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1、很高兴出席中欧论坛汉堡峰会。汉堡素有世界桥城的美誉,2000多座桥构成这座城市独特的风景线。在我看来,汉堡还有更多无形的桥通向世界。汉堡自古就有自由贸易传统,13世纪就建立了汉萨同盟。现在,汉堡以欧洲最快转运港闻名于世,汉堡港装卸的集装箱每三个就有一个往来于中欧之间。从这里,我们看到的是中欧交流的悠久历史和繁华现实。It is my great pleasure to attend the Hamburg Summit: China meets Europe. Known as the City of Bridges, Hamburg boasts a unique view with ove

2、r 2,000 bridges. As I see it, Hamburg has even more intangible bridges that extend to the rest of the world. Hamburg has a time-honored tradition of free trade and had established the Hanseatic League back in the 13th century. Today, Hamburg is known to be the fastest transshipment port in Europe. I

3、n fact, one out of every three containers handled in the Port of Hamburg travels between China and Europe. This illustrates the long history and current dynamism of China-Europe exchanges.今年以来,面对错综复杂的国际国内环境,中国经济面临下行压力,但运行总体平稳。上半年GDP增长7.4%,第三季度基本延续这种态势。这一增速相对于中国过去10%左右的高速度,虽有所下降,但还属于中高水平。从世界范围看,我们的增长

4、速度是高的。中国的经济总量已经相当大,现在7%的增量相当于、甚至高于过去10%的增量,也相当于一个中等经济体的规模。Since the start of this year, in the face of a complex environment at home and abroad, the Chinese economy, under heavy downward pressure, has managed to maintain a stable performance on the whole. Its GDP grew by 7.4% in the first half of th

5、is year, a momentum that has basically continued into the third quarter. Although this figure is somewhat lower than Chinas high-speed growth of about 10% in the past, it remains a medium-to-high growth rate. Worldwide, our growth rate is still high. Given Chinas large economic size, the 7% increase

6、 in its economy today equals, if not exceeds, a 10% increase in its economy in the past. The increase is also equivalent to the size of a medium-sized economy.今年年初和近几个月,中国经济一些指标出现小幅波动,但经济运行仍处于合理区间。有波动是难免的,类似波动在去年也发生过,其他国家的增长也不是一条直线。我们提出中国经济运行要保持在合理区间,今年增长的预期目标是7.5%左右。请朋友们注意,这里有个左右。也就是说,只要就业比较充分、物价比较

7、稳定、居民收入同步增长、生态环保取得积极成果,经济增速比7.5%高一点、低一点,都是可以接受的。对于中国政府来说,最关注的还是就业。今年以来,虽然经济增速有所放缓,但就业不降反增。1-9月,城镇新增就业超过1000万人、与去年同期相比多增了十几万人,31个大城市调查失业率保持在5%左右。In the beginning of this year and in recent months, there have been some small fluctuations in some of Chinas economic indicators, yet the economy is still

8、running within a reasonable range. It is inevitable to have some fluctuations, which also occurred last year. And the growth of other countries is not a perfect straight line either. We maintain that the Chinese economy needs to perform within a reasonable range. The growth target for this year is s

9、et at around 7.5%. I would like to draw your attention to the word around. This means that with adequate employment and relatively stable price levels, and as long as we could ensure parallel growth of household income and positive progress in protecting the environment, a growth rate slightly highe

10、r or lower than 7.5% would be considered acceptable. For the Chinese government, its focus is still on employment. Since the start of this year, although economic growth has somewhat slowed, employment has increased. From January to September, more than 10 million urban jobs were created, over 100,0

11、00 more than that of the same period of last year. Surveyed unemployment rate has stayed at around 5% in 31 big cities.经济发展不是短跑,而是没有终点的长跑,要有一定的速度,但更重要的是看耐力和后劲。中国经济增长的质量效益在提升,这是我们希望看到的。服务业比重继续上升,电子商务、物流快递等新兴业态快速发展,高技术产业和装备制造业增长快于整个工业,产业结构调整优化跨了栏。节能减排也交出一份好的成绩单,上半年单位GDP能耗同比下降4.2%、碳排放强度下降5%左右,是多年来最大的降幅

