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1、2021/3/10讲解:XX12021/3/10讲解:XX2英语知识竞赛环节英语知识竞赛环节l1.单词接龙l2.词汇记忆l3 同义词抢答l4.4.观察及反应能力比拼观察及反应能力比拼l5 英语国家概括抢答l6.英语国家名言,谚语抢答2021/3/10讲解:XX3l词汇接龙:l规则:第一个同学讲一个单词,下一个同学根据词的结尾,重新讲一个词。而且不能重复。如:screen-nervousl讲不出或重复者扣一分2021/3/10讲解:XX4词汇记忆l 规则:请用一分钟阅读下面的50个单词中,派一个代表上黑板,把能记住的单词写上。不得携带笔记。记住每个单词得一分。l A.两个组的同学互相监督,发现后

2、告诉老师,由老师用红色粉笔画圈。l B.每一组内不能出现相同的两个单词。如果发现,这两个词作废,不计分。l C.拼写错误的字不加分,而且发现一个扣一分。2021/3/10讲解:XX5l immunel pitchl Positivel conscious l Assignmentl contactl stylistl detailsl Subwayl cling l wagon l Stressl emphasis l complaint l Punchl dive l regret l lean l encounter l Persuasivel Consistentl Match l Au

3、diencel Entertainmentl Broodl Acquirel Constitutionl Organizationl Networkl Combatl Appointmentl Pressure l Definel Plaguel Solutionl Profitl Proofl Scarce l Preservel mercyl Stablel Stringl Processl Upsetl Threaten alarmingl Toastl Toughl Triflel Temptl Intensel Inventl Obviousl Omitl Originall Env

4、yl Fortunel Engagel Ensurel Identityl Behaviorl Bulletl Chorel Compassl Concede2021/3/10讲解:XX6l同义词抢答:l每答对一题得1分,不答或打错者不得分。2021/3/10讲解:XX7lCommonluniversal2021/3/10讲解:XX8lcompetitorlrival,opponent2021/3/10讲解:XX9lblamelcondemn2021/3/10讲解:XX10lcomplainlgrumble2021/3/10讲解:XX11lrelievelalleviate2021/3/10讲



7、ter2021/3/10讲解:XX31lCommonluniversal2021/3/10讲解:XX32观察及反应能力比拼(猜单词90秒l 单词猜猜看:此环节每队派出两名队员,根据屏幕所给出的单词,一人面对屏幕用英语和动作对其进行描述,另一人背对屏幕来猜,时间为90秒。(注:描述中不得出现原单词及中文),有三次放弃机会,比划的同学只能用肢体语言、以及介绍单词的词性、类别、和组成单词的字母个数,不许说出词条中的任何一个词,猜词时,台下观众保持安静不许提示.此环节,答对1个为1分。由评委统计后,主持人公布六个小组得分,评委记录得分.2021/3/10讲解:XX33Fighting 2021/3/1

8、0讲解:XX34Hamburger 2021/3/10讲解:XX35Snow White 2021/3/10讲解:XX36Uniform 2021/3/10讲解:XX37Beauty 2021/3/10讲解:XX38kiss 2021/3/10讲解:XX39Mirror 2021/3/10讲解:XX40Wifi 2021/3/10讲解:XX41Party 2021/3/10讲解:XX42Sleeping 2021/3/10讲解:XX43bubble 2021/3/10讲解:XX44Butterfly 2021/3/10讲解:XX45NBA 2021/3/10讲解:XX46noodle 2021

9、/3/10讲解:XX47下一环节下一环节该环节为抢答环节,屏幕上将逐次英语国家概况基础抢答,少部分具有一定的挑战性。无人员限制,任意成员都可以回答,答对一个得1分。2021/3/10讲解:XX48l The English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from _.l A.Denmarkl B.Belgium l C.France l D.the Netherlands 2021/3/10讲解:XX49lBritains longest rivers are _.lA.the Severn塞汶河 and the Clyde克莱德

