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1、高一英语必修1第三单元周考 I. 词汇过关(20%) 1. 运输;运送_ 2. 说服;劝说_ 3. 时间表;进度表_ 4. 组织;成立 n. _ 5. 旅行;旅程 _ 6. 态度;看法_ 7. 可信赖的;可靠的_ 8. 不利条件;不便之处_ 9. 坚决的;有决心的_ 10. 预测;预报_II. 短语过关 (共10小题20%)1. 从那以后 _2. 喜欢;喜爱_ 3. 关心;忧虑;惦念_4. 改变主意_5. 下决心;决定_6. 照常;照例_7.投降;屈服;让步_ 8. 在5千米的海拔 at an_ 9. 穿过深谷_valleys10. 躺在星空下 lie b_III. 课文(语法)填空 (共15

2、空,30 %)1. 很快,王薇使表兄弟也对骑车旅游产生了兴趣。Wang Wei soon _(get) my cousins_ (interest) in cycling too. 2. 首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅游的是我的姐姐。It was my sister _ first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from _ it begins to where it ends. 3. 她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。最后,我只好让步了。_she _(make) up her mind, nothing can

3、 change it. Finally, I had to give.4. 而当它进入东南亚以后,流速减缓,河水蜿蜒缓慢地穿过低谷,流向生长稻谷的平原。As it _(enter) Southeast Asia, its pace_(slow). It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows. 5. 我们的腿又沉又冷,感觉就像大冰块。Our legs were _heavy and cold _they felt like blocks of ice. 6. 然而,湖水在落日

4、的余晖下闪亮如镜,景色迷人。However, the lakes _(shine) like glass in the _(set) sun and _ (look) wonderful. 7. 这非常有趣,特别是天气逐渐变得暖和多了。It was great fun especially _ it gradually became much _(warm).IV. 完形填空:阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。I will never forget an accident that happened in my own childhood. When I wa

5、s a boy of twelve, something happened to me that made me never 1 any birds in a cage.We lived on the edge of a 2 in South Carolina, and every evening many mockingbirds would come and rest in the trees and sing. There isnt any sound that can be 3 than the song of the mockingbird.I decided to catch a

6、young bird and keep it in a cage, 4 in that way, I could have my own musician*. I finally caught one and put it in a cage. The bird was 5 and fluttered* about the cage, but finally it became quiet in its new home. I felt pleased with 6 and looked after my little musician carefully.On the second day,

7、 the birds mother flew to the cage 7 food in her mouth. The baby bird ate up 8 she brought. I was pleased to see this. Certainly his mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.The following morning when I went to see 9 my little bird was, I found it on the floor of the cage, dead. I was very sur

8、prised! What had happened! I had taken great _10 of the little bird, or so I thought.Arthur Wayne, a famous scientist, happened to be in the forest where we lived at the time. Hearing me crying over the 11 of my bird, he told me what 12 . “A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will some

9、times bring it poison* food. She thinks 13 better for her young to die than to live in a cage.”_14 I never catch any birds or put them in a cage. All the birds have the right to _15 in the sky .1.A. putB. cutC. drawD. pull 2.A. riverB. forestC. city D. sea3.A.more beautifulB. less terrible C. worse

10、D. noisier4.A. butB. or C. andD. though5.A. luckyB. silentC. kindD. frightened6.A. yourselfB. myselfC. herselfD. himself7.A. withoutB. aroundC. in D. with8.A. someoneB. nothing C. everythingD. anyone9.A. howB. what C. which D. whether10.A. placeB. restC. pictureD. care11.A. deathB. cageC. foodD. hea

11、lth12.A. could happen B. would happen C. had happenedD. has happened13.A. oneB. itC. that D. this 14.A. Soon afterB. Since thenC. Just then D. Long ago15.A. jump B. runC. flyD. walkV. 基础写作 据提示写一篇关于旅游的短文(主意使用关联词使文章连贯、通顺): 现在,人们越来越富裕,交通也越来越发达(develop),因此,很多人喜欢旅游;旅行期间,人们不仅能够欣赏美景(sites/attractions/place

12、s of interest),而且能够了解不同的文化和传统习俗(cultures and traditions customs)。除此之外,旅游还有助于人们互相交流、了解。但是旅游时应注意安全,这样才能使旅行愉快而富有收获(enjoyable and worthwhile)。_参考答案I. 词汇过关(20%) 1. transport 2. persuade 3. schedule 4. organization 5. journey 6. attitude 7. reliable 8. disadvantage 9. determined 10. forecastII. 短语过关(20%)

13、1. ever since 2. be fond of 3. care about 4. change ones mind 5. make up ones mind 6. as usual 7. give in 8. (at an) altitude of9. through deep (valleys) 10. (lie) beneath the starsIII. 课文填空 (30%) 1.got; interested 2. who; where 3.once; has made 4. enters; slows 5. so; that 6. shone; setting; looked

14、 7. As; warmerIV. 完形填空 (15%)15 AB AC D 610 B DCA D 1115 ACBBCV. 基础写作 (15%) Today, people are getting richer and richer and transport is developing quickly. So, more and more people are fond of travelling. During their journey, people can not only enjoy beautiful attractions, but they can also learn about different cultures and traditional customs. Besides, travelling can help people understand and communicate from each other. But we should pay attention to our safety, because only in this way, can we make our journey enjoyable and worthwhile.

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