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1、珍珠港2022完好中英文对照剧本珍 珠 港 (田纳西州一九二三年) 德国佬两点钟方向 German bandits at two oclock! 全速前进 Increase throttle! Power dive! 你拼错了啦雷夫 Spell it right, Rafe. 方向舵应该是两个 D &;Rudder&; is spelled with two Ds. 谢了伙伴 哦不客气 Thanks, wingman. Yeah, sure. 敌机来袭 Whoa, bandits! 打得好丹尼 Crack shooting, Danny. 你也一样 Crack shooting, Rafe.

2、为了自&;hearts;由&;hearts; Land of the free. 为了祖国 Home of the brave. 飞得帅呆了老爸 Great flying, Dad 来吧我教你开飞机 e on. Im gonna teach you how to fly. 我要坐前面 I get the front! 不你得坐后面 No, you take the back. 我比拟高我应该坐前面 Im bigger, and I should be in front. 我比你大我还要教你呢 Im older, and Im teaching, so no. 哇我们真像在飞一样啦! Wow.

3、Its like were really flying. 我玩过好几次了 Yeah, I did it lots of times. 你去守住机关枪我来减速 e on, you man the guns. Ill give her some throttle. 我们要打落德国飞机 We gotta get those dirty German bandits. 噢天啊 Oh, gosh! 快停下来雷夫! Hang on! Make it stop, Rafe! 我看我爸开过很屡次没事儿! Ive seen my dad do this lots of times, dont worry! 雷夫

4、! Rafe! 喔我们飞起来了啦! Oh, my gosh! Were flying! 我们飞起来了 Were flying! 我老爸饶不了我!快走 My dads gonna kill me. e on. 好耶 Yes! Whoohoo! 我们飞起来了!我们飞起来了! We flew! We flew! 好耶我是飞行员我知道了 Yeah! Yes! Im a pilot! I know! 我们飞起来了 We flew. 你这个没用的东西爸爸 You noaccount boy! Daddy. 我说过别和这个笨蛋泡在一起 I done told you, you spend time play

5、ing with this stupid boy. 他不识字!你会一辈子没长进的 .cant read. you aint never going to amount to nothing! 爸他才不蠢 He aint stupid, Daddy! 爸. Daddy! 过来 Ohh! e on! 马上回家去 Uhh! Get on back home. Now! 快点你还有活要干呢!走吧 Get on up. You got work to do. e on! 快点给我回去 e on, get on home! 你放开他 Uhh! You let him alone! 爸爸别这样 Daddy,

6、 no! 我要打扁你你这个臭德国佬! I will bust you open, you dirty German! 你骂我什么? Whatd you call me? 我在法国和德国人打过仗 I fought the Germans in France. 非常艰巨的阵地相持战 And I fought them in the trenches. 上帝保佑!那些可怕的事情别再发生了 And I pray to God no one ever has to see the things that I saw. 你是我最好的朋友 Youre my best friend. 爸等等! Daddy,

7、wait! 爸等等我 Daddy, wait. 阿道夫希&;hearts;特&;hearts;勒&;hearts;把德国变成了战争机器 Adolf Hitler builds the German military machine 整个欧洲都陷入了战火 and drags all of Europe into war. 即使希&;hearts;特&;hearts;勒&;hearts;占领了法国但美国仍回绝参加战局 But even while France falls to Hitler, America still refuses to join the fighting. (米歇空军基地)

8、 (一九四一年一月长岛) 麦考利和沃克在哪儿? Wheres McCawley and Walker? 还在进展飞行训练 Still training, sir. 丹尼!让我们教他们什么叫开飞机 All right, Danny. Now lets show them how to fly. 来&;老鹰捉小鸡&;准备好了吗? Were gonna play chicken. You ready? 这可不是农场的飞机我不玩 This aint the farm, and these aint no cropdusters. Im not playing chicken with you. 别当胆

