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1、2021/3/111Unit 4 展会开幕会议接待Opening of Trade Fairs and ExpositionsConference/Seminar Reception2021/3/112Unit ObjectivesAfter studying this unit,you shouldnunderstand how to make a short-term preparation for the interpreting tasks.nfind ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.nmaster th

2、e basic words and expressions about opening remarks and ceremonial address.nknow some cultural background knowledge about expositions.2021/3/113Preparing -Warm-up Exercises Suppose you are going to work as an interpreter for a businessman or chairperson who is going to make an opening of trade fairs

3、 or a ceremonial address.nHow are you going to prepare for it?2021/3/114Preparing -Skills PresentationPreparing Training:Short-term Preparation nWhat to Prepare?nMeeting DocumentsnA Glossary ListnDictionaries,Notebooks and PensnDresses and Name Cards nHow to Prepare?nRead through the Relevant Docume

4、nts nSurf the Internet nContact the Organizer and the Speaker 1.Prepare a question list2021/3/115学习重点(Focus points)词汇记忆 10 视译 25 单句口译 20 对话口译 25 情景模拟 5 2021/3/116Preparing Opening of Trade Fairs and Expo -Phrases Interpreting A.A.English to Chinese English to Chinese nTake this opportunity nCherish

5、nSigning ceremony nWitness nExtend sincere thanks to.nAppreciate nLast but not least nSummitnAt his earliest convenience 1.Workshop/Seminar n借此机会n珍惜n签字仪式n见证n向表示忠心感谢n欣赏n最后n峰会n在他方便的时候n 研讨会2021/3/117to be continuedB.B.Chinese to English Chinese to Englishn司仪 n嘉宾 n值此之际 n友好使者 n良好祝愿 n衷心感谢 n热情好客 n应的邀请 n代表

6、n无以伦比的 nMaster of Ceremoniesndistinguished guestsnon the occasion of nan envoy of friendshipnbest wishesnsincere thanksnhospitality na t t h e (g ra c i o u s)invitation of non behalf of.nincomparable2021/3/118Preparing Conference Reception -Phrases Interpreting A.A.English to English to ChineseChin

7、ese nBusiness luncheonnSoft drinknBuffet receptionnPreservative-freenGain popularitynPropose a toast nContinental breakfast1.French fries n工作午餐n软饮料n冷餐招待会n不含防腐剂n备受青睐n致祝酒词n欧式早餐n炸薯条2021/3/119to be continuedB.B.Chinese to English Chinese to Englishn款待n美味佳肴 n忌讳n招牌菜 n晚宴n菜系 n用餐举止n酸辣汤 1.酸奶 nentertain nDelic

8、aciesntaboo nSpecialtynbanquet nmajor cuisinesntable mannersnHot&Sour Soup nYogurt2021/3/1110Specialized Terms for Trade Fairs and Expo -Phrase Interpretingn中国投资贸易洽谈会n政治稳定n经济发展n社会和睦n远见卓识的n抓住历史机遇nChina International Fair for Investment and Tradenpolitical stabilityneconomic progress nsocial harmonynf

9、arsightednseize the historical opportunity2021/3/1111to be continued n主导产品n合同条款n中国国际贸易促进委员会n合资企业 n税费待遇n商检npillar productnformat of contractnCCPIT(the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)nJoint venturentaxation treatmentncommodity inspection2021/3/1112Sight interpreting -Memorizing

10、(retelling)Listen to the opening address of Premier Wen Jiabao in Shanghai Expo.Try to note details and improve your notes.Then retell the address in your own words with the help of your notes.2021/3/1113Sight interpreting http:/ 尊敬的蓝峰主席、洛塞泰斯秘书长,各位来宾、女士们、先生们:我很高兴出席第七届上海世博国际论坛。我谨代表中国政府,对出席论坛的各位嘉宾表示热烈

11、欢迎,并衷心祝愿这次论坛取得圆满成功!举办一系列世博国际论坛,是广泛传播世博理念、扩大世博会影响的重要活动。这次论坛以“凝聚全球智慧,共创城市未来”为主题,进行广泛、深入的研讨,对丰富2010年上海世博会的内涵,推动世博会成功举办具有重要意义。Sight interpreting2021/3/1115 http:/ interpreting2021/3/1116 上海世博会将是一次促进人类文明发展的盛会。“城市,让生活更美好”是上海世博会的主题。亚里士多德曾经说过,“人们来到城市,是为了生活。人们留在城市,是为了更好地生活”。随着工业化、城市化的发展,城市在使人们享受美好生活的同时,也带来了人

