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1、1;.英译汉,学生的译文往往该简不简,或架床叠屋,或拖泥带水。似乎有必要疾呼“删繁就简三秋树”。汉译英,学生的译文往往该繁不繁,或骨瘦如柴,或粗枝大叶。似乎有必要学一学“添叶吐蕾二月花”。2;.飘逸人生 Life:Take It Easy 3;.行路难,但人生之路谁都要走。有的人在赶路,心急切切,步急匆匆。眼中只有目标却忽略了风景。可路迢迢不知哪儿是终点。有的人如游客,不急不慌,走走停停,看花开花落,看云卷云舒,有时也在风中走,雨中行,心却像张开的网,放过焦躁苦恼。4;.人生之路谁不走?只是走路别忽略了一路的良辰美景。5;.一个人工作的地方是小的,居住的家是小的,社交的圈子是小的,有的人就越来

2、越不满这缺乏变化的单调。有的人却总是怡然自得,随遇而安。世界浩渺,一个人只能居于一隅。比海洋大的是天空,比天空大的是心灵,因为这小小的心灵内住着一只时起时落的想象鸟。6;.大碗喝茶解渴,却说不上茶是怎样的好。一心想得到的东西终于得到了,失去了却很多很多,而失去的原来比得到的可能还要好。物化了的生命硬如岩石,而那些看似无价值的却永葆着神韵和空灵。人生旅途上,有人背负着名利急急奔走,有人回归自然,飘逸而行。7;.现就三篇译文的部分内容按序作对照分析如下:一、行路难,但人生之路谁都要走。一、行路难,但人生之路谁都要走。1It is difficult to walk,but everyone has

3、 to walk on the road of the life.2No matter how difficult the road of life is,everyone has to walk through it for himself.3To go on a journey is often full of hardships,but so long as one lives he proceeds on his lifes journey.8;.析:译1将“行路难”译成It is difficult to walk,简单是简单了,却未能译出赅意。这里的“行路”,其实是指“人生之旅”,

4、译2将它译成road of life是可取的,但是,“人生之路谁都要走”的字里行间,尚包含了“只要你活在这个世上一天,你就得”的意思。译3作了此发掘,并成功添译了so long as one lives,且将“行路难”三个字,扩展成To go on a journey is often full of hardships,同时还在句末重复lifes journey。如此翻译,译文便别有一番情调,笔触精确,句意饱满,文意抖擞。9;.翻译家傅雷在他的翻译实践中深切体验了东西方的思维方式的微妙区别。他曾经一针见血地指出:东方人和西方人的思想方式有基本分歧。我人重综合、重归纳、重暗示、重含蓄;西方人则

5、重分析,细微曲折、挖掘惟恐不尽,描写惟恐不周。10;.二、有的人在赶路,心急切切,步急匆匆。眼中只有目标却忽略了风景。可路迢迢不知哪儿是终点。有的人如游客,不急不慌,走走停停,看花开花落,看云卷云舒,有时也在风中走,雨中行,心却像张开的网,放过焦躁苦恼。11;.1They only have the goal in their eyes,neglecting the scenery on the way.However,the road seems endless and they have no idea of where the end is.Others,like the travele

6、rs,walk without haste or worry.They take a break from time to time,appreciating the blossoms and the floating clouds.Although sometimes they also have to walk against the wind or in the rain,their hearts,like a stretched net,let the worries and pains go.12;.2Some walk in such a hurry that they only

7、see destinations before them and ignore the beautiful scenery.However,they do not know where the terminal is on the long long road.Some walk as tourists without any haste.They stop occasionally to appreciate the blooming and withering of flowers,the rolling and extension of clouds.Although there tim

8、es of heavy storms,their hearts are always like an open net which lets go distresses.13;.3Different people go along differently.Some take hasty steps in anxiety.Obsessed with reaching the next goal in time,they spare no time for sightseeing along the way,nor do they have a clear view of where their

9、long roads end.Others travel leisurely like tourists.They would take time off now and then for a look at blooming flowers or fallen petals.They would stop to admire clouds gathering and dispersing.Even when they go against the wind or are caught in the rain,they never get annoyed,for worries slip of

10、f their minds as from an open net.14;.析:我国的语言学家王力教授曾经断言的那样:中国语法是软的,富有弹性。中国语法以达意为主。然而,译1和译2所作的直译,在两句之间没有任何的“添加”,在native speakers看来,就构成了“语篇层面”上的欠缺。这是因为“西洋语法是硬的,没有弹性”(王力语)。15;.三、有的人却总是怡然自得,随遇而安。1However,others are always happy with what they have and where they are.2Others,however,can always satisfy th

