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1、靖江市实验学校九年级英语期中检测(满分:150分 时间:120分钟) 第一部分 选择题(共85分)一、听力(20分)A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1. What does Miss Black teach?2. Where does Toms mother work? 3. What is Peters animal sign?4. Why is David so sleepy?5. What does Millie usually do?A. Dan

2、cing. B. Singing.C. Reading.6. What is Miss Green like?A. Creative. B. Active. C. Organized.7. What does the man mean?A. Nobody can do the best. B. Do as well as you can. C. Its difficult to do something perfectly.8.What are they doing now?A. They are eating bread. B. They are making sandwiches. C.

3、They are going shopping.9. How much is the white shirt?A. 20 yuan.B. 40 yuan.C. 80 yuan.10. Why do some teenagers feel stressed?A. They have too many exams. B. They have too much homework to do.C. They dont know how to make friends with others. B) 听对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白

4、前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间来选择你认为最合适的答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。11. What does Tonys father do?A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A designer.12. Where does Tonys sister work? A. In a big hospital.B. In a village. C. In a town.听第二段独白,回答第1315小题。A few tips to help you be happyFirstEnjoy the sim

5、ple things, such as reading a good book, 13 , or spending time with close friends.AnotherBe 14 , such as doing sports.FinallyHelp others, such as helping friends or the elderly, or 15 . 13. A. climbing the mountainsB. playing the pianoC. listening to music14. A. activeB. braveC. patient15. A. doing

6、some houseworkB. donating some money C. doing sports听第三段独白,回答第1620小题。16. When did the tigers run out of the zoo? A. Last Sunday. B. Last Wednesday. C. Last Friday. 17. Where did two of the tigers go? A. To the hills far away. B. To the hills nearby. C. To an old womans house.18. Why wasnt the old wo

7、man afraid of the tiger? A. Because she didnt know it was a large animal.B. Because she liked playing with tigers.C. Because there was something wrong with her eyes.19. What did the tiger do after it jumped into the house? A. It soon went to sleep. B. It killed the old woman. C. It walked into a cag

8、e.20. Where did the zoo keepers catch the tiger at last? A. Outside the old womans bedroom. B. On some old clothes. C. In the kitchen.二、单项选择 (20分) 21. This is one-hour TV programme, and it is up-to-date news report. A. an ; an B. a; a C.an; a D. a ; an 22. 一Although Ms Zhou is an old lady, she is al

9、ways in the pink. 一 Yes, because she exercises every day and eats a balanced diet. Here “in the pink” means . A. healthy B. lucky C. beautiful D. creative23. 一How much difficulty did you have this problem? 一 . Its quite easy. A. to solve; Nothing B. to solve; None C. solving; None D. solving; Nothin

10、g24. 一Do you prefer coffee _milk in it?一Sometimes, but most of the time I _drink black coffee. A. or, would rather B. with, prefer C. with, would rather D. to, prefer25 . -The drama series Nothing Gold Can Stay (那年花开月正圆) is popular recently. How do you find it? -_.A. I think so B. By reading the TV

11、guides C. Pretty good. D. Thats all right 26. The fire at around 3 a.m. local time while people were celebrating with fireworks.Im sorry to hear that. A. broke outB. put outC. came outD. went out27. We have a successful school celebration. Thats true. Our chairperson _ all the students _ his good sp

12、eech.A. impressed; by B. has impressed; withC. made; by D. has made; with28. As a new kind of transport service, public bicycles _ in more Chinese cities in the following years. A. use B. are used C. will useD. will be used29. I wish to go to Mars one day in the future. _. I think you should study h

13、ard today first. A. On your mind B. In your dreamsC. Every dog has its day D. Put all your eggs in one basket30. We Chinese have made it clear _ we cant be forced to give up our rights.Awhether Bif Cwhat Dthat 31. My name is Harden. Shall I spell it for you? _.A. Not at all B. My pleasureC. If you d

14、ont mindD. Nice to meet you32. The magician is planning to hide the Oriental Pearl Tower before a big audience. Really? I have never heard _ idea before. A. the crazier B. a crazier C. the craziest D. a craziest33. Can you guess if they _to play basketball with us? I think theyll come if they _free.

