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1、2009届外国语学院本科生毕业论文答辩安排一、各系答辩时间英语专业:2009年5月23日(本部、兴湘)上午8:00 12:30 日语专业:2009年5月22日上午8:00-12:00 德语专业:2009年5月24日上午8点30分12:30对外汉语: 5月23日下午2:30正式开始二、答辩委员会文卫平 陈琳 舒奇志 胡强 唐德根 曾葡初 三、答辩程序1. 个人称述(3分钟)主要内容包括该论文的主要观点、创新之处和研究价值等。2. 回答问题(5分钟)每位答辩老师提出问题23个,请答辩者在规定的时间内作答。答辩秘书记录问题和回答的情况,并把握时间限制。3. 宣布结果该组全部答辩者答辩完毕之后,退场休

2、息10分钟。答辩老师商定结果,秘书做好记录。之后,答辩秘书当众宣读答辩者的成绩。四、论文修改答辩秘书在当日下午2:30将答辩老师的建议反馈给答辩者。2009年5月24 5月28日为修改论文的时间,所有答辩者须在5月29日下午5点准时将修改好的论文交给答辩秘书,逾期者将会取消答辩成绩。五、二次答辩第一次答辩中未通过者或未按时完成毕业论文者将会进行第二次答辩,具体答辩时间另行安排,若该次答辩仍未通过,该生将无法顺利毕业。六、各专业答辩分组情况:1英语专业第一组地点:外语楼218答辩老师:万茂林、马识途秘书:刘俊指导老师学号姓名题目文卫平2005310522刘易斯2005310206乔一涓20053

3、10207 王思思 2005310208李静唐德根吴静芬2005310201 曾彬 On Lexical Features of Legal English2005310202 田雅利 The Culture Differences of Lying as a Communicative Strategy between China and America2005310203 李明芳 A Comparative Study on Culture Values Embodied in Sino-America Public Service Advertising2005310204 林艳平 An

4、alysis of Sadness in Awakening from Kate Chopin2005310205杨柳English News Headlines: Characteristics and translation2005310209 吴慧 A Probe to the Tourist Public Signs and Their Translation2005310210 李乐乐 On the Linguistic Features of English SMS Test Messages2005310212 邹林凤 Interpreting of Numbers in Eng

5、lishAnalysis of the bilingual Characteristics of Internet Language2005310213 刘墨洪 Features of Chinese Publicity materials and its translation2005310214 邓兰兰 Translation of Chinese Political Terms:in Functional Equivalence2005310215 张丽娥 Main Characters Analysis of The Grape of Wrath兴湘丁建江2004180118田甜 20

6、05180102龙江波 2005180103毛长春 论变通理论在商务英语翻译中的应用2005180104周诠 2005180105陈舒嫔 从喜宴中看英美原声电影对提高大学生跨文化交际能力的影响2005180106陈素云 2005180107邓晶 中西身势语文化差异对比2005180108费斯琼 女性主义在秀拉中的体现2005180109冯伟 颜色词红色中西方象征意义对比分析2005180110付丽珍 从翻译方法探析中文菜单英译2005180111龚明园 言语交际中的性格差异周 敏2005180112郭小兰 英文新闻标题的文体分析2005180113贺旭芳 图式理论与英语自主阅读20051801

7、14洪怡 How to Improve the English Reading Ability of College Students2005180115胡晓燕 网络聊天室网络语言的文体特点2005180116黄银银 浅析科技英语中被动结构的翻译策略2005180117李琛 English Rhetoric Translation of Film Titles:Functional Perspective第二组地点:外语楼219答辩老师:李素琼、刘永利秘书:杨晓雅指导老师学号姓名题目唐德根吴静芬2005310216 刘双Comparative Comparison between the He

8、roes in The Catcher in the Rye and Three Layer Door2005310217 贺煜婷 曾葡初周芬芳2005310211彭瑞Gestalt and Cloze Analysis on CET-6, 20072005310221 王送敏 京华烟云和飘中两位女角人物对比分析2005310222侯德美Properties of Network English and Their Pragmatic Effects2005310223 袁月 Cultural Identity in Sino-American Business Negotiation2005