11、emselves with the confined surroundings.3But others are always contented and happy for he can adapt himself to different circumstances.16;.析:对比三句译文,译1和2给读者一种“夹生饭”的感觉。对原句没有做到“挖掘惟恐不尽,描写惟恐不周”,尤其是对“随遇而安”的翻译过于简单,草草过场,未能译出,或准确译出其中的“随遇”二字。17;.四、比海洋大的是天空,比天空大的是心灵,因为这小小的心灵内住着一只时起时落的想象鸟。1The sky is broader th

12、an the ocean and the mind is broader than the sky,for,inside the small mind stays a bird of imagination that can fly freely.2What is larger than the ocean is the sky;what is larger than the sky is the heart,because in this small heart lives a bird of imagination that flies up and down.3However,thoug

13、h larger than the ocean is the sky,even larger is the human mind,for in it imagination can come and go on the wing without limitation.18;.析:汉语不太讲究行文的逻辑,往往“意合”即可,读者能够心领神会,不太计较你是否运用了不必要的connectives来显示内在的逻辑。原句中的“比海洋大的是天空,比天空大的是心灵”就是一个典型的例子。译1和译2均作直译,简单从事,没有运用必要的connectives来表达这两句之间的逻辑转折关系。添加connectives,

14、似乎令行文“繁”了些,但是,这是必需的。译2 的What is larger than the ocean is the sky;what is larger than the sky is the heart给人一种生硬艰涩的语感。译3以though/even来“粘合”两句,英语味便浓郁起来。19;.译1和译2不谋而合将“想象鸟”译成了a bird of imagination,值得商榷。以英语为母语者会寻思:是否真有此鸟?现实生活中没有此鸟,抑或是中国神话传说中有此鸟儿?因为,讲究“准确而具体”的西方文化细微、精确、着眼微观、注重客观。20;.五、大碗喝茶解渴,却说不上茶是怎样的好。1On

15、e can get rid of thirst by drinking tea with a bowl but he cannot tell how wonderful the tea is.2To drink a bowl of tea can soon dampen the thirst,however,the fragrance of the tea can hardly be tested.3To drink at a gulp is a quick way to quench thirst,but it gives no taste of the high grade tea.21;

16、.析:汉语,美在以神驭形。所谓“大碗喝茶解渴”,汉语读者能得其“神”(大口喝茶),而忘其“形”,并不十分注重“碗”及其之大小。而英语则以形摄神。作为注重逻辑和分析的语言,对“形”倾注了更多的关注。比如,译1和译2均未能跳出“大碗喝茶解渴”之形,将“碗”如实译出(with a bowl/a bowl of)。而英语读者则不能从“形”(bowl)中跳脱出来而得其神(大口喝茶)。因此,英译“大碗喝茶解渴”时,便无须紧扣其“形”,不如直探其“神”,而如译3译成To drink at a gulp is a quick way to quench thirst。从本质言,将“以神驭形”的表达转换成“以形

17、摄神”的表达,也是一种由简入繁的转换。22;.六、一心想得到的东西终于得到了,失去了却很多很多,而失去的原来比得到的可能还要好。1One can get what he dreams to get but he loses a lot which may be better than what he has got.2When a person has gained the thing that he has been eagerly longing for,he have also lost many things that might be better than the gained.3

18、One may eventually win what he has set his mind to,only to find that he has lost quite a lot.Perhaps what he loses is ever better than what he gains.23;.析:汉语原句为一句,译1和2均照样译成一句。而译3偏译成了两句,又是由“简”入“繁”!诚然,莎士比亚曾云,Brevity is the soul of wit.(言以简洁为贵)但却不能因“简”而挫其文气。文气盎然,文意才能饱满充盈。无独有偶,译1和译2均以定语从句来译原句中的“而失去的原来比得

19、到的可能还要好”!虽然达意,但是文意就在“一笔带过”的表达之中显得有点苍白乏力,因为,原句三句并列,然末句毕竟是全句之“眼”。因此,译3将末句独立译成一句,文意显豁,立意清醇。24;.另外,译3运用了成语only to,这个“繁”,真是“繁”得其所!因为,only to的含义是:不料竟会/没想到会.。only to的添用,令译文有了文采,就表达的感情色彩而言,确胜过了汉语原句,原句“失去了却很多很多”显得平淡,缺乏感情的涟漪。25;.七、物化了的生命硬如岩石,而那些看似无价值的却永葆着神韵和空灵。1/The materialized life is as hard as a rock,whic