9、小鬼让我告诉你 Now dont be a baby. Ill tell you what. 我不玩儿雷夫 Im not doing it, Rafe. 那我冲你来了你可以躲开 Well, Im ing right at you. You can turn, 也可以和我相撞你看着办吧 or you can hit me. Its up to you. 搞什么? What the. 完了 Oh, boy. 你为什么总是害我雷夫? Why you always busting my ass, Rafe? 你从哪边过? Which way you going? 我想从右边不左边我从左边 I gues

10、s Ill go right. No, uh, left. Ill go left. 我们从左边是吗? OK, were going left, right? 嗯是右边右边吗? Ri. uh, right. Right? 右边是指我们从右边过还是指我们从左边过? Right like were going right, or right like were going left? 你把我搅糊涂了!我不知道你说吧 Well, now you got me all mixed up! I dont know. Make up your mind. 上帝啊雷夫我们从右边!右边! God, Rafe,

11、 were going right! Rightytighty! 他们真是王牌飞行员 Those are some smooth aces. 你说什么? Did you say something? 我告诉你们这两个乡巴佬被禁飞了! Cause let me tell you, those farm boys are grounded! 是的长官决不允许拿军用飞机冒险 Yes, sir, an entirely unacceptable use. of mmmilitary aircraft, sir. 拿我的帽子来是的长官 Get my hat. Yes, sir. 叫这些亡命徒去杜立特办公

12、室 Get those hedgehoppers in Doolittles office. 已经训练两年了 After two years of training. 你们以为造价四万五千美元的战斗机 you believe that a $45,000 airplane. 是用来玩吗? is there for your amusement? 不是长官我只是磨练技巧 No, sir. I was just trying. to keep my edge, Major. 上礼拜你玩空中翻筋斗 And when you did the outside loop last week. 也是为了磨练

13、技巧吗? what did you think that was? Honing your skills? 那不是飞行技巧!麦考利是哗众取宠! Thats not training, McCawley. Thats a stunt. 也是愚蠢和不负责的行为 And I personally consider it to be reckless. and irresponsible. 少校 Major. 怎么会啊 How could that be, 你可是那招 when youre famous for being the first man 的开山鼻祖 in the world ever t

14、o do it? 别跟我耍嘴皮子 Dont get cute with me, son. 我没有耍嘴皮子长官 No, sir, I dont mean to be disrespectful. 请恕我直言我只是认为 I just think that. well, I. 假如仅仅只是为了出风头这是愚蠢和不负责的 It is reckless and irresponsible if youre just doing it to be a showoff. 但我这样是为了启发战友 But I was doing it to try to inspire the men, sir. 就像您当初启发

15、我一样 in the way that youve inspired me. 有句成语可以用来形容我对您的钦佩 I believe the French even have a word for that. 法国人称之为 when the men get together to honor their leaders. 五体投地 They call it an homage, sir. 什么? A what? 是五体投地长官这全是屁话麦考利 An homage, sir. Thats bullshit, McCawley! 但它是很中听的屁话 But its very, very good b

16、ullshit. 谢谢你长官 Thank you, sir. 麦考利你就像十五年前的我 McCawley, you remind me of myself fifteen years ago. 我们如今讨论一下这个 Which is why we need to discuss this. 坐下年轻人 Have a seat, son. 英国人已经承受你参加雄鹰中队 The British have accepted you into the Eagle Squadron. 假如你愿意 Youre on your way to England tomorrow. 明天就可以动身 if you

17、still want to go. 飞行员是英国能否打退希&;hearts;特&;hearts;勒&;hearts;的关键 Just a few British pilots are all that stand 也决定着欧洲战场的走向 between Hitler and total victory in Europe. 他们非常需要援助 Theyre gonna need all the help they can get. 我马上出发长官 Yes, sir. Well, Im on my way. 按照规定我应该要求你再慎重考虑一下 Just for the record. Im sup

18、posed to ask you to reconsider. 长官? Sir? 不管我们是否愿意 Sooner or later were gonna be in this war. .美国参战只是时间问题 whether we like it or not. 我们也需要优秀的飞行员 And Im gonna need all of my best pilots. 所以我应该征询你是否愿意留下来 So its my duty to ask you to stay. 少校你会怎么做? Major, what would you do? 假如是我 If it was me. 我会去 Id go.

