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1、Passage 1Why do I admire my teacher? This is an interesting topic. Personally the teacher I admired most was my Physics teacher at secondary school.Students in most cases look at teachers as being role models. They look at their every action and in some cases even try to be like them. If the student

2、 was brought up in a “proper” home and was taught the right values, they would try to follow in the footsteps of a teacher who has “good” ways. I admired my Physics teacher at secondary school because he was very passionate about what he taught. You could actually see that he enjoyed what he did. He

3、 was also always eager to answer any question I had on any topic that was thought. In addition, during exam time he would put in extra hours to help me solve any question that I had. In fact it didnt have to be exam time; he would do it during any lunch time if he had with us. But what I really admi

4、red was that he did this for any student! He didnt show favor to some students. In these modern times you notice a lot of teachers showing favor to certain students, especially the “bright” ones, who would be named the “teachers pet”. Therefore having a teacher who showed favor to no one and treated

5、 all students equally was something to be admired.Also personality friendly, my Physics teacher would greet everyone with a warm smile which made him more approachable. Some teachers have a serious look so students are often afraid to approach them with questions. In addition, if he realized that th

6、e class was looking sleepy, he would tell little jokes to keep you awake.Im sure everyone who has had an education background would have admired teachers for different reasons. The points I listed above were applicable to me and I sincerely hope it is similar in some way to your view!1. By the write

7、rs description, we know his Physics teacher was _.A. full of wisdomB. like his fatherC. full of devotion to workD. filled with love to him2. From the passage we can infer that _.A. the writer admires his teacher who has a lot of knowledgeB. now he often goes and sees his Physics teacher if he has ti

8、meC. all teachers like clever students because they are easy to teachD. students like teachers who can deal fairly with their students3. Which detail of his Physics teacher is not mentioned in the passage?A. In class, he kept his students quiet and listened to him carefully.B. He paid very much atte

9、ntion to the reactions of his students in class.C. He was kind and friendly, so its easy for his students to approach him.D. He often communicated with his students out of class if he had time.4. In the passage, the writer mainly tells us _.A. what kind of teacher the students admireB. why he admire

10、s his Physics teacherC. that his Physics teacher is a perfect personD. why he shows favor to his Physics teacher可用素材_Passage 2As a child, as a teenager, as a young adult and even most recently in a job interview, I have been asked, “Who do you consider to be your hero and why?”As a child, my answer

11、was, “My Daddy is my hero because he plays games with me.”As a teenager, my answer was, “My Dad is my hero because hes strong and helps me when I dont know the answer on my homework.”As a young adult, I said, “My Dad is my hero because hes a soldier and he loves his children and his country even whe

12、n it doesnt seem like they love him back.”And recently, as I sat in an interview, I was again asked who I consider my hero. Only this time was different; I wasnt quick to answer. It surely wasnt because I didnt know what to say! It was because this time, my heart was full of pride and I had to hold

13、back the tears before I could confidently give them my answer.I smiled as I said, “My father is my hero. He always has been, and he always will be. He is the only person that I can trust, and the only person I can depend on to take away my fear and doubt before they take me away. He has never though

14、t of his own needs, but he has proudly served his country for almost 30 years and has done what he can do for our safety, freedom and daily life. He is a kind, helpful and strong man that has taught me how to be a useful person. He has made me who I am today and he is who I can only hope to be in th

15、e future.”1. Besides a kind, helpful and strong man, the writer also considers her father to be a / an _ man.A. unselfishB. cruelC. calmD. handsome2. How did she answer the question when asked in a job interview recently?A. Shyly.B. Sadly.C. Proudly.D. Excitedly3. What can we learn from the passage?