9、310224 岳云飞 A Study of Womens Faith in The Thorn Bird2005310225 何波 2005310226 熊华 听力理解与认知方法2005310227 罗强烈 2005310228 李佳 A Feminist Study of A Farewell to Arms2005310229 周薇 2005310301 隆茜 The Comparison of Feminist Characteristic between Elizabeth Benett in Pride and Prejudice and Shi Xiangyun in Hong L

10、ou Meng2005310302 孙婧 从语言交际角度研究商务英语翻译的原则和策略2005310303 曾丽萍 A Study on Chinese Traditional Food Trademark and Its English Translation兴湘周敏2005180118 李莎 中英商标的互译2005180119 李思思 浅谈具有中国特色词句的英文翻译2005180120 李雨芳 A Functional Approach to C-E Translation of Public Signs2005180121 李圆辉 2005180122 刘芳 对了不起的盖茨比的象征解读胡

11、波2005180123 刘珍 中英礼貌用语的语用差异2005180127 彭伟 Romanticism in Rebecca2005180128 祁佳佳 谈外贸英语的翻译技巧2005180129 邱超 对化妆品广告的人际意义研究2005180130 屈颖 从认知角度分析英汉基本颜色“红”的语义2005180131 石莹 接受美学理论在绿山墙的安妮中的体现2005180133 田英 听力理解中的语用分析向小明谭建初2005180135 王斌 Christian Values in the Uncle Toms Cabin2005180136 王瑜 A Study of Brand Name Tr

12、anslation from the Perspective of Cultural Differences2005180137 吴吉琼 The Symbolism of the Four Fables in The Joy Luck Club from the Perspective of Post-modern Feminism2005180138 谢萍 On the Application of Multi-media English Teaching in Primary School2005180139 许唐棠 A Cultural Study of Chinese and Amer

13、ican Family Education第三组地点:外语楼220答辩老师:王建香、蒋意秘书:黄浩平指导老师学号姓名题目曾葡初周芬芳2005310516 刘娟 2005310513 姚兰 非英语专业学生英语写作策略探讨李素琼刘永利2005310616鲁运辉On Sexism in the Use of English Address Forms2005310304 曾梦 狄更斯的宗教观在双城记中的体现2005310305 范娜 女性主义意识的觉醒理智与情感中玛丽安的性格分析2005310306 陶映 On the Duality of Catherine in Wuthering Height

14、s from the Perspective of Feminism2005310307 罗卫艳 浅谈短时记忆策略在口译中的运用2005310308 刘映霞 Brief Analysis of the Code Heros Complexity of Character in The Old Man and the Sea2005310309 贺菁 A Study on English-Chinese Translation of Commercial Advertisements2005310310 邹丽 背诵在英语学习中扮演的积极角色2005310312张丁玲Studies on Tran

15、slation of Chinese and English Trademark from the Perspective of Cultural Difference2005310313曾彩红A Tentative Study on Netspeak2005310314周皓Phenomenon and Causes of Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation2005310315 刘军 从家庭来看中美不同价值观2005310316周芳翊The Application of Functional Equivalence to the C-E Trade

16、mark Translation兴湘向小明谭建初2005180140 张慧 A Cultural Study of Strategies for Idiom Translation2005180141 张金燕 Symbolic Implications of Environmental Description In “Tess of the DUrbevilles”2005180142 张希 On the Application of Cooperative Principle in Interpretation2005180143 赵红蕾 The Application of Foreign

17、ization and Domestication in the Subtitle Translation of Walt Disneys Movie Mulan2005180144 邹继琴 A Study of the Social Functions of Euphemism2005180201 胡锴铁 Hamlets Dilemman with Women2005180202 翁明敏 A Study of Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle2005180203 张凯 The Sty

18、listic Features of English News Headlines and Its Translation2005180204 钟吉卫 A Cultural Exploration of Idiom Translation2005180205 艾甜 A Contrastive Study of China English and Chinglish2005180206 艾旭 A Study of the Feminie Consciousness in the Awakening2005180207 蔡旭 Cultural Differences and the Transla

19、tion of Film Titles周芬芳曾葡初2005180208 常青 Cultural Differences Reflected on Marriage Custom Between Chinese and English countries2005180209 陈梅 On the Differences of Chrysanthemum Between Chinese and Western Social Etiquettes Cultures2005180210 陈萱圯 论文化差异对称谓翻译的影响2005180211 成思思 Politeness: From the East t

