开题报告 一稿

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1、武汉轻工大学本科毕业论文(设计)I AbstractEtiquette is the rules of communication between people, and it is a language, but also a tool. Since the formation of a major source of ritual the difference of religious beliefs, what making the world believe in different religions that people follow a different liturgical

2、. As different countries with different historical and cultural heritage, Needless to say there are many differences in habits when people of all countries dealing during the ceremony. Particularly in the etiquette between Western and Chinese is very large, in order to achieve the resonance of the l

3、anguage ,the differences should be taken seriously.This shows that the habit of understanding between Chinese and Western communication is necessary. Look at the big run, a country both in politics or in economy and trade to understand the ritual habits of the other country, it will be conducive to

4、the exchanges between the countries. With the continuous development of Chinese and western culture, the Chinese and western etiquette is mutual confluence, and westerners gradually accepted in Chinese culture such as heavy emotion and reasonable factors, and the Chinese also gradually accepted the

5、western culture advanced civilization etiquette and communication mode. We must admit that todays international etiquette is basically the etiquette of western ,therefore this paper studied the differences between Chinese and western etiquette. In order to reduce the gap between the Chinese and west

6、ern culture etiquette, make the interaction between Chinese and western people more easily, This article discusses on various aspects of differences between Chinese and western culture etiquette. Athough there are many differences, and we should extrct its essence, we can take a tall on chinese and

7、wester cultural ceremonial exchanges and communication and learning.Key Words: Etiquette, Differences, Chinese etiquette, Western etiquette摘要礼仪是人与人之间交流的规则,是一种语言,也是一种工具。由于形成礼仪的重要根源宗教信仰的不同,使得世界上信仰不同宗教的人们遵守着各不相同的礼仪。由于各国的历史和文化底蕴不同,各国人民在进行礼尚交往时的习惯也有不少差异。特别是中西方之间,礼仪上的差异很大,为了达到这种语言的共鸣,中西方礼仪应该得到重视。 由此可见了解中西

8、方交往的习惯差异是很有必要的。往大处来说,一个国家无论是在政治上还是在经济贸易中,了解对方国家的礼仪习惯,将有利于各国之间的交往。随着中西方文化的不断发展,中西方的礼仪正在相互融合,西方人逐渐接受了中国文化中重情感等合理因素,中国人也逐渐接受了西方文化中先进文明的礼仪和交往方式。 我们得承认,当今国际通行的礼仪基本上是西方礼仪为此本文探讨研究了中西方礼仪的差异,为了减少中西方文化礼仪上的差距,使中西方人们之间的交往更加容易,本文通过对中西方各个方面文化礼仪的不同展开讨论,差距是有,取其精华,进行中外文化礼仪上的上的交流和沟通,学习。关键词:礼仪;差异;中国的礼仪;西方的礼仪 Introduct

9、ion of Etiquette2.1 brief Introduction of Etiquette: Etiquette is people in social interactions, as it is due to historical tradition, customs,religious beliefs, and the trend of The Times that the formation of the influence of such factors. Both for people identity and for the people had to follow,

10、 For the purpose of establishing harmonious relations,and the sum of the various line with the spirit and requirements of ritual code of conduct .First we must understand the different etiquette is based on their cultural roots. The Concept of Etiquette and the Reasons for Studying Etiquette. Etique

11、tte is the process and means to show waht respect to each other in interpersonal relationship .Etiquette can be said to be a persons external appearance of inward cultivation and quality. From the aspect of communication, interpersonal etiquette can be regarded as a kind of art and a method of commu

12、nication. It is a common respect for person and a friendly practice in interpersonal relationships.From the respect of transmitting, interpersonal rituals can be roughly divided into chief etiquette, business etiquette, service etiquette, social etiquette, foreign etiquette and several other major b

13、ranches. 2.2 different situation of the etiquette between chinese and western. An important reason that different countries have different histories and cultures, there are a lot of differences in the habit of conducts and the ceremony, especially between China and the West, the jokes and the mistak

14、es caused by misunderstanding is not unusual. This shows that the understanding of the different etiquettes between Chinese and the Westerners is absolutely necessary. In the office, to understand each others customer will be conductive to the exchanges between the countries. A person who understand

15、s others rituals and folk customs can be seen as respecting for others and can be easier to make a good impression on the other side. Along with the constant development of Chinese culture and the Western culture, Chinese ritual and the Western ritual are fusions. The Westerners have accepted the re

16、asonable factors in Chinese culture and other important feelings. Chinese people have gradually accepted the advanced civilization of the Western culture and etiquette style. However, in real life, the etiquettes impact due to cultural differences between China and the West still exists. The paper e

17、xplores the differences between Chinese etiquette and the Western etiquette to make Chinese communicate with the Westerners more easily. Differences in several aspect3.1 The differences of daily communication.Daily to greet, Chinese people mostly used to say Did you eat ? Where are you going ?,etc.

