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1、 2013年广东高考英语专题辅导 之 读写任务解题策略1. 快速阅读,掌握主题 攻克“读写任务”的第一步就是快速阅读所提供的材料。因为时间有限,最好不要精读,但要保证读懂其内容。读的时候,注意把握主题,将关键词、关键句(如主题句或中心句)标出来。关键词的分类:1).主语:短文中出现最多的主语名词,通常就是大意句的主语。因此阅读时,要记得把每一句的主语划出来。2)谓语:确定好了“谁”,就要确定“干什么”或者“怎么样”了。抓好短文中的谓语,就可以很快确定大意句的谓语是什么了,即找到了“干什么”,“怎么样”了。3)形容词:形容词通常会体现作者的观点和态度,这一定程度上决定着下面要点写作中我们该持的态

2、度。2. 概括短文 如果短文有中心句,则用自己的语言中心句;如果没有中心句, 则找每段的关键词,如出现频率最多的主语名词,一般就是大意的主语。对于成绩较差的同学来说,可能对概括感到无从下手,下面我就介绍一个秘诀:主题预测材料写好概括读写任务的写作内容一般分为两个部分,即写作内容1为概括短文要点,还有写作内容2 则是就某个主题发表看法。然而,绝大部分的考生会忽略了写作内容2对写作内容1的导航作用,而一头扎进了阅读材料直接去阅读文章得出要点。事实上, 所谓“读写任务”其实是“读”和“写”的有机结合,“读”的材料是为了后面的“写”提供情景,同样, “写”也是对“读”的材料的思考和延伸。故希望大家在概

3、括文章时,可考虑命题人提供的写作内容2的导航作用,因为它能够帮助大家更快地提高捕捉文章要点的速度与准确性。3. 列出提纲(要点)4. 语言表达根据所列提纲,选用几个合适的高级短语和句型;同时根据自己构思的全文逻辑结构,提前确定衔接词。5. 检查修改 读写任务聚焦1:抓实义词遴选关键词 概括记叙文的要点 一、概括方法 摘要必须抓住记叙文的六要素(时间、地点、人物、起因、经过、结果,即几个W:when-where-who-why-how-result)为线索,通过浓缩整合,便可成文。如果原文仅仅记叙一件事情,摘要也只需简要概括该事件,不能添加任何原文没有的信息。如果原文属于夹述夹议记叙文,则要加上

4、作者的看法或感想,这时要转换视角,即以第三人称或无人称来概括。在写作过程中还注意以下几点: (1)由于字数限制为大约30个词,我们不一定要使用The story tells us 或者The author/The passage shows us that 等开头套语。 (2)时态应与原文时态一致。 (3)一般以第三人称的形式来表述。如I要变成The writer, he/she等。 (4)可选用以下句式开头。The passage/Story is about The author tells us a story about a The passage is a sory about二、超

5、级仿写阅读下面的短文,分别以约30个词概括这两篇记叙文的主要内容。 (1) Some years ago, leaving the farm to work in the city, three brothers were employed by the same company and on the same pay. But three years later, they received different wages. So their father was confused and decided to pay a visit to the boss, who told him th

6、at he would let his sons explain for themselves. The thee brothers were asked by the supervisor to go to the airport to get a cargo inventory at different times. Jim, who received 500 dollars a month, got the information on the phone instead of going to the airport himself. Frank, the 1000 dollars a

7、 month brother with a list of more cargoes . George, the 1500 dollars a month brother came back with detailed information and also did something extra without being told1) 请找出这篇短文的关键词句_2)请根据以上关键词,以约30词概括这段短文的主要内容。_. (2 ) I hired a carpenter to help me repair an old farmhouse . After he just finished

8、 a tiring day on the job , a flat tire made him lose an hour of work . Worse still , his ancient truck refused to start . When I drove him home , he sat in stony silence . On arriving , he invited me in to meet his family . As me walked toward the front door , he stopped for a short time at a small

9、tree , touching the branches with both hands . When opening the door , his brown face was covered with smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss . After supper , he walked me to the car . When we passed the tree and my curiosity drove me to ask him , “Before we went in , w

10、hy did you stop by the tree ? ” “Oh , thats my trouble tree , ” he replied , “I know I cant help having troubles on the job and in my life , but those troubles dont belong in the house with my wife and children . I can hang them up on the tree every night before I come home . But it turned out that

11、the next morning there weret as many troubles as I remembered the night before . Put down our worries for a moment and we will be relieved for ever . ” 1)请找出这短文的关键词句_2)请根据以上关键词,以约30词概括这段短文的主要内容。_ 概括说明文和新闻报道的内容要点一、 概括方法 先找中心句,通常在首段,然后抓好关键词;对于现象分析型说明文,要找到“现象” 、分析产生这种现象的原因、结果如何、或者针对这些现象提出的解决措施或建议。即:现象+

12、原因+结果(措施或建议)。其主要句型为:主题:This article points out/ talks about/tells about the common phenomenon that 解释/分述:for example, (一) (2009广东)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Jackie is perhaps the most easily annoyed koala (考拉,树袋熊) at the Featherdale Wildlife park in southern Australia . All the koalas there are u