12、。我们的居民收入持续增加,消费需求平稳增长,特别是大众消费快速上升,人民群众得到了实实在在的好处。Economic growth is not a sprint but rather long-distance running that will never end. It demands certain speed. More importantly, it demands perseverance and staying power. The quality and efficiency of Chinas economic growth is improving, something t

13、hat we hope to see. With the continued rise of the proportion of the service industry, the rapid development of emerging industries such as e-commerce, logistics and express delivery, and the growth of high-tech industries and equipment manufacturing faster than the entire secondary industry, the ad

14、justment and improvement of industrial structure has progressed by leaps and bounds. We have also seen encouraging results in energy conservation and emissions reduction. Energy consumption per unit of GDP was down by 4.2%, and carbon intensity down by about 5% in the first half of this year, the bi

15、ggest cuts in years. With growing household income, consumer demand is also rising steadily. In particular, consumption by the general public is increasing rapidly. People have enjoyed tangible benefits in the course of economic development.中国经济能有这样的表现,主要靠的是改革创新。面对经济下行压力,我们没有实行大水漫灌式的强刺激,没有放松银根和扩大赤字,

16、而是强力推改革,在加快行政、财税、金融、投资等重点领域改革的同时,改革和创新宏观调控方式,实施结构性调控,也就是在区间调控的基础上进行定向调控。改革对经济也是一种刺激,能够再造微观基础,优化宏观环境,激发巨大市场活力和社会创造力。我们推出一系列激活力、补短板、强实体的改革措施,就是要释放改革这一发展的巨大红利。The Chinese economy has made these achievements thanks mainly to reform and innovation. Despite downward pressure on the economy, we have not ad

17、opted indiscriminate strong economic stimulus; nor have we ever eased monetary policy or expanded deficit. Instead, we have vigorously promoted reform in administrative, fiscal, financial, investment and other key areas and, at the same time, reformed and innovated the approaches of macro-control by

18、 promoting structural adjustment, namely targeted macro-control on the basis of range-based macro-control. Reform is also a stimulus on the economy, as it helps to improve both the micro-foundations and the macro-environment for economic growth, and could generate huge market vitality and social cre

19、ativity. We have put in place a number of reform measures to incentivize market entities, strengthen weak links and boost the real economy, with an aim to release the massive dividend of reform for development.今年以来,中国政府继续带头自我革命,大幅度简政放权,推进市场化改革,让更多的人、更多的企业展现创造创新的活力。今年3月,全面推行了工商登记制度改革,半年多来新设立的市场主体井喷式增

20、长,同比增幅超过60%。这些新设立的企业大多属于小微企业和服务业,带动了上千万人就业,而且成长性强,是中国经济增长新的支撑力量。我们不仅降低市场准入门槛,采取雪中送炭的政策支持这些新设企业,还加强事中事后监管、创造公平竞争的市场环境,织密社会保障安全网、让创业创新者无后顾之忧,培植企业健康成长的沃土。Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese government has continued to spearhead a self-targeted revolution by substantially streamlining administ

21、ration and delegating powers and promoting market-based reforms so as to boost the vigor of creation and innovation for more individuals and businesses. Since the adoption of reform on the business registration system last March, we have seen an over 60% year- on-year growth, a massive upsurge, in o

22、ther words, on the number of newly registered market entities over the past six months and more. These new businesses, mostly small and micro-enterprises or players in the service sector, have generated more than 10 million jobs, and have become a new pillar of Chinas economic growth thanks to their

23、 strong growth prospect. We have not only lowered the threshold of market access by offering much-needed policy support to these newly-established businesses, but also enhanced on-going and ex-post oversight, created a market environment featuring fair competition, and improved the social security n

24、etwork, so that those involved in entrepreneurship and innovation will have no additional worries and will grow healthily on the land we have fostered for them.谈到这个话题,我想起歌德曾经说过,你若喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。创新创造是人类共同的理念和追求。我们采取这些改革创新举措,就是要让市场新生力量站稳脚跟、发展起来,也让更多的人看到希望、敢于跟进,在中国大地形成大众创业、万众创新的热潮。掀起这股热潮,让每个人都有机会实

