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1、?圣经?典故、主题等在莎士比亚主要剧作中的表达 About the Biblical Allusions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays Abstract The Bible has been the most influential book in the western world and it has given the greatest influence to almost all the works in the history of English literature From the Middle Ages t

2、o contemporary times we can always find a lot of examples to prove that most of the great works a large number of idiomatic expressions old sayings in Western world are from The Bible indirectly or directly That Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers in the Western world and his plays are greatl

3、y influenced by The Bible are not likely to be disputed In fact that influence is so great that no one with any sense would try to accomplish it in a short paper In this paper the use of the biblical sentences allusions and themes are the main points to enunciate Because Shakespeare wrote so many ex

4、cellent plays so this paper put the more emphasis on a few of them Hamlet Measure for Measure Merchant Of Venice Henry etc After a glance of these Shakespeares major plays we can get th e conclusion that The Bible has a great influence on Shakespeares major plays Key words the Bible Influence Shakes

5、peare Plays I About the Biblical Allusions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays 摘 要 在这篇论文里我将尽全力来展示这样一个事实?圣经?是迄今为止西方世 界最具影响力的书籍并且对英国文学史上的几乎所有的杰作都产生了不可估量的 巨大影响从中古时期到现代我们无一例外的能找到大量的例子来证明大量的西 方习惯表达俗语谚语而且绝大局部经典著作的素材都直接或间接的来源于 ?圣 经?而文艺复兴时期的英国文学巨匠莎士比亚更是受它的影响颇深 ?圣经?的 词句典故和主题等在莎士比亚的主要作品中几乎是随处可见本文

6、就是从?圣经? 的词句典故和主题三个方面来具体阐述它对莎士比亚剧作的巨大影响由于莎士 比亚的剧作多数都是文学作品中精华之作且它们受 ?圣经?影响之深非一篇论 文所能概括的因此本文试用其中比拟著名的 ?威尼斯商人?恶有恶报?哈姆 雷特?亨利四世?等几篇来具体说明 ?圣经?对莎士比亚的剧作产生了巨大的影 响 关键词?圣经?莎士比亚剧作影响 II About the Biblical Allusions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 The La

7、nguage Allusions and Themes of The Bible in Shakespeares Major Plays 4 21 Sentences quoted from The Holy Bible directly or indirectly in order to achieve a good artistic effect 4 22 The biblical allusions in his major plays 5 23 The subject matter of The Bible in his plays 12 Chapter 3 The Conclusio

8、n 15 References 16 Acknowledgements 17 About the Biblical Allusions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays Chapter 1 Introduction The word Bible comes from a Greek word biblia which means a group of books therefore The Holy Bible is made up of numerous books known as a group of books Peopl

9、e sometimes call the Holy Bible Testament or covenant which refers to the agreement that God and mankind made According to some documents God and Israelis made treaty many times in ancient times such as Abraham Covenant the Moses Covenant etc In these covenants God requires the Israelis to obey Gods

10、 law and then he will provide them a thriving and prosperous life People recorded these as The Old Testament But unfortunately Israelis failed to abide by the testament made with God God sent his son Christ to the earth and set up New Testament with people The Record of it was called the New Testame

11、nt The Bible has 66 pandects 39 of the Old Testament 27 pandects of the New Testament 1189 chapters 969200 words 734200 words of the Old Testament among them 235000 words of New Testament in all 巴拿 巴 yangxincomenet060601101htm The language of The Bible is lucid and lively It is rich in appeal and in

12、 genre And there are mythologies legends fables poems essays short stories letters lectures and preaches It employs richer and more colorful techniques of expression liken metaphor signify and double meaning etc We can say undoubtedly that Though the Holy Bible is not a literature book it has the un

13、paralleled value of literature 王佐良 41 Just because The Holy Bible has so enormous literature status it is nearly a main mother resource and has offered the content subject material the extremely important reference of the tactics and question type for Western literature for all the time Generally sp

14、eaking it has become the British writers spring of inspiration abundantly with its material treasure-house not exhausted And because of these advantages The Bible has it has become the greatest gem of literary art of all works in the history of English literature and is has provided no small influen

15、ce upon the English literature And there are some statistical figures to prove that Dr Sanki Ichikawa renowned Japanese scholar of English literature and language has made with other scholars a first research and analysis of some 3000 quotations from The Bible Shakespeare and other 1 About the Bibli