20、o the West-A Contrastive Study of Invitation Strategies between Chinese and Westerners2005180212 戴叶菲 American and chinese compliment:a cross-cultural study第四组地点:外语楼221答辩老师:熊毅、阳栋秘书:肖荷指导老师学号姓名题目谭建初向小明2005310317 曾银香 论广告英语翻译中的“雅”2005310318 刘柏利 论中学英语教学中学生自主学习能力的陪养2005310319 李璐珂 跨文化交际中身势语的比较研究2005310320 姚

21、瑶 英汉动物习语对比研究2005310321 王初艳 女勇士中中西文化的冲突与融合2005310322 刘雯 批判现实主义的缩影织工马南主题解读2005310323 余岚清 论英语委婉语的交际功能2005310324 赵万进 影响皮普性格形成的社会因素2005310325 罗仁权 英国英语和美国英语词汇的差异研究2005310326 谭浩亮 网络语言的语用研究2005310327 程磊 尼采超人哲学在海狼中的体现2005310328 熊丹妮 中学英语词汇教学效率的探讨2005310329 付琳 论跨性别交际中的性别语言特征王建香蒋 意2005310416崔洁2005700402 张亚 The

22、Cultural Difference between China and America in terms of Greeting周芬芳曾葡初2005180213 傅琳 Influences of Bilingual Education on Students2005180214 郭灿 A analysis of English Puns from a Cooperative Principle View2005180215 何晓波 Chinglish in Chinese-English translation and possible solutions2005180216 何珍珍 Re

23、levance Theory and Film Subtitles Translation:A Case Study of Feng Xiaogang Three Films2005180217 黄雪梅 A Comparative Study of Conceptual Metaphor Relevant to Food in English and Chinese2005180218 李丹 The Differences of Taboo Between English and Chinese from a Politeness Principle Perspective2005180219

24、 李艳 Linguistic Features in English Advertising2005180220 廖莉 A comparative study on the Features of Chinese and American Kinship terms2005180221 刘贝 On the Influence of Modesty Maxim and Agreement Maxim to China-Western Compliment Response Pattern2005180222 刘慧 Cooperative Principles in Zhao Benshans C

25、omic Dialogue2005180223 刘婧 On Types and Features of Internet Language2005180224 刘礼 Pragmatic analysis of advertisement pun2005180225 刘琼 On the Formation and Translation of Post-War Chinese Neologisms2005180226 刘维 从后殖民主义角度解读黑沼无边2005180227 龙沁 Comparision of Two Little Woman Film Version (1933 & 1994)

26、from Feminist Perspective2005180228 聂俐 The Christian Idea in Uncle Toms Cabin第五组地点:外语楼316答辩老师:周敏、李琳秘书:马钰指导老师学号姓名题目王建香蒋 意2005310401 杨昀 The Aggressive Culture in The Chronicles of Narnia 22005310402 李小时 The Impact of Individualism in Martin Eden2005310403 徐双 Biblical Interpretation of The Old Man and

27、the Sea2005310404 黄燕 Symbolism in The Great Gatsby2005310405 张蒙 The Culture Loss in the Process of Translating Tang Poetry2005310406 张清 Decadencism in The Picture of Dorin Grey2005310407 刘彩霞 Aestheticism in The Picture of Dorin Grey2005310409 刘锦 The Resistance and Surrender of Bathsheba to Patriarch

28、y in Far from the Madding Crowd2005310411 罗婷 The Hardships of Womens Love in The Thorn Birds2005310412 向菲菲 Humor in Desperation-A Postmodernist Interpretation of Catch-22何煦之陈宇平2005310413 王明 象征主义在荒野的呼唤中的体现2005310414 黄慧 从心理学的角度分析苔丝中的安吉尔克莱的人物性格2005310415 赵倩 中英恭维语及应答策略对比研究2005310417 邬斌 从亚文化看美国俚语的社会功用200

29、5310418 曾静 比较在路上和逍遥骑士在人物设置上的共同点2005180232 王珊 On Symbolism in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club2005180233 王亚玲 On advertisement Translation through Creative Treason Theory2005180234 吴珊 On Transendentalism in The House of Seven Gables2005180235 熊贞 文化失衡对翻译的负面影响2005180237 阳光 The Comparison of Early Childhood Fa

