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1、权力腐败的预防与制约腐败作为一个影响和制约社会发展的国际性问题,成为全世界都在破解的一个难题。当前,我国的改革进入了一个机制、制度建设的新时代,我们党正肩负着振兴中华民族,将中国特色社会主义事业推向前进的伟大历史使命。国际和国内改革开放的实践证明,如果不下决心加强反腐倡廉建设,不下大力气坚决遏止权力腐败,不下工夫铲除滋生各种消极腐败现象的土壤,而是任凭腐败的权力膨胀,任凭腐败现象蔓延,将导致我国改革开放的失败,发展的夭折。所以,当前反腐败的重要任务之一,就是要剖析权力腐败存在的根源,进而研究如何预防和制约权力腐败。一、产生权力腐败的根源 任何社会问题的产生、存在和演变都有其深刻的社会、政治、经

2、济、文化的成因。权力腐败作为一种复杂的社会现象,其形成的原因是多方面的,是相当复杂的。预防与制约权力腐败,就必须首先深入全面地分析考察权力腐败现象存在的逻辑起点、历史原因和时代背景。 1.权力本身具有腐败的诱因。权力的两重性决定权力不但受掌握权力的人自身世界观、人生观、价值观、道德品质、学识、才能的影响,而且权力的自然属性本身所决定的支配力、强制力、影响力、扩张性,对掌握权力的人也会产生很大的影响。它是一把双刃剑,既对人有锤炼意志、品质,提升能力,增强责任感、使命感的作用,也容易使掌握权力的人高傲自负,狂妄自大,目空一切,唯我独尊,这是由权力自身的自然属性,即权力支配他人,强制他人的特殊性所决



5、理最不协调、最不完善的时期,因此政策制度设计制定的不完善、不严密,为权力腐败的滋生蔓延留下空间,使其有空子可钻。当前我国正处于经济体制深度变革,社会结构深度变动,利益格局深刻调整,思想观念深刻变化的历史时期。经济增长先于社会转型和制度更替,而体制制度的转换有一个此消彼长的渐进过程,加之又长期滞后于经济发展,客观上助长了权力的扩张和膨胀,而监督制约权力的配套制度又跟不上去,必然增加权力腐败的几率。 4.权力监控的缺失。尽管现实社会中存在着滋生权力腐败的土壤和条件,但权力本身并不能自发地产生腐败,只有失去监督制约时,权力才会为腐败服务。过去我们遏制权力腐败,强调思想教育,靠人的思想觉悟、道德品质和

6、对党、对人民的忠诚,以此软约束来保证权力掌握在人民手中。但这远没有在社会上形成一种廉政文化,我们的教育内容、教育手段、教育氛围与反腐倡廉的内在要求相差甚远。而硬约束的建立又不协调、不完善,造成了权力乱用的空间,使监控缺失。清正廉洁,权为民所用,还没有真正成为各级干部的座右铭。 二、加大力度预防与制约权力腐败 1.不断加大反腐倡廉建设,形成良好社会风气。胡锦涛总书记在中纪委第七次会议上指出:“必须进一步抓好反腐倡廉工作体制机制创新。”这就要抓好权力腐败的预防。首要的是在思想上遏止贪腐的动机,使之明辨是非。根据北欧,如芬兰、瑞典等被国际透明组织誉为“最廉洁的国家”的反腐败经验,大力开展反腐倡廉教育

7、,形成良好的社会道德风尚、社会价值观和良好的教育环境是非常重要的。因为权力腐败的根源就是信仰动摇,道德滑坡,世界观扭曲。要坚持从小学抓起,在全社会系统开展反腐倡廉教育。坚持把各级领导干部作为教育的重点,教育各级干部坚定共产主义信念,树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观、权力观、地位观、利益观,切实做到为民务实清廉,使之形成一种社会文化。 2.采取有效措施,加强对权力运作的制约和监督。加强制约与监督是防止权力腐败的重要关口。当前,造成权力腐败的一个重要原因是权力过分集中。这就要求:一是对权力进行分解,使决策权、执行权、监督权相对独立,做到配置科学、程序严密、制约有效。二是发展民主,保障人民的选举权、

8、知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权,以权利制约权力。三是实行阳光工程。这就要建立健全信息公开制度,广泛实行政务公开、厂务公开和公共事业公开制度。围绕信息公开,要抓好信息公开载体建设,改进公开服务方式,创新公开服务体制,探索建立公开民主监督的长效机制。 3.大力推进民主政治建设,从源头上防止权力腐败。加强政治体制改革,推进民主政治建设是从源头上防治权力腐败的重要路径。首先是深化干部人事制度改革,扩大民主,加快形成广纳人才、能上能下、公平公正,充满生机与活力的用人机制。使其本身能有效防止选人失真、带病提拔的现象,并能及时发现纠正选人用人中存在的问题。其次是充分发挥人民群众的参与监督作用,使选任的干部能