19、 不会吧我开场谢顶了? Get out. Am I going bald right back here? 伙计我是个帅小伙 Man, I am one goodlooking son of a bitch. 可千万别死 Dont you ever die. 打仗你死不了今晚你就要装一副快死的样子 Die. Thats exactly the concept you gotta work tonight. 往眼睛上抹点儿丁香油 You put a drop of this clove oil under your eyes. 快忍&;hearts;不住的时候就去找护士 and you let

20、them sting and well up. 做个深呼吸 You get your nurse alone, take a breath. 然后就热泪盈眶地对她说宝贝 let her see your eyes listen and say, 他们训练我去打仗 &;Baby, theyre training me for war. 我生死难测 and I dont know whatll happen. 假如明天我一去不返 but if I die tomorrow. 我盼望今晚我俩能共度春宵 &; I want to know that we lived all we could toni

21、ght.&; 来吧伙计们漂亮护士在等着咱们 e on, guys! We got nurses waiting. 快点再不走比利的头就要秃光了 e on, before the rest of his hair falls out. 你为什么要做这样的决定? How could you do this? 是杜立特点名派我去的 Well, Doolittle assigned me. 他希望我可以承受实战训练 He wanted me to get some real. real bat training in. 你想什么呢? Well, guess what? 那儿可没有训练只有战争 Its

22、not training over there. Its war. 输家丢掉性命赢家也一无所获 Where the losers die, and there arent any winners. 大家都身心疲惫就像我老爸那样 just guys who turn into brokendown wrecks. like my father. 我知道我能理解丹尼 Yeah, I understand that, Danny. 但是我觉得我有责仁去 But I feel like I got a duty to go. 见鬼别和我扯什么责任 Dont preach to me about dut

23、y, damn it. 我和你一样都是军人 I wear the same uniform you do. 假如真有必要我也会去 Now, if trouble wants me, Im ready for it. 可你为什么要这样求之不得? But why go looking for it? 听我说丹尼我快二十五岁了 God, Danny, e on. Im gonna be twentyfive. 已经算是个老兵 I might as well be an old man. 我很快就只能当飞行教官了 Theyre gonna have me being a flight instruct

24、or. 我不想当教官 I dont wanna teach loops and barrel rolls. 我要开战斗机 I wanna be a bat fighter. 快点护士们在等你们跳舞呢 Hey, e on! The nurses cant dddance by themselves. 我们走吧 Lets go. 要是每天都和一百五十个穿内&;hearts;裤&;hearts;的小伙子们打交道 If the call of duty means seeing 150 men in their underwear every day. 我们可不嫌枯燥 .we are here to

25、serve. 想不到能在纽约度周末 I cant believe it. Saturday night in New York City. 在家乡太没意思了! Do you know what theyre doing where I e from? 什么都不能做只能逗牛玩 Nothing. Cowtipping. 所以你来当海军 Well, thats why you joined the Navy, hong. 想开开眼界? To get out of that dusty little town and see the world. 巴巴拉我们是海军护士可不是来旅游的 May I rem

26、ind you, Barbara, were Navy nurses, not tourists. 我当海军是来尽义务还想找个男朋友 I joined to do my patriotic duty and to meet guys. 我也是 Me, too. 我们今晚玩个痛快! Girls, were gonna have so much fun tonight in the city. 给大家讲讲你的故事吧伊芙琳 Youve gotta tell them the story, Evelyn. 什么? What? 说呀告诉我们 Oh, e on. Tell us. 噢说来话长 Oh, it

27、s such a long story. 我们时间多的是 We got time. 我亲眼目睹哦 I saw it happen. 那是四个星期前 Well, it was about four weeks ago. 你认为怎样更好点? What do you think is bbbetter? 都打在一边还是分开打? All in the one cheek, or spreading them out? 好吧 OK. 福斯科安东尼 Fusco Anthony. 你没事吧?老兄 You all right, buddy? 甜心真的要打&;hearts;针&;hearts;吗? Sweeti