30、mily Education between China and the USA2005180238 易珊珊 An Analysis of Harry Porter Series from Developmental Psychology2005180239 张丽 A Thematic Study of Lord of the Flies2005180240 张宁铃 On the Application and Influence of Colors in Business Negotiation2005180241 张如 The Aesthetic Analysis in Zhang Pei

31、jis Translated Prose刘永利李素琼2005180242 张洋艳 批判现实主义在大卫科波菲尔中的体现2005180243 张艺 影片卧虎藏龙的跨文化解读2005180244 周红 化妆品商标的翻译2005180245 朱灿 飘中的现代女性价值观2005180246 朱亭 浅谈隐喻的翻译2005180247 邹韧柔 哥特元素在哈里波特中的体现2005181237 滕语嫣 析商务英语写作中否定信息的传递第六组地点:外语楼317答辩老师:谭建初、向小明秘书:庞菲指导老师学号姓名题目何煦之陈宇平2005310419 郭金花 汉英翻译中的不可译性及补偿2005310420 廖蒲林 广告英

32、语的语体特征2005310421 李知宜 Comparative Analysis of Chinese and English Body Language2005310422 李秋月 正面解读名利场中的复杂人物贝姬2005310423 和懿翾 The Theme of Antithesis in J. R. R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings2005310424 杨辉 原声电影对英语学习的重要性2005310425 刘仁宗 T. S.艾略特的诗荒原与李贺的神怪诗的意象系统组合结构之比较2005310426 罗高丞 浅析科技英语中精确翻译法和模糊翻译法的运用及对

33、比熊毅阳栋2005310504 朱敏 The Marks of Industrial Civilization on Human EmotionOn the Tragedy of the Morells in Sons and Loves2005310427 肖友 西方魔幻主义的特点及其影响2005310428 于松 Lotral translation and Free translation in Chinese-English translation2005310429 范一 Conficts between the mother and daughters in The Joy Luc

34、k Cluck2005310430 刘双 从历史文化的发展看某个英语词语或短语的语意演变2005310501 李芳 The Fatal Tragedy of King Lear2005310502 王维 The Tracing to Greek Mythology of Western Individualism2005310503 黄艳 The Application of “Implication-and-Explition Translation”in Traditional Chinese Medicine2005180301 黄煜 论中西广告的文化差异2005180302 仁佩哲 试

35、析英语写作中中式英语产生的根源2005180303 曾昊 论美国军语的特点及其应用2005180304 张望 网络非主流文化产生的根源2005180305 邹翰 论野性的呼唤中的美国自由精神2005180306 陈敏 基督教和中国教育2005180307 陈威 从儿子与情人看恋母情结2005180308 成维 2005180309 戴娟 从老年人生活看中美文化差异蒋 意王建香2005180310 杜佳佳 On Differences of Education between China and Western Countries from the Film “Gua Sha”200518031

36、1 杜瑶嘉 The Transference of Culture Imagery in Chinese-Style Lyrics Translation2005180312 冯婷 A Brief Analysis of Western and Chinese Table Manners2005180313 何晔 A Brief Study of Chinglish2005180314 胡清清 On the Communicative Function of Body Language2005180315 黄橙 Applying Enjoyable Education in Middle Sc

37、hool English Tutoring2005180316 孔思思 Death Euphemisms between Chinese and English: A Contrastive Analysis第七组地点:外语楼318答辩老师:何煦之、陈宇平秘书:王城镇指导老师学号姓名题目熊毅阳栋2005310505 文洁 A tentative study on teaching English Majors Listening and speaking Through Films2005310507 易瑗 Subtiting Translation: with a special refer

38、ation to the film “Veronica Mars”2005310508 吴姣 On the Image of Byronic Heroes in Don Juan2005310509 王慧娟 The Fantacy Elements in Western Modern Tales2005310510罗春香The famale soul of alan in the land胡 强2005310506栗隽浅析福斯特莫瑞斯中的意象2004070209刘敏艳华盛顿广场中父亲形象分析2005310311 夏胜林 海狼中沃尔夫莱森的生命哲学解析2005310511刘晓君嘉莉妹妹主人公的爱

