想个办

30、法出来。-Rebecca: Will do, sir.我会的,先生。-Dr. McPhee: Thank you.谢谢。-Rebecca: Dr. McPhee, the museum director.director: 主管这是McPhee博士,博物馆馆长。-Larry: Seems like a fun guy.看起来是个挺有趣的人。-Dr. McPhee: Control your young, please. Can we?请管好你们的孩子,行吗?-Cecil: Hello? Just kidding.你好?哈哈开个玩笑。-Larry: Hi. Im Larry Daley. Are

31、 you Mr. Fredricks?嗨。我是Larry Daley。您是Fredricks先生吗?-Cecil: Mr. Fredricks was my father.Fredricks先生是我爸爸。I am Cecil. Good to meet you, Larry. Nice firm handshake.firm: 结实的,牢固的 handshake: 握手我叫Cecil。很高兴见到你,Larry。手劲很足嘛。I like that. Tells a lot about a man. Come on in.我喜欢。可以说明很多问题呢。进来吧。Lets talk truly here

32、.truly: 真实地说句实话吧。The museum is losing money, hand over fist.hand over fist: (尤指钱)大量的这个博物馆亏本很严重,权力不断交割。I guess kids today dont care about wax figures or stuffed animals.wax figures: 蜡像 stuffed animals: 动物标本我猜现在的孩子们都不喜欢动物标本和蜡像了。So theyre downsizing, which is code for firing.downsizing: 裁员 code: 代码,密码所

33、以他们就要裁减规模,,就是裁员.myself and the other two night guards,guard: 保安我自己还有另外两个夜班保安,They want to replace us with one new guard.replace: 代替,替换他们要用一个新保安替换这三个人。-Larry: Oh, Sorry.哦,对不起。-Cecil: Well, What are you gonna do?下边我们做什么呢?Id like you to meet my two colleagues here.colleague: 同事我想给你介绍一下我的两个同事。Reginald?

34、Gus?Reginald?Gus?-Gus: Where is he? Ill beat him with my fist!beat: 打败他去哪儿了?我要让他尝尝我的拳头!-Cecil: Gus, this is Larry Daley, the kid who wants to be the new night guard.Gus,这是Larry Daley,他想成为新的夜间警卫。-Larry: Night guard?夜间警卫?No, the lady at the agency said this was a museum position.agency: 中介 position: 职

35、务不会吧,职介所的人说是关于博物馆的一份工作。-Reginald: Most important position in the museum, Larry.博物馆里最重要的位置了,Larry。-Gus: He looks like a weirdie.weirdie: 古怪的人他看起来有点怪。-Cecil: Wonderful guard, terrible people skills.是个不错的警卫,不太善于人际交往。-Gus: Now, listen, lunch box. Dont try anything funny.现在,听着,饭盒。别耍花样。I once went nine ro

36、unds with John L. Sullivan.我有一次跟John L. Sullivan打过九个回合(第一任重量级拳王)。-Reginald: You never fought John L. Sullivan in your life.你这辈子也没跟John L. Sullivan打过。-Cecil: Gentlemen, we have a job candidate here.candidate: 应试者先生们,这里有位应征工作的人。Hes got an excellent resume, a winning attitude.attitude: 态度他的简历不错,态度也很积极.

37、and I say lets give him a shot. What do you say?shot: 炮弹【机会】我觉得应该给他一个机会。你们觉得呢?-Larry: Hang on a sec. I think I might wanna have a little time just to think it over.hang on: 稍等 sec: second【秒】 think over: 仔细考虑等一下,我想我应该考虑考虑。-Gus: Do you want the job or not, snack shack?snack shack: 【小鬼】你到底想不想要这个工作,小鬼?-

38、Larry: No, No, I want the job-不,不,我想要这个工作-Reginald: Welcome to the night guards, Larry.欢迎加入夜间警卫的行列,Larry。-Cecil: Larry, meet me up on the second floor.Larry,一会你上二楼找我。Ill slip into my orthopedics and give you a little tour. Arthritic knees.slip into: 匆忙穿上 orthopedic: 矫形器 arthrtic kness: 膝盖关节炎 我把矫形器穿上

39、后就带你转转。我有关节炎。Not fun getting old, my friend. Go on.上年纪可不是开玩笑,朋友。继续吧。-Reginald: You really think hes the one?你觉得他真的合适?-Cecil: Oh, yes.哦,是的。Hes the one.就是他了。-Cecil: Gotta keep it moving, Larry. Im pretty spry for an old man.gotta: 必须 spry: 精神好的继续走啊,Larry。我的精力可是很充沛的。This is the Diorama Room.diorama: 立体

40、模型这是模型厅。-Larry: Oh, yeah.哦,是啊。I remember these little guys. Cute.我还记得这些小人。可爱。Cecil!Cecil!Hey, Cecil!嗨,Cecil!-Cecil: Did I get you good?我吓到你啦?-Larry: yeah.是的。You got me.你吓到我了。-Cecil: Seriously, though, no fooling around in here. This stuff is really old.seriously: 认真地 fool: 开玩笑 stuff: 东西说真的,这里不能胡闹。这些