28、e, do you really have to do this? 我在军营可不会染上黄热病 Im not gonna get yellow fever in my barracks. 不会吗?假如你愿意可以让她打 No? If youd rather, she can do it. 喔喔略微等一下 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just give me a minute. 亲爱的上头说要给你们打我们就得打 Honey, the government says stick them, we stick them. 雷德你没事吧? Uh! Hey, Red, you allright? 四

29、号&;hearts;测验视力 Eye exam number four? 医生我都检查过十几次啦! Listen, Doc, I have passed a dozen medical checks. 你要这样写我就飞不成了 You write that, they wont let me fly. 很抱歉年轻人 Sorry, son. Im gonna fail. (不合格) 糟糕他们会折断我的翅膀 Theyre gonna take my wings away. 不会的放轻松 No, they wont. Just relax. 读最后一行 Read the bottom line, pl

30、ease. 再背一遍最后一行放心 Just keep practicing the bottom line. And dont worry. 我在后面 Im right behind you. 谢谢 Thank 下一个 Next. 小姐 Maam. J、L、M、K、P、O、E、T、X JLMKPOETX 简直像老鹰的眼睛一样 Eyes like an eagle, maam. 慢点儿飞行员别看下边的 Slow down, flyboy. And, instead of the bottom, 读最上面一行用双眼看 read the very top. Both eyes. &;C&;抱歉&;J

31、&; Yeah. &;C&;.sorry, &;J.&; &;C&;、&;W&; Ahem. &;C&;.&;W.&; &;W.&; &;Q&;&;Q&;&;Q&; 请再读一遍最后一行 Read the bottom line again, please. 这次从右向左而且间隔着读 But read it right to left and every other letter. &;E&;、&;X&; &;E.&;Heh. &;X.&; &;X&;&;E&; &;X&;&;E&; 护士小姐我看得很清楚 XE, maam. Maam, I know how this looks. 抱歉中尉真的

32、很抱歉 Im sorry, Lieutenant, I really am. 陆军和海军的都要求视力到达二点零 But Army and Navy requires 20/20 vision. 我的眼睛没有问题我看得见 Oh, I. its. its not a problem with my eyes, I can see. 我的意思是我的眼睛棒极了 I mean, I can see. 我可以一枪打死狂奔的野兔 I mean, I can hit a running rabbit with a $3.00 pistol. 我只是阅读字母有点困难仅此而已 I got a problem wi

33、th letters, thats all. 那只有先去上学 Well, maybe after some schooling. 再回来复查 you could e back and take the test again. 不我上过学 No, I had schooling. I mean, 教师也拿我没方法 I. the teachers just never knew what to make of it. 只是字母而已有的时候我常把 Its just letters. 它们的顺序弄颠倒就是这样 I mix them up sometimes. Thats all. 我的意思是我只是把它

34、们倒过来读 I mean, I just get them backward sometimes. 你看我的数学、航&;hearts;空&;hearts;理论 Llook here. Uh, my. my math and. 还有口试成绩都是优 and spacial reasoning and my verbal scores are all excellent. 但是你的写作成绩才刚及格 But you barely passed the written exam. 毕竟他及格了总该我了吗? Yeah, but he did pass it. So, is it my turn now?

35、还没有你再等一下 No, youll wait your turn. 好的护士小姐 Yes, maam. 护士小姐我不是来这儿教语言的 Maam, IIm never gonna be an English teacher. 我来这儿是为了当飞行员 But I know why Im here. To be a pilot. 鬼才拿着课本上天打仗 And you dont dogfight with manuals. You dont fly with gauges. 我是说开飞机关键得看感觉敏锐 I mean, its all about feeling and speed. 反响迅速还有是

36、否可以与飞机融为一体 and letting that plane bee like a part. of your body. 没人说阅读才能差就当不了好飞行员 And that manual. says that a guy whos a slow reader cant be a good pilot. 档案上都说我是这儿的最棒的飞行员 That file says Im the best pilot in this room. 护士小姐求求你别让我停飞 Maam, please, dont take my wings. 嗯我感到很为难 Well, I felt so bad. 伊芙琳到

