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1、Unit 3 Salvation Unit 3 Salvation1.Pre-reading activity2.Background information about Langston Hughes3.Intensive reading of the text4.Stylistic feature of the text5.Oral Work6.homeworkPre-reading activity1 Have you ever been to the church?What do you think of the atmosphere there?2 What are the Thre

2、e Big Religions in the world?How much do you know about them?Words about religion:ChristianismChristianityBuddhismIslamismIslamTaoismChristianBuddhistIslamite/MoslemTaoistJesus ChristBuddaAllah/AlkoranTaoPre-reading activity5.How do you anticipate the atmosphere depicted in the text?Is it the same a

3、s the atmosphere we have seen in Sister Act?Salvation:the state of having ones soul saved from sin and its consequences Save:set free from the power of or from the eternal punishment for sin 6.Look up the following words from the text in the dictionary.Sin:disobedience to God,disobeying Gods command

4、ments.In this sense,it is an uncountable noun.When it refers to“an offense against God or moral principles”,it is a countable noun.Eg.Telling a lie or stealing.Crime:offense for which there is severe punishment by law Revival:series of meetings intended to produce an increase in interest in religion

5、 or to stir up the religious faith among those who have been indifferent,usually by preaching and confession of sins Lamb:young members of church flock or Christian congregation(Sheep:believers in Christianity are compared to sheep who are under Gods care and protection.)Fold:body of believers in th

6、e Christian religion Priest神甫,牧师神甫,牧师:a person ordained to act as a mediator between God and man in administering the sacraments,preaching,blessing,guiding,etc Minister牧师牧师:s priest authorized to carry out the spiritual functions of a church,such as conducting worship or preaching.Deacons执事执事:(in th

7、e Roman Catholic and other episcopal churches)an ordained minister ranking immediately below a priest Sisters修女修女:woman fellow members of a Church or religious body Mother TeresaChristianity:the Christian religion;Christian beliefs,practices or attitudes Christ:Jesus Christ(about 6B.C.A.D.29/30),cal

8、led in Hebrew the Messiah and in Greek the Christ,was the founder of Christianity.The Holy Ghost:God in the form of a spirit in the Christian religion.What is Christianity?Christianity is the worlds biggest religion,with about 2.1 billion followers worldwide.It is based on the teachings of Jesus Chr

9、ist who lived in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago.This history of Christianity is focussed on the life,death and resurrection of one person,Jesus Christ,the son of God.Jesus ChristThe development of ChristianityThe Roman Catholic churchThe Eastern Orthodox churchIn 1054the Protestant churchBackground i

10、nformationLangston Hughes(1902-1967)U.S.poet,novelist,dramatist and anthologist,the most influential black writer of his generation.He produced more than 50 books in his lifetime.His autobiography was published in two parts,The Big Sea(1940)and I Wonder as I Wander(1956).Langston Hughes(1902-1967)La

11、ngston Hughes achieved fame as a poet during the burgeoning of the arts known as the Harlem Renaissance,and was labeled a Harlem Renaissance poet In addition to his work as a poet,Hughes was a novelist,columnist,playwright,and essayist,and though he is most closely associated with Harlem,his world t

12、ravels influenced his writing in a profound way.Langston Hughes followed the example of Paul Laurence Dunbar,one of his early poetic influences,to become the second African American to earn a living as a writer.Main idea After having gone through a painful process,the child was finally saved from si

13、n,but instead of feeling joyous,he felt miserable,because of disillusionment.Questions about the text:1.Why did the childs aunt speak of the special meeting for days ahead?2.What did his aunt say to the child about salvation and what effect did the description of salvation have on him?3.What impress

14、ion does the writer try to give by describing the old women and men?Questions about the text:4.Point out examples of repetition of the idea of“seeing Jesus”in the text and tell the function of this idea each time it occurs.5.Why didnt the child rise and be saved sooner?6.What lessons did the child l

