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1、劳动合同法与原有法律法规对比一、实施劳动关系处理原有法律法规劳动合同法1任何一方均可提出终止劳动关系1已经建立劳动关系,未同时订立劳动合同的,应当自用工之日起一个月内订立书面劳动合同,超过一个月不满一年不订立的应当支付劳动者应得报酬两倍的工资。2 待遇不明的,按企业或者行业的集体合同规定执行;无集体合同的,应当对劳动者实行同工同酬。3、超过一年未订立劳动合同的视为已订立劳动合同。二、试用期标准原有法律法规劳动合同法劳动合同期试用期劳动合同期试用期6个月以下不得超过15日不满3个月不得设试用期6个月以上1年以下不得超过30日3个月以上不满1年不得超过1个月1年以上2年以下不得超过60日1年以上不



4、定服务期。2、出资招用3、其他特殊待遇七、劳动合同解除情况原有法律法规劳动合同法劳动者基本辞职1 试用期内随时通知2 一般提前30天通知1试用期内提前3日通知2一般提前30天通知劳动者被动辞职1、 以暴力、威胁或非法限制人身自由的手段强迫劳动的2、 未按劳动合同约定支付劳动报酬或提供劳动条件1以暴力、威胁或非法限制人身自由的手段强迫劳动的(无须事先告知)2、违章指挥、强令冒险作业危机劳动者人身安全的(无须事先告知)3、未按合同约定提供劳动保护和劳动条件的4、未及时足额支付劳动报酬5、未依法为劳动者缴纳社会保险费的6、规章制度违反法律法规,损害劳动者权益7、因用人单位原因导致合同无效8、其他原因



7、且距退休年龄不足5年5、其他情形6、其他情形八、经济性裁员原有法律规定劳动合同法裁员人数20人以上或者裁减不足20人但占企业职工总数10%以上条件1、依照企业破产法规定进行重整的; 2、生产经营发生严重困难的1、依照企业破产法规定进行重整的; 2、生产经营发生严重困难的; 3、企业转产、重大技术革新或者经营方式调整,经变更劳动合同后,仍需裁减人员的; 4、其他客观经济情况发生重大变化致使合同无法履行的。程序1、 提前30天向工会或者全体职工说明情况;2、 听取工会意见3、 向劳动行政部门报告1、 提前30天向工会或者全体职工说明情况;2、 听取工会意见 3、向劳动行政部门报告优先权六个月内招工

8、优先招用被裁人员1、 六个月内招工应当通知并优先招用被裁人员;2、 优先留用:(1)与本单位订立较长期限的固定期限劳动合同的; (2)与本单位订立无固定期限劳动合同的; (3)家庭无其他就业人员,有需要扶养的老人或者未成年人的。九、劳动合同终止原有法律规定劳动合同法终止情形1、劳动合同期满1、劳动合同期满2、约定终止条件出现2、劳动者开始依法享受基本养老保险待遇3、劳动者死亡,或者被人们法院宣告死亡或宣告失踪4、用人单位被依法宣告破产5、用人单位被吊销营业执照、责令关闭、撤销或者用人单位决定提前解散的;6、法律、行政法规规定的其他情形经济补偿金无除用人单位维持或提高劳动合同约定条件续订劳动合同


10、过12年。 3、用人单位违反本法规定解除或者终止劳动合同,劳动者要求继续履行劳动合同,应当继续履行;不要求履行的,用人单位应当依照1中经济补偿金标准的2倍支付赔偿金。Comparison between current Chinese labor laws and new Chinese labor contract lawsDisposalExistingNewAny party may terminate the labor relationship1. In the event that no written employment contract was concluded at th

11、e time of establishment of an employment relationship, a written employment contract shall be concluded within one month after the date on which the employer starts using the employee. If an employer fails to conclude a written employment contract with an employee more than one month but less than o