15、A. will come; are B. will come; will be C. come; are D. come; will be 34. The environment a childrens personality and quality.Yes. Thats why Menciouss (孟子的)mother moved house three times. A. shapes B. represents C. marks D. records35. Henry has made progress in Maths over the past weeks that his par

16、ents feel very proud of him. A. such a great B. so a great C. so little D. such great36. You are so kind to lead the way for us. _.A. Thats right B. Im glad to hear thatC. Dont mention it D. No, thanks37. In the film Murder in a Country House, a doctor is found in the house, so the film is horror an

17、d mysteries. A.dying, fill of B.dead, full of C.dead, full with D.die, filled with38. We are covering these _girls wonderful performances_. A. alive; live B. lively; alive C. lively; live D. alive; living39. Yu Min _“Chinas father of the hydrogen bomb(氢弹之父)”,and won the 2014 National Top Science and

18、 Technology Award . A. is thought B. is set C. is praised for D. is praised as40. The world is changing fast every day. I wonder _ in the future. A. what will the world look like B. how we think of the worldC. whether the world will have peace D. which country wins the match 三、完形填空。(15分)On May 27, 1

19、995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three, 41my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it42over a fence. Chris was paralyzed (瘫痪) from the chest down,43to breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a lifewith lots of unexpected challenges. We we

20、nt from the haves to the “have-nots. Yet what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out ofsharingdifficulties. We came to learn that something44could happen in a disaster . All over the world people 45Chris so much that letters poured in every day. By the end of the third week in amedical

21、center in Virginia, about 35,00046had been received.As47, we opened letter after letter. They gave 48 comfort(安慰)and became a source(源泉)of strength for us. We used them to49ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with Funny if we needed a 50, or to the Disabled box to find advice from pe

22、ople in wheelchairs or51in bed living happily.These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so52we offer one of them to you.Dear Chris,My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your 53accident last week. No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this54challenge. P

23、eople everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you55 .Yours Sincerely,Nancy Reagan41.A. sinceB. before C.when D. while42. A. walkedB. climbedC. pulledD. jumped43. A. ableB. unableC. suitableD. unsuitable44. A. terribleB. similarC. wonderfulD. practi

24、cal45. A. wrote forB. cared forC. hoped forD. sent for46.A. newsB. paperC. letters D. stamps47.A. patientsB. a familyC. nursesD. a group48. A. themB. themselvesC. usD. our49.A. encourageB. expressC. controlD. treat50. A. cryB. laughC. chatD. sigh51. A. muchB. neverC. evenD. seldom52. A. hereB. there

25、C. towardD. forward53. A. drivingB. flyingC. runningD. riding54. A. necessaryB. differentC. difficultD. valuable55. A. nearbyB. closeC. busyD. alive四、阅读理解。(30分)BLACK+WHITE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2018Win one of the three fantastic Fujifilm cameras. The Black+White Photographer of the Year will be c

26、hosen from the three category(种类)winners.The World of People Show us the people that make up this world with your photographs.The World Around Us We want to see the best landscapes (风景), cityscapes and wildlife photographs.The Creative WorldEnter your best creative work. Anything that you think is g

27、ood enough is OK.All the winners will be announced (宣布)in Black+White Photography, which is out on 18 January, 2018. COMPETITION CLOSES MIDNIGHT 30 OCTOBER 2017 HOW TO ENTERCreate an account (账户)by clicking ENTER. Next choose the category or categories you want to enter from the list. Once youve cho

28、sen and paid for your categories, simply go to MY ACCOUNT and put up your photos. You can enter as many categories as you like.FEESTo enter any one category of the competition you can put up at most five pictures for 10. You can pay to enter as many categories as you want and you can enter the same

