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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks?阅读课Teaching goalsEnable students to learn the new words such as clothes, buy, sell, sale and price, and the important sentence patterns such as we have for only Let students master some reading and writing skills. So they can use the learned knowledge to write passage

2、s concerning with shopping.Students learn to help their parents do some shopping works; they learn to communicate with others politely.Teaching and learning steps Step1: Preview and testTask 1: How much do you think these things cost? Match each clothing item.1. a skirt _ 3. socks _ 5.shorts _2. a s

3、weater _ 4.trousers _ 6. shoes _a. $3 c. $30 e.$22b. $15 d. $20 f. $25Task 2: Students try to translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!2. Well sell all our clothes at very good price.3. Yellow sweaters are only 12 dollars.4. For girls, we have ski

4、rts in purple for only 20 dollars.5. Socks are only 2 dollars for three pairs.Firstly, I ask number three and four of each group to present this work. Then ask number one and two to perfect the answer. At the same time, the other members of each group listen to them clearly. At last, number five or

5、six are asked to repeat the answer.设计意图:本步的主要目的是检查学生的课前预习情况。同时,只有真正了解了学生的知识情况才有利于更好开张接下来的教学。这有利于学生逐渐养成课前预习的好习惯,培养学生学习的主动性。Step2: Leading-inStudents work in pairs to make conversations by using the learned sentence patterns and the above picture.A: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. I need A: What color

6、do you want?B: A: What about this one?B: It looks nice. How much is it?A: B: Ill take it.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.A: Youre welcome.设计意图:由于本篇文章的中心就是关于商品价格的讨论,所以在阅读文章之前让学生用前两节课所学习的句型来对商品价格进行简单的讨论。这样的讨论不但让学生实际运用所学知识,还可以为下一步的继续阅读做铺垫。Step3: While readingReading for the general ideaThe main idea of th

7、e passage is about _.A. clothes in great saleB. the prices of the clothes at Mr Cools Clothes Store.C. Socks at Mr Cools Clothes Store.设计意图: 培养学生的快速阅读能力和概括能力。Reading for the detail informationTask 1: Students read the ad and fill in the price tags.Task 2: Imagine you work at Mr. Cools Clothes Store.

8、 Complete the conversation and practice it in a group.You: Hello, _ I help you?Girl: Yes, please. I need a _.You: How about these purple _?Girl: Oh, I like this one. How _ is it?You: Its only _ dollars.Girl: Oh, good. Ill _ it.You: And what do you need?Boy: Well, I need a pair of black _ for school.

9、You: What about this one? Theyre _ twenty-eight dollars.Boy: Great. And do you have shorts, too?You: Yes, our shorts are only _ dollars.Boy: OK. Ill take the _ and the _.设计意图:要完成以上两个任务,学生需要仔细阅读本广告。它们帮助培养学生获取文章详细信息的能力,帮助学生养成认真仔细的好习惯。Task 3: Fill in the blanks.1. _ and _ sweaters are in Mr Cools Cloth

10、es Store.2. The shorts and black trousers are for _.3. The clothes in the store are _.4. The price of _ skirts is 20 dollars.5. Six pairs of socks are _ dollars.设计意图:在之前的阅读中,大部分学生只是获得了关于本则广告的详细信息。而此项任务可以让学生在获得信息的基础上真正理解句子的涵义,并且这类题在考试中经常出现,在平时可以有意识的让学生练一练这类题型。Step 4: Post-readingTask 1: Repeat Studen

11、ts listen to the tape recorder to imitate the pronunciation.设计意图:纠正学生发音,提高学生的口语。Task 2: Reading the adStudents read the ad carefully and try to remember the content.设计意图:让学生进一步熟练、正确地阅读短文,并理解文章内涵。更重要的是,为下一步个复述文章做铺垫。Task 3: Retelling. Mr _ Clothes StoreCome and _ your clothes _ our _ _. We sell all ou

12、r clothes _ _ _ _. Do you _ sweaters? We have green sweaters _ _ 15 dollars. Yellow sweaters _ only 12 dollars! Do you _ trousers? _ _, we _ _ _ for only 22 dollars. And _ are only 16 dollars! _ _. We have _ _ _ for only 20 dollars. _ _ are our jackets? Only 30 dollars! And we _ _ _ for only 28 doll