9、体现党和人民群众的意志意愿,将真正的人民公仆选拔到重要岗位上来,保证人民的权力掌握在忠于党、忠于人民的真正的马克思主义者手里,真心实意地为人民服务。 4.制约权力腐败的重点,是解决好一把手权力过大的问题。这就要坚持完善民主集中制,在领导体制中合理按层级划分权力。一是在领导层中科学配置和细化各个成员的权力,在一个班子中要做到集体决策,系统负责,做到决策、执行、监督三个环节互相制约。二是权力要按层级划分。什么层级掌握什么权力,既不能谁大谁说了算,也不能谁大谁就上下一把抓,人财物听命于一个人,各级副职主管成为俯首听命的随从;而应该是大权管决策、管制度,中权管落实,小权管具体,上、下级层级分明,领域清


11、revention and restrict the power of corruption Corruption as an international problem and constraints affecting social development, become a problem all over the world in the crack. At present, Chinas reform has entered a mechanism, a new era of institution building, our party are shouldering the re

12、vitalization of the Chinese nation, will push the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the historical mission forward. Practice of international and domestic reform and opening to prove, if not resolved to strengthen anti-corruption, no less resolute great efforts to curb the corru

13、ption of power, do not make an effort to eradicate corruption to breed a variety of negative soil, but despite the expansion of the corruption of power, despite the spread of corruption will result in the failure of Chinas reform and opening up, the development of premature death. Therefore, the cur

14、rent anti-corruption one of the important tasks is to analyze the root causes of the corruption of power exists, and then study how to prevent and restrict the power of corruption.First, the root cause of the power of corruptionAny social problem, there are causes profound social, political, economi

15、c, and cultural evolution are. The corruption of power as a complex social phenomenon, the reasons for its formation is multifaceted, is quite complex. Prevention and restrict the power of corruption, we must first examine the powers-depth and comprehensive analysis of the existence of corruption in

16、 the logical starting point for historical reasons and background.1. The authority itself has corrupt incentives. The duality of power to determine not only by its own power the world, life, values, morality, knowledge, in order to influence those in power, and the dominance of the natural propertie

17、s of the powers of the decision itself, force, influence, dilated on those in power will have a huge impact. It is a double edged sword, both people have to temper the will, quality, enhance the ability to enhance the role of responsibility and mission, but also easy to make those in power arrogant

18、conceited, arrogant, arrogant, conceited, it is by the power of its natural attributes, namely power over others, forcing others particularity of the decision. Therefore, the power can make people become great, noble, everyone admired, but also can make people become corrupt, degenerate, everyone de

19、spised.On the social attributes of power, the power of nature but also has a strong personality. Because the people who are in power have emotions, real people, they not only shoulder the public interest, but also has its own interests. In a complex market economy, if not effectively constrained pow

20、er, then power is likely to lose oversight being used, as abuse of power of capital into the power of corruption. It is like the eighteenth century French Enlightenment thinker Montesquieu said, all people have the power to easily abuse of power.2. The individual subjective reasons. China is a count

21、ry with a history of several thousand years of feudal state, feudal society worship power, believe in the power of the supremacy of the social impact of the institutional environment has entrenched. Three decades of reform and opening up, the impact of market economic thought, the impact of foreign

22、decadent ideas, the negative effects of the market economy; individualistic pursuit of power; a rich material life, the human spirit and physical stimulation; various values human temptation, all interference serving the people wholeheartedly believe in the people in the past, before anything else a

23、nd worry, after the world and to establish and implement the concept of music. Because corruption has for individuals, families or small groups to reap benefits gained interest, seeking the benefits of features, so if and when she convinced zero chance of being discovered, she would be tempted; if b

24、ribe large and small risks, she abuse of this authority can not help but make a collusive act (Robert Crete Gardner: control of corruption, translated HUAZHONG Central Compilation and Translation Press, 1998 edition, p. 25).3. The system of institutional oversight. Institutional deficiencies of soci

25、al transition phase power corruption increased deep-seated reasons. Replacement or system of social transformation period, it is often the most loopholes in the system, the most unsound management of the most uncoordinated, most imperfect period, therefore imperfect developed policies and systems de

26、sign, not tight, leaving space for the spread of breeding corruption of power so that there are loopholes.At present, China is in a deep economic system reform, changes in the depth of the social structure, the pattern of interests profound adjustment, profound changes in the history of ideas period

27、. Economic growth ahead of social transformation and institutional change, and the conversion system, the system has a shift in the gradual process, combined with another long lagged behind in economic development, the objective of contributing to the expansion and the expansion of power, authority

