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1、Unit 1复习检测一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. At present there are many online courses and we can choose some to study by _ (we).2. They havent made a _ (decide) about where to spend their summer vacation.3. Three days ago, one of the biggest _ (rock) fell down from the mountain suddenly.4. Our teacher told us, “Wor

2、king hard _ (mean) having happiness.”5. All the doctors and nurses didnt give up _ (save) the young man.二、根据汉语提示完成句子6. Its time to go to school. I must go _ (立刻).7. The visitors _ (下车) the train at the wrong station just now.8. _ (使我惊讶的是), that robot can drive a car.Ive never seen such a wonderful r

3、obot.9. The boy _ (用尽) all his pocket money yesterday.10. She looks very worried. I think she may _ (陷入困境).三、根据句意用适当的词填空11. I cut my hand in the kitchen just now.You should put a bandage _ it.12. Gina lived in the countryside with her parents in the past, but now she is used _ living with her classm

4、ates at school.13. He found himself _ a very dangerous situation in the forest.14. I think a good teacher must be in control _ his class.15. He didnt go to the zoo because _ the bad weather.四、任务型阅读When Will Restall was in the fifth grade, he received bus safety training at school. Local bus drivers

5、taught students how to use the buses two-way radios. A two-way radio is a radio that can both send and receive messages. _16 And they showed the students how to use them in an emergency. Will used what he learned to help an injured bus driver get quick medical treatment. People in his hometown now c

6、all the boy a hero for his brave actions.Will was taking the school bus to school one morning. _17 He had to wait 10 minutes or so before he could get off the bus. But then he heard a loud noise and looked up to see what happened. _18 She had passed out and fell over on the bus stairs.Will left his

7、seat, grabbed the two-way radio and reported that the driver was hurt. _19 Soon, another bus driver and an ambulance arrived to help. When they got there, the bus driver was awake and sitting up, but not speaking. They sent the driver to the hospital. Will and everyone else on the bus went to class

8、as usual. _20 A local TV station even interviewed him although he didnt want to be the spotlight. “I had to ask him,” said his father, Tim Restall.根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使文章意思通顺、内容完整。A. Like every other student on the bus, Will was playing a video game on his phone.B. Wills brave actions a

9、ttracted a lot of attention.C. The user can both talk and listen.D. He saw that the bus driver was no longer in the drivers seat.E. The radio on each bus let Wills friends hear him report the emergency.五、完形填空It was Liu Xiaos turn. Twenty ropes twisted together and flew into the sky. The girl ran for

10、ward, jumped over the _21 and through the other side, like a bird. “When the ropes turned up, it was like a big net that was going to _22 me. Luckily, I jumped over quickly and was safe,” Liu Xiao said _23.Liu is a _24 of the skipping rope club in a middle school. The club was _25 several years ago.

11、 It trains students to skip rope _26 exciting and difficult ways. The most _27 way is the one Liu Xiao did skipping through 20 ropes while skipping with her own rope as well.Every Thursday, students _28 skipping for one hour. _29 six months of hard work, they have become very good at skipping. It al

12、l starts with _30. “The secret is that 40 students have to turn 20 ropes and _31 it look like one rope in the ropes middle. So jumpers can skip over it,” said Yang Xin, 14, who _32 rope turning._33 the members enjoy the challenging sport. “It not only helps us exercise, but also _34 us teamwork and

13、team spirit. I have become more _35 because of it,” said Liu Xiao.21. A. walls B. trees C. ropes D. desks22. A. cover B. serve C. cross D. fall23. A. sadly B. excitedly C. possibly D. hardly24. A. teacher B. doctor C. member D. subject25. A. put up B. got off C. given up D. set up26. A. below B. on

14、C. in D. above27. A. same B. difficult C. relaxing D. boring28. A. practice B. remember C. finish D. forget29. A. Before B. Though C. If D. After30. A. peace B. trust C. success D. teamwork31. A. make B. share C. reach D. stand32. A. is afraid of B. is good at C. plays a part D. is similar to33. A.