25、现成就事业、精彩人生的梦想,这可以把我们的人口红利转为人才红利,也可以完善收入分配、促进社会公平,更好实现经济可持续增长、人的全面发展。Speaking as I am, I think of a line from Goethe, which reads If you want to love your own value, you must create value for the world. Innovation and creation is the common ideal and pursuit of mankind. We have adopted these measures

26、 of reform and innovation so that the newly-born market forces will grow steadily, and that more people will see the hope and follow suit. In this way, we will see a massive wave of entrepreneurship and innovation by the people on the Chinese land. This wave will help everyone to grasp the opportuni

27、ty of realizing the dream of greater accomplishments and a colorful life. It will enable us to turn our demographic dividend into talent dividend and improve income distribution and promote social equity, so that we could achieve sustained economic growth and all-round development of the people.为促进经

28、济平稳运行,我们将在保持政策总体稳定的基础上,更加积极地作为。下一步,我们还会加大改革创新力度,不仅对体制性障碍拆藩篱,还对结构性矛盾动手术,弥补发展中的短板,做强实体经济的筋骨。比如,在财政资金、金融信贷上,盘活存量、用好增量,支持三农、小微企业、新兴业态等实体经济发展,继续推进中西部铁路、城镇棚户区改造、水利、污染防治等重大民生和发展工程,增加公共产品供给。有改革创新形成的强劲动能,我们对实现今年经济社会发展主要预期目标充满信心。To ensure stable economic performance, we will be more proactive on the basis of

29、maintaining overall policy stability. As a next step, we will further enhance reform and innovation. In addition to removing systemic obstacles, we will also address structural problems by strengthening weak links in development and in the real economy. For example, on finance and credit, we will ma

30、ke good use of both existing and additional resources to support the development of agriculture, rural areas, farmers, small and micro-enterprises, emerging industries and other forms of the real economy. We will continue to advance major livelihood and development projects such as railways in Centr

31、al and Western China, renovation of urban run-down areas, water conservancy and pollution prevention and treatment, and make efforts to increase the supply of public goods. With the strong driving force of reform and innovation, we have every confidence that we could achieve the main targets for thi

32、s years economic and social development.近40年的中欧关系,已由一棵小苗长成枝繁叶茂的大树,这棵树上挂满了累累果实。无论是政治互信、经贸合作还是人文交流,都达到了前所未有的高度。中欧建交以来,双方贸易增长了230多倍,现在平均每天就有15亿美元的贸易往来。也就是说,在我演讲的这20分钟里,中欧之间达成了几千万美元的合作。共同利益的纽带使双边关系充满吸引力和扩展力,这让我们对中欧未来充满信心。Over the past four decades, the China-Europe relationship has grown from a seedling

33、 into a luxuriant tree that has borne rich fruits. Our political trust, economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges have all scaled unprecedented heights. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, trade between China and Europe has increased by over 230 folds. Every day, some US$1.5 billio

34、n worth of trade is being conducted between the two sides, which means that during the twenty minutes of my speech today, the two sides have already concluded trade deals worth tens of millions of US dollars. The bond of common interests between us makes China-Europe relations even more appealing an

35、d expansible, which gives us every reason to be confident in the future of China and Europe.中国和欧洲是两大战略力量,肩负推动全球经济发展、促进人类文明进步、维护世界和平的崇高使命,双方正在形成不断放大的战略交集。今年春天,习近平主席访问欧洲,倡导中欧共同努力建造和平、增长、改革、文明四座桥梁,建设更具全球影响力的中欧全面战略伙伴关系,把中欧关系推向了新的高度。我们愿与欧方一道,把握好双方关系的发展航向,在国际上树立起互利共赢的新标杆。中国是最大的新兴市场国家,欧盟是最大的发达经济体,最大与最大交融、一