41、东西都很古老。All right, then. As you can see, its pretty quiet in here these days.好吧,那么。你也看到了这些日子这里真是很安静。On the left there is your Attila the Hun.hun: 匈奴人左边那是匈人王Attila。And here we have our Easter lsland head.Easter Island head: 复活节岛上的石像脑袋这里呢是我们的复活节岛石像。-Man: Hey, Cecil.嗨,Cecil。-Cecil: And this, of course,

42、is the Hall of African Mammals.hall: 大厅 african: 非洲的 mammal: 哺乳动物这里呢,当然了,非洲哺乳动物展厅。-Larry: Ah, yes.啊,是的。Monkeys. I love monkeys.猴子。我喜欢猴子。-Cecil: yeah.是啊。-Larry: Guys cute.小东西很有趣的。-Cecil: Yeah, we call him Dexter. Hes quite a little.是啊,我们叫他Dexter。他可是个小.ball of fun, arent you, Dexter?但是很有趣,不是吗,Dexter?M

43、oving on.继续走吧。And, finally, this is the temple of the Pharaoh Ahkmenrah.temple: 庙宇 Pharaoh: 法老最后是Ahkmenrah法老的神庙。And in that tomb right down there, the pharaoh himself.tomb: 坟墓这个墓下边,就是法老本人了。-Larry: Neat.neat: 整洁的很有秩序。-Cecil: And hanging on the wall behind him.他后边墙上挂着的.was his most prized possession,

44、the Tablet of Ahkmenrah.possession: 财产 tablet: 碑【金牌】是他的珍藏,Ahkmenrah金牌。Twenty-four-carat gold. Its worth a fortune.carat: 克拉 worth: 值得 fortune: 财富24K纯金。它可是很值钱的。-Larry: Very cool.真不错。-Cecil: It is indeed, Larry.indeed: 的确这是肯定的,Larry。Very cool.真不错。All right. Report here at 5 tomorrow. Well walk you thr

45、ough your duties.report: 报到 duties: 职责好吧。明天5点过来上班。我们会告诉你具体的工作。-Larry: Okay, 5. Ill be here.好的,5点。我会来的。-Cecil: Moving on.走吧。-Larry: Hey, its me. So I got a job.嗨,是我。我找到一份工作。-Erica: Larry, thats great. What is it?Larry,太棒了。是什么工作?-Larry: Its a job.这个工作是.at the Museum of Natural History.在自然博物馆。Yeah, so

46、you can tell Nicky that we wont be moving.是啊,那你可以告诉Nicky 我们不用搬家了。-Erica: Larry, this is good news.Larry,这真是个好消息啊。-Larry: Yeah, no, definitely. So Ill see you tomorrow?是啊,嗯,绝对的好消息。那我们明天见行吗?-Erica: Okay.好的。-Larry: Okay, bye.好的,再见。-Cecil: Larry?Larry?Your keys. Your torch.torch: 手电筒给你钥匙。手电筒。-Larry: rig

47、ht.好的。-Cecil: Youll wanna strap those to your belt.strap: 皮带 你最好用个绳子把它们拴到腰带上。Now,It can get a little spooky around here at night.spooky: 令人毛骨悚然的其实呢,这里晚上可能会有些吓人.so you might wanna put a few lights on.put.on: 【打开】所以你最好打开几盏灯。All right, flashlight, keys. What am I for-?flashlight: 手电筒好吧,电筒,钥匙。我看看还有什么?Th

48、e instruction manual.instruction: 知道 manual: 手册工作手册。-Gus: Instructions.手册。You start with one, two, three.你一开始,二,三-Larry: Four?四?-Gus: Are you cracking wise?crack: 爆裂的 wise: 聪明的你还真够聪明的啊?I ought to punch you in the nose, hopscotch.ought: 应该 punch: 用拳猛击 hopscotch: 【臭小子】我真该一拳打歪你的鼻子,臭小子。-Reginald: Leave

49、him alone, Gus. You got it covered, right, Larry?leave alone: 不打扰 别吓唬他了,Gus。你都能听懂了,对吧,Larry?-Larry: Yeah, yeah, I got it.是的,是的,我明白了。-Gus: you better get it!你最好都能搞明白!-Reginald: Gus.Gus。-Cecil: Larry, do them in order, do them all and do them quick.in order: 按顺序Larry,按次序做,全都做了而且要快。And the most importa

50、nt thing of all to remember: Dont let anything in or out.记住最重要的事情是:决不能让任何东西进来或出去。-Larry: Out?什么出去?-Cecil: Good luck, son.祝你好运,孩子。-Larry: night, Gus.玩安,Gus。-Gus: Young buck. Cracking wise.young buck: 【小孩子】臭小子。耍聪明。-Cecil: Moving on.快走吧。-Larry: Hello?喂?Hello!喂!Check!试音!Check.试音。I am Larry.我是Larry。Check

