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1、3分钟英语演讲稿五篇范文_英语演讲通过英语演讲能让我们打破自己的口语障碍,敢于通过英语将自己的思想说出去,到达灵敏运用英语的目的以下是精心搜集整理的英语演讲稿3分钟5篇,希望大家喜欢!英语演讲稿3分钟1Needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important.If there is no money, I cant use this microphone to speak to you and we cant have such a room to hold such a petition. Without mo

2、ney, we cant study in such a schoolyard. Without money, we cant live in such a hometown. Without money, we cant have such a motherland. On the other hand, If there is no money, you dont need to bear my speech about money noMost of us have dreams about the future, dreams of having a good job and maki

3、ng much money. Surely someone has thought at times If only I had a lot of money, I could be the happiest person in the world.; In fact its the main mistake that people make about money.However, is money the road to happiness? Not really! Many people work every day, work overtime, work weekends to ma

4、ke a lot of money. Are they happy? No. They are too busy making money. Meanwhile, their personal lives, if they have any, fall apart. They have no time to form or to maintain friendship. They even lose the abilities to relax and to enjoy themselves. Enjoying means taking things, taking time to see,

5、to hear, to taste, to smell, to feel. They do not take time to do this. They say: Ill do it when I have enough money to retire; then they find that it is too late.Why we usually make such a mistake and even more mistakes? Activists say it is because of money itself. They think money has changed many

6、 things. For example, they think money has changed our way to measure someones value in the society. They even regard money as the source of evil. Also, they hate money, but they are wrong, pletely wrong.In my opinion, it is unfair to money. Money is a tool. Well, theres no denying that we do someth

7、ing harmful with money. But we cant say money is the source of evil. Just like a hammer, we can use a hammer to kill someone, but can we say a hammer is a devil? It is the same with money.Money is neither good nor bad itself. It is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects

8、 both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity. In other words, all depend on us.So, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity. Because, we have the future; we ar

9、e the future.英语演讲稿3分钟2Cherish what we are enjoyingIt is a report about the new planet which holds possibility for life.这是一篇关于发现了一颗有生命可能性的星球的报告。It shows that European astronomers have discovered a new planet, they name it Gliese 581 c.说欧洲天文学家们发现了一颗新的星球,代号为Gliese 581C;。It is about 20.5 light years fro

10、m our earth. They estimated the planet s average temperature at between 0 and 40 degrees Centigrade. It is orbiting the red dwarf star, Gliese 581.它距地球约20.5光年。他们估计它的平均温度约在040之间。它围绕着红矮星Gliese 581运行。Most important of all, its an earth-like planet. There might be mountin, sea and liquid water.最重要的是,这颗星

11、球和地球非常相似,它可能有山峦,有海洋,还有液态水。So the astronomers believe that it is potentially habitable.所以科学家们相信它能支持生命的存在。However, Gliese 581 c might be tidally locked to its sun-the dwarf star the way our moon is to the Earth.然而,就像月球一样,它只会公转,不会自转。It means that it must always show its same face to its sun, and that w

12、hile one side would be too fiercely hot to support life, the other side would be too cold.这就意味着它面对红矮星的一面会太热不合适生命体而背对红矮星的一面那么会很寒冷。This report makes me to realize that how valuable our earth is.这使我认识到我们地球有多么珍贵!Everyday, we can see sunrise and sunset.我们每天都可以看到日出日落。The day and night keeps on exchanging.

13、 Its not too hot in the daytime while not to cold at night.一天早晚有变化,昼夜不停地交换使白天不过分热,夜晚不过分冷。Everyday, I go to school cheerfully in the morning and skip along at the way home as the sun set.清爽的早晨,我可以背着小书包高快乐兴地去上学。夕阳西下,我又蹦又跳地回到家。We could experience changes through the four seasons of one year.一年四季有变化。Spr

14、ing is the season sowing seeds. It is pregnant with life and green.春天是播种的季节,充满了活力和绿色。In the Summer, colorful swimming suits frolick in the water happily.夏天五颜六色的游泳衣在水里欢快地嬉戏。Autumn is the harvest season , the paddy fields and trees are covered with golden color.秋天是丰收的季节,金黄铺满了稻田洒满了枝头。In the winter,We c

15、an have snow battle, playing to our hearts content in the world of silvery white.冬天我们打着雪仗,尽情地在银白色的世界里玩耍。How fortunate we are because we can live on the earth!能生活在地球上,我们是多么地幸运啊。We should cherish it, instead of polluting it, spoiling it or even destroying it.我们要珍惜它,千万别污染它,别糟践它,别破坏它!If One day, it is r

16、eally angry and stop rotation, that will have be a disaster for us human being.假如有那么一天,它真的生了气停顿了自转,那将是我们整个人类的宏大灾难。So, let us protect our earth with our love, making it better and more harmonious.所以,让我们大家用自己的爱来好好保护宇宙中这颗唯一的地球吧,使它更美妙更合谐。英语演讲稿3分钟3Ill tell you an experience of myself happened last week.

17、last thursday our school was tackling something about woking fou study. i wanted to have a try even though i knew the salary was so low and i had little chance,because the students who had the certificate were always thought to have priority to get the job. fortunately i was called at noon and a tea

18、cher said to me that she wanted me to work for her and asked if i could change my mind.At that moment i was so excited that immediately i accepted her idea. but later on,she found me that im not a student,so i had little chance and suggest me to get one. then an idea occurred to me that i could call

19、 my father and ask him to send me the letter. at the same time i was told that i was admitted to the job and dont need the certificate. that time i forgot to remind my father,until the next day he called me that he had posted it and it would arrive in just one day.At that moment i was moved, and eve

20、n moved into tears, because i knew my father was injured not long before,the process of helping me with the affairs was not so convenient for him. but he tried his best to help me. sometimes we may plain about unsatisfying things around us,and blame them on our parents,sometimes theyll be angry with

21、 us, and sometimes we cant quite understand what they are thinking about. but on balance, almost every parent is selfless to his or her child.They are ready to offer everything to us when we are in bad situation. we used to sharing sorrow with them,but do not forget to share our happiness with them,

22、 perhaps they will be much happier than we are. so from now on, lets care more about our parents and do not leave pity to them. thats what i want to tell you today. thank you!英语演讲稿3分钟4Students, guests , teachers and Honorable JudgesGood morning !my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my

23、 dream is to bee a teacher.As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. I dont expect plete freedom, which is impossible. I simply have a dream that supports my life.I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. Wi

24、th my favorite fictions, I lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.I dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudic

25、e of ic and cartoon away. They could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. Thats the real munication of heart to heart.I have the belief that my dreams should e true. I am looking forward to some day ing when I am like a prou

26、d eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky.英语演讲稿3分钟5A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it.Is this your car, Mister? he said.Pa

27、ul nodded. My brother gave it to me for Christmas. The boy was astounded. You mean your brother gave it to you and it didnt cost you nothing? Boy, I wish . . . He hesitated.Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the lad said jarre

28、d Paul all the way down to his heels.I wish, the boy went on, That I could be a brother like that.Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, Would you like to take a ride in my car?Oh yes, Id love that.After a short ride, the boy turned with his eyes aglow, said, Mister, woul

29、d you mind driving in front of my house?Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Paul was wrong again. Will you stop where those two steps are? the boy asked.He ran up the steps. Then in a little wh

30、ile Paul heard him ing back, but he was not ing fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car.There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didnt

31、 cost him a cent. And some day Im gonna give you one just like it . . . then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that Ive been trying to tell you about. Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride. That Christmas Eve, Paul learnedwhat Jesus meant when he said: It is more blessed to give . . .

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