36、切都有可能,新兴与发达携手、优势就会倍增,中欧在新兴和发达经济体合作中可以成为典范。中国和欧洲分处欧亚大陆的两端,这块大陆是世界上面积最大的大陆,也是人口最多的大陆,市场空间广阔,发展机遇巨大,中欧可以在促进亚欧地区繁荣发展、实现共赢多赢中作出更大贡献。中欧都主张国际关系民主化,在许多国际重大事务上有共同利益,双方关系具有越来越重要的全球影响,在世界和平与全球善治中可以紧握双手。中欧都有伟大的文明,都有理性考量和哲学思辨的传统,中国推崇和而不同,欧盟倡导多元一体,13亿多中国人与7亿多欧洲人命运相连、前途相关,中欧在不同文明包容互鉴中可以成为引领。China and Europe are tw

37、o major strategic forces. We both undertake the lofty mission of promoting global economy, advancing human civilization and progress and safeguarding world peace. The two sides are expanding their converging strategic interests. During his visit to Europe last spring, President Xi Jinping called on

38、China and Europe to work jointly to build the four bridges for peace, growth, reform and civilization between the two sides and a China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership of greater global influence, which brought our relationship to a new height. We are ready to work with the European side to k

39、eep the development of our relationship on the right track and jointly set up a new model of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation in the world. China is the largest emerging market and the EU the largest developed economy. Nothing is impossible when the two largests converge. And strength will be

40、multiplied if the emerging meets the developed. China-EU cooperation may serve as a fine example of that between the emerging and developed economies. China and Europe are located at the two ends of the Eurasian continent, the biggest landmass on earth and the most populous continent in the world wi

41、th huge market and great development opportunities. Together China and Europe may contribute even more to promoting prosperity and development and achieving win-win and all-win development in Asia and Europe. Both sides call for greater democracy in international relations and we share common intere

42、sts on many major international issues. Our relationship is acquiring more and more important global significance. The two sides may join hands in the course of promoting world peace and global governance. Both China and Europe enjoy splendid culture and the tradition of objective reasoning and spec

43、ulative philosophy. While China advocates harmony without uniformity, the EU stands for unity in diversity. The 1.3 billion Chinese people and the 700 million European people have a common destiny and a common future. China and Europe may well take the lead in promoting mutual learning and inclusive

44、ness between different civilizations.欧洲正致力于一体化进程,无论全球风云如何变幻,中国对欧盟的支持始终如一,支持欧洲联合自强,支持欧盟在国际事务中发挥更大作用。我们也希望欧盟继续理解和支持中国选择的符合自身国情的发展道路,尊重和照顾中国的核心利益。Europe is committed to its integration process. No matter what may change in the international arena, Chinas support to the EU will remain unchanged. We supp

45、ort Europe in seeking greater strength through unity and a bigger role played by the EU in international affairs. We also hope the EU will continue to understand and support the development path chosen by China that suits its own national conditions and continue to respect and accommodate Chinas cor

46、e interests.我们身处一个新技术革命和产业变革的时代,当前中欧都处于发展的关键时期,都面临稳定增长、调整结构、促进就业的共同任务,双方深化务实合作既有客观要求,又有难得机遇。中国有句古话,掘井九轫,必得其水,我们应当像挖井一样深挖合作潜力。在此,我提出几点建议:We live in the age of new technology revolution and industrial transformation. Both China and Europe are at a critical development stage and are faced with the comm

47、on task of maintaining growth, readjusting structure and creating more jobs. To deepen the results-oriented cooperation is an objective need for both sides and both face rare opportunities in doing so. There is an old saying in China which goes, You will surely see water coming out if you really dig

48、 deep enough. We should indeed tap deeper into our cooperation potential the way we dig a well. Along that line, let me make the following proposals:一是共谋贸易发展大棋局。中欧经济总量占世界经济的1/3,双方贸易总量占全球贸易的比重只有1.5%。这两个数据虽然不能简单相比,但也说明双边经贸还有很大的成长空间。这种空间既表现在扩大规模上,也表现在优化结构上,这就需要精心布局、做大做优。我这次访德期间,中德两国商务界达成了100多亿美元的协议,不仅有