29、category many times.A56. Which photos are proper for the World Around Us? A photo of a girl with a big smile. A photo of a street after the snow. A photo of a kangaroo in the wild. A photo of a skirt made by hand A. B. C. D. 57.The last date when the photos should be put up is .A. 18 January, 2018 B

30、. 30 October, 2018 C. 31October, 2017 D. 30 October, 201758. Mr Solis is a photographer. What should he do first to enter the competition? A. Put up his photos. B. Create an account. C. Pay some money. D. Prepare a self-introduction. 59. Jim wants to put up 5 pictures for the World of People, 10 for

31、 the World Around Us and 5 for the Creative World. How much should he pay? A. 20. B. 30. C. 40. D. 50. 60.What can we learn from the reading? A. Students can enter the competition for free.B. You should put up your photos before you pay. C. All the three winners can get a large amount of money.D. Th

32、e winner of the Creative World can get a Fujifilm camera. B Why are some people more successful than others? Why do some people make more money, live happier lives and achieve much more in the same number of years than most people? Over the years, I have read thousands of books and articles on the s

33、ubjects of success and achievement. It seems that the reasons for those achievements have been discussed for more than two thousand years, in every way. But one thing that most experts agree on is self-discipline (自律). Some years ago, I attended a meeting in New York. I happened to meet a gentleman.

34、 His name was Kopmcyer. He was famous in the field of success and achievement. He had written four books, and each of them had 250 success principles (原则).He had developed these during more than 50 years of research and study. I had read all of his books more than once. Luckily, I had a chance to ta

35、lk with him. I asked him a question that many people would ask, Of all the one thousand success principles you have discovered, which is the most important?”He smiled at me as if he had been asked this question many times, and replied without thinking twice, There are 999 different success principle

36、s, but without self-discipline, none of them work. He went on, saying, Many years ago, Thomas Huxley said the most important success principle is, Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not. ” Self-discipline is magic because it opens all doors for you, and makes e

37、verything else possible. 61. How did the writer learn about the key to success? A. By reading a lot of books. B. By attending some meetings. C. By asking some questions. D. By doing some research. 62. What can we learn from the passage? A. The subject of success was new to many people. B. Kopmeyer d

38、eveloped one thousand success principles.C. The writer asked Kopmeyer a special question. D. Kopmeyer wasnt interested in the writers question. 63. What can open all doors in your life?A. Having more chances. B. Working hard.C.Self-discipline. D.Workinginateam.64.Whatdoestheunderlinedsentencemean?A.

39、 Pushyourselftodothingsevenifyoudontwantto.B.Planeverythingcarefullyanddontmakeanymistakes.C.Setasmileandyouwillfindthatnothingisimpossible.D.Choosewhatyoulikeandgiveupwhatyoudontlike.65.Thebesttitleforthispassagewouldbe “ ”.A. WhenYouCanSucceed B.ASpecialQuestionC.TheKeytoSuccess D.EverythingIsPoss

40、ibleCOur country used to be very poor in technology, but great changes have taken place these years. Lots of our technology is much better than those of foreign countries. High-speed railway technology is one example.We learned about high-speed railway technology from foreign countries, but now we h

41、ave mastered(掌握)and developed the key technology. Our high-speed railway technology is advanced. It can not only have a high speed but also be used in different environment and the cost is lower.China Railway Corp (CRC) is fully prepared to sell a full supply of high -speed railway technology. The c

42、ompany said selling of railway technology and building railways for other countries are going very well, and progress is being made in a number of countries. We have a major advantage. We are able to sell whole railway technology. It isnt very good to buy some technology from one country and other t

43、echnology from another.The selling plan for our high-speed railway technology will follow the Silk Road Economic Belt an the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (一带一路).Like the US-made Boeing 737 and Frances Airbus, our high-speed railway technology could be an important project to help sell our technol

44、ogy in the future.66. What does the underlined word advanced mean in Chinese? A.廉价的 B.耐用的 C.先进的 D.特别的67. According to CRC, how is the business of selling railway equipment? A. Bad. B. Not good. C. Just so-so. D. Excellent68. Whats the major advantage of our high-speed railway technology? A. It has t