16、cal Allusions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays great writers which have been extensively used by writers of the twentieth century The results Resource Number Percentage The Bible 1351 43 Shakespeare 773 24 Miscellaneous 1046 33 Sum total 3170 100 Chen Ping 20-21 From those statistics

17、 we can get a clear conclusion that The Bible 43 tops the list of the most frequently quoted works immediately followed by the plays of Shakespeare 24 But after a glance of Shakespeares plays we can find the following interesting details Shakespeares masterpieces were greatly influenced by The Bible

18、 As the most famous dramatist writer in the Renaissance period William Shakespeare 15641616 has a reputation as the greatest of all writers in the English language or indeed in any language His ability to capture and convey the most profound aspects of human nature is regarded by many as unequalled

19、and the English Renaissance has often been called the age of Shakespeare He is among the few playwrights who have excelled in both tragedy and comedy and several of his plays contain songs that are among the finest lyric poems in English He also wrote 154 sonnets two narrative poems and a handful of

20、 shorter poems Shakespeare wrote his works between 1588 and 1613 although the exact dates and chronology of the plays attributed to him are often uncertain His prolific output is especially impressive in light of the fact that he lived only 52 years He was good at quoting wonderful scenery allusion

21、from The Holy Bible story as raw material for his plays And he usually regarded The Holy Bible stories as the basic subject matter certainly incorporate with his own thoughts view and emotions of love and hate According to American scholar Dicks statistics There averagely are 14 quotations from The

22、Bible in every Shakespeares play 朱维之 27 That the influence of The Bible on Shakespeares plays is so great that no one with any sense would attempt to accomplish in a short paper So here I am just offering an 2 About the Biblical Allusions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays introductory

23、 sketch of what could never become a finished work Having said clearly that this paper may seem just an introductory outline And I must make plain that Shakespeares major pl ays only refer to a few famous ones in this paper For example Hamlet 2002 Measure for Measure 2002 The Merchant of Venice 2002

24、 Henry 2002 Henry 2002 Romeo and Juliet 2002 etc 3 About the Biblical Allusions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays Chapter 2 The Language Allusions and Themes of The Bible in Shakespeares Major Plays 21 Sentences quoted from The Holy Bible directly or indirectly in order to achieve a g

25、ood artistic effect Let us have a look at Hamlet first There are many famous sources that can prove he has quoted the language of The Holy Bible in the book Taking one for example In Act Scene when Laertes son of Polonius after participating in the coronation type of the King is returning to France

26、His father Polonius told him the following words This above all to thine own self be true And it must follow as the night the day Thou canst not then be false to any man William Shakespeare 52 It is from the Ecclesiastes And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that

27、 are done under heaven this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith Ecclesiastes 113 The Preacher the other name of Ecclesiastes is a collection of words of the Preacher the son of David king in Jerusalem He is famous for his wisdom Shakespeare gave a little change t

28、o The Preachers words and used in the play to show not only the profound expect of an openhanded father to his lovely son but also tricky character of Polonius Further more the use of biblical sentence could make the emotion and character of figures much more clearly to the audience Next let us take

29、 a look at Shakespeares Measure for Measure 2002 We can even find it just from the title of the drama There is a quotation coming from the New Testament Matthew Jesus said to his people for with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged and with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again

30、 Matthew 4 About the Biblical Allusions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays 72 Using the biblical sentence as a title of the play displays that this play has a deeply internal relationship with The Bible and the audience familiar with The Bible could know the general idea of the play ju

31、st from the title In this drama we also can find many lines which are from The Bible And the application of these sentences have much effect on popping out the main figures character For example Virtue makes people strong benevolence makes people fearless beautifully William Shakespeare comyingwenws

32、-mfm001htm is similar with the sentence in The Proverbs 281 The wicked flee when no man pursueth but the righteous are bold as a lion The Proverbs 28 1 In Act Scene Claudio says bravely I humbly thank you To sue to live I find I seek to die And seeking death find life Let it come on It is as same as

33、 these words in Luke 924 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it but whosoever will lose his life for my sake the same shall save it Luke 924 From Claudios words her bravery and obstinacy are drawn with a strong pencil Compared with the other two ways of the use of The Bible biblical sentence

34、s can be much more easily seen out and understood and they have a better artistic effect But for the other side the use of biblical sentence has a more strict restriction For example the environment of a sentence is limited the meaning of a sentence is finite So the biblical sentences is used much l

35、ess times than that of the other ways And in the following part we will discuss about it 22 The biblical allusions in his major plays Because The Bible has a large number of readers and the character and story of The Bible is well known in the Western world Western writers always use biblical allusi