51、! Larry! Larry.试音!Larry!Larry。Monday! Monday! Monday!星期一!星期一!星期一!Monster Truck Rally.monster: 怪物 truck: 卡车 rally: 汽车拉力赛怪物卡车越野赛。Cecil?Cecil?Okay, very funny, Cecil!好吧,太有趣了,Cecil!What is this, like a David Copperfield thing?这是什么,像大卫魔术吗?This is weird.weird: 怪异的,不可思议的真奇怪。Cecil?Cecil?Come on. Revolve. Re

52、volve!revolve: 旋转快点。转啊。转啊!-Woman: Name, please?请问找哪位?-Larry: Cecil.Cecil.Fredricks!Fredricks!-Woman: One moment. Connecting.请稍候。正在连接。-Cecil: Hello.喂。-Larry:Cecil! Its Larry Daley!Cecil!我是Larry Daley!-Cecil: Larry. Yes, how can I help you?Larry。怎么,出了什么事吗?-Larry: The dinosaur- The dinosaur is alive!di

53、nosaur: 恐龙 alive: 活着的恐龙- 恐龙竟然活了!-Cecil: Im having a little trouble hearing you, friend.我有点听不清楚,朋友。Tequila.龙舌兰。-Larry: The dinosaurs alive!恐龙竟然活了!What do I do? Tell me what to do!我该怎么办?告诉我我该怎么办啊!-Cecil: Read the instructions. It explains everything.explain: 解释,说明读读工作手册。上面解释的很清楚。-Larry: Okay, I got th

54、em!好了,我拿到了!-Cecil: Ill see you tomorrow.那明天见了。-Larry: Wait! What-?什么!什么?What bone?bone: 骨头什么骨头?Fetch?fetch: 取物叼东西?Play fetch?玩叼东西?No way.不会吧。-Easter Island Head: Dum-dum.dum-dum: 笨蛋笨笨。-Larry: Yes?怎么?-Easter Island Head: You give me gum-gum.gum: 口香糖你给我糖糖。-Larry: I give you gum-gum?我要给你糖糖?-Easter Isla

55、nd Head: You new dum-dum. You give me gum-gum.你是个新笨笨。你就要给我糖糖。-Larry: Okay, you know what? I have no gum-gum. Sorry.好的,但是你知道么?我没有糖糖。对不起。And my name isnt dum-dum, my names Larry.还有我的名字也不叫笨笨,我叫Larry。-Easter Island Head: No, your name dum-dum.不,你的名字就叫笨笨。Oh, you in trouble, dum-dum.哦,你有麻烦了,笨笨。Youd better

56、 run-run from Attila the Hun-Hun.你最好跑跑,匈人王Attila来了。See you later, dum-dum.再见了,笨笨。-Larry: What is happening?这是怎么回事啊?Hey. How you doing?嗨。你好吗?-Kakagawea: Are you.?你是?-Larry: Youre.Sakagahwahwaya?你是“Sakagahwahwaya”?Youre Sakagawaya?你是“Sakagawaya”?Oh, Sakagawea. Youre Sakagawea?哦,Sakagawea。你是Sakagawea?-

57、Sakagawea: The glass. I cant.hear you.有玻璃。我听不到你说话。-Larry: You cant.? You cant hear me?你听不到?你听不到我?Excuse me. Who assisted the Lewis and Clarkassist: 帮助对不起。她是Lewis和Clark向导Right, so thats Lewis and Clark and youre. Right.是啊,那么那边就是Lewis和Clark 那么你是对。You seem- Im Larry.你好像我是Larry。Whats going on? Whats-? D

58、o you know whats going on here?到底怎么回事?什么?你知道这里到底发生什么事情了么?Huns. I gotta匈人来了。我得走了Hey. Hi.喂,嗨。Tin Man. Hey. Hi. How you doing?tin: 锡锡人。喂。嘿。你好吗?Im new. It says Im supposed to lock up the lions or theyll eat me.suppose: 认为 lock up: 把锁起来我是新来的。上边说我要把狮子锁好否则它会吃掉我。Youre Galileo? No?你是Galileo吗?不是?Okay.好吧Hey, I

59、m the.嗨,我是这个Hi. Im the new guy and Im just locking up, so.嗨。我是新来的我只是来把门锁上,所以If its cool with you Im just gonna get my paperwork.paperwork: 文书工作如果你们都能冷静一下我想把我的手册拿回来.and be out of your hair, okay?然后我就离开这里,好吗?Double-check your belt. The monkey probably stole your keys.再次检查你的腰带。猴子会把你的钥匙偷走的。Monkey.猴子。Hey. Hey there. Hi. Whats your name? Your name is.嗨。这儿呢。嗨。你叫什么来着?你的名字是No, no, no. Come back. Come back.不,不,不。回来,回来啊。Dewey? Is that your name, Dewey?Dewey?这是你的名字吗,Dewey?No, no, no. Whats-? Dewey? Dexter? Dexter. Dexter, right?不,不,不。那是? Dewey?Dexter?Dexter!Dexte

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