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1、 PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit2 What time is it?Part A lets spell教学设计 一、教材分析:lets spell板块分为Read,listen and chant,read ,listen and circle 以及look,listen and write 三部分。第一部分呈现了字母组合ir和ur在单词中发音的规则,第二部分通过读单词,听音圈词的活动强化记忆ir和ur的发音规则,帮助学生根据发音规则读出新词,巩固学习ir和ur的音形对应关系,第三部分则通过听音写单词活动帮助学生按照发音规则拼写单词。 二、教学目标:学生能够感知并归纳字母组合ir和ur在单词

2、中的发音规则,能够读出符合ir和ur发音规则的单词,能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合ir和ur发音规则的单词,补全短语,句子。 三、教学策略:教师可以通过拆音、拼音和分类等语音意识训练活动,引导学生进行发现式的学习,观察、感知、体验并自己归纳出ir和ur在单词中发长音的规则。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 warm up 教师和学生一起欣赏歌曲,接着和学生一起交流问答,并且通过短小的chant复习上个单元字母组合er的发音。 T:Good morning ,boys and girls,Im your new teacher,you can call me Miss Hu,Hello,Im Miss

3、 Hu,Whats you name?Nice to meet you.I love your pronuncation,.Im an English teacher,so I love English very much,I love chant,too.Do you like chant?Ok,lets chant together.播放Unit1 lets chantT:Oh,there are many words with “er”,er says / ,your group,good,your group,please.设计意图 运用与本节课相关的语音歌曲,不仅营造了轻松、友爱、温

4、馨的学习氛围,并且对26个字母的发音简单的进行了复习,字母组合发音er也给学生复习到位。Step2:Presentation 1、通过课件播放森林里鸟叫的声音,让学生猜出这节课的主角bird,再出示小鸟受伤的图片,引出单词hurt. T:Hmm,you did so well.I will tell you a story,first,listen,whats this?the story is about a bird.板书bird,bird,bird,your group,please.very good.Lets go on.Look,oh,The bird is hurt,I am s

5、o sad,what shall I do?I want to help the bird,but I cant,who can help the bird? Lets watch the video. 2、教师播放Unit2 lets chant视频,让学生猜测谁可以帮助受伤的小鸟,引出girl,再通过课件问小姑娘怎么样帮助小鸟,送到医院引出nurse。护士手里有一个汉堡包,引出单词hamburger. T:Who can help the bird?The girl,very good.The girl is kind,but how can the girl help the bird?

6、she can take the bird to the nurse。 T:(教师指着护士手里的汉堡包,做出喜欢吃汉堡包的表情)The nurse has a hamburger,look,Its so big,hmmm,Its yummy.I like hamburgers.I think the bird likes hamburgers,too.So give the hamburger to the bird. Look,this is the whole story.设计意图 通过讲故事的形式,将本课含有ir ,ur 的单词串起来,将枯燥的语音学习变的生动有趣。3、出示全部故事,主要

7、让学生自己感知总结发音规律。 (1)用课件呈现新编歌谣,学生一起吟唱。出示故事文本,让学生找出含有ir,ur的单词,并且用荧光笔勾画出来。 T:Lets read together. Well done,lets chant together,show me your hands,like this,Good!Lets have a try.lets chant,Good,lets chant again. So wonderful,Im proud of you.But now I have another challage,read and find out the words with

8、ur and ir. T:Are you ready?who can give us the answer.good job!wonderful! (2)出示本节课的五个单词,让学生自己总结发音规律,用拆音的方式练习单词的发音规律,之后播放课文视频,学生跟读听音正音。 T:Ok,so much for this,look at the five new words.Read the words,what rule can you find out?You can discuss in your groups.Have you finished?Good,er says : : :,ir say

9、s : : :,follow me,:,they have the same sound.Your group,please.Your group,please.very good,class,look at he blackboard,how many sounds?Three.Hamburger.左手右手。Er says .播放课文视频,学生跟读。学生分组,同位互读。 Step 3 Practice 1、通过课件台历展示发音规律的新单词,让学生尝试拼读。教师出示台历,根据规则发音出示新单词,让学生试着拼读新单词。并且解释意义单词turtle 和turkey. T:Listen and re

10、peat,good ,you can read in pairs.can you read? Good ,but I have many new words,do you want to have a try? 设计意图 让学生根据发音规则拼读出新的单词,训练孩子们拼读单词的能力。这些单词也许是无意义的单词。同时渗透turtle 和turkey.这两个在最后的绘本故事拓展中的铺垫训练。 2、做一个翻卡游戏,先和一个学生演示游戏规则,然后学生两人一组开始翻牌,翻开后谁读对的多,谁就是获胜者。游戏完成后,请一名同学给单词归类。 T:You are so clever,lets play a car

11、d game,whats this?who wants to play the game with me?Have a try.OK,you can.who can be the first?lets play another game.rock,paper,sisors,you win,you can choose one,turn it over.can you read?yes or no?yes,you can get it. Its my turn,oh ,I am so happy,I can get it,hmm,I am so sad,I cant get it.lets co

12、unt,you are two,Im only one,so you are the winner!Can you play this game with your partner?you can take them out.Have you finished?who is the winner?Give me five!(在黑板上画两个小房子)Ok,lets read together,who can help the words find their home? 3、做课本上的listen and circle.播放听力录音,学生做题。先让学生读一遍题目,降低难度。 T:Then turn

13、 to 16,lets read together,Next,listen and circle.lets check the answer. 4、做listen and write,让一个学生到黑板前随着录音默写。 其他学生在课本上写。课件展示答案。 (教师指着课件的图)T:look at the picture,the girl has a bird,the nurse has a hamburger,now ,lets listen.A girl has a bird,a nurse has a hamburger.Next,lets write down. g g g, : : : /

14、l /l /l /which letter?g,good. h h h,which leter? Who want to the blackboard? Step4 Consolidation 拓展绘本故事,让学生感知ur的发音。 T:Because you did a good job,I will tell you a story,look ,whats this? A purse,what colour is the purse?purple.this story is about the purple purse,can you guess whats in the purse?Mon

15、ey,maby. Next,lets read the story.小结:Class,Look at the blackboard.what have we learned today?设计意图 通过含有ur的绘本故事,通过声音和图画,让学生更一步感知发音规律,在故事中学习更有趣味性,印象也更深刻。Step5 Progress 课后作业分为以下三个层次,包含对语言知识的巩固,应用和实践活动,学生可以从中选作一项。1 、Listen to the tape for 5minutes.(听读本课5分钟)2、Read the chant to your parents.(读lets chant给家长听)3、Do the exercises on Page 11.(基础训练11页)设计意图 分层设计作业,让不同水平的学生选择自己喜欢的作业来完成,学生更有兴趣和动力,比单一的作业更有效果。

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