Report after reading Wujthering Heights in Chinese

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1、一、 Report after reading Wuthering Heights in Chinese中文著作读后感Emily Dickinson starts the story from towards the end when heathcliff is master of both Wuthering Heights and Thrustcross Grange and little cathy and aahaareton are still in his cluch and then it goes to the very beginning and moves back and

2、 forth as the occasion requires. According to the plot, we may tend to find out that the narration of this novel is very special ,it is narrated by several people include M.r Lockwoods sights and his statements ,the narration of Nally ,the letters of Isabella to Nally and so on.To conclude, the whol

3、e story can be divided into four stages. In the first stage, it narrates the child life of Heathcliff and Catherine as their being stayed together, And during that time special love come into being alongside with their rebellion to Hindleys disturb, tortue and abuse . In the second stage, Catherine

4、betrays Heathcliff to marry Edgar due to her innocent, vanity and foolish, In the third stage, it mainly describes the sinister personality and behavior of Heathcliff to take his revenge to those people who ruin his union with Catherine and even to their next generation in despair of losing Catherin

5、e. In the end , Heathcliff starve himself to death after realization of the love between Harton and Cathy as a result of his recovery of humanity. Till then, the dark cover of the horrible love tragedy fade off gradually and emerge a light of delight hope.So the motion of love-hatred-revenge- the re

6、covery of humanity of Heathcliff is the main core of the novel .And Catherines betray is the direct reason lead to Heathcliffs hatred while Heathcliffs marriage with Isabella make Catherine being trapped into deeper despair.Its clear to see that their selfish lust cause the tradegy to both of them e

7、ven to their next generation. As far as I can see, though Heathcliff and Catherine share the common living childhood and deep love ,they cannot stay tongether even if others agree with their union. The reasons are:1、their own selfish personanity ,2、 their different status which is determined by the

8、birth ;3、 the cruel force like Hindley who degrade Heathcliff in every way he can by ausement and beating ;4、the marriage value of the social background and so on.So their tragedy is inevitable. Since there are some debates about the existence of love between Heathcliff and Catherine. Some are benef

9、it to my report while others are disturbance. To be well prepared ,. I have search out much information like the conversation among the related people and the diary by Catherine and other evidence to make clear the feature of their relationship. And by now ,I have collected much information to stand

10、 up my outline. When I pay attention to the detail of the novel , I find much objects emerging many times like moor, window ,ghost ans so on. Maybe these objects are symbols of something. They can help reader understand the horrible atmosphere and the unique theme. So these objects are special eleme

11、nts to make the novel a success .And it is not difficult to notice the horrible weather and desolate living condition in the book. All these are hint to make a search to Heathclilff and Catherines love tragedy. I will think about more about these details as well as search out related material to sup

12、port my viewpoint.Whats more ,I have looked into the social condition in the book to make sure I have not added any unrenational social and economical elements to support my thesis.二、读书报告 读论呼啸山庄的象征主义 In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte successfully employed symbolism ,which serves as foil to the natu

13、tal enviroment and assists to express the internal world of the characters.The thesis aims to analyze the examples of symbolism in Wuthering Heights which helps me dealing with the puzzle of symbolism in my report. Symbolism is difined as an expressing way of creating artifical beauty which makes im

14、ages more concrete in letary. The symbolistic writer believe that the world is unreal、 miserable and they often hate the dark society of capitalism . Emily Dickinson is among the these writers . She uses moor to symbolis another real 、beauty and kind world to avoid the ungly and miserable capitalism

15、 society .In this novel ,Wuthering Heights isa dark manor hat expectsthe worst in man, and to its inhabitants ,it is only reality they know.The feature of location are typical of the wild life. The house is high on the barren moorland and naked to the chock of the elements ,it is the natural home fo

16、r Catherine 、Heathcliff and other habitants. While the Grange stands for manners and civility. The sybolism also involvs Nature and Culture like windows and the moor. Windows are import symbols in Wuthering Heights as a painful barrier to prevent poor Heathcliff to go the the civilized Grange . And

17、the moor show two different aspects of the world and symbolically ,destructive nature of love.三、 Report after reading “解析呼啸山庄中女主人公凯瑟琳悲剧人生四部曲”|I agree with the report of Fei Yushuang that the heroin Catherine is arbitrary, rude and unreasonable, while the hero Heathcliff is stubborn and cruel. Their

18、outstanding love tragedy shake us in some way.On the one hand ,we appreciate the beauty and wisdom of Catherine. On the other hand ,we sigh her self-mutilation and early death. So the writer Fei divides her tragedy into four stages.1、the oppressive in her childhood Catherine is out-going ,while she

19、is confined in despair, her family arrange the ideal living condition for the girl in Victoria time ,but she desires for freedom/ And she even couldnt make clear what she want for in her inner heart and how to meet the desire.2 、the negation in her youthWhen she grows up , she falls in love with Hea

20、thcliff .They share the wealth of spirit. But happy days come to an end when she yearns for the grand and peaceful life in Grange. So she make a choice of her marriage and give up Heathcliff.3、the awareness in her adulthoodThough she becomes Mrs. Linton, she is tormented by her love for her husband

21、and her over-whelming passion for Heathcliff, Catherine grows sick and dies in giving birth to little Cathy. Her happy wealthy life comes to an end. And she regrets for giving up the yearn of freedom and her lover Heathcliff. 4、the reference of us the modern femaleCatherines short and tragedy life l

22、eaves the deep impression to us .As the modern female we should make her a reference when we are facing the choice of happiness. In the modern society ,we had better seize the right of education and make ourselves better than we used to be rather than make mistakes to enjoy our happiness by impulse.

