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1、2015年学大教育艺考生课程作文第七十六讲作文实战练习适用学科英语适用年级高三适用区域全国通用课时时长(分钟)1课时/60分钟知识点强调句,非限定性定语从句,名词性从句教学目标知识:掌握句型与作文的结合用法。方法:牢记各类从句及结构的用法,并能灵活运用。能力:根据作文要求精确选择合适的单词及汉语逻辑进行表达。教学重点1、句型的选择和应用。教学难点1、开头结尾选择点的应用教学过程一、 课堂导入日本人在抗战中被打败之后,非常困惑:我们熟读孙子兵法但是依然如此狼狈不堪。事实上,古人云:君子相时而动。那些真正因地制宜的战术才能获得最大的成功。打仗如此,学习也是如此,本节我们重点进行关于实战状态的作文写

2、法。二、复习预习教师引导学生回顾之前几讲作文的开头,结尾固定化的方式,同时回忆这些方式的用途及适用文体。并让学生根据给定的作文现场回顾如何进行写作。三、知识讲解知识点1:句型回顾1.what matters most in A is B, from which we can see that B is very important, instead of C.2. It is not A that matters, but B, from which we can see that3. The +adj/adv的比较级,the +adj/adv的比较级 翻译:越,越4.Where there

3、is A, there is B. 翻译:有A的地方,就有B. Where there is A, there is a chance for us to do sth 有A的地方就有机会做、 Where there is A, there is no B. 有A的地方就没有B Where there is a place where people do sth, there is B.有人们做.的地方就有B Where there is a place where people do sth,there is a chance for us to do sth Where there is

4、a place where people do sth,there is no B.有人们做.的地方就没有B5. adj/adv/V/N(前不用冠词)+as+主+谓 6. it is time that+一般过去式 是该做时候了7. A is to B what C is to D. A之于B就像C之于D。8. The reason why A is that B.2. 【考查点】 其中除了第10个句型中的AB的规定是句子以外,其他的都不是,这样就注定了在使用的时候一定要注意那些成陈述句结构的ABC(在前面加上that构成名词性从句,如that everything is OK;)在组成良好的

5、句式之后,一篇文章需要我们做的就仅仅是句式的汉语思维组合了。E.g. 范例1:微博是一个新兴的网络工具,越来越受到年轻人的喜爱。请以The Advantages and Disadvantages of Micro-blog为题,结合以下的汉语提示写一篇不少于120词的文章谈谈你对微博的看法。 1. 有人认为:在微博上可以第一时间享受资讯与自我参与;可以自由表达想法、方便快捷地发布或获取信息、结交志趣相投的朋友等。2. 有人认为: 微博产生一些负面影响,如微博语言粗俗、传播虚假信息及谣言;使人沉迷于网络影响自己的心情和正常的工作与学习 。3. 题目已给出。标题:The Advantages a

6、nd Disadvantages of Micro-blog【分析开头】作文旨在写出微博的优缺点,并进行阐述,所以开头可以文章最开始的表述进行,并进行简单的修改。写出微博的目前社会现状。Small as it is, the micro-blog plays an important role in our daily life, the advantage of which is that it is not only that you can enjoy news as well as taking part in them that matters, but that you can e

7、xpress your ideas freely, spread or get news conveniently and make friends with whoever shares the same idea with you.【翻译】尽管微博小,它在我们的生活中扮演者本重要的角色,其优势就是不仅仅是你可以在其中看新闻以及参与其中,而且你可以自由表达想法,便利的传播及获得新闻,与那些和你想法相同的人交朋友。While some people say that where there is micro-blog, there are some bad things, such as ru

8、de words as well as spreading false ideas or rumors. Some people even are so addicted to it that they can not enjoy normal life again.【翻译】然而有的人说有微博的地方就有一些坏的东西,诸如不雅的言语以及传播虚假信息甚至谣言。有人甚至如此沉溺其中以至于很难恢复到正常生活中来。In my opinion, what matters most in whether we should use micro-blog is whether we can control o

9、urselves well, from which we can see that the related law also should be made to make the micro-blog better for us to use. After all, every coin has two sides.【翻译】依我来看,在是否我们可以使用微博这件事情上最重要的就是是否我们可以控制我们自己,由此我们可以看到相关法律也应该被制定以便于让微博能更好为我们所用。毕竟,任何事情都有两面性的。【分析】这篇作文中使用了句型1、2、4、5四个大的句型,而所加入的不过是很简单的一些句子而已,正应和