10、lB.the Thames and the Clyde lC.the Clyde and the Humber亨伯河 lD.the Severn and the Thames 2021/3/10讲解:XX50lWhich of the following tribes came to Britain first?lA.The Angles盎格鲁人.l B.The Saxons撒克逊人.lC.The Gaels盖尔人.lD.The Jutes朱特人.2021/3/10讲解:XX51l On the island of Great Britain,there are _.l A.four poli

11、tical divisions-England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Irelandl B.four political divisions-England,Scotland,Wales and Ireland lC.three political divisions-England,Scotland,and Wales lD.three political divisions-England,Scotland,and Northern Ireland 2021/3/10讲解:XX52lWith regard to its size,Australia is

12、_ country in the world.l A.the third largest lB.the fourth largest l C.the fifth largest lD.the sixth larges2021/3/10讲解:XX53l.The capital of New Zealand is _.lA.Nelson 尼尔森lB.Wellington惠灵顿 lC.Melbourne墨尔本 lD.Dunedin但尼丁 2021/3/10讲解:XX54lThe English Renaissance文艺复兴 was largely literary,and it achieved

13、its finest expression in the so-called _.lA.Romantic poetry lB.Romantic fiction lC.Elizabethan poetry lD.Elizabethan drama 2021/3/10讲解:XX55l Who has the power to appoint the Prime Minister in Britain?lA.The Queen lB.The Parliament议会 lC.The House of Lords上议院 lD.The Church of England英国国教 2021/3/10讲解:X

14、X56l_,the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe,has its traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19thcentury.lA.Basketball lB.Tennis lC.Football lD.Baseball2021/3/10讲解:XX57l The head of state of Australia is _.lA.the Governor lB.the President lC.the Prime Minister lD.th

15、e Queen of England2021/3/10讲解:XX58lASEAN refers to Association of Southeast Asian Nations2021/3/10讲解:XX59lWhich country is famous for maple()lA:the USAlB:ChinalC:AustralialD:Canada2021/3/10讲解:XX60lPresidential election is held every _ years in November in the U.S.A.A.two lB.threel C.four lD.five l 2

16、021/3/10讲解:XX61lThe symbols of egg and hare are most frequently associated with _.A.Thanksgiving Day lB.Easter lC.Independence Day lD.Halloween 2021/3/10讲解:XX62lThe biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States is _.A.New Years Dayl B.Independence Day lC.Thanksgiving Day D.Christmas Day 2021/3

17、/10讲解:XX63lThe _ War turned out to be Americas longest war it ever fought.lA.First World lB.Second World lC.Korean lD.Vietnam 2021/3/10讲解:XX64lCanadas largest city is lA Montral蒙特利尔 lB Toronto多伦多 lC Ottawa渥太华 lD Vancouver温哥华 2021/3/10讲解:XX65下一环节下一环节 该环节为抢答环节,屏幕上将逐次交叉出现八个谚语的英文叙述,要求抢答者能够说出相应的汉语,该谚语大部分

18、为大家耳熟能详的。答对一个得1分。2021/3/10讲解:XX66Better late than never.迟做比不做好2021/3/10讲解:XX67Art is long,but life is short.人 生 有 涯,而 学 无 涯2021/3/10讲解:XX68Far from eye,far from heart.眼 不 见 心 不 烦2021/3/10讲解:XX69He knows most but speak least.大智 若 愚2021/3/10讲解:XX70A fair face may hide a fool heart.人 不 可 貌 相2021/3/10讲解

19、:XX71Can not see the wood for the trees.一 叶 障 目,不 见 泰 山2021/3/10讲解:XX72Experience must be bought.吃 一 堑,长 一 智2021/3/10讲解:XX73False friends are worse than bitter enemies.明 枪 易 躲,暗 箭 难 防2021/3/10讲解:XX74lOne good turn deserves another.l以德报德2021/3/10讲解:XX75He who does not advance loses ground.逆水行舟,不进则退。2021/3/10讲解:XX76God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者2021/3/10讲解:XX77More haste,less speed.欲速则不达2021/3/10讲解:XX78Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同2021/3/10讲解:XX79GREAT JOB!2021/3/1080感谢您的阅读收藏,谢谢!

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