13、nhappy and complaining . You would be too if you were used to night activities and someone kept waking you up all day while you were trying to sleep it off . Thats right-sleep it off . The average koala is always half asleep because it feeds on the leaves of a special kind that makes it sleepy . The

14、 reason Jack and her fellow koalas are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep is so they can be hugged and photographed by tourists , who make the trips to Featherdale and an increasing number of other national parks for just that special experience . Whatever department in the Aussie government in

15、 charge of such things is now moving to make the practice illegal , which is understandable . How would you react , my friend , if you were trying to sleep off a dozen times and some round , furry creature smelling of grass kept waking you ? 写作内容1. 以约30个词概括短文的主要内容;2. 然后以约120个词就“该不该禁止游客和动物拍照”进行讨论,内容包

16、括:(1) 人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照;(2) 假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应;(3) 你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。1)请找出这短文的关键词句_2)请根据以上关键词句,以约30词概括这段短文的主要内容。_ (二)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。The Importance of a Good EducationGetting a good education may be the most important price you can pay, because, perhaps more than anything else, what

17、you do with that huge gray material between your ears will determine your future.These words actually describe millions of people worldwide who choose to limit their potential ability by not widening their education.A person with a better education is much more likely to have better job offers, a mo

18、re successful career, and a higher yearly salary. This, in turn,would allow for a much better lifestyle.For example, compare two people.The first person is a high school dropout(退学学生)The second has a law degree.The high school dropout will be fortunate to get a job in food services, making less than

19、 twenty thousand dollars a year, barely surviving each week.To contrast this,the person with the law degree will certainly have a successful career as a lawyer, making over $ 70,000 annually.The lawyer will, of course, have a very wealthy lifestyle. Statistics show that high school dropouts make 42%

20、 less money than college graduates.Our generation will become the doctors, lawyers, teachers and leaders of tomorrow. To do this successfully, a higher level of education is very important! A higher education will mean a better life style, a better ability to adjust to new technologies, and a variou

21、s life. Our world cannot afford any unused potential.We must crave learning. This, in turn, will pay for not only our future but also will help to insure success for those who follow.【写作内容】1概括短文的内容要点,该部分的词数30左右;2就“受良好教育的重要性”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的词数120左右:(1)读好书, 顺利升学, 比什么都重要;(2)人人都能接受与其自身条件和未来发展

22、相适应的教育;(3)高质量的就业就是良好教育的成果体现。1)请找出这短文的关键词句_2)请根据以上关键词句,以约30词概括这段短文的主要内容。_ 概括议论文的内容要点 议论文一般包括论点、论据和结论三个要素。其中不一定每篇文章都有结论。一、概括方法 概括议论文的内容要点就是要找出议论文的三个要素,其中最重要的是找出论点。论点就是作者要表明的观点,也就是主题句,而主题句往往在文章的首段或尾段,且在段落的首句或尾句。有时也可能在文中或段落中,此时,在主题句前常常有however , but 等表示转折的关联词。陈述论点的主要句型有:The author holds the view that 作者

23、认为The author thinks that 作者认为The passage/author highlights the importance of 文章/作者强调了的重要性The passage/author compares with 文章/作者比较了和二、超级仿写阅读下面短文,分别用约30个词概括这两篇议论文的主要内容。 (1) For traditional readers like me , newspapers still hold an important position in our heart . Some people regard newspapers as a m

24、edium of the past and predict that they will be replaced by TV and the Internet in the near future . As far as Im concerned , however , newspapers may provide the readers with factual reports as well as certain viewpoints . Wherever one wants to know whats happening in the world , he no longer needs

25、 tobother searching for a bookstore . Instead , he would surf online and find exactly what he wants he wants on a website . However , more people , me included , firmly hold the opinion that newspapers are still indispensable (不可替代的) . First of all , newspapers gain us deeper insights into the event

26、s . While TV feasts our eyes with flash pictures , newspapers enrich our minds with sparkling wits . Secondly , though with great potential , the new media are not as popular as newspapers . A retired worker would rather buy an evening paper on his way home , instead of taking pains to learn how to

27、operate a PC . Finally , people want to see words in black and white , and keep them reading , if necessary . Considering these facts , I would draw the conclusion that despite the increasing popularity of new media , newspapers still play a role in peoples life . 1)请找出这短文的关键词句_2)请根据以上关键词句,以约30词概括这段

28、短文的主要内容。_ (2) Hard-working people live longer than average men and women . Career women are healthier than housewives . Evidence shows that the jobless are in poorer health that the job-holders . A study shows that whenever the employment rate increases by 1% , the death rate decrease correspondingl

29、y by 2% . All this comes down to one point : work is helpful to health . Why is work good for health ? It is because work keeps people busy , away from loneliness . Researches show that people feel unhappy , worried and lonely when they have nothing to do . Instead , the happiest are those who are b

30、usy . Work serves as a bridge between man and reality . By work , people come into contact with each other . By collective (集体的) activities , they find friendship and warmth . This is helpful to health . The loss of work means the loss of everything . It affects man spiritually and makes him likely