10、了我们在第一讲中阐明的理论:用简单的句子表达意思,用复杂的结构阐明观点,模板作文即诞生了。知识点2:句式结合的回顾:例1:运动会的发起词(此处强调让学生看到字数的统计和写作时间的把控)【分析文章】既然是需要发起一场运动会,那么运动会对大家的好处是其中最重要的一点,阐述好处将作文本文的重中之重。同时,写作的时候一定注意,结构中的ABC等结构的形式,并且注意其中地方需要陈述语序的形式问题。【答案】【分析】本文所用句型:1.what matters most in A is not only B but C,3. The +adj-er/adv-er,the +adj-er/adv-er4.Wher

11、e there is A, there is a chance for us to do sth 有A的地方就有机会做7.A is to B what C is to D.【译文】亲爱的同学们:身体对于我们正如质量对于车,因此我们举办此次运动会其中有许多活动如游泳、跑步等。说实话,在学习中最重要的不是你付出了多少时间,而是是否你有一个好的状态,但是正如我们所知,好的状态来自于我们的身体锻炼。我们做的锻炼越多,我们的状态会越好,由此我们可以看到有运动的地方,就有机会让我们来获得好的体质。因此我们邀请你来参加班次运动会。我确信大家都会从这次运动会中获得很多,本次运动会将取得巨大成功。谢谢。例2:邀

12、请外国老师参加英语竞赛活动并作评委【解读】邀请外国老师参加英语竞赛不仅仅是写一个邀请函,而更多是让别人感受到邀请人的真诚和礼貌,所以在写作中所体现出来的态度非常重要,故选用句型的时候,除过说明该比赛非常重要之外,还需要一点,就是对于被邀请者的尊重和与本次活动的关系。【答案】【分析】本文中仅仅使用了三个比较简单的句型,句型1.what matters most in A is not B but C,because of which句型7. it is the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th time that + have done sth以及句型4. Where there is A, th

13、ere is a chance for us to do sth除此之外都是一些简单的句子。邀请别人参加一个活动要说出非常实际的理由,这样才有可能让别人愿意来参与其中。这篇文章中的三个句型恰如其分地表达了这种意思。因此后面如果出现此类作文一定要多加注意,让作文的意思获得最好的表达。四、例题精析【例题1】关于乱扔垃圾谈谈你的看法并写一个保护环境的宣传语:_【答案】Small as it is, littering is of very bad influence. In my opinion, where there is a place where there is good rules as

14、 well as good manners, there is good environment. It is not how much we say about protecting the environment that matters, but what we do, from which we can see that action speaks louder than words. What I strongly suggest is that we should punish whoever litters as well as awarding whoever protects

15、 environment to create a good atmosphere for us to enjoy. I have a good sign for us “the longest distance in the world is not that between life and death, but when there is a dustbin beside you, you throw the rubbish away.”【解析】本题中关注对于环境保护的,重点说出环保的意义是非常重要的手段,开头一句就直接点明了文章的主旨,而后面的化用泰戈尔的名言则更多是为了让题目更醒目。【

16、例题2】Write an English composition in over 120 words according to the situation given.1自信对我们来说非常重要。2很多人抱怨他们缺乏能力,而事实上,他们只是缺乏自信。3有了自信,并通过不懈努力,是会获得成功的。_【答案】Being confident, as we know, is of great importance to everyone who wants to succeed while they have enough ability to make it. It is not what abilit

17、y you have that matters, but whether you have confidence to carry it out, from which we can see that without confidence and doing, there is no point in taking about ability. Where there is confidence, there is a chance for you to make up what you lack. In fact, the reason why many fail is not that t

18、hey lack of experience or ability but confidence. With confidence, you are willing to do many things happily instead of running away from it. So I strongly suggest that we gather our confidence to do everything. Confidence is to a man what gas is to a car. No matter how well equipped you are, withou

19、t confidence, the equipment is of little use.【解析】本题考查对于自信的理解和阐述,其中划线部分用强调句结构说明了能力与自信的关系,使用的单词非常简单,这也是一个写作的技巧所在,继续秉承“复杂结构+简单单词”模式,让作文更加有趣。同时注意, as we know放在主语和谓语之间,是一种正规的英文表述方式。【注意】作文的精妙之处就在于说服力,用本课程提供的各个结构,合理搭配,将成为具有强烈说服力,心灵穿透力的文字,最大限度引起别人的共鸣,高分作文就应运而生了。学以致用,重在执行,为人性僻耽佳句,语不惊人死不休!让诗圣的话照亮我们前进的方向吧!【例题3