37、三号&;hearts;台去 Evelyn, rotate to station three. 我别无选择 I had no choice. 放他过关了 I passed him. 一会儿这个飞行员又来了 So, then this cocky pilot es back. 哎小伙子你是新兵? Say, fella, are you enlisted? 是的 Yeah. &;是的&;? 年轻人你在和军官说话吗? &;Yeah&;? Boy, youre talking to an officer. 是长官对不起长官 Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. 把档案给我是长官 Give me t

38、hat file. Yes, sir. 稍息 是长官 Parade rest. Yes, sir. 护士小姐我还没来得及谢谢你 Maam, I didnt get a chance to thank you. 裤子脱下来 Drop your skivvies. 啊哦好吧 Ah, oh, OK. 像这样? Just like this? 很好 Thats fine. 他的屁&;hearts;股&;hearts;很翘 He did have a very cute butt. 我知道您本不该让我过关的但却您帮了我 You know, I know you didnt have to pass me

39、 and you did. 我以为你不明白我的意思但是你却很清楚 And I just. I didnt think youd understand, and you did. 知道吗你还没感谢我呢 You know, you still havent said thank you. 谢谢你 Thank you. 不客气 Youre wele. 我想知道您为什么帮我?我只是很好奇 Whyd you do it? I mean, Im just curious. 您如今是我的偶像了 Youre like my hero now. 事实上我父亲曾经是飞行员我知道 Actually, my fath

40、er was a pilot. And, um, Ive seen firsthand what happens. 飞行员停飞的滋味 when a pilot loses his wings. 知道吗您父亲也是我的偶像了 You know what? Your fathers my hero, then, too. 作为一名军官我想今晚请你 In fact, as an officer, I think itd by my duty. 我的新偶像的女儿吃饭是我应该做的 .to take my new heros daughter out tonight just to. 啊!有点儿深了吧? a

41、ah! Gosh, did I poke too deep? 您好象扎进骨头了 I think you hit the bone there. 你太过分了 You are so mean. 难道您真不愿意 What? So is. is there any chance. 给我个时机? that you might, kind of, sort of. you know, like me, or. 你想什么呢? Oh, how did you guess? 我的头儿没教我体验这种感觉 They never taught us. how to deal with this. feeling. 什

42、么感觉? Whwhat feeling? 像是这样 Well, its kind of like. this. 他再放肆我还要扎他 Well, he was getting fresh, so I poked him again. 嗨罗密欧我可不想找罪受 All right, Romeo. I want to get this over with. 等一下 Hold on a second. 我真的很想&;舔&;你 Miss. I really, really lick you. 他说什么? What did he mean? 喜欢你我舌头打结了 Like you. I didnt mean

43、to say that. And I just, um. 我很想请你一起&;送&;饭 I just want to ask you, please, if I can donate dinner. 他开场语无伦次了 He started to act very strange. 我郑重地邀请你 Or, well, buy you dinner. 这不是你的档案 This isnt your chart. 不这是那个家伙的我想他落下了 Whoa. No. Thats the, uh, this, uh, fellow over heres. I think he left. 你打过针了? Hav

44、e you already had this shot? 是的嗯已经打过一次了 Yeah, well, once. already. 嗯我想我的意思是我可以约你出去吗? Well, I wanted. I mean, can I ask you out? 不行 No! 突然他一头栽到地上 And he just went wham! 噢!你对他怎么了? Oh! Whatd you do to him? 可怜的家伙 Poor guy. 噢老天你没事吧? Oh, my God. Are you OK? 嗯没事我没事很好 Yeah, Im fine, I feel great. 这样能起保护作用 T

45、his is just standard precautionary. thing. 看我搞到些好东西一瓶正宗的法国香槟 Look, I got some, uh, genuine French chagne. from France. 我想也许我们该好好庆贺一下 I thought, you know, maybe we could celebrate. 庆贺什么? Celebrate what? 噢我也不知道怎么说呢庆贺你成了我的偶像 Oh, I dont know. Uh, well, you being my hero, for one. 好吧为什么不呢? OK. Why not? 我