15、earn from that special meeting and how would he react to religion and to what his aunt said from then on?7.In what sense was the child saved?Paraphrase 1.Every night for weeks there had been much preaching,singing,praying,and shouting,and some very hardened sinners had been brought to Christ,and the

16、 membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds.Every night for weeks,the priests gave sermons and people sang songs in praise of God,worshipped God and shouted for joy.Some sinners who had never showed signs of shame or repentance were saved from sin and the number of the church increased r

17、apidly.Paraphrase 2.The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon,all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell.The clergyman spoke on religious matters to the congregation.His speech was marvelously regular and melodious;it was a mixture of the low sound of pain,grief and su

18、ffering,loud and happy as well as lonely cries,and horrible pictures of the underworld sinners go to when they die.Paraphrase 3.And the whole building rocked with prayer and song.The whole building shook with all the praying and singing.4.The whole congregation prayed for me alone,in a mighty wail o

19、f moans and voices.All the people attending church service prayed only for me,their praying became one strong and powerful sound of pain and suffering.Paraphrase 5.Waves of rejoicing swept the place.The whole church became a sea of great joy.6.When things quieted down,in a hushed silence punctuated

20、by a few ecstatic“Amens”,all the young lambs were blessed in the name of God.When everything became quiet again,during a respectful silence,which was broken only by several people saying“Amen”extremely joyfully and happily,all the children were given blessings by the minister in the name of God.Styl

21、istic features of the text1.What is autobiography?An autobiography is a summary of a persons life.In a concise narrative the writer attempts to tell the reader who he is,selecting and presenting,usually in order of occurrence in his life,those events that will give the reader a clear understanding o

22、f him.In a complete autobiography it is necessary to include the principal happenings from infancy to the time of writing.In a partial autobiography the writer usually confines himself to a limited period which may be indicated in the title.Stylistic features of the text2.what is the theme of this a

23、utobiographical essay?The writer aims at giving us an understanding of how children may react to religion and why they may lie about this and other subjects.The writer adopts an ironic tone throughout by giving the reader what turns out to be an ironic statement at the very beginning“I was saved fro

24、m sin when I was going on thirteen.”Stylistic features of the text3.Writing techniques used in this text.1).Using repetition to achieve unity.a.The writer begins immediately with a description of the church meeting.b.Apart from the repetition of the idea of seeing Jesus,the writer refers to lamb fou

25、r times to achieve unity.Stylistic features of the text2).Using specific words and concrete details to achieve effectiveness(to arouse readers interest and to keep the reader“feeling”,“seeing”,and“hearing”,so as to evoke in them a clear idea of what is happening in the church).Stylistic features of

26、the text3).Using various writing techniques to make his account more realistic and convincing.The language is simple,unpretentious,and straightforward,with touches of colloquialism and slang to show that the hero is in fact a real person.a.exaggerationb.informal English,real spoken English c.a child

27、s narrative style Language points A summary of the usage of cry 1)crya general term to utter sounds of grief or sorrow or suffering,usu.with tears 2)sobdraw in the breath sharply and irregularly from sorrow or pain while crying 呜咽,啜泣 3)weepshed(tears)from any overwhelming emotion,as deep sorrow Cf:T

28、he difference between weep and cry is that crying is audible and accompanied with tears,but to weep usu.refers to the silent shedding of tears 4)wailmake a long loud mourning cry,as in grief 5)moana prolonged low sound uttered from physical and mental suffering Language points ashamed be ashamed of

29、sth./doing sth.因而感到羞愧 be ashamed of oneself for sth.为而害羞 feel ashamed for sb.替某人感到羞愧 be ashamed to do sth.以干为耻 Language points save from hardened/die-hard by leaps and bounds/think before you leap escort(v.n.)preach/preacher rhythm/rhythmical work-gnarled sisters and deacons Language points swirl/sw

30、ing serene/serenely/serenity be ashamed of oneself hold sth up take ones name in vain in the name of quiet(adj.v.)punctual/punctuate/punctuation for the last time but one/the second line from the bottom cant(couldnt)bear to do sth./doing sth.salvation 1.something that prevents or saves someone or so