18、It reflects the interpersonal kindness . But for westerners, this greeting will make them feel suddenly, embarrassed, even unhappy, because westerners will put this friendly greeting that just for Chinese to understand the questioned, it means they are questioned because something , and they feel ot

19、hers in their private lives. In a word the behaviour make them feel uncomfortable.3.2 Dining etiquette disparity between chinese and western.Chinese and western languages have many different farewell languages. If you farewell to patients , Chinese people will say the word ofdrink more water, put on

20、 more clothes,and sleep early and so on to express the carefulness to patient . But westerners never say that words such as drink more water , because this words will be thought the backseat driver. For example, they will say take care or I hope you will soon recover, etc. 3.3 Dining etiquette diffe

21、rence.Chinese people have a words that called People regard food as their heave , thus diet in the Chinese idea ia very important , so Chinese people look the daily diet as their top thing. Chinese dishes are exquisitely prepared, delicious.Chinese people pay more attention to food color, smell, tas

22、te, shape, meaning , sometimes more than on nutrition to pay attention to.Both we think of foods delicious and beautiful,and the nutrition is always be ignored. Western diet attach importance to rang in food nutritions and absorption,it is a science diet idea. Westerners pay more attention to the fo

23、ods nutrition and neglect of the food color, fragrance, taste, shape, meaning.Their diet is to survive and health, it seems does not important to taste .3.4 Dress etiquette difference.Western man usually wear a conservative style suit in formal social occasions, they wear white shirt and tie inside.

24、 They like black, so they usually wear black leather shoes. Western lady usually wear a dress suits in formal occasions. Another custom is woman wear earrings when they go out . Western countries, especially in the United States, people like to wear leisure clothes at ordinary times, such as T-shirt

25、s with jeans.3.5 Background difference between China and Western.The eastern civilization and western civilization is boring and developing in certain social historical conditions , without which is excellent or worse. The history of the west, it is only 200 years,a very short history and its people

26、 from various places and they came here to immigrate,so many different nationalities and races got together.3.6 Chinese and western to privacy different views.In the conversations, remembering not to talk about personal business, such as age, marriage, income, religion, etc. Seeing that others buy t

27、hings cannot ask its price; If you see others return, also cannot ask where he gone or where he is from, otherwise they will disgust at you , usually western use the sentence of nose come into the somebodys private life to express their disparagement to the people who asked.3.7 Different of religion

28、.Buddhism was introduced into China for more than a thousand years, people believe in that there is the Lord Buddha in the world, and this related to many languages.The influence of religion in the western society is profound, it involves in political, economic, social, and all aspects of life, espe

29、cially of Christian cultures influence on English countries is more deep and rooted. In in many western countries, especially in Britain, people believe in Christianity,and they always saysGod help me. They always get married in church. OutlineI Introduction1.1 Brief introduction of etiquette1.2 dif

30、ferent situation of the etiquette between chinese and western. 1.3 The origin of chinese etiquette 1.4 The origin of western etiquetteII Differences in several aspect 2.1. The differences of daily communication 2.2. The differences on the appellation 2.3. Dining etiquette disparity between chinese a

31、nd western. 2.4 The differences on the dress 2.5 Background differences between China and Western 2.6 The difference between Chinese and western ideas 2.7 Privacy different views of Chinese and western 2.8 Differences in education 2.9 Different of religionIII 3.1 Important Symbol of Human Civilizati

32、on 3.2 The Immortal Essence of the Western Civilization 3.3 The Integration between Chinese and the Western Ethics 3.4 The foundamental differences between eastern and western 3.5 The Island culture and Marine type culture 3.6 Ethic culture and the culture of Utilitarian type 3.7 Harmonious culture

33、and resistance type cultureIV. Conclusion Bibliography 1 Byram, M. Foreign Language Education and Culture Studies. Language and Culture, 1997.2 Fang Yanmei. Difference of Transnational Commercial Etiquette Cultures. Guangxi: Journal of Guangxi Youth Leaders College, 2006.3 Jeremy Harmer. The Practic

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