46、很感谢你感谢你 So, uh, ahem. I wanted to thank you. And I just wanted to, uh. 你让我通过了体&;hearts;检&;hearts; put your mind at ease about passing me. 因为我真的想为国家尽一份力 because I really do think you did this country a service. 我的意思是我是一名王牌飞行员 I mean, Im. I am a great flier. 要说你缺点的话那就是骄傲 And if you have a fault, which

47、 you obviously dont, its modesty 不假如说我有缺点那就是直率 No. If I have a fault, its candor. 你真的很 You are just so. 瓶塞崩着我了 Cork just got away from me. 天啊 God 天啊噢真疼 God, oh, it hurts. 疼死啦 It hurts something fierce. 对不起 Im sorry. 噢噢流血了 Ohh. Oh, its bleeding. 天啊 God. 躺下我总是惹事生非 Lay still. I ruined everything. 别乱动好痛

48、 Lay still. Oh, it hurts. 噢!太凉啦!冰块能止血 Ow! Its cold. Itll stop the bleeding. 我无法喘气 Yeah. I cant breathe. 躺好 Lay still. 你美得真叫人心疼 You are so beautiful it hurts. 是你的鼻子疼 Its your nose that hurts. 不是我的心疼 No. I think its my heart. 于是我吻了他 And then I kissed him. 伊芙琳这是我听过最浪漫的故事 Oh, Evelyn. Thats the most roma

49、ntic story I ever heard. 这也是我这辈子最浪漫的四个星期又两天 Its been the most romantic four weeks and two days of my life. 我好羡慕你 Oh, Im so jealous. 见到你真好护士小姐 Hello, Lieutenant. Its good to see you. 我也是中尉 You, too, Lieutenant. 挑一只手 Pick a hand. 真漂亮 Its beautiful. 那只手有什么? Whats in your other hand? 是我的 Mine. 我花了六小时才折好

50、 Well, it took me six hours to fold these. 介绍一下我的朋友雷夫 I want you to meet my friends. 这是玛莎、巴巴拉、桑得拉 Rafe, this is Martha, Barbara, Sandra. 嗨我是贝蒂 Hi. Im Betty. Hi. 你的朋友呢? Would you happen to have any friends? 随意选吧 Huh. Take your pick. 假如仗打起来而我荣耀负伤 We ever get in this war and something happens to me. 有你

51、这样温顺的姑娘照顾我 I cant tell you how good it makes me feel to know. 让我恢复安康那种感觉真的是太棒了 .that someone as sweet as you will be there to nurse me back to health. 可我们还没参战呢 Good, but were not in the war yet. 嗨那都是玩笑 OK. That was a bad line. 我我是雷德雷德 Im. Im Red, Red. 奇怪 Ssssstrange. 你姓奇怪吗? Your last names Strange?

52、她是你的了 Yeah. Shes all yours, soldier. 不我姓温 No. It. its Winkle. 雷德真有女人缘 Red is such a ladiesg man. 你总是结巴? Do you always stutter? 不只是在 No. Only when Im. 她上勾了 Shes totally buying it. 紧张的时候?是啊 Nervous?Yeah. 为什么我碰不上漂亮妞? Why cant I get something like that? Hello. Hi. 丹尼和姑娘在一起太腼腆 Danny seems kind of shy aro

53、und the girls. 他不是腼腆 Tsk. Its not that hes shy. 他只是缺乏自信 Hes just, ahem. a little unsure of himself, you know. 是他老爸呵斥的结果 His old man used to run him down a lot. 一上飞机他就判假设两人 Get him in a plane, hes sure of himself. 他是我的好兄弟好朋友 Hes like my brother. Hes like my best friend. 如同我的右手 Hes my right hand. 可如今你

54、的手滑到我的腰部以下了 Which at the moment is a long way south of my waist. 对不起我滑的太低了 Oh, Im sorry. I guess I lost a little altitude. 是啊我想你是的 Yeah, I guess you did. 失陪一下 Excuse me. 我们得好好聊聊 You and me, we got to talk. 听说海军要派我们去珍珠港 So, the rumor is the Navys shipping us to Pearl Harbor. 那挺好啊 Well, wont be so bad