39、情观解析2005310514 曾敏 论哈代绿荫下中的悲观主义2005310515马杨浅析名利场中的个人主义2005310408庞芳试析嘉莉妹妹男主角赫斯特伍德的爱情观2005310218刘咏梅论海明威永别了武器中的爱情主题2005310219 唐志娟 印度之行中两位女主角的人物分析2005310220 容银莉 论野性的呼唤中的巴克兴湘2005180317 李慧 On Translation of Metaphors in English Advertisements2005180318 李菁 Differences between the Chinese and American Cultur

40、e in the movie “Sleep over”蒋 意王建香2005180320 凌恒 On Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Humor2005180321 刘杜 Humanitarianism in “A Tale of Two Cities”2005180322 刘诗伟 A brief analysis of Yeats Symbolism through the Image of “Stone”2005180323 刘霜禾 A Cultural Interpretation of Maternal Love in t

41、he Joy Luck Club2005180324 龙汝晴 On the Translation and Comparison of Color Expressions between English and Chinese2005180325 罗翔 The Differences between Chinese and English Headlines in News Report2005180326 欧阳丽琴A Tentative Study of Sexism in English Words2005180327 彭晓伟 The Comparison on the Differenc

42、es between Chinese and English Apology阳 栋2005180328 宋瑶洁 2005180329 苏婷茹 The Influence of DIY on Western societys way of life2005180330 王堰 On English Euphumism from the Analysis of Cooperative Principle2005180332 向文瑶 The tragedy of human nature -The comparision of tragedy value between the Banquet and

43、 the Hamlet2005180333 肖尔妮 Comparison with English and Chinese Animal Metaphors2005180334 肖丽 On Mark Twains Black Humour in The Adventure of Tom Sawyer2005180335 谢碧媛 Analysis of Family Values between China and Unite States from Mixed Marriage熊毅2005180336 许冬玲 A Comparison BETWEEN CHINESE AND AMERICAN

44、FAMILY EDUCATION2005180337 颜玮 The Blacks Self in The Weary Blues2005180338 姚军 The Influence of British War on English Idioms2005180340 曾美媛 英雄主义在永别了,武器中的体现2005180341曾佩芬On the Realization Process of Janes Self-value in Jane Eyre2005180342曾日芳Comparison of Corporation Culture between China and America20

45、05180343赵静Mysticism in Herman Melvilles Moby Dick2005180344朱国超On Differences Between Chinese and Western Wine Culture吴静芬唐德根2005180401 田路源 The Research on the Influence of the Internet English to the Contemporary English Literature2005180402 吴礼德 Analysis on the Influence of English Studying to Chines

46、e Peoples Thought第八组地点:外语楼319答辩老师:胡波、周芬芳秘书:翁希指导老师学号姓名题目蒋欣欣盛莉2005310410胡庆媛The Imagery of “Ghosts” in Kingstons The Woman Warrior2005310517胡萍New Heroism in Forrest Gump2005310518何江帆The Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language in Business Letters2005310519彭海兰On Uncas in the Last of Mohicans2005310520于祁欢Br

47、ief Analysis of the Combination of Tradition and Modern in Frosts Poems2005310521欧桂庭Comparative Study of the Social Etiquette between China and America from Cross-Cultural Perspective2005310523张士强On Heroism in American Films2005310524吴柳On the Application of Domestication and Foreignization in Chines

48、e-English Translation of Idioms2005310525胡平徐渊冲的“三美论”在“四字格”翻译中的体现和运用2005310526伍志方The Analysis of Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair2005310527姚虎A Comparative Study of the Difference about the Family Education between China and America from the Perspective of Culture李秋扬2005310528 郭维青 皆大欢喜中的浪漫主义体现2005310530 刘敏

49、外贸英语商务信函的语言特点2005183302颜袁茜麦田里的守望者主人公霍尔顿精神世界解析2005310601 吴婷 浪漫主义在西风颂中的体现兴湘吴静芬唐德根2005180403杨波On Advertisement Language: A Perspective of Memetics2005180404周龙Study on the Use of Multimedia to Assist English Listening Teaching2005180405成璇On Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure in English Translation of Chin

50、ese Advertisements2005180406程楠Death and Regeneration: An Interpretation of T. S. Eliots The Waste Land2005180407邓蓉Chinglish at the Syntactical Level in Chinese-English Translation - Taking Subject and Key Verb as Examples2005180408方婷Euphemistic Expressions and the International Business Negotiation2

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