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1、SectionVListening and Talking听说一休突破听说一休突破Step 1 Pre-listening1.Tra nslate the follow ing words and phrases.1semestern.学期2gas n.汽油;气体;燃气3petrol n.汽油4subway(un dergr ound)n.地铁5apartme ntn.公寓套房6be familiar with 熟悉;通晓2.Brainstorming:Do you know the differences between British English and AmericanEn glis

2、h?Challenge your memoryChin eseBr.EAm.E公寓flatapartme nt汽油petrolgas地铁un dergroundsubway糖果sweetcan dy电梯liftelevator比赛matchgame厕所toiletrestroom学期termsemesterStep 2While-listeningFi nish Ex.1&Ex.2 on Page 65.Step 3Post-listeningTalking Fi nish Ex.4&Ex.5 on Page 65.语言知识积累America n En glish VS British En

3、glishThere are two major Englishes in the world that is,British English spoken in Britain andAmerica n En glish spoke n in America.Ge nerally speak in gthey are more or less thesame,so they can com muni cate with each other without too much difficulty.Howeverthe differences between each other do exi

4、st.They are different in vocabulary,pronunciation and spelling,etc.相关句式习得1.Donyou like to have somebody tell you how to do it?你不喜欢有人告诉你怎样做吗?2.Thats American English,isntit?这就是美式英语,对吗?Step 4 Language focus1.convenientadj.方便的,便禾 U 的convenience!.方便,便禾 UItvsry convenientto get there by subway 教材 P133)坐地

5、铁到那里很方便。合作探究体会 convenient 的用法和意义I can start to work whe never it is convenientfor you.只要你们方便,我随时都可以开始工作。Many people choose dista nt learni nfor its conveniences nd speed.很多人选择远程学习是因为其方便和快捷。He was asked to make an appo in tmeratt his earliest convenience他被要求方便时尽早安排一次约会。自主发现1if/when it is convenient t

6、o/for sb如果某人方便的话/当某人方便时2It is convenient for sb to do sth 某人方便做某事3for convenience 为方便起见4at one convenience 在某人方便的时候名师提醒convenient 常用作定语和表语,用作表语时,不能用表示人的词作主 语,但可以用 it 作形式主语,常用“It is convenient for sb to do st 句式。”巩固内化完成语段It a great convenience to live here.At my convenience I can visit some of my fav

7、oritemuseums.lt is convenient for my son to go to school,for his school is only two blocksawa y.If Sun day is convenient to/for you,be sure to come to get together.住在这里真方便。我可以抽空去参观我所钟爱的几家博物馆。我儿子上学也很方便,因为距学校只有两个街区的距离。要是你周日有空,一定要来聚一聚。2.strugglen.&vi.斗争;奋斗;搏斗When I started studying German,it was astrug

8、gle(教材 P64)当我开始学习德语时,这可是一件难事。合作探究体会 struggle 的用法和意义His life was a hard struggle with sick ness 他一生都在跟疾病作斗争。She is struggling to bringup a family on a very low in come.她靠着非常微薄的收入艰难地供养一家人。The firefighters struggled against/withthe fire for several hours and fin ally brought thefire un der con trol.一连几

9、个小时消防队员奋力灭火,最后终于控制住了火势。Milli ons of people are struggling for peace 千 千万万的人在为和平作斗争。Though he was badly injured,he struggled to his feet虽然他伤得很重,但他挣扎着站了起来。自主发现1struggle to do sth努力做某事;挣扎着做某事2struggle for.为.而斗争3struggle against/with.与.作斗争4struggle to ones feet 挣扌 L 着站起来巩固内化完成语段Farmers always have to st

10、ruggle for a living.They often struggle against/with the badweather for a better harvest.Some of them eve n have to leave their hometow n and go towork in cities,struggli ng to in crease their in come.农民一直都得为了生存而努力,他们经常与恶劣的天气作斗争来争取有个好点的收成,他们中的一些人甚至不得不离开家乡到大城市打工,努力增加他们的收入。3.mean vt 意指;意味着;意思是;打算;意欲He

11、y,wait,do you mean trousers what you and I are wearing on our legs right now(教材 P65)喂,等等,你是说裤子吗?你和我现在腿上穿的这个吗?合作探究体会 mean 的用法和意义1The red light means Stop.红灯表示“停”。2Imerribly sorry,but I didnmean to upsetyour plan.真对不起,但我并非有意打乱你的计划。3Bob is determ ined to get a ticket for the con cert eve n though it me

12、ans standingi nline all ni ght for the ticket.鲍勃决心要买到音乐会的票,即使那意味着整夜站着排队。自主发现4mean to do sth 打算做某事5mean doing sth 意味着做某事词块积累mean no harm 并不想伤害I mean 我的意思是(用于解释或举例)巩固内化单句语法填空1Ive been meaning to ask(ask)you if you want to come for a meal next week.2Miss ing the first bus mea ns wait in g(wait)for ano

13、ther hour.4.beg(begged begged begging vt 恳求;祈求;哀求;乞讨;行乞I beg your pardon.(教材 P65)请再说一遍。合作探究体会 beg 的用法和意义She was living alone,begging food fromneighbours.她一个人生活,从邻居那儿讨些吃的。The childre n begged to comevith us.孩子们央求着要和我们一起来。I begged Helen to stay but she wouldn listen.我恳求海伦留下来,可她就是不听。She ran to the n ea

14、rest house artdegged for help她跑到最近的一户人家那里恳求帮助。自主发现1beg to do sth 恳求/祈求做某事2beg sb to do sth 恳求某人做某事3beg(sb)for sth 恳求(某人)某物4beg sth from sb 向某人恳求/乞讨某物词块积累I beg of you 求求你了巩固内化单句语法填空/补全句子1I was surro un ded by people begg in g for food.2She begged me to say(say)nothing to his father.3We saw children b

15、egging(beg)on the streets.4I man aged to beg a lift from a passi ng motorist.我设法求得一位开车路过的人让我搭车。5.It was exercise for the brain;the more I learnt of a Ianguage,the more my brainwould grow.(教材 P64)这是对大脑的锻炼;我对一门语言的了解越多,我的大脑就越发达。【句式解读】“the+比较级(.),the+比较级(.)”结构,该结构意为“越.,就越.”,表示后者随着前者的变化而变化。1The more you

16、read,the more youlllearn 你读得越多,学到的就越多。2The more a pers on reads the wiser he will become.一个人书读得越多就会变得越明智。3The soone,the better.越快越好。名师提醒“the+比较级,the+比较级”句式中,第一个“the+比较级”是表示条件的 状语从句,在表示将来意义的情况下,从句用一般现在时表示将来。当句意明确时,此句型结构常以省略形式出现。巩固内化(1)补全句子1The more we know about the foreign dishes,the better we will

17、understand theforeign culture.我们对外国菜了解得越多,越能更好地了解外国文化。2The more careful you are the fewer mistakes youll make.你越细心,你犯的错误就越少。(2)同义句转换3If you devote more time to practicing your spoken English,it will become moreflue nt.f The more time you devote to practici ng your spoke n En glish the more flue nt it willbecome.

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