55、. 那儿离战场很远 Its about as far from the fighting as you can get. 可以享受一下温暖的阳光 Youll get a suntan. 也许你也会被调到那儿 So maybe the Armyll post you guys there, too. 你是一个特别了不起的女人 You. are a super special woman. 他们把我训练成彪悍的勇士 theyre. theyre training me. to be a big bad warrior, and, well. 明天可能就去出生入死 So, I mean, you n

56、ever know what might happen tomorrow 谁知道会发生什么你理解吗?所以 . or. or any day after that, you know? So. 今晚我们应该有点特别的 God, we need to make tonight super special. 你哭什么? Why are you crying? 我怕再也见不到你了 I guess its the thought. that I might not ever get to see you again. 别哭啦宝贝儿今晚我是你的 Dry your eyes, toots. Tonight,

57、 youre mine. 今晚我不想到人多的地方去我希望和你单独在一起 I dont want to be with a crowd tonight. I just want to be alone with you. 去看看月光下的纽约港? How does New York Harbor by moonlight sound? 你想当坏蛋? Are you gonna be a bad influence? 干吗不当个坏蛋呢? Of course Im a bad influence. 我们是军官 Lets see if we can mandeer this vessel. 可以征募这艘

58、船 cause were, uh, officers of the U.S. Government. 别快乐的太早 Not for long, we wont be. 也许将来我们能坐这艘船旅行 One day, well take a trip on a boat like that. 你喜欢这艘船? Would you like that? 在大厅里参加鸡尾酒会 Well be dressing for cocktails and walk into the grand salon. 没有人议论战争大家都随着舞曲翩翩翩翩起舞 No ones talking about war. Theyr

59、e just dancing to Cole Porter. 我要穿晚礼服 Ill have to get a tux. 是啊 Yeah. 上来开船了 e on. There you go. All aboard. 我不是这个意思 Youre out of your mind. 是啊小心坐好 Oh, yeah. Careful now. Here, sit down. 看我的 Now lets see here. 快到了 Ah! There we go. 我要让你登上你喜欢的船 See, this is as close as I could get you to your ship. 怎么样

60、? So, at least I tried, right? 我已经很满足了这太好了 Actually, you know what? This is better. 老天你真美啊 Yeah, it is. God, youre pretty. (上下) 往后我们会怎么样?雷夫 Whats gonna bee of us all, Rafe? 嗯我们左右不了将来对吗? Well, the futures not exactly in our hands, is it? 是的你是对的 No. I guess youre right. 天啊你没事儿吧? Oh, my God! Are you al

61、l right? 没事儿你呢? Yeah, are you? 方案中可没有这出 That was not part of the date. 小心地面喔谢谢 Watch your step. Oh, thank you. 伊芙琳 Evelyn! 伙计们快上来吧 Guys, e up! e on up! 我们在 321 号&;hearts;房&;hearts; e up! Were in 321. 我要跟你说一件事 Theres something I got to tell you. 你对我没有机密可言 Well, you got no secrets from me, Lieutenant.

62、 我看过你的体格检查表知道你的一切 Ive seen your medical chart. 是坏消息?还是有难言之处? This cant be good, or it wouldnt be so hard to say. 是啊 Yep. 我要被调走 I got to go away. 我们都要被调走 Were all going away. Yeah. 没错 Yep. 但是我是去打仗明天就动身 but Im going to the war. tomorrow. 我要参加飞鹰中队 Im flying with the Eagle Squadron. 他们需要美国飞行员 Its an out

63、fit the British started for American pilots. 我不明白 I dont understand. 你是为美国&;hearts;军&;hearts;队服役他们怎么能命令你去英国? Youre in the U.S. Army. How could they order you to go? 他们没有下命令是我自愿的 They didnt order me. I volunteered. 我让你通过体&;hearts;检&;hearts;是我放你过关的 But I passed you. I let you through. 如今你却自愿去最危险的地方? And now you volunteer. for the most dangerous place you could go? 这和你没关系你没有责任 Its not your respo

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