16、A. The writers answers are the same each time when she is asked “Who do you consider to be your hero and why?”B. As the writer grows older, she has understood her father more and more deeply according to her answers.C. When the writer grows up, she will also be a soldier like her father to serve her

17、 country proudly.D. The writers mother died when she was very young, so she was brought up only by her father.4. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?A. When young, the writer often had a good time with her father.B. In the writers eyes, her father is a helpful man.C. The writer thin

18、ks her father is a proud man.D. The writer learns a lot from her father.5. Whats the best title of this passage?A. My Answers. B. A Job Interview. C. My Father, My Hero. D. My Dear Father.可用素材_Passage 3A healthy relationship is one that makes you feel good about yourself and your partner. Not only d

19、o you enjoy being together, but you can express your true self, and follow your partner to do the same. All relationships are different, of course, but healthy ones have at least five important qualities in common.*Safety: In a healthy relationship you feel safe. You dont worry that your partner wil

20、l harm you.*Honesty: You dont hide anything important from your partner, and can express your thoughts without fear. You can admit(承认) the mistakes that you have made. You can express your disagreements by talking honestly.*Acceptance: You and your partner accept each other as you are. You dont mind

21、 your partners qualities, such as shyness. You dont try to “fix” them.*Respect: You think highly of each other. You should not feel better than your partner in important ways. You respect each others right to have your own opinions and ideas.*Enjoyment: a healthy relationship isnt just about how two

22、 people treat each other - it also has to be enjoyable. In a healthy relationship, you feel happy and alive in your partners presence. You can play and laugh together. You have fun.The opposite of a healthy relationship is an abusive relationship. Such relationships contain control, fear, and disres

23、pect.If you think youre in an abusive relationship, you should make choices at once. Perhaps you know deep down that youd be better off without the relationship but are afraid to leave it. You may depend on your partners income (收入), you may fear being on your own, or you may think of the relationsh

24、ip as “better than nothing”. In the long run, however, an abusive relationship does far more damage to yourself-confidence(自信) than the absence of a relationship.You may think you have no choices, but you almost certainly do. A social worker can help you find ways to leave an abusive relationship an

25、d get your own life back.1. In a healthy relationship, you should _.A. be open to each otherB. fear nothingC. accept your partners mistakesD. be careful with everything2. A healthy relationship can make you happy and alive _.A. if your partner is healthyB. when your partner is along with youC. becau

26、se your partner plays jokesD. until your partner is present3. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “abusive”?A. Priceless B. Regular.C. Free.D. Bad.4. It is suggested that if you are not in a healthy relationship.A. you should find ways to improve itB. your partner should admit his or her mistak

27、esC. you should consider beginning your new lifeD. a social worker should help you find another partner可用素材_Passage 4A good relationship between students and teachers makes the classroom a more attractive place. When you like your teacher, its easier to pay attention to his explanations and improve

28、your grades. When you consider your teacher a friend, youll certainly have more respect for him. When your teachers consider you to be a friend and not only a student, theyll feel freer in class and that will probably affect the classroom in a very good way. Now here are some tips to develop a frien

29、dly relationship with your teachers.*Ask questions. If you have any questions about that subject, ask them. Teachers like to teach and asking questions is the first way of interacting with them. Show them that youre interested in their subject. That will make them notice you. But never ask questions

30、 that you already know the answer to. If your teachers realize that you are not asking real questions, they might think that youre not actually trying to learn, but only trying to make an impression(印象).*No need for compliments(恭维). Dont say things like “You look lovely today, Mrs. Brown” or “Did yo

31、u lose weight, Mr. Smith?” Your teacher will probably think youre being false and only trying to get some advantage, and thats not what you want. Instead, you could do some innocent(无伤大雅的) jokes (jokes that wont make your teacher angry). The moment they start doing some of the same jokes (but toward

32、s you), then youll know that your relationship is becoming friendly.*Talk about non-school subjects. When you see one of your teachers in the hall, greet him and ask if hes going to that concert or if hes seen that movie. That way youll show that you consider him a friend, and thats why you talk abo

33、ut common subjects. Some teachers dont like to have a friendly relationship with a student, but most of them want to have those simple talks with their students. And after a while, they will start to talk with you about non-school subjects in the class. That will make more students in your class joi