12、口膨胀、交通拥挤、环境污染、资源紧缺、城市贫困、文化摩擦等严峻困扰和挑战。实现城市的和谐、可持续发展,是摆在世界各国面前的一个重大而紧迫的课题。Sight interpreting2021/3/1117单句口译 TEXTBOOK 第三部分 英译汉 汉译英 1,2,3,4,5,6182021/3/11n商务英语翻译标准商务英语翻译标准n刘法公教授在商贸汉英翻译评论一书中提出商务英语翻译的标准为“忠实(faithfulness)、准确(exactness)、统一(consistency)”。n1忠实原则n商务英语翻译中的忠实原则,是指正确地将原文语言的信息用译文表达出来。如果译文不忠实于原文就会引

13、起误解,重者会引起商务纠纷。n蚂蚁上树nAnts climbing trees VS Rice noodles with minced porkn过桥米线nRice crossing a bridge VS Cross Bridge rice noodles192021/3/11n2准确原则n商务翻译中的“准确”原则是指译者在将原文语言内容转换到译文语言内容的过程中选词准确,做到概念表达确切,物与名所指正确,数码与单位精确。n例如:nThe date of receipt issued by transportation department concerned shall be regard

14、ed as the delivery of goodsn由有关的运输机构有关的运输机构所开具收据的日期即被视为交货日期。(不太准确)n由承运的运输机构承运的运输机构所开具收据的日期即被视为交货日期。(准确)202021/3/11n感谢您6月4日的报价,并希望您能在本月底以前供货:n 100令A2的印刷纸,白色,包括运费在内,每公斤5美元。nThank you for your quotation of 4 June and shall be glad if you will supply,for delivery not later than the end of the month:n 10

15、0 reams of A2 quality Printing Paper,White,at$5kg,including deliveryn 这个译文看似没有问题。我们一般也认为是dollar($)就是美元,但这个词在英语中指多个国家的货币。例如:n Hong Kong Dollar 港币n Canadian Dollar 加拿大元n Australian Dollar 澳大利亚元n Singapore Dollar 新加坡元n New Zealand Dollar 新西兰元n US Dollar 美元n 将美元译成“$”比较含糊,可以改译成:n Thank you for your quota

16、tion of 4 June and shall be glad if you will supply,for delivery not later than the end of the month:n 100 reams of A2 quality Printing Paper,White,at$US 5kg,including delivery212021/3/11n3、统一原则n商务英语翻译中的统一原则,是指在翻译过程中,译名、概念、术语应该保持始终统一,不允许将统一概念或术语随意变换译名。n商务英语中涉及到很多专业性的词汇。如原产地应该译为“place of origin而不是ori

17、ginal producing place”:贸易盈余应该译为“trade surplus”而不是“trade profit”。n此外,一些公司、机构、酒店的名称,也应该按照约定俗成的翻译。如望湖饭店是杭州一家有名的酒店,现用英文名“Lakeview Hotel,不能译成“Wanghu Hotel”。2021/3/1122对话口译 TEXTBOOK 第四部分 Dialogue 1 前三处话轮 e.g.接待人员:您好!欢迎参加第六届中国-东盟博览会开幕式。请问您签到了吗?.Malaysian official:CAEXPO is a standing witness to.or in cultu

18、ral and political ties.2021/3/1123to be continued TEXTBOOK 第四部分 Dialogue 2 前三个话轮 e.g.Staff at HKTDC:Excuse me.Im from HKTDC,the chief organizer of this World SME Expo.ask you a few questions?.大陆展商:我觉得这六年来,中小企业博览会的组织一年比一年好,.也很人性化。2021/3/1124Homework TEXTBOOK 第六部分 Dialogue 1 前四个话轮 中国贸促会官员:莫里森先生,今年的博览会

19、顺利开幕了,你也终于能喘口气了。.Expo Organizer:We do have a Prime Minister who speaks Chinese,.that our two countries are having.2021/3/1125Interpretation Guidence(30minutes)I.Decoding-Notes Taking5m Play the CD of Dialogue 1 of Part Six,the students need to catch the main ideas of the speech.Note down the key poi

20、nts while listening.Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II.Memorizing-Story Retelling 5m Play the CD again,try to catch more details and improve their notes.Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.2021/3/1126III.Encoding-Message Reconstruc

21、ting 15 m Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph,then interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken.2021/3/1127实战练习(Field Interpretating)Directions:Work in groups.Role-play the following situations with your partners,acting as the Chinese speaker,English speaker and the interpreter respectively.SituationOne of the students will pick out one of the typical business advertisements you are familiar with,and make a short speech to introduce it at Chinese Export Commodities Fair(CECF).Another student tries to be the interpreter.2021/3/1128

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