23、 All the above are brief conclusions of this report, And it really play an important role in constructing my own report when I make an analysis of the inevitable tragedy of Catherine. 四、读希思克列夫与凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧的社会必然性有感 This paper make research to the deep societal inevitability of love tragedy of Heathcliff

24、and Catherine. When Bronte composed her book, in the 1840s,the English economy was severely depressed. And the living condition of the factory workers in industrial areas like Liverpool were so appalling that the upper and middle class feared violent revolt, Thus, many of the more affluent members o

25、f society beheld these workers with a mixture of sympathy and fear. So Heathcliff and Catherine .And in such extreme condition, Heathcliff spend his early childhood in the street of Live-pool. T Thus the attitude of the upper and middle class to the common people lead to the irresistible fate and tr

26、agedy of Heathcliff and Catherine. Furthermore, the character of Heathcliff and Catherine are reasons to spoil their pure love because of Heathcliffs cruelty selfish and Catherines vanity and foolish. At last, the process of the hero and heroines infiltration and conversation from Nature and Civiliz

27、ation can help us draw a conclusion that Catherines choice between Heathcliff and Catherine is the one between nature and civilization. 五、读The love tragedy of Heathcliff and Catherine “有感 呼啸山庄围绕希斯克列夫这个中心人物展开,他处心积虑的报仇计划贯穿了整个故事情节,因为与凯瑟琳相爱又离恨。他变得凶狠以至不择手段去报复曾经阻碍他与凯瑟琳结合的人如辛德勒、埃德加、他们的亲人伊莉莎白甚至他们的下一代。他骗取伊莉莎

28、白的芳心得到了她,又千般折磨她,他还霸占了呼啸山庄和画眉山庄,将他们下一代的命运牢牢掌控,险些将小凯瑟琳和哈顿这对小恋人毁掉。他的报复极为漫长和残忍,分析他的报复行为,我们归结为三个方面:一方面是他不懂得如何去爱,如何去给予、付出和谦让;二则表现他人性的自私与狭隘,第三,报复是他这个社会底层人物对世间不公平命运的极端又恶意的反抗。最后,希斯克列夫萌发了人性的复苏放弃了更长久的报复行动,可见他的天性本来是善良的,只是由于残酷的现实扭曲了他的喜怒哀乐,迫使他变得暴虐无情。也最终导致了他本人不可挽回的人生悲剧。 凯瑟琳自幼任性娇蛮,和希斯克列夫在反抗辛德勒的过程中建立了深厚的感情,这一感情也在不知不

29、觉中升华为爱情。他们两个是你中有我,我中有你,是彼此精神上的另一个自我,然而在权贵与金钱的利诱下,她放弃了精神上的至爱,选择了满足她物质欲望的埃德加。婚后,她痛苦的生活在极度思恋希斯克列夫和厌烦埃德加中,最终在自我绝食中精疲力竭,生下小凯瑟琳后死去。她的悲剧又源自她对自己的不了解、对高层社会生活的不惜代价追求以及对她相爱的希斯克列夫的贬低和轻视,所以当她欺骗自己放弃爱情和自由的时候,悲剧就不可避免。 六、读论文“Analysis of the gothic elements in the novel Wuthering Heights”感想 这篇英文论文对呼啸山庄的哥特式结构做了论述和分析,这

30、种哥特式特征涉及呼啸山庄的环境特征和构造、人物的哥特式模型及超自然主义,尽管与我论述关主人公爱情悲剧没必然关系,但看了这篇文章后,我对呼啸山庄这本奇特小说理解得更透彻,也教会我从两个不同极端了解希斯克列夫这个人的品性,也就是所在侧面帮助我分析解剖这场发生在希斯克列夫和凯瑟琳爱情悲剧的人物性格的根源性。 首先,呼啸山庄的外围结构表现为偏僻荒凉,恶劣的狂风暴雨天气冲击着这所古老而结实的房子,给人一种房子孤立无缘又桀骜孤僻之感,极似希斯克列夫的性格命运,而一切景语皆情语,可想而知故事的情节的惊涛骇浪和跌宕起伏定是必然。 再者,典型人物希斯克列夫的哥特式模型也为我们展现了一个双重性格的受难者和罪恶者角色,一方面他受尽辛德勒的折磨,旁人的诋毁和蔑视,爱人凯瑟琳的背叛和怜悯,全然一个出自社会底层人的受难者形象;另一方面他又在翻身做上层人之后将双倍痛苦强加于负于他的人甚至他们的下一代,在他血腥的报复中暴露出他的粗鲁和自私。哥特式模型的人物中还有被希斯克列夫骗婚的伊丽莎白,她这个出生于上层社会却无知的悲剧人物最后在希斯克列夫的折磨下显露出粗鲁和蛮横。 文章还对超自然的力量进行剖析,孤魂之说让读者感到恐怖、血腥及残忍,这些细节的描写进一步支撑了论点,有很好的借鉴价值。

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