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1、4A Unit 8 Dolls 教案教学内容:4A Unit 8 Dolls 教案教学目标:1、认知目标学生能听、说、读短语及单词:hair, eye, ear, nose, mouth, big,small, his, her, long, short, king能运用句型Hes/Shes. His/Her .is/are.His/Her .and is/are2、能力目标能运用所学句型描述自己娃娃的脸部特征。3、情感目标通过活动、游戏使学生产生学习英语的兴趣;让学生敢于、乐于开口,积极参与交流。并让学生在学习的过程中,培养他们的合作意识和竞争意识。教学重点:1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词

2、hair, eye, ear, nose, mouth, big,small, his, her, long, short, king2、能初步听懂、会读、会说、会用句型Hes/Shes. His/Her .is/are. His/Her .and is/are3、能读懂课文内容,并初步表演教学难点:1、读准单词hair, eye, ear, mouth,her2、正确运用his, her教学过程:Step One Warming upT:Good morning,boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Wang.T: Today your friend Bo

3、bby is coming. He will study with us. Lets welcome him.S: Good morning, Bobby.T:(对Bobby说)Bobby, Bobby, do you like songs?Bobby(T): Yes, I do.T: (对学生)How about you?S: Yes, we do.T: OK. Lets enjoy a song first.(设计意图:这首歌歌词内容和这节课核心内容十分贴近,能起到热身和铺垫作用。)Step Two Lead in and teach new words通过上面的歌曲引出新单词并教学eye

4、s ears nose mouth hair以及big small long short .(由于这些单词学生除了hair,short,long其他单词都已经学过,所以在这里只做复习,不做新词教学。)Bobby: What did you hear in the song?S: Eyes./ Nose./ Mouth./Ears.T:领读单词并在黑板上出示(学生会把已经学会的单词说出来,通过PPT将对应的图片点开,组合成一张娃娃的脸,但是没有头发。)T: Look. Hes a boy. Is he handsome?S: No!T: OH, I think he needs some hai

5、r. Look! Hes handsome now! 由此引出并教学单词hairT: Hes a boy. And hes a doll too. 引出本课课题Today we are going to learn Unit 8 Dolls.S:跟读数遍Step Three PresentationC1.文本背景介绍Bobby: Unit 8 Dolls! Oh, yes! Look at the TV, please,boys and girls. Can youguesswho are they? Where are they? What are they doing?T: Oh, so

6、many questions! Lets see one by one. First, who are they?(PPT示课文人物头发,让学生猜测,引出本课主人公苏海、杨玲、刘涛、王冰)T:Where are they?S: They are in the classroom.T: What are they doing? Lets see.(PPT出示图片)Bobby: They are having a toy party. Lets see what do they have.(欣赏各种娃娃照片)C2.处理文本关于男娃娃的部分(1)(突然听到一阵哭声)T:What s happened

7、?Bobby:(PPT出示图片内容)Liu Tao and Wang Bing are sad. Their doll is missing. Lets help them to find it out, OK?S:OK.T: Lets listen and circle. Find the details about the doll.Check the answers.运用句型交流,板书出示句型并教读His is/are His is/are,too. Hisand are(2)PPT将选出的答案图片留下。边让学生复述分别描述的句子,边通过PPT将图片组合成一个男娃娃。得出Their do

8、ll is aboy. 引出Tip:因为是男孩,所以要用his。给出三个词组his eyes, his nose, his pencil, his让学生练习组词(3)PPT出示皇冠戴在娃娃头上T:Look! Hes a king now. 教学单词kingT: This is their doll.(板书句型This is)Hes a king now! Is he cool?S: Yes.T: Hes cool.(板书句型)(4)跟读此部分课文,注意连读教学3. 处理女娃娃部分课文(1) T:Look! Su Hai and Yang Ling is coming. They are goi

9、ng to share their doll. Bobby: Which one is their doll?(PPT示三个娃娃) T:You can read and choose.给出tip:边读边画关键词句,可以更快的找到娃娃。(2)Check。 a. T: We know their doll is a girl. So we should use “her”.给出词组her hair, her nose, her mangoes, her让学生组词her并练习。 b. 给出单词here,让学生分辨朗读,区分her与here 然后再将here与hair 进行分辨朗读 c. T: Whi

10、choneis their doll? S: A. T: How do you know that? S: Her hair is long. (板书出示句型Heris/are并教读) T: So C is not their doll. S:(同法出示句型Her and are 并教读) 由排除法得出A才是她们的娃娃。 d. T: Look at their doll. S: Shes beautiful.(板书出示句型) (3)跟读此部分课文,注意连读。4. 欣赏课文动画5. 逐句跟读课文,注意语音语调和连读6. 全班齐读课文Step Four consolidationC1、 C分组活动

11、表演课文。Bobby: You did a good job. And now its your time to have a show!T: Please read in group of four. Try to role play.请45组学生配音角色扮演。C2、 CBobby: What a wonderful show. Look! Thisis my toy cat. His name is Sam. His nose is small. His eyes and mouth are big. His ears are big too. Hes cool.T: Do you hav

12、e a doll? Would you like to share your dolls to your friends? Try to say like that.同桌练习请23位学生介绍自己的娃娃Step Five AssignmentBobby: You did a good job today. You can design your homework by yourselves.T: Yes! Here are the key words about the homework. Read, copy and sayBobbys homework is here. Read the text. Copy the new words and say something about my friends.T: Times limited. We should say goodbye now. Goodbye boys and girls.S: Goodbye, Miss Wang.Bobby: Goodbye!S: Goodbye, Bobby.!(对于回家作业的处理,我只给出了关键词,让学生自己布置安排,照顾了一般学生的能力,以及优等生的拓展需求。)

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