31、mething from danger,loss,or failurebe somebodys/somethings salvatione.g.A drug treatment program was Rons salvation.salvation of The Internet turned out to be the salvation of the company.2.in the Christian religion,the state of being saved from evil e.g.Christians hope and pray for salvation.and so

32、me hardened sinners 1.To make hard or harder.使硬化:使变硬或更硬2.To enable to withstand physical or mental hardship.使经得起考验:使能经受住身体的或精神上的困苦 3.To make unfeeling,unsympathetic,or callous:使无情:使没有感情、无同情心或冷酷:4.To rise and become stable.Used of prices.变稳定:上涨且变得稳定。用于价格harden:vt.&vi.hardened adj.V.harden同义词辨析:同义词辨析:

33、harden,acclimate,season,toughenwas hardened to life on the frontier;顽强地面对前线的生活;顽强地面对前线的生活;is becoming acclimated to the tropical heat;对热带的高度逐渐适应;对热带的高度逐渐适应;became seasoned to life in prison;对监狱的生活习以为常;对监狱的生活习以为常;toughened by experience and criticism.soften 由于坎坷的经历和人们的指责而麻木不仁由于坎坷的经历和人们的指责而麻木不仁The cen

34、tral meaning:to make resistant to hardship,especially through continued exposure词组:词组:E.g.He is becoming hardened to failure.他对失败已变得不在乎了。他对失败已变得不在乎了。harden off 使(植物)茁壮以便在露天生长使(植物)茁壮以便在露天生长harden to 对对变得不在乎变得不在乎Please Translate:这几个南方人现在对这儿的寒冷气候已习以为常了。这几个南方人现在对这儿的寒冷气候已习以为常了。The southerners are quite h

35、ardened to the cold weather here now.had grown by leaps and bounds.leap:vi.&vt.n.Vi.To spring or bound upward from or as if from the ground;jump E.g.leaped over the wall;salmon leaping up river.Vt.To jump over:跳过跳过:E.g.couldnt leap the brook.n.The act of leaping;a jump.跳:跳跃的动作跳:跳跃的动作现在除成语外现在除成语外,普通用

36、普通用 jump习惯用语:习惯用语:a leap in the dark 盲目的冒险行动盲目的冒险行动;死死 a leap from rags to riches 由穷人一跃变为富翁由穷人一跃变为富翁 by leaps and bounds 突飞猛进地突飞猛进地 with leaps and bounds 飞跃地飞跃地,迅速地迅速地 Look before you leap.谚谚三思而后行。三思而后行。leap at 急切地抓住急切地抓住(机会等机会等)had grown by leaps and bounds.Please Translate:茱莉的阅读正在突飞猛进的提高茱莉的阅读正在突飞猛

37、进的提高。Julies reading is improving in leaps and bounds.sth increase very quicklyv.To accompany as an escort.Synonym:accompany E.g.A group of soldiers escorted the President.The queen was escorted by the directors as she toured the factory.n.One or more persons accompanying another to guide,protect,or

38、show honor.护卫队,仪仗队护卫队,仪仗队That night I was escorted.mourners bench withsinnersPlease translate:当诺贝尔奖得主由主席陪同上讲台时,整个当诺贝尔奖得主由主席陪同上讲台时,整个大厅顿时爆发车一阵欢呼声和鼓掌声。大厅顿时爆发车一阵欢呼声和鼓掌声。As the Nobel Prize winner went onto the platform escorted by the chairman,the whole hall rocked with cheers and clapping.all moans and

39、 shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hellmoan:n.A low,sustained,mournful cry,usually indicative of sorrow or pain.呜咽:一种很低,痛苦的,悲伤的哭,呜咽:一种很低,痛苦的,悲伤的哭,moan:v.To utter a moan or moans.发出呜咽声发出呜咽声词组:词组:have a moan 发牢骚发牢骚,诉苦诉苦 make(ones)moan 哀叹哀叹;抱怨抱怨,诉苦诉苦 moan and groan 呻吟不止呻吟不止all moans and shou

