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1、ColourReading【学习目标】1.了解颜色所代表的含义。2.认识并理解有关情感的词汇。3.把颜色和性格特征搭配起来。4.掌握下列词句:1) feel blue; cheer up; remind-of-; have difficulty (in) doing sth.; green with envy; either-or-2) Some people believe that colours can influence our moods.3) You may wonder whether it is true. 4) This article explains what colou

2、rs can do and what characteristics they represent.【自主学习】1.听录音,读、划、背本课生词及重点语句。(P142,22-25) 影响_ 是否_ 安宁_ _ 忧伤_ 造成_ 感受_ 因为_ 需要 热 困难 决定(n.) 情绪 品质 放松的 纯洁 婚礼 更喜欢 提醒 智慧 力量 嫉妒 平静的 2.听、读、译P22-23(15分钟) 自学情况反馈(家长签字) (1).解词:( P24 B1 )1) To influence someone means 2) When you feel relaxed, you are 3) To prefer me

3、ans 4) To create means 5) At a wedding, a man and a woman 6) To cheer someone up means 7) To remind someone of something means to help someone 8) To require means (2).写出各种颜色的含义:( P24 B2 )1) blue 2) white 3) orange 4) yellow 5) green 6) red 【质疑拓展】 &1.宾语从句1)概念:由一个句子来充当宾语,这个句子就叫宾语从句。宾语从句可由that 引导,that也

4、可省略。 2)找出课文中含义宾语从句的句子,共5句。 2. have difficulty (in) doing sth. 当你难以做出决定时,这种颜色可能会有帮助。 have trouble / problems (in) doing sth.3.文中颜色所代表的含义Calm colours: Warm colours: Energetic colours: Strong colours: 4.有关情感的词汇 5.把颜色与性格特征搭配起来。( P25 B3、B4 )Questions:1).颜色与情绪之间的关系_2).影响我们的情绪_3).对我们的思想有好处_ 4).创造和谐的感觉_5).代

5、表悲伤_ 6).纯洁的颜色_7).在寒冷的气候_ 8).智慧的颜色_9).带给你成功 _ 10).为考试学习_【当堂检测】 翻译词组:1)颜色的力量 2)影响/改变某人的情绪 3)在某人结婚那天 4)feel blue 5)the colour of purity/wisdom/envy/heat 6)更喜欢暖色 7)使振作起来 8)使-想起- 9)希望成功 10)energetic colours 11)green with envy 12)represent power 13)需要力量 14)做某事费劲 15)采取行动 16)做决定 17)感到放松 18)造成一种温暖舒适的感觉 19)或者

6、-或者- 20)平静下来 【评价反馈】个人得分小组得分自我评价(目标达成情况或记录还未掌握的内容)【课后作业】一、根据首字母或汉语填空1. My old bike is broken , so it n_ repairing.2. Orange can bring you s_. It can cheer you up when you are sad.3.She is in a good _ (心情) today.4. Blue can _ (创造) the feeling of harmony.5. I like to eat _ (紫罗兰色的) grapes. They are deli

7、cious.6. Look! They are _(在上刷漆) the wall blue. 7. I _ (宁可、更喜欢) reading books to watching TV when I was young.二、用所给的词的适当形式填空1. Knowledge will make herself look more_. ( power )2. _ (sleep) in a blue room is good for your mind and body.3. Last night I stay up until 12 oclock, so now Im very _. (sleep)

8、4His mother langue was very poor and he spoke with _ (difficult).5. Let us sit around the table and make a _ (decide) today. 6.Green represents new life and _(grow). It is the colour of nature.7. Most people prefer going out to _ (stay) at home. 8. When you have _(difficult) doing your homework, you

9、 can call me. 9Yellow is the colour of _ (wise). Some people like to use it when they study for exams. 10. Someone who _(feel) sad may say “Im feeling blue.” 11. Every time I finish my exams, I will see a _ (relax) film and feel very _ (relax).12. If you need physical _ (strong), you should wear red clothes.

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