45、he whole technology. B. Its the cheapest in the world.C. It has the highest speed. D. It has the latest technology. 69. What does the writer think of our high-speed railway? A. Having lots of challenges. B. Being too dear for users.C. Not good enough. D. Having a good future.70. Whats the best title

46、 for the passage? A. How to Improve Railway Technology B. Chinas Great Railway Technology C. Building Railways in Other Countries D. Railway and Modern Technology第二部分 非选择题(共65分)五、任务型阅读(10分)请根据短文内容,用正确的信息填空,完成表格,每空一词。Do you know the Northern European country, Finland(芬兰)? What comes to your mind when

47、 you think of it? For Chinese President Xi Jinping, it might be the “sisu spirit”. Xi visited Finland in April, 2017 and according to him, the sisu spirit helps the Finns(芬兰人) work through difficulties to make great achievements.“Sisu” is a Finnish word that cannot be fully translated. Maybe you can

48、 explain it as “perseverance”(坚持不懈). The New York Times describes sisu as the word that explains Finland, the Finns favorite word and the most wonderful of all their words.The Finns loves sisu so much that they name many things after it. There are sisu cars, sisu sweets and the big icebreaker(破冰船) M

49、S Sisu. A mountain was even named Mount Sisu in 1997.You can also see sisu when the Finns do business. Just a few years ago, Nokia was still the worlds leading cellphone company and the pride of Finland. Later, smartphones from Apple and Sumsung beat Nokia. But the Finns didnt stop their hard work.

50、Many high-technology companies are rising from Nokias ashes(灰烬). Finland has now become a mobile game leader. Popular games Angry Birds and Clash of Clans are both from Finland. “Weve had this idea of sisu for about 600 years in our culture”, Emilia Lahti, who researches sisu at Aalto University in

51、Finland, told the Business Insider, “It is not so much about achievements, but it is about facing challenges with courage.” The important _71_sisuCountryIt comes from the Northern European country, Finland. _72_In the culture of Finland, the Finns have had the idea of sisu for about 600 years. How t

52、o _73_ itSisu is a Finnish word and people cant fully _74_ it. We can understand it as “perseverance”.Deep meaningPresident Xi thinks the sisu spirit helps the Finns work through _75_to make great achievements.Emilia Lahti thinks sisu is not so much about achievements, but it is about facing challen

53、ges _76_.Theinfulenceof sisuAbout the nameThe Finns _77_ many things, such as cars, sweets, the big icebreaker and even a _78_ , after sisu.In _79_After smartphones beat Nokia, the Finns _80_ to work hard. And this country has now become a mobile game leader.六、阅读表达。(10分)Welcome the age of bike-shari

54、ng, but the idea is not new now. It has happened in Europe for years. In the 1960s, there was a movement(运动) called the White Bike Plan in Holland. Too many cars took up roads, and people there couldnt bear(忍受)them. They painted 50 bicycles white. After an opening activity was held in the square nea

55、r the Royal Palace of Amsterdam, they left the bikes unlocked on the street. But their plan failed. Who would have guessed it was illegal(违法的) to leave a bike unlocked in a public place? The activity had finished after the policemen took the white bikes to their office. In 1974, a successful bike-sh

56、aring plan began in La Rochelle, France, and it continues to this day. Now our country has used the plan of bike-sharing. It started in Beijing firstly. Then they appeared in different places for the people who need them. It all happened so fast. Now many cities in our country have shared bikes. Wha

57、t will next year bring? There will be fewer traffic jams(堵塞) and less air pollution. Answer the following questions with No More Than Seven Words.81. What country did the idea of bike-sharing come from? _82. Why did the people in Holland organize the movement the White Bike Plan?_83. How did the policemen deal with the white unlocked bikes? _84. How long have shared bikes been in use in France? _85. What will shared bikes bring according to the article? _七、 词汇运用(15分) A根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,每空一词。(5分)86. It wa

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