40、ts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hellPlease translate:小女孩显然受伤不轻,她哭了好几个小时,小女孩显然受伤不轻,她哭了好几个小时,现在仍在呻吟。现在仍在呻吟。The little girl is apparently badly injured.She has been crying for hours and shes still moaning.dire:adj.1.Warning of or having dreadful or terrible consequences;calamitous:可怕的:死亡或恐怖后果的

41、警告的;灾难的可怕的:死亡或恐怖后果的警告的;灾难的 E.g.a dire economic forecast;dire threats.2.Urgent;desperate:紧急的;急需的紧急的;急需的:E.g.in dire need;dire povertyold woman with jet-black faces and braided hair,old man with work-gnarled hands.1)jet-black=jet black:adj.黑玉色的黑玉色的,墨黑的墨黑的 2)braided:adj.编成辫子形的编成辫子形的,编成麻花状的编成麻花状的 3)gnar

42、led:adj.a.Rugged and roughened,as from old age or work:E.g.the gnarled hands of a carpenterb.Having gnarls;knotty or misshapen:多节的或扭曲的多节的或扭曲的 E.g.gnarled branches work-gnarled Please translate:这个看上去饱经风霜的渔翁伸出他那由于辛苦而布满老茧这个看上去饱经风霜的渔翁伸出他那由于辛苦而布满老茧的双手,开始讲述了海上生活的艰难历程。的双手,开始讲述了海上生活的艰难历程。Holding out his wor

43、k-gnarled hands,the old fisherman with a weather-beaten face started to tell us about the hardships of his life in the sea.while prayers and songs swirled all around me in the little church.swirl:vi.1.To move with a twisting or whirling motion;eddy.旋动:扭动或旋动旋动:扭动或旋动;旋涡旋涡2.To be dizzy;swim.晕眩;头眩晕眩;头眩P

44、lease translate:舞会进行到高潮时,舞厅里一片乐曲和歌声。舞会进行到高潮时,舞厅里一片乐曲和歌声。When the dance party was in full swing,music and songs swirled all around the ballroom.The whole congregation prayed for me alonecongregation:n.V.congregate 1.The act of assembling.2.The members of a specific religious group who regularly worsh

45、ip at a church or synagogue.E.g.The preacher addressed a congregation of more than one thousand people.特殊用法:特殊用法:Great congregation 英英大学教职员全体会议大学教职员全体会议teaching congregation 法法教学评议会教学评议会Waves of rejoicing swept the place.e.g.Thunderstorms swept the country.sweep across/through etc e.g.90 mile per ho

46、ur winds swept across the plains.sweep the country/nation/state etc e.g.a wave of nationalism sweeping the countrysweep across/through etc e.g.the latest craze sweeping through the teenage populationPlease translate:神州神州5号发射成功的消息马上传遍全国。号发射成功的消息马上传遍全国。News of the successful launching of Shenzhou 5 sw

47、ept the country.punctuated by a few ecstatic“Amens”Ecstatic:adj.1.Marked by or expressing ecstasy.狂喜的:以狂喜为特征的或表现出狂喜的狂喜的:以狂喜为特征的或表现出狂喜的2.Being in a state of ecstasy;enraptured.欣喜若狂的;出神的:陷于狂喜状态中的;心醉神迷的欣喜若狂的;出神的:陷于狂喜状态中的;心醉神迷的.Please translate:展览吸引了大量狂热的参观者。展览吸引了大量狂热的参观者。The exhibition attracted thousa

48、nds of ecstatic visitors.Oral workRetell the story with your own words.Imagine the scene of preaching described by Langston Hughes,and compare it with the lively atmosphere of the church in the movie Sister Act.Homework 1.To write a composition about your life in the past 20 years.2.Finish the Ex.In your workbook

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