20、h the seemingly worthless life always keeps its freshness and flexibility.2/Materialized life is as rigid as a rock,while those apparently valueless things keep spirit and life.3/Life,when petrified by material desires,is as callous as stone,while those seemingly worthless things always remain fresh

21、 and full of spirit.26;.对汉译英译文的“过简”现象,可以有两种分析:一、因译文失之过简而无法将汉语原句的意思充分清晰地加以传递,致使native speaker不知所云,甚至导致误解。二、英译不符合英语的表达习惯,英语味欠缺,艰涩生硬,缺乏美感。27;.解决英语译文“过简”问题,首先要防止出现第一种情况。以上“物化了的生命硬如岩石”的英译就是一例,值得一议。译1和译2几乎如出一辙,系直译。而native speakers却难以理解其中的比喻:as hard as a rock/as rigid as a rock,读之,如坐云雾。因为,英语则一种逻辑性很强的语言,每个单

22、词、每个词组都必须有个明确的交代,不容含糊。译3虽然在措辞上“繁”了些,但是,却准确地传递了汉语原句所含的赅意。尤其是其中的两个词(petrify/callous)用得准确传神!28;.八、人生旅途上,有人背负着名利急急奔走,有人回归自然,飘逸而行。1/On the road of life,some run hurriedly with the burden of fame and interests on their shoulder,while others come back to the nature and lead an easy and free life.2/On the r

23、oad of life,some one is burdened with fame and interests and goes in a hurry;some one returns to the nature and walks elegantly.3/In their journey through life,some people hurry on with a heavy heart in pursuit of fame and gain,while others go with an easy grace,enjoying themselves in harmony with n

24、ature.29;.是否可以得出这样的结论:所谓英译过简者,十之八九为作表层转换的直译。“有人背负着名利急急奔走”的英译便是一例。译1和译2几乎如出一辙:some run hurriedly with the burden of fame and interests on their shoulder/some one is burdened with fame and interests and goes in a hurry.30;.同样,译1和译2对“回归自然”也作了简单的表层转换(come back to the nature/returns to the nature)。这里的“回归

25、自然”与“背负着名利急急奔走”存在着潜在的比照。尤其是“自然”二字,有多种解释,应谨慎揣摩,这里的“自然”并非指“自然界”(nature/natural world),而是指“任其自然地发展;不刻意干预”(naturally/in the ordinary and natural course of events/in harmony with nature)。译3的理解在正确的,其英译(while others go with an easy grace,enjoying themselves in harmony with nature)搭准了原句的脉搏。31;.32;.总之,汉译英的“由

26、简入繁”不仅仅是一个表达习惯的问题,而折射了诸多深层次的问题,比如中西文化之异,中西思维之异,以及汉语和英语各自具有的特色。若能从宏观上对这些问题有所把握,在汉译英的过程中,心中会更有底,下笔也会有神。33;.作业5尊敬的理查德莱文校长,同学们,老师们,女士们,先生们:首先,我感谢莱文校长的邀请,使我有机会来到世界著名学府耶鲁大学,同青年朋友和老师们相聚在一起。进入耶鲁大学的校园,看到莘莘学子青春洋溢的脸庞,呼吸着书香浓郁的空气,我不由回想起40年前在北京清华大学度过的美好时光。学生时代,对人的一生都会产生重要影响。当年老师们对我的教诲,同学们给我的启发,我至今仍受用不尽。耶鲁大学以悠久的发展历史、独特的办学风格、卓著的学术成就闻名于世。如果时光能够倒流几十年,我真希望成为你们中的一员。耶鲁大学校训强调追求光明和真理,这符合人类进步的法则,也符合每个有志青年的心愿。300多年来,耶鲁大学培养出一大批杰出人才,其中包括20位诺贝尔奖获得者、5位美国总统。美国民族英雄内森黑尔是耶鲁校友,他的名言“我唯一的憾事,就是没有第二次生命献给我的祖国”,深深感染了我和许多中国人。我衷心祝愿贵校培养出更多英才,为美国经济社会发展、为人类进步事业作出更大 胡锦涛34;.

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