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1、Module8Time off Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about课型Reading and writing 使用时间 【学习目标】1知识目标:掌握本单元的单词:square ; kilometer; shape; human; wake; somebody; about; path; pull; freshwater.词组:square kilometre, be famous for , without doing sth., Its a pity that + 从句,hope to , pull sth off sth, wake sb

2、 up ,look like ,move about ,make noise ,right now. 2、能力目标:通过本课的学习,能够掌握贝蒂游览张家界国家森林公园的经历3、情感态度价值观:通过本课的学习,激发学生对祖国大好河山的热爱,培养学生的跨文化交流意识。【学习重点】本模块单词、词组及宾。【学习难点】从文中获得准确信息及掌握that 引导的宾语从句。【学习方法】自主学习与合作学习相结合【Learning process】I Preview我出彩:根据音标写出单词及中文。(相信自己,我能行。)1./ s k w e / 2./ k i l m i: t / 3./ ei p / 4./

3、h j u: m n / 5./ w ei k / 6/ s m b d i / 7./ b au t / 8./ p a: / 9./ f u l / 10/ f r e w : t / 翻译官:预习课文,从文中找到下列词组。(有难度,记得要交流!)1. 承诺做某事 2看起来像 3.move about 4.唤醒某人 5.make noise 6. 寻找 7.希望做某事 8.把从拉出来 9.立刻;马上 II Cooperative learning(合作学习)Step1【Pre-reading】Look at the picture and work in pairs : A: Where

4、is it ?B: A: How large is it ? B: A: Where can you stay B: A:What animals can you see ? B:A: What is the most famous thing to see ? B: 1. Scanning (the first reading ) Answer the questions1)where are Betty now ?2)What did Betty and Lingling do this morning ?2.Careful reading about the email and comp

5、lete Activity4 Number the sentences in the correct order.a)Betty pulled a leaf off a plant. ( )b) The noise woke everybody up. ( )c) They climbed Mount Tianzi. ( )d)A monkey made some noise. ( )e) They camped by a small lake. ( )f)Lingings uncle said that people should protect everything in Zhangjia

6、j( )3.Read again and complete the Activity 5Step3【Post-reading】Read the information about Zhangjiajie and writing How large is it?about 480 square kilometresWhere is it?about 400 kilometres from ChangshaWhat can you see?mountains, rivers, forests, many kinds of plants and animalsWhat is special?stra

7、nge shape of tall rocks, beautiful sightsWhere can you sleep?hotels or campsZhangjiajie is about 480 square kilometers .Its about 400 kilometres from 【Summary】I study,and I summarize1.总结重点短语和词汇: 2. 1)We thought somebody was moving about .2)Linglings uncle said it was an animal.3) Linglings uncle sai

8、d that it was wrong to pull leaves off plants是什么从句其句型结构为: 。【Classroom consolidation】课堂巩固练习.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分) 1.TheGrandCanyonisabouttwentyk wide.2.Tomp hissistershairandmadehercry. 3.Thereareseveral (小径)towardsthehill,soyoucangettothetopfromanyofthem.4.Thecloudsintheskyhavemany (外形;形状).5. (某人;有

9、人)iswaitingforyouattheschoolgate,Mr.Liu.Thankyoufortellingme.用所给词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.Theboypromises (study)hardatEnglishfromnowon.2.Itsnotpolitetoserveyourselfwithout (ask)theowner.3.Weallhope (watch)thefootballmatchagain.Itsveryexciting.4.Somegirlsaresinging,and (other)aredancingtothemusic.5.MountQomola

10、ngmaisthe (high)mountainintheworld.【Homework 】家庭作业.单项选择(10分)1.ManyforeignstudentsgotolearnEnglishinEnglandandtheyoftenstay ahostfamilytomakerapidprogress.A.on B.with C.in D.for 2.Jimssisteroften ateightoclockonSunday.A.wakeshimupB.wokehimupC.wakesuphim D.wokeuphim 3.Weallbelieve wecantraveltothemoon

11、oneday.A.that B.if C.this D.or 4.Itsnotrighttopulltheleaves thetree.A.of B.in C.off D.from 5.ImgoingtospendmysummerholidayinHawaii. -_Whataluckyboy!Anddontforgettosendmeapostcard.A. Thatsoundsgood.B.CanIgowithyou?C.Goodluck! D.Haveawonderfultime.6.I know _ he is a teacher. A. where B. how C.that 7.H

12、e said that he _ at school. A. is B. wasnt C. isnt 8.He tells me _ in 1985. A. that he was born B. he is born C. is he born 9. He said _. A. that he will buy a new dictionary B. he bought a new dictionary C. that he buys a new dictionary.完成句子(10分)1. 大家都说(这对)双胞胎看上去像他们的爸爸。 Everyonesaysthatthetwins the

13、irfather.2. 西班牙曾因其强大的舰队而著名。 Spainusedto itsstrongarmada.3. 有礼貌的小孩不会在餐厅里吵闹乱跑。Well-manneredchildrendont anyandrunaroundintherestaurant. 4. 长江是中国的第一长河。 TheChangjiangRiveristhe riverinChina.5. 当你在森林里迷路的时候不要到处活动。 Dont whenyouarelostintheforest.课后反思: 家长签字教师评价批改日期答案kilometres 2.pulled 3.paths 4.shapes 5.Somebody1.to study 2.asking 3.to watch 4.others 5.highest1-5 BAACD 69 CBAB1.look like 2.be famous for 3.make noise 4.first longest 5.move about

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