31、to disease . Besides , work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement . Work makes one feel his value and status in society . When a writer finishes his writing or teacher sees his students grow , they are happy beyond words . 1)请找出这篇短文的关键词句_2)请根据以上关键词句,以约30词概括这段短文的主要内容。_ 读写任务聚焦2:掌

32、握夹叙夹议方法,表达个人观点和看法 主题句及拓展 写主题句四种常用方法:1. 对题目要求做出回答如:假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应;要点:我会不开心_2. 重述题目要求如:人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照;要点:人们参观动物园是喜欢和动物拍照_3. 明确表达自己的观点如:你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。要点:如果我处在那个位置,我会强烈反对。 _4.叙述个人经历要点:就拿我学英语来说吧_拓展主题句四种常用方法:1.列举:1-2点如:列举学习里的浪费现象We could see such kind of small things around us every day.(主题句

33、)要点:在教室时.,吃饭时.,吃完时._2. 递进:not only.but also.moreover如:就“互联网给人们生活带来的影响发表自己的观点Surfing the Internet brings people more benefits(主题句)要点:提供最新信息;改变交流方式;网上购物,方便快捷。_3. 对比:for one thing 正面原因,for another 反正面原因如:你是否支持该校长体罚学生的做法I believe the headmaster is right to suspend those misbehaving students class.(主题句)要

34、点:一方面,他们待在教室会.;另一方面,不待在教室会._4. 类似故事或经历-故事归纳如:就“如何看待外貌”的主题发表看In my opinion , what makes a person beautiful is his attractive personality rather than his physical appearance(主题句)要点:举例:某某同学._ 实例展示例一:阅读下面的短文,然后按照 要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 These two years ,many high school students have been crazy about Super Gi

35、rl, a hit talent show for girls broadcast by Hunan Satellite Television. It has attractive peoples attention , especially some teenagers and many people have different opinion on it.Some people think highly of this competition.They think that it provides a broad stage for young girls to show their t

36、alent for singing in public and also encourages them to realize their dreams.It can also develop their self-confidence and improve their sense of competition. But some people think Super Girl has a bad influence on young peoples values and their taste in beauty . They think it costs lots of time and

37、 energy and makes many girls concentrate less on their studies, which isnt good for their further progress.【写作内容】 1. 以约30个词概括短文的内容要点。2. 以约120个词就“我对超级女生的 看法”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点(1) 你是否喜欢超级女生这个节目?(2) 你是怎样评价这个节目?(3) 你是怎样对待这个节目的?_要点:1. 你是否喜欢超级女生这个节目?回答:_原因:_2. 你是怎样评价这个节目?观点:_原因一:_原因二:_3. 你是怎样对待这个节目的?回

38、答:_4. 总结或建议:_例二:阅读下面的短文,然后按照 要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Shopping online is becoming very popular, on which people cannot only buy various physical products, such as electrical appliances , clothes, shoes , books , but also get all kinds of information , like online news ,newspaper and magazines and blogs. Be

39、sides , people can download computer software and services. For example, booking airline tickets or hotel rooms are available on the Internet. Shopping online has many advantages , of which the most important one is convenience . We can go shopping whenever and wherever we like and it is often cheap

40、er to buy goods online . However, we should be very careful when shopping online so as not to be cheated.【写作内容】 1. 以约30个词概括短文的内容要点。 2.以约120个词表达你对这件事的看法 , 并包括以下要点: (1)你对上面阅读材料的观点的看法; (2)解释你的理由并提出你的建议_要点:你对上面阅读材料的观点的看法。 观点:_原因一:_原因二:_解释你的理由并提出你的建议建议一:_建议二:_. 总结或建议:_例三:阅读下面的短文,然后按照 要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 I

41、have a friend Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch (牧马场)in San Ysidro. When he was a senor , he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. The next day he handed it in to the teacher. On the front was a large red F. The boy with the dream asked , why did I receive

42、an F? The teacher said , This is unrealistic dream for a young boy like you .You have no money . You come from an itinerant(四处奔波)family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of mony . You have to buy the land . You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later youll hav

43、e to pay large stud fees. Theres no way you could ever do it. He stated ,You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream . The best part of the story is that two summers ago that the same school teacher brought 30 kids to camp out on his ranch for a week. When the teacher was leaving , he said ,Look ,Monty

44、 , I caer tell you this now .When I was your teacher , I was something of a dream stealer . During those years I stole a lot of kids dreams. Fortunately you had enough belief not to give up on yours.【写作内容】 学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动, 你参加其中的 “坚守信念”的讨论。 读完 Monty Roberts 的故事之后, 你准备写一份发言稿,题目是“Belief Can Change Ones Fate” , 内容要点包括:1. 以约30个词概括Monty Roberts 的成才故事。2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你对信念的看法,内容包括:(1) 坚守信念对一个人成长的重要性;(2) 举一两个例子去论证“坚守信念能改变一个人的命运”。(3) 你的感想_要点:坚守信念对一个人成长的重要性。 重述命题:_ 正面原因:_ 反面原因:_ 例一:_ 例二_

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