15、Both B. Neither C. All D. Either34. A. buys B. tries C. learns D. teaches35. A. necessary B. upset C. confident D. worried六、语篇填空第一节阅读短文, 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词, 每词限用一次answer many hour well from instead but keep they asleepDo you feel sleepy and tired throughout the day? Do you have a

16、 hard time _36 your eyes open as you study? Have you nodded off while driving? If you can _37 “yes” to any of these, you should be short of sleep.Many people take pride in _38 on only sleeping a few hours a night. However, most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep while teens need even

17、_39. Being short of sleep has become a serious common problem.If you arent getting enough sleep, you should do the following things.Keep away from caffeine. You should stop drinking caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and soda for at least 10 _40 before you go to bed.Dont eat big meals before sle

18、eping. Eating a big meal can make you feel sleepy, and it can make you feel uncomfortable and stop you _41 sleeping well.Create a healthy sleep environment. Keep your bedroom dark and cool.Don t use electronic things before bed. The light from them can stop you from falling _42. Try reading or liste

19、ning to quiet music _43.Exercise. Exercise helps with good sleep, _44 dont work out too close to bedtime. Treat your body _45 and get enough sleep.第二节阅读短文, 根据语篇要求填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Last week, I went on a trip with my uncle a climber who is used to taking risks. We went to a mountain _46 some othe

20、r travelers. But unluckily, I had an accident there and hurt myself. I fell down and hit my body on a rock. I hurt my right knee. I lost too _47 blood. I was in a dangerous situation.My uncle used a knife _48 cut off some bandages and put them around my knee right away. Then he made a decision to ge

21、t down the mountain and let me get an X-ray. After I was taken to the hospital, a nurse took my temperature. I _49 having a high fever. The doctor told me to lie down and have a rest for a few days.Although I was badly hurt, I wouldnt give _50 my hobby. I think everyone should learn to control his o

22、wn life and try to show much spirit when facing danger.七、补全对话根据下面的对话情景, 在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子, 使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Li Ming!B: Hi, Wang Dong!A: I hear that we are going to have a class meeting. _51? B: Tomorrow. Our teacher asked me to host the class meeting.A: I think you can do it. _52? B: Its about safet

23、y. We know safety is important to every student.A: _53? B: We are going to watch a video about safety first, and then have a discussion.A: Why not ask a policeman to teach us how to avoid accidents? B: _54. It may help a lot. Thank you for your advice.A: _55.Unit 1 复习检测一、1. ourselves 2. decision 3.

24、rocks 4. means 5. saving二、6. right away/at once 7. got off 8. To my surprise 9. ran out of10. get into trouble三、11. on 12. to 13. in 14. of 15. of四、16. C 点拨: 由上句中的“.a radio that can both send and receive messages”可知, 既能发送信息又能接收信息的无线电, 有说和听两种用途, 故选C。17. A 点拨: 通过空格前后的意思可以推断, Will 像其他学生一样在车上玩手机游戏, 故选A。

25、18. D 点拨: 由上句中的“what happened”可判断, 接着应该讲的是Will 看到的事情, 故选D。19. E 点拨: 由上句中的“reported that the driver was hurt”可判断, 应该是有人听到了这个紧急情况的无线电报告, 选项E 符合语境。20. B 点拨: 根据下句“一个当地的电视台甚至采访了他”可推测, Will 的勇敢行为引起了关注。故选B。五、21. C 点拨: 根据前面一句中的“Twenty ropes twisted together”可判断, 此处指的是跳过“绳子”, 故选C。22. A 点拨: 根据空格前面提到的“它像一张大网”可

26、判断, 此空应选cover, 表示“覆盖”。23. B 点拨: 根据Liu 说的话“幸运的是, 我很快跳了过去, 安全了”可判断, 她此时非常兴奋, 故选B。24. C25. D 点拨: put up 意为“搭起、挂起”; get off 意为“下车”; give up 意为“放弃”; set up 意为“建立”。根据语境可知, 跳绳俱乐部是几年前建立的, 故选D。26. C27. B 点拨: 在跳过自己绳子的同时还要穿过20 条交织的绳子, 这无疑是众多花样中最难的一种跳绳方式。故选B。28. A 点拨: practice doing sth. 是固定短语, 表示“练习做某事”。这里表示每个

27、周四学生们都要练习跳绳一个小时。29. D 点拨: 此处指经过六个月的艰苦训练后, 他们都很擅长跳绳, 故选D。30. D 点拨: 根据后面提到的“40 个学生要旋转20 条绳子”可判断, 旋转绳子的时候需要的是团队合作, 故选D。31. A 点拨: 40 个学生需要旋转20 根绳子, 并且使它看起来像一根绳子一样。故选A。32. B 33. C34. D 点拨: 跳绳不仅可以锻炼身体, 而且教会我们团队合作精神, 故选D。35. C 点拨: 此处指Liu Xiao 因为跳绳变得更加自信, 故选C。六、第一节36. keeping 37. answer 38. themselves 39. m

28、ore 40. hours41. from 42. asleep 43. instead 44. but 45. well第二节46. with 47. much 48. to 49. was 50. up七、51. When will it be/When are we going to have it/.52. What is it about/What is the meeting about/.53. What will we do (at the meeting)/What shall we do then/.54. Thats a good idea/Sounds great/.55. You are welcome/Not at all/.7

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