12、ne year, it shall each month pay to the employee twice his wage. 2. If the treatment is unclear, the provisions of the collective contract shall apply. If there is no collective contract, equal pay shall be given for equal work. 3. If an employee fails to conclude a written employment contract with

13、an employee within one year from the date on which it starts using the employee, the employer and the employee shall be deemed to have concluded a permanent labor contract.2. Probation PeriodStandardExistingNewTerm of labor contractProbation PeriodTerm of employment contractProbation PeriodLess than

14、 6 monthsLess than 15 daysLess than 3 monthsNo Probation Period6 months 1 yearLess than 30 days3 months 1 yearLess than 1 month1 year 2 yearsLess than 60 days1 year 3 yearsLess than 2 monthsMore than 3 years & permanentLess than 6 monthsWith a term to expire upon completion of a certain jobNo Probat

15、ion Period3. Conditions for signing permanent employment contractsConditionsExistingNewCircumstances that shall conclude labor contractThe employee has worked for the employer for ten years and aboveWhen renewing the labor contract, the employee has worked for the employer for ten years and aboveorW

16、hen the employer adopts labor contracts for employment for the first time or a SOE renews the labor contract after restructuring, the employee has worked for the employer or the SOE for 10 years or has 10 years left for legal retirement.orRenew the labor contract after twice conclusion of the labor

17、contract with a fixed term and the worker does not have the cases stipulated in Article 39 and Article 40 (1)(2)andandBoth parties agree to renew the labor contractThe employee proposes or agrees to renew his employment contract or to conclude an employment contractandandThe employee asks to sign pe

18、rmanent labor contractsThe employee asks to sign permanent labor contractsorDeemed to have concluded a permanent labor contractAn Employer fails to concluded a written employment contract with an Employee with one year form the date on which it starts using the Employee4. RegulationsExistingNewSetup

19、Regulations should be set by democratic proceduresRegulations concerning then interests of employees should be defined through the discussion with the representative committee or employees or all the employeesImplementationDuring the implementation, employees or labor unions have the right to propos

20、e adjustments to thought-to-be-improper regulationsPublicationPublic notificationEmployers should publicise regulations to all the employees5. Conditions for signing non-competition agreementExistingNewType of employeesPersonnel with a confidentiality obligationTop managers, high-level technician an

21、d other personnel with a confidentiality obligationTermLess than 3 yearsLess than 2 yearsCompensationEconomic compensation should be paidEconomic compensation should be paid on monthly basis after the dissolution of labor contracts6. Conditions for setting service termconditionsExistingNew1Training

22、If an employer provides special funding for an employees training and gives him professional technical training, it may conclude an agreement specifying a term of service with such employee. 2Recruitment with the cost involved3Other special welfare7. The dissolution of labor contractsConditionsExist

23、ingNewEmployees basic dismissal1. Issue the notification any time within probation period1. Issue the notification ahead of 3 days within probation period2. Issue the notification ahead of 30 days2. Issue the notification ahead of 30 days Employees passive dismissal1. employers enforce employees to

24、work with violence and threat1.employers fail to provide the working environment and safety guarantees in accordance with labor contracts (no ahead notification required)2. employers break the rules and regulations to enforce employees to work in dangerous environment (no ahead notification required

25、)2. employers fail to pay the remuneration or provide the working environment in accordance with labor contracts 3. employers fail to provide the working environment and safety guarantees in accordance with labor contracts4.employers fail to pall the full amount of remuneration timely5. employers fa

26、il to pay social insurance for employees6. employers do harm to interest of employees7.employers sign labor contracts in violation of employees intention8. other situationsEmployers negligent dissolution1. employees are justified not qualified within probation period1. employees are justified not qu

27、alified within probation period2. employees violate regulations or labor disciplines2. employees violate regulations3. employees do harm to interests of employers3. employees do harm to interests of employers4. Employees have dual labor relationship causing serious damages to employer, or refuse to

28、correct it after the employer points out the problem.5. Employees enforce employer to sign the contract with violence and threat.4. employees commit crime6. employees commit crimeEmployers non-negligent dissolution1. employees cannot undertake the original positions and other positions that employer