49、商品贸易,而且有技术合作,你来我往。我们注意到,欧洲计划投资500亿欧元用于交通、能源和数字网络建设,希望欧方积极采用中国有性价比优势的高铁、核电等装备。对华高技术产品出口问题,中方一直关注,希望欧方在即将推行的出口管制改革中,公平对待中方。中欧应共同反对各种形式的贸易保护主义,我们愿与欧方就无线通信反补贴案积极磋商,尽快达成共识。中欧建立自贸区,对于提升贸易水平很有意义,双方可以尽早启动可行性研究。First, we should make a grand strategy to promote growth in trade. China and Europe together accou

50、nt for one third of the world economy, but our trade makes a mere 1.5% of global trade. Although we cannot simply draw a comparison between these two figures, this does speak to the huge potential of growth of bilateral trade. Such a potential is not just about larger scale but also about improved s

51、tructure. Therefore, we need to make good planning in order to increase both the scale and quality of trade. During my current visit, our two business communities have concluded some US$10 billion of agreements, which include both trade of products and technical cooperation between the two sides. We

52、 have taken note of Europes plan to invest 50 billion euros in the building of transport, energy and digital networks. We hope that the European side will favorably consider using Chinese equipment in high-speed railway, nuclear power and other projects, as our equipment is low in cost but high in q

53、uality. We have long expressed concern over the issue of European high-tech exports to China, and we hope that the European side will give China fair treatment in effecting the upcoming reform of its export control regime. China and Europe should jointly oppose trade protectionism of all forms. We a

54、re ready to conduct consultations with the EU in search of an early consensus on the case of wireless communications equipment. The establishment of a China-EU free trade area will be a significant step for upgrading two-way trade, and the two sides may launch feasibility studies on it at an earlier

55、 date.二是推动投资进入快车道。投资合作是中欧关系战略性的体现。现在双方投资发展机会多、态势好,应顺势而为,在产业发展、园区建设等领域支持企业扩大投资。中欧早日达成投资协定,能够为相互投资保驾护航,应加快谈判进程,尽快取得成果。希望欧方对中国企业赴欧投资提供更加公正透明的营商环境,在市场准入、入境签证、工作许可等方面提供更多便利。中欧之间还可以采取联合投资等方式,开发第三方市场,实现多赢发展。Second, we should take bilateral investment onto the fast track. Investment cooperation is the manif

56、estation of the strategic nature of China-EU relations. China and Europe should seize the favorable opportunities, build on the strong momentum of investment growth, and support their companies in expanding investment in such areas as industrial development and industrial parks. The early conclusion

57、 of a China-Europe investment agreement will provide strong guarantee for mutual investment. The two sides need to speed up the negotiation process and work for early outcomes. We hope that the European side will create a more equitable and transparent business environment for Chinese companies inve

58、sting in Europe, and provide China with more facilitations on market access, entry visa, work permit and other issues. China and Europe may also work together to explore market opportunities in third countries through joint investment and other means in order to deliver benefits to all sides.三是开辟创新合

59、作深海域。中欧都致力于结构性改革和经济升级,这为拓展新技术、新产业、新领域合作提供了新机遇。前年我访问欧洲,中欧建立了城镇化合作机制,这方面无论是硬件还是软件合作都大有可为。在绿色经济领域,欧洲有优势,中国有市场,我们希望双方合作建设一批循环经济、节能环保示范区,以增强聚集和放大效应。推进航空航天中长期合作,加强轨道交通运营、维护和管理合作,也是双方努力的方向。Third, we should explore the deep ocean of cooperation on innovation. China and Europe are both committed to conductin

60、g structural reform and upgrading economic structure. This has provided new opportunities for us to expand cooperation in new technologies, new industries and new sectors. When I visited Europe in 2012, the two sides launched the mechanism of urbanization cooperation. This is an area where a lot cou

61、ld be achieved through cooperation on both the hardware and the software aspects. In the area of green economy, Europe has advantages while China has the market. We believe the two sides may jointly develop a group of demonstration zones on circular economy, energy conservation and environmental protection in order to maximize the catalytic and multiplying effect of our cooperation. The two sides may also make a joint effort to advance medium- to long-term cooperation in aviation and space, and strengthen cooperation in the operation, maintenance and management of rail transport systems.8

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