36、ons to narrate the story which will hopefully be accepted easier by readers and therefore the meaning of the works can be better understood and its theme could be deepened It is no doubt that Shakespeare is a cool fish who quoted the biblical allusions too Among the plays of Shakespeare biblical all

37、usions are often used to make out a 5 About the Biblical Allusions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays certain characteristic of someone stand out make personage image appear combined with their nature in order to get infinite artistic charm In The Merchant of Venice Antonio hates Shylo

38、ck criticizing that he should not practice usury And because Antonio always lends money with no interest which caused Shylock to cut down the usury interest Shylock regards him as the thorn in his flesh In Act Scene because his friend is urgently in need of money Antonio determines to borrow three t

39、housand ducats from greedy Shylock for once in a way and promises that the usury interest will be computed as Shylocks will And this is a dialogue between them SHYLOCK When Jacob grazd his uncle Labans sheep- This Jacob from our holy Abram was As his wise mother wrought in his behalf The third posse

40、ssor ay he was the third- ANTONIO And what of him Did he take interest SHYLOCK No not take interest not as you would say Directly intrest mark what Jacob did When Laban and himself were compromisd That all the eanlings which were streakd and pied Should fall as Jacobs hire the ewes being rank In end

41、 of autumn turned to the rams And when the work of generation was Between these woolly breeders in the act The skilful shepherd pilld me certain wands And in the doing of the deed of kind He stuck them up before the fulsome ewes Who then conceiving did in eaning time Fall parti-colourd lambs and tho

42、se were Jacobs This was a way to thrive and he was blest And thrift is blessing if men steal it not William Shakespeare 38 6 About the Biblical Allusions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays From their dialogue we can see that Shylock deviously uses the allusion from Genesis for his quib

43、bling In Genesis Jacob a clever man worked for his uncle Laban And they made a deal that all the speckled and black cattle will be given to Jacob as his pay But Jacobs uncle got all the speckled and black sheep away in advance in order to let Jacob get no one By using smart tricks Jacob got his pay

44、through letting lambs give birth to speckled sheep The allusion used here expresses great greed for money of Shylock The conversation shows that Shylock wants his money get more interests as quickly as lambs fall lambs In Act Scene Shylock asks his friend if he has found his daughter Jessica She run

45、s away with a Christian taking jewels which are worth about two thousand ducats When he gets the answer no he is in a violent temper and pops off angrily SHYLOCK Why there there there there A diamond gone cost me two thousand ducats in Frankfort The curse never fell upon our nation till now I never

46、felt it till now Two thousand ducats in that and other precious precious jewels I would my daughter were dead at my foot and the jewels in her ear would she were hearsd at my foot and the ducats in her coffin No news of them William Shakespeare 98 According to Malachi 39 God charges of Israelis trea

47、cherous action for taking away the conciliatory offering to Him He announced Ye are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me even this whole nation Malachi 39 Shylock cries out suddenly for Gods serious punishment after losing spark It seems that some language outlets suddenly Like hang spring fall

48、s suddenly and readers cannot help seeking the allusion and the just bottom of it The author arranges the material like that just in order to emphasize the status of that spark- the sacred and inviolable supporting things in the mind of this stingy borderland This detail fully demonstrates that Shyl

49、ock is not only bitter to foreign people but also extremely unkind to its daughter There is no human nature at all Maybe Shakespeare used allusions of The Holy Bible to decline the mood and psychological condition of the personae under the specific environmental atmosphere 7 About the Biblical Allus

50、ions and Biblical Themes in Shakespeares Major Pl ays And this tactics often get an extremely good dramatic result In Act Scene of Hamlet there is a monologue of the king - Claudius He says O my offence is rank it smells to heaven It hath the primal eldest curse upont Axbrothers murther Pray can I n

51、ot Though inclination be as sharp as will My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent And like a man to double business bound Ixstand in pause where I shall first begin And both neglect What if this cursed hand Were thicker than itself with brothers blood Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens

52、 To wash it white as snow Whereto serves mercy But to confront the visage of offence And whats in prayer but this twofold force To be forestalled ere we come to fall Or pardond being down Then Ill look up My fault is past But O what form of prayer Can serve my turn Forgive me my foul murther That cannot be since I am still possessd Of those effects for which I did the murther- My crown mine own ambition and my queen May one be pardond and retain th offence In the corrupted currents of this world Offences gilded hand may shove by justice

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