34、n in those talks, and everyone will start to consider that teacher to be a friend.The rest is totally up to you; it is very easy to develop a friendly relationship with any of your teachers. If you want to be friends with your teachers, just treat them as friends, but dont forget that no matter how

35、good of friends you are, they will still be your teachers and deserve your respect.根据所读内容在下表中的空格内填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空限填1个单词。 1 to Develop a Friendly Relationship with Your Teachers.WaysAsking questions that you really dont 2 about that subject to communicate with the teachers and let them realize that you

36、 think their subject is 3 .No complimenting but doing some innocent jokes. If the teachers start doing some of the same jokes towards you, you are building a 4 relationship with them.Talking about something that has 5 to do with his or her subjects when you see one of your teachers 6 the classroom b

37、ecause most teachers want to have simple talks with their students.PurposesMaking the classroom a more attractive place.Being easier to pay attention to what the teacher 7 and improve your grades if you like your teacher.Having more respect for the teacher when you consider him or her a friend.Makin

38、g 8 feel freer in class, which will probably affect the classroom in a very good way, if the teachers consider you a friend. 9 10 that no matter how good of friends you are, they will still be your teachers and deserve your respect.可用素材_词句练习A. 将下列句子译成英语1. 良好的关系应该充满爱、关心和理解。_2. 孩子和父母间良好的关系应该建立在相互尊重的基础

39、上。_3. 教师不应该瞧不起任何学生,无论学生学得好与不好。 _4. 和父母吵架是不礼貌的。 _5. 我的母亲是一个善良、乐于助人的人。 _6. 我们的数学老师很容易相处。 _7. 这有益于我们全面发展。 _8. 总之,尊重父母是我们中华民族的传统美德。 _9. 你知道为什么以及怎样建立良好的师生关系吗? _10. 我认为,当我们遇到困难时, 应该求助于老师和家长。 _B. 阅读下面的短文, 并根据“框架”知识, 将其重新排序调整为正确的短文结构。1. To build a good relationship, we students should in the first place sho

40、w respect to our teachers. It is also important for us to be helpful and cooperative either in class or after class. For example, we can help hand out or collect papers for our teachers. On the teachers art, I think that teachers should be both easy-going and strict with us.2. As middle school stude

41、nts, it is necessary to build a good relationship with our teachers. A good relationship will be beneficial to our development. It should be based on the respect and understanding of teachers and the students. Such a relationship will create a friendly atmosphere in which students and teachers feel

42、comfortable with each other.3. I hope teachers and students should try their best to build up a good relationship between them.组成短文后的正确顺序为:_话题核心词汇和句型:1. 词汇respect 尊重misunderstand 误解impolite 没有礼貌的honest 诚实的helpful 有帮助的grateful 感谢的have good manners 有礼貌show respect for 对表示尊重teacher-student relationship

43、 师生关系in harmony with 与和谐build a good relationship 建立良好的关系treat equally 平等对待show love and concern for 对显示出关爱relations/relationship between teachers and students 师生关系understand 理解polite 有礼貌的rude 粗鲁的responsible 负责的reliable 可靠的ideal 理想的;完美的relation/relationship with 与的关系have bad manners 没有礼貌traditional

44、virtue 传统美德out of harmony with 与不和谐strict teachers and helpful friends 严师益友a friendly atmosphere 友好的气氛/氛围2. 句型Teacher-student relationship plays an important role in 良好的师生关系在起着重要作用。The good relationship can make the school 良好的关系可以使学校成为A good relationship will be beneficial to 良好的关系将有利于be based on the respect and understanding 建立在相互尊重和理解的基础上话题写作 幸福是什么呢?是下雨时妈妈送来的一把伞,是难过时朋友安慰的几句话,是帮助他人后会心的一笑,还是?其实幸福很简单,幸福就在你身边。请你以 “Happiness”为题,通过自己的亲身经历,分享你对于幸福的感受。词数:100左右。温馨提示:1. 短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。 2. 这些词汇也许对你有帮助:要求:1. 短文应包括所有要点,可适当发挥;2. 语句通顺、意思连贯;列提纲:_9

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