13、ars. Socks are only 2 dollars _ _ _! _ _ _ _ Clothes Store now.设计意图:学生已经能够熟读和了解本篇短文的内容,在此基础上学生如果能够尽力复述出文章内容,对他们来说又会是另一个提升。Task 4: Role-playStudents work in pairs to make new conversations with one as the seller and the other as the buyer. They discuss the prices of clothes by using the learned knowl

14、edge. I will ask several pairs to present this work in front of the whole class.S: Can I help you?B: Yes, I need S: How about this one. It is at great sale.B: How much is it?S: Its dollars. B: Do you have too?S: Yes, we have for only dollars.B: Ok, Ill take the and Task 5: Look at the things in the

15、picture. Fill in the blanks in the ad.Huaxing Clothes Store Do you like _?We have _ for only _ yuan.How much are our _?Only _ yuan.And red _ are _ yuan.Task 6: Write an ad for your own clothes store.Come to our store now.We have .Come and buy your clothes at .! Do you like .?设计意图:这个任务帮助学生将所学知识运用于实际生

16、活。学的目的在于运用,之前学习的内容属于理论,学生要善于把理论运用于实际,要善于掌握活的知识。Inquiry into knowledge by translation一、Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!_这是一个祈使句。祈使句常用来表示说话人的愿望、意志、请求、警告、命令、号召或建议等,其主语you通常省略。其否定形式是在肯定结构前加do not构成,缩写成 _。本句中at our great sale中的sale是动词 _ 的名词形式,意为“出售; 特价出售”。与sale有关的短语有:foe sale 特售, 供出售 on sale

17、出售;上市(1) _ open the door. Its cold outside.A. Not B. Not to C. Do not D.Is not(2) - _ (be) late for the meeting next time. - Sorry, I wont.(3) These pants are on _ (sell).二、We sell all our clothes at very good prices. _Price 是名词,意为“价格;价钱”。如:(1) 这本书多少钱? Whats the price of this book? = _(2) How much i

18、s your new bag? = _ the _ _ your new bag?设计意图:主要通过翻译的形式让学生理解本篇文章中的重要知识点sell、buy、price、 和祈使句等的内涵。学生只有掌握了知识点的用法,才能在平时的做题中运用知识,才能学会分析每一道题。The end of class test一、 根据句意和数字或汉语提示完成句子。1. This green sweater is _ (25) dollars.2. That black skirt is _ (12) dollars.3. The bags for girls are _ (20) dollars.4. _

19、(那些) are my shoes.5. The _ (黄色的) shorts are only 30 dollars.二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Have a _ (look) at these clothes.2. We have blue _ (hat) for 12 dollars.3. The blue sweater is 30 _ (dollars).4. The green shorts are on _ (sell).5. These are your _ (shoe).三、 翻译下列句子。1. 看看那条白色的裤子。2. 这些鞋多少钱?3. 这些绿色的短裤25元减价

20、出售。4. 那些书10元减价出售。5. 蓝色毛衣仅售31美元。设计意图:学生只记住课文中的原句和理解文章中的知识点是不够的。当堂检测能够引领学生把所学知识运用于实际,更重要的是通过自主的检测学生能够清楚自己哪里没有掌握好,以便课后能够加强薄弱环节的练习。老师也能够知道学生哪些部分掌握的不好,进而在以后的教学中重点讲解和练习。翻译探究答案:一、我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧! Dont sell (1) C (2) Dont be (3) sale二、我们卖的所有衣服价格都很优惠。(1) How much is this book? (2) Whats; price; of当堂检测答案:一、1. t

21、wenty-five 2. twelve 3. twenty-nine 4.those 5. yellow二、1. look 2. hats 3.dollars 4. sale 5. shoes三、1. Look that pair of white trousers. 2. How much are these shoes? 3. These green shorts are on sale 25 yuan. 4. Those books are on sale for ten yuan. 5. The blue sweater is only 31 dollars.教学反思:亮点:1. 导入中的英译汉充分考虑到了各个层次学生的需求。中等学生先尝试着翻译,好学生再将答案进一步完美,最后差生再进行重复。一开始就奠定良好的基础,使所有学生都能尽力参与接下来的学习。2. 细读中的填空环节让学生充分理解句子的涵义,这为学生在以后的考试中能够更够更好的完成这类题做准备。3. 导入中的对话和读后的对话有相似的地方也有不同的地方,体现了学生在学习过程中的一个循序渐进、由旧到新的过程。不足:本课没有设计非常有趣的活动,都是一些中规中矩的活动。所以本堂课不太能激发学生的兴趣,吸引他们的注意力。使用建议:要了解每一步的用意,注意每一个步骤的落实。

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