20、】目前,社会上就学生上课外辅导班或者请家教学习进行了辩论,有人认为自己学习能力有限,请人辅导可以更有针对性学习,同时辅导班中学习也学到了不少有用内容;另有人认为有些辅导班唯利是图,不讲质量等,请对此叙述后说明你的看法; 注:不少于120词,不可按原文翻译;首句已经给出;培训班:training class 家庭教师tutorSome people think it is necessary for learning from teachers is better than learning by yourself, _【答案】 Some people think it is necessary

21、 for learning from teachers is better than learning by yourself, and what matters most in learning knowledge from teacher is not only it can strengthen our old knowledge, but also it can make us learn more and more knowledge. While some people say that where there is a training class or tutor, there

22、 is a chance for you to form a bad habit of depending on others; where there is a training class or family teacher,there is less sleep as well as frauds. Dear friends, what I think is that it is not how many hours you have spent on your study that matters, but whether you have got a good way,from wh

23、ich we can see that having a good way is very important. So I suggest you attend the training classes. Of course, every coin has two sides. So do not depend on the training class or family teacher only.【解析】本题考查对正反结构说法的阐述,最后一定说出一个让别人有选择且有参考的意见,不可偏颇。五、课堂运用【基础】 你的同学李华即将高考填报志愿,对于选择大学的专业和有名大学徘徊不定,请就此回信,说

24、明你的观点: 个人的兴趣选择最为重要; 专业更重要,专业的选择对于个人的发展至关重要; 可以咨询意向大学的学生,让他们进行指导;注意:不少于120词,不可逐条翻译;咨询consult_【答案】Dear Li Hua:I am happy to give you some advice on how to choose majors in your university. First,to tell you the truth, what matters most in choosing major is your interest instead of the good name or bra

25、nd of the university, from which we can see that being fit for your actual situation is the most important factor.Second, you should try to know the teachers of the university. After all, where there are good teachers, there is a good chance for you to learn the latest and best knowledge and informa

26、tion, instead of the building itself.Third, you can also consult some students who are reading in that university, after which you can get a better understanding of the major you want to choose.Dear Li Hua,the more you know about the university, the better choice you can make. May you good luck. Sin

27、cerely Yours,【解析】本题考查阐述观点的掌握和词汇的选用,并一定注意,列举观点的时候,可以使用句式,也可以用简单句表述,但一定有层次感,让作文读起来有内涵,有说服力。【巩固】2. 假如你是一名在华教英语的外籍教师,针对中国学生学英语吃力的问题提出你的看法及建议:英语很重要,但方法必须得当;必须学以致用,同时多积累单词,制定良好的日程表;重在执行,不可耽于言辞;不少于120词,不要逐条翻译,适当调整顺序使行文连贯;_【答案】Dear students: I am a foreign teacher in English. Recently I have found that a fe

28、w students have lost confidence in learning English, which worries me a lot, so I decide to share my idea of learning English well with all of you. Today learning English is of great importance for us, so we need do it everyday, which is very necessary, after all, Rome is not built in a day. But it

29、is not only how much we have learnt that matters, but whether we can use them freely to express ourselves. To improve the students grades, I have some measures: First, student should accumulate words everyday as well as doing reading and close tests to use the words. After all, where there is a plac

30、e for you to use what you have learnt, there is a chance for you to master them. Second, try to recite some good and useful sentences to enrich your vocabulary, so that you can write a composition of good quality. Third, dont be too hurry but never be lazy. Make a schedule for you. As an old saying

31、goes:no plan, no result. Never expect a good harvest without pains. Finally, the longest distance in the world is not that between life and death, but when you have done all the preparations, you are too lazy to carry it out. Just do it!【解析】Rome is not built in a day谚语的使用时文章增色的一大手段,在作文中多加考虑使用。【拔高】3.

32、假定你是李华,自制一些中国结(Chinese knot)。给开网店的美国朋友Tom写封信,请他代卖,要点包括:1.外观(尺寸、颜色、材料)2.象征意义3.价格注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语已为你写好。任务:用what matters most句型和it is not A that matters, but B句型进行文章的放血_【答案】What matters most in learning a language is learning its culture, from which we can see that learning its cu

33、lture is very important, instead of remembering words only. So we suggest that you buy some Chinese knots.It is only only that you have remembered some words that can be good to your study,but that you know the culture about this language,because of which we suggest that you buy some Chinese knotsIt

34、 is only only that the Chinese knots are beautiful that can be treated as a kind of gift, but that the prize of them is reasonable,because of which we suggest that you buy some Chinese knots.【解析】注意两个结构在作文中的表述和用法,同时一定将作文的意思表述出来。本题仅仅考察首句的写法原因在于训练时间的把控。课程小结本节课详细解释如何将作文写出,如何把控时间写出作文的原则,故本节的内容较多,一定关注写作中的

