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1、关于瑜伽的常用句子据360教育集团介绍:Lie on your back仰卧Lie on your stomach俯卧Lie on your side侧卧Stand on one leg单腿站立Stand on your head头倒立Left leg up抬起左腿Left leg down放下左腿Right leg up抬起右腿Hands up举起双手Hands down放下双手Right hand up举起右手Stand on one leg单腿站立Stand on your left leg左腿单腿站立focus your mind in balance注意力集中在平衡上open you

2、r feet 3 to 3.5 feet打开双足3到3.5英尺twist your body right向右扭转身体twist your body left向左扭转身体lie flat on your back on the ground仰卧平躺在垫子上neck relax, shoulder spine, all back muscle. hip muscle/joint, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, kneel, toes, elbow, palm, fingers, relax颈部放松,肩膀,脊柱,所有背部肌肉,臀部肌肉/关节,大腿,膝盖,小腿,脚踝,脚趾,肘部,

3、手掌,手指,全部放松。relax your breath/and mind放松你的呼吸和意识observe your body on ground. “how peace full and relax”find same peace in your mind.专注你的身体。并在意识中寻找同样的宁静与放松。Simple cross your legs简易坐(双腿交叉坐)Keep your chest up and your back erect挺胸,背部正直Put your palms on your knees双手放在膝盖上Close your eyes闭上眼睛Bring your palms

4、 together front of your chest双手合十,放于你的胸前Well begin with 3 OMS together我们一起唱颂3遍OMThen shartir mantra开篇唱诵Down your head低下你的头Generally raise your head up ,open your eyes and release your arms缓慢的抬起你的头,睁开眼睛,放松你的两臂。Deep inhale, raise your arms up, with exhale, drop your body forward. (3-5 inhale)深吸气,抬起你的双

5、臂,呼气,让你身体向前倾(3-5个吸气)With inhale, come up随着吸气,抬起身体。Right palm on left knee and left palm back, with exhale, turn back with inhale, looking front, same practice with another side右手放在左膝上,左手放在身后,吸气时,身体向后转,注视前方,另一侧,做同样的练习。Open your legs, move your legs, toes, fingers分开你的双腿,活动你的两腿,脚趾,手指。Bend your legs one

6、s by one, come into stand position依次弯曲你的腿,慢慢站立起来。Sit in any comfortable posture with back,neck and head in one line.选择任何舒适的坐姿,背部,颈部,头成一条直线Hands on knees in Jnan mudra, shoulders relax.两手放在两膝上,结成智慧手印,两肩放松Divide the weight of whole body on both hips evenly.身体的重量均匀地分布在臀部Now pay attention on body, obser

7、ve subtle sensations around the body.现在关注你的身体,观察身体精微的感觉Observe breath. Let in be natural now.专注于呼吸,让它变得自然。Take few deep breaths.做几次深呼吸。Let begin our practice with three times OM chantings.让我们唱诵3次OM开始我们的练习。Observe the vibrations of OM all over the body.感受OM在身体所产生的震动。Remain in this peace for a while,

8、then begin with subtle yogic joints movements.保持这种平和的状态,然后开始精微的关节活动。瑜伽课堂常用英语stretchyour arms伸直手臂bend forward前倾keep your kneesstraight伸直膝盖look upward向上看lie flat on the back仰卧lie flat on the stomach俯卧pay attention to your breath关注呼吸pay attention to your bteathing helps you to stretch fully into a yoga

9、 pose.关注呼吸能够帮助你充分的伸展warm up 热身neck rolls 颈旋转relax 放松repeat 反复leg stretches 腿部伸展shoulder rotation 肩旋转look back as far as possible 尽可能地向后看drop your chin to your chest 把下巴靠近胸口with your weight balanced evenly on the feet让重量平均分配到脚上Firm your thigh muscles and lift the knee caps收紧大腿肌肉并上提膝盖Lift the inner an

10、kles to strengthen the inner arches上提脚踝内侧加强内侧足弓Turn the upper thighs slightly inward大腿上部轻微向内旋Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor 尾骨向地板的方向拉长lift the pubis toward the navel耻骨向肚脐的方向提升瑜伽课堂常用英语Press your shoulder blades into your back, then widen them across and release them down your back.肩胛骨压向背部,然后

11、扩展并放松肩胛骨到背部。Asana make one firm, free from maladies, and light of limb.瑜伽姿势使人坚定,远离疾病并拥有轻盈的身体。When the breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the breath is still, so is the mind still.当呼吸不稳定时,人的思想会游离不定;而当呼吸稳定时,人的意识也会坚定。Joy is eternal. It will never die; Sorrow is illusory. It will never live.

12、快乐是永恒的,它永远不会消失;忧愁是虚幻的,它永远不会生存。Meditation is a continuous flow of perception or thought, like the flow of water in a river.冥想是一种思想和知识的延续,就像连绵不断的江河中的水波。Meditation,live sleep, cannot be taughtit comes by itself, in its own time.冥想,就像睡眠,不能教,它是自发的。As you know deep relaxation, you will feel your mind whic

13、h grow clear and detached.当你学会深度放松的时候,你的思维将变得更加清晰和敏锐。Preach lesspractice more; ask lessgive more; worry lesssmile more.少说多做,少索取多付出,少担忧多微笑。Anybody can practice Yoga. Yoga dont need special equipment or clothesjust a small amount of space and a strong desire for a healthier, more fulfilled life.任何人都能练

14、习瑜伽,你不需要特殊的设备或者衣服,只需一个小小的地方和一个强烈的希望,就会有一个更加健康、充实的人生。When practicing yoga, people often feel severe pain, but you need to do is take a deep breath, put up with it and overcome it, yoga is actually a metaphor of life.练瑜伽的时候,人经常会感到痛苦难忍,但你需要做的只是深呼吸,忍受它然后克服它,瑜伽其实就是生活的暗喻。letting nature take its course, th

15、ere are those willing to directly face the inevitable difficulties and challenges, is our deep-rooted love of nature, yoga is.顺其自然,有心甘情愿的直接面对那些无可避免的困难与挑战,爱是我们根深蒂固的天性,瑜伽也是。99% of the practice, 1% of the theory, this is yoga.99%的练习,1%的理论,这才是瑜伽。Do not depend on style seems how, but depend on what you a

16、re feeling. The rulers subject is convinced in your body and your breath , does not hurry , does not hurry again不在于体式看起来怎么样,而在于你感觉着什么。臣服于你的身体和你的呼吸,慢点,再慢点Give self a little challenge every time, you energy little field make for is consummate.每次给自己一点点挑战,你就能一点点地走向完美。Yoga resembles music. Bodys rhythm ,

17、 the thought pace , intelligent harmony , symphonic music composing lifes.瑜伽像音乐。身体的节奏,思想的步调,心灵的和声,构成生命的交响曲。Change brought to the individual attitude to life by be confident and happy the change in your acute feeling , body to the body of being able to come only is gigantic.自信和快乐可以仅仅来之于你对身体的敏锐感觉,身体的变

18、化所带给个人对生活的态度的变化是巨大的。By the purity of food, follows the purification of the inner nature.吃纯净的食物,你的内心也会随之变得纯净起来。Thus being established in asana and having control of the body, taking a balanced died; pranayama should be practiced according to the instructions of the guru.请遵循瑜伽师的教导,用瑜伽姿势来塑造一个健康的体魄,建立一个平衡的饮食结构同时养成良好的呼吸习惯。Yoga is a science of breathing, is a science of health, is the oldest science of life.瑜伽是呼吸的科学,是健康的科学,是最古老的生活科学

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