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1、 issue v.u( issues; issued; issuing ) 双解释义 vt.1.出版; 发行 bring out (especially sth printed and official) for the notice of the public vt. & vi.2.出来; 流出 comego, flow out 基本要点1.issue的基本意思是“如同从母体降生般出现并生存下来”。通常译作“使书等出版、发行”,尤指“使流出,放出,送出,排出”。2.issue既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词作宾语; 也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词

2、to的宾语,介词不可用for;也可接介词from,表示“从涌出”;issue还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 词汇搭配 +名词 issue banknote发行钞票 issue decrees and ordinances颁布法令 issue instructions发出指示 issue new rifles分发步枪 issue new textbooks发新书 issue passport发护照 issue stamps发行邮票 +副词 issue monthly(杂志)每月出一期 issue officially正式发行 issue particularly特别发行 issue pu

3、blicly公开发行 issue out涌出 +介词 issue as以发行 issue at按出售 issue from从流出 issue from carelessness由于不慎而导致(错误) issue from the chimneys(烟)从烟囱里冒出来 issue from the cut从伤口流出 issue from the lake从湖里流出 issue from the wound血从伤口处流出来 issue in造成,导致 issue in heavy losses造成重大错误 issue in a tie打成平局 issue to troops发给部队 issue w

4、ith textbooks发课本 issue the hungry people with food发给饥饿的人食物 常用短语issue from(v.+prep.)issue from sth1.从大量涌出 come out from sth in quantitySmoke issues from the chimney.烟从烟囱中冒出来。A stream issued from the bottom of the hill.一条小溪自山脚下流出。Blood issued from the wound in a flow which could not be stopped.血从伤口涌出,

5、无法止住。Blood issued from his nose.他鼻子出血了。2.由于产生 come or result from sthHis difficulties issue from his lack of knowledge.他的困难是由于知识贫乏造成的。issue with(v.+prep.)提供 supply sb with sth neededissue sb with sthThey have issued the calamity-stricken people with food.他们把食品发给灾民。On the first day of term, the schoo

6、l issued the students with their text-books.开学的第一天,学校给学生们发课本。 用于be ed结构Have all the students been issued with books for the new course?这门新课要用的书是否已经给所有学生发下去了?The convicts were issued with clothing.囚犯们领到了衣服。 句型例句用作及物动词S+n./pron.The government issues money and stamps.政府发行货币及邮票。We also issued agricultur

7、al loans.我们还发放了农业贷款。The press issued a new magazine last year.该出版社去年发行了一种新杂志。The editor told me that he would issue my recent poems in about a months time.编辑告诉我,他将在大约一个月后出版我最近的诗作。The Commission shall issue its first report in about a months time.这个委员会将在一个月左右时间内发表第一个报告。 用于be ed 结构The inspiring call w

8、as issued by the President.这动人的号召是总统发出的。用作双宾动词S+pron./n.+n./pron.They advised the government not to issue him a passport to travel abroad.他们奉劝政府不要给他发出国旅游护照。S+n./pron.+topron./n.The end hut is to be used for issuing guns to the new soldiers.最边上的那间小屋要用来给新兵发放武器。The officer issued guns to the soldiers.军

9、官给士兵们发枪。The general issued commands to his men.将军向士兵发出命令。The public security bureau issues passports to persons going abroad.公安局向出国人员颁发护照。用作宾补动词S+n./pron.+asn. 用于be ed 结构The editor-in-chief hopes that his next book will be issued as a paperback, as this will increase the sales.主编希望他的第二本书能以平装本出版,这样会增

10、大销售量。 词语辨异issue, emerge参见emerge条。 学习参考表示“发给某人某物”时,美式英语表达法是issue sth to sb;而英式英语表达法是issue sb with sth。 补充资料同义词n. problem, question, result反义词n. beginning, start词源古法语eissue(走出) issue n.u( issues ) 双解释义 C1. 问题,议题; 争论点a subject to be talked about, argued about, or decided C2. 发行物sth which is produced so

11、 as to be publicly sold or given out S3. 放出,流出; 发出,发行 the act of coming out or being produced C4. 正结果,结局what happens in the end; the result 基本要点1.issue的基本意思是“问题”“争论点”,多指所思、所说及所写的主要事件或观点,引申可作“要点”“争吵原因”解,一般只用单数形式。2.issue作“事情的结果”“结局”解时,一般用于正式场合或文学作品中。 词汇搭配 动词+ addressbring up, debate an issue处理提出,讨论问题

12、await the issue等待结果 bring outpublish an issue出版一期 complicate the issue使问题复杂化 decide the issue of the battle决定战役胜败 face the issue正视事实,认真对待事实 force the issue强迫对方对某事作出决定表态 make an issue of sth把某事当作问题 resolvesettle issue解决争端 take issue with sb与某人发生争执 touch on sensitive issue触及敏感问题 形容词+ back issue过期的一期 b

13、urning issue紧要问题 current issue目前的问题 divisive issue导致不和的问题 important issue重要的问题 minorside issue枝节问题 last issue(杂志的)上期 new issue新问题 next issue(杂志的)下期 open issue胜负未定 politicalsensitive issue政治敏感问题 名词+ Hongkong issue香港问题 stock issue股票发行 +后置定语 issue concerning public interests与公众利益有关的问题 介词+ at issue在争论中

14、matterpoint at issue争论的焦点 at issue with sb与某人意见不一致 in the issue结果,到头来 an article in this issue这一期的一篇文章 on that issue关于那个问题 +介词 issue of a newspaper报纸的发行 issue of business营业项目 issue of fact事实上的争论点 burning issue of the day燃眉之急的问题 issue on the agenda一项议程 常用短语at issue在审议争论中under consideration, especiall

15、y because of some doubtHer ability is not at issue, its her character Im worried about.她的能力毫无争议,我担心的是她的人品。make issue of(像对待大事一样)处理(小事)treat (a minor matter) as it needs serious discussion like a major matterIts only a small disagreementdont make an issue of it.那仅仅是个小分歧咱们别小题大做。take issue with提出异议disa

16、gree with (a person)Two of the members chose to take issue with the chairman on the question of voting rights.两位委员决定和主席争论选举权的问题。 句型例句There was no issue at all between us.我们之间毫无争议。If youd stayed at home, we wouldnt have had an issue.你如果呆在家里,我们就不会争吵。This has not been raised as an issue by the West.这点还

17、没有被西方作为一个重要问题提出来。There is a new issue of Christmas stamps every year.每年都发行一期新的圣诞邮票。A nosebleed is an issue of blood from the nose.鼻衄就是鼻孔流血的结果。I bought the book the day after its issue.这本书出版后的第一天我就去买到了它。There is no issue at all of a happy.绝无可能获得圆满的结局。His enterprise would have a prosperous issue.他的企业会有兴旺之日。9

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