35、汉语组织,且汉语组织的时候一定要在“框架内创新”即用所学结构进行写作,适当扩充相应的谚语等说法,让文章内容充满英文气息和逻辑说理。写作的时候先汉语后英语的原则是中国人学习英语写作一个非常重要的手段,多加关注。学生的写作时间可以略微控制,在限定时间写作,也是为了让学生在有压力情况下虚拟体验考试场合,让临场状态得以更好的适应和提升,保证学生在课后依然有良好的写作状态。课后作业【基础】1.下面是有关中学生睡眠情况的调查表,请据此写一篇100词左右的英语短文。 绝大多数不足7小时,有些甚至不足6小时,大大低于8小时标准。原因1.作业过多;2.家长、学校一味强调学生成绩,而忽视学生身心健康。对策1.减少

36、作业量;2.学生的身心健康需要更多关心。 注意:1. 可以适当增加细节,使短文连贯、完整;2. 参考词汇:调查 survey; 有负担 be burdened with_【答案】 A recent survey shows that most of students can sleep less than7 hours a day,even less than 6 hours, from which we can see that our sleep time is very short even shorter than the normal sleep hour8 hours. The r

37、eason why we are so busy is that on one hand, we are burdened with too much work, on the other hand, our parents and school need only our mark, instead of our health, after which our sleep time is shortened. What matters most in studying is being efficient, from which we can see that a good state of

38、 study is very important. So I believe it is not how many hours you study a day that matters, but whether you have got enough useful knowledge, from which we can understand that we should balance our study and life.The better sleep we get, the better we can do in our study. After all, where there is

39、 a good state of study, there is good mark. So I strongly suggest that our homework should be lessened and the school and parents should pay attention to our health. Where there is good health, there is good result.【解析】本题考查学生对于结文章的组织和理解,一定关注学生写作中的汉语逻辑组织,适当进行结构的引导和文章的总体内容阐述。【巩固】2. 一个外国友人即将来你城市旅游,加入你是

40、社团接待人员,请给友人写信,内容如下: 旅馆在和平饭店,房间舒适,服务员会讲英语; 房间在九层或十层,虽略有杂音,但不影响休息; 其他旅游安排注:120词左右,不可逐句翻译;可适当增加细节使行文连贯;【答案】Dear I am very happy to know that you will come to have a visit in our city, and what makes me more happy is that I can be a guide for you. As we know,what matters most in traveling in a foreign c

41、ountry is enjoying a good mood, from which we can see that a comfortable hotel to live in is very important, instead of an expensive but unpleasant one. So Id like to tell you that we arrange the Heping Hotel for you. Whats more, the Heping Hotel is to our city what the New York hotel to your city,

42、and the waiter there all can speak English well, so I am sure you will feel at home.Your room is on the 9th or 10th floor, which is a good place to enjoy the beautiful sight of the city. Little noisy as it is, the traffic is very convenient. We will also arrange a visit in our city, after which your

43、 will know more about the Chinese culture and you can also try some traditional snacks here.Dear , I will receive you at the airport. It is the first time that I have been a guide for some foreign friends, and I have done enough preparations, so I am sure your visit will be an unforgettable memory f

44、or you.【解析】本题考查学生对于给别人帮助的表述,强调一点,如果是重要的事情,一定用重要的句式表述出来,如其中的the Heping Hotel is to our city what the New York hotel to your city等。【拔高】3. 目前,社会上经常爆出家庭中溺爱小孩情况,这样非常不利于孩子独立性的发展,请对此发表你的言论,强调孩子独立性的重要性。注意:120词左右;适当增加细节使行文连贯;【答案】 Independence, one which is of great importance for everyone, is expected by all

45、 the parents for their children, because of which we should know how to develop childrens independence. To tell you the truth, the answer to this question is the same to how to not to spoil child. Some parents are so warmhearted that they do everything they can to help their child, which results in

46、many bad effects, and one of them is lack of sense about duty/responsibility. An American president once said“for a man, the longest distance in his life is from dependent to independent”, from which we can see that we should let children do what they want to do and give help if necessary. Dont arra

47、nge everything well for your child. After all, there will be a day when they should do it themselves. Where there is responsibility, there is less spoiling. To sum up,love your child, love his independence, therefore, free your child and let him do things himself. After all, only after rain and wind can you see the rainbow.【解析】本题考查学生判断并寻找合适句子的能力,以原文的要求为出发点,寻找合适的句子和句式,同时结合汉语逻辑,这样就能写出符合文章需要的句子,例文中的love your child, love his independence为“love me, love my dog”化用而来,一定注意。

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