28、and supervision of supporting system they can not keep going, will increase the chance of corruption of power.4. Lack of power monitoring. Although there is a breeding ground for the real world of power and corruption of soil conditions, but power itself does not spontaneously generate corruption, o

29、nly to lose when supervision, power will corrupt services. In the past we resist corruption, emphasizing the ideological education, by peoples ideological consciousness, moral character and the party and the loyalty of the people, in order to ensure a soft constraint power rests in the hands of the

30、people. But this is far from the formation of a honest culture in society, our education content, educational methods, educational environment and the inherent requirements of anti-corruption far. The hard constraints established without coordination, imperfect, resulting in the power of the indiscr

31、iminate use of space, so that the monitoring is missing. Clean and honest, right of the people, have not really become the motto of cadres at all levels.Second, greater efforts to prevent and restrict the power of corruption1. increasing anti-corruption and create a good social atmosphere. President

32、 Hu Jintao at the seventh meeting of the commission said: must further strengthen anti-corruption work of institutional innovation. It is necessary to grasp the power of corruption prevention. First and foremost is to curb corruption in the ideological motivation to make it right and wrong. Accordin

33、g to Northern Europe, such as Finland, Sweden, organized by Transparency International as the most corrupt country, the anti-corruption experience, vigorously carry out anti-corruption education, good social morality, social values and a good educational environment is very important . Because corru

34、ption is the root of the power of faith shaken, moral decline, distorted view of the world. To adhere to the school start, launch anti-corruption education system in the whole society. Adhere to the leading cadres at all levels of education as the focus of education of cadres at all levels of the fi

35、rm belief in communism, to establish a correct outlook on life, values, power, status, and interests, and make sure that pragmatic honest people, and make it a a social and cultural.2. take effective measures to strengthen the powers of control and supervision of the operation. Strengthen checks and

36、 supervision is important to prevent the corruption of power mark. Currently, an important cause of the corruption of power is excessive concentration of power. This requires: First, the power to decompose, decision-making, enforcement and oversight powers are relatively independent, so that the con

37、figuration of science, rigorous procedures and effective restraint. The second is the development of democracy, protection of the right to vote, the right to information, participation, expression and supervision rights of the people, in order to restrict the power of the right. Third, the implement

38、ation of the Sunshine Project. It is necessary to establish and improve the information disclosure system, the widespread practice of transparency in government and public utilities system. Around information disclosure, information disclosure should be placed on the carrier construction, improve pu

39、blic services, innovation and public service system, to explore the establishment of an open and democratic supervision of long-term mechanism.3. vigorously promote the construction of democracy and prevent corruption from the source of power. Strengthen political reform, promoting democracy buildin

40、g is an important path to prevention of corruption from the source of power. The first is to deepen the reform of personnel system, expand democracy, accelerate the formation recruit talent, promoted or demoted, fair, full of vigor and vitality of the employment mechanism. It can effectively prevent

41、 the selection itself is distorted, sick promoted phenomenon, and can find the correct selection and appointment of the existing problems. Followed by full participation in the supervisory role of the masses, so that elected cadres to reflect the will of the wishes of the party and the people, the t

42、rue servant of the people promoted to important posts up, ensure that the power lies in the people loyal to the party people in the real Marxist hands, serve the people wholeheartedly.4. restrict the powers of corruption will focus on solving the problem of excessive number one power. It is necessar

43、y to adhere to improve democratic centralism, the leadership system in a reasonable division of powers by the hierarchy. First, the configuration in leadership in science and refined power of each member of the team should be done in a collective decision-making system is responsible, so that decisi

44、on-making, implementation, monitoring three aspects mutual restraint. Second, according to the hierarchy of power division. What level grasp what powers who neither large who is in charge, nor who will come down and grabbed a large, human, financial orders from a man, deputy managers at all levels t

45、o become subservient followers; but it should be the decision-making power tube, pipe system , in possession implement specific small possession, on the lower level of clear, clear the field. Third, the exercise of power according to the program, the implementation of open and fair, to accept the pa

46、rty, the people and public opinion.5. efforts to build a state-owned enterprise corruption prevention and control of power systems. An important part of state-owned enterprises as the foundation of a socialist economy, is to promote the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the main force

47、 is corrupt corrosion important goal, bears an important anti-corruption task. To meet the needs of state-owned assets supervision and reform, and constantly improve the system of state-owned assets supervision, decision-making, investment and significant property damage, the implementation of inter

48、nal audit accountability; continue to improve corporate governance structure, decision-making, implementation, supervision and checks and balances between the three powers; to to restrict the human, financial, and material power of the responsible person; resolutely prevent a dominant power on a large triple to implement collective research, investment, decision-making, property transactions, financial management, material procurement project bidding and other internal and external full implementation process, all aspects of monitoring, lack of systems to prevent corruption caused by power

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