29、 arranged after recovery from injury or diseases1. employees cannot undertake the original positions and other positions that employer arranged after recovery from injury or diseases2. employees are not complete even after training or positions transfer2. employees are not complete even after traini

30、ng or positions transfer3. objective environment has big changes3. objective environment has big changesNotification ahead of 30 daysNotification ahead of 30 days or one months wage in lie of notificationProhibiting conditions of Employers non-negligent dissolution (economic dismissal)1. employee is

31、 engaged in operations exposing him to occupational disease hazards and has not undergone a pre-departure occupational health check-up, or is suspected of having contracted an occupational disease and is being diagnosed or under medical observation.1. employee is engaged in operations exposing him t

32、o occupational disease hazards and has not undergone a pre-departure occupational health check-up, or is suspected of having contracted an occupational disease and is being diagnosed or under medical observation.2. Employees labor abilities are partly or totally harmed by work-related injuries.2. Em

33、ployees labor abilities are partly or totally harmed by work-related disease and injuries.3. in the period of employees medical treatment3. in the period of employees medical treatment4. when female employees have maternity leave4. when female employees have maternity leave5. Employees have been wor

34、king for 15 years consecutively and have less than 5 years left at the arrival of retiring age.6. others8. Economic DismissalExistingNewThe number of dismissed employees20 employees or above or the number of dismissed employees accounts for more than 10% of the corporate staff. Conditions1. Employer

35、s are on the edge of going bankrupt.2. business operation is stuck in severe difficulties1. Employers are on the edge of going bankrupt.2. business operation is stuck in severe difficulties3. Big changes of the external environment lead to the failure to implement labor contract.4. Another major cha

36、nge in the objective economic circumstances relied upon at the time of contractual operation.Procedures1. employers should make detailed explanation to labor union ahead of 30 days;2. Employers should listen to the advice of labor union.3. Employers should report to labour authorities.1. employers s

37、hould make detailed explanation to labor union ahead of 30 days;2. Employers should listen to the advice of labor union.3. Employers should report to labour authorities.PrioritiesDismissed employees should have priority to get employed1. dismissed employees should have priority to get employed2. emp

38、loyees with the following conditions have priority to avoid dismissal;1) who have concluded with the employer fixed-term employment contracts with a relatively long term;2) who have concluded open-ended employment contracts; or 3) who are the only ones in their families to be employed and whose fami

39、lies have an elderly person or a minor for whom they need to provide9. The termination of labor contractsCircumstancesExistingNew1. Term of labor contract expires1. Term of labor contract expires2. Promissory circumstances happened2. The employee has commenced drawing his basic old age insurance pen

40、sion in accordance with the law3. The employee dies, or is declared dead or missing by a Peoples court.4. The employer is declared bankrupt.5. The employer has its business license revoked, is ordered to close or is closed down, or the employer decides on early liquidation. Economic compensationNone

41、Unless the employee does not agree to renew the contract even though the conditions offered by the employer are the same as or better than those stipulated in the current contract, the employer shall pay the employee economic compensation when a fixed-term contract terminated. 10. The economic compe

42、nsation of terminating labor contractExistingNew1. An employee shall be paid compensation based on the number of years worked with the employer at the rate of one months wage for each full year worked. Any period of less than one year shall be counted as one year.1. An employee shall be paid compens

43、ation based on the number of years worked with the employer at the rate of one months wage for each full year worked. Any period of less than six months but less than one year shall be count as one year. The compensation to an employee for any period of less than six months shall be one-half of his

44、monthly wages.2. If the employees monthly salary is higher than 3 times of last year workers on average wages, the compensation standard is 3 times of last year workers average wages and the maximal compensation time is 12 months. 3. The employer dissolve labor relationship illegally, if the employee require performing, the labor contract should be continued; if the employee not require to fulfil it, the employer shall, in accordance with the standard above, give workers double compensation.

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