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1、精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除语法考点之一 :虚拟语气考点1. If从句中的虚拟语气1、与过去事实相反:从句sb had done,主句sb would(should, could, might)+ have done;2、省略if,从句的语序用到装,即将were, had或 should移至主语的前面,但否定词not不前移。3、与将来事实相反:从句sb did (should+do或were+to do),主句sb would (should, could, might)+do。4、错综条件句:主句与从句的动作发生在不同的时间段。比如:从句对过去虚拟,而主句对现在虚拟,即从

2、句sb had done,主句sb would(should, could, might)+do;考点2:表示建议、要求、命令等动词如insist, order, command, suggest, advise, propose, ask, require, request, demand引导的从句及it引导的相应的分词、名词和形容词从句,谓语用(should)+动词原形。考点3:It is +advisable, essential, important, imperative, incredible等从句,谓语用(should)+动词原形。考点4:it is (high/about) t

3、ime that的结构中,从句使用一般过去式。例如:考点5:much as尽管,虽然引导让步状语从句,从句中用would have done表示假设。考点6:if only, wish, as if/as though引导从句,与过去事实相反:had + done;与现在事实相反:动词过去式;与将来事实相反:could/would + do考点7:would rather/sooner从句中使用一般过去式或过去完成式分别表示对现在或过去的虚拟考点8:lest / for fear that+(should ) +原形动词。语法考点之二 :情态动词*情态动词: will(愿意), shall(将

4、), must(必须), can, may, would, should (应该), might, could, ought to, used to(过去常常), need(需要), dare(竟敢),have to(不得不)考试中,情态动词部分重点测试以下内容:(1)情态动词+行为动词完成式(表示推测) (2)某些情态动词的特殊用法考点1. 情态动词have过去分词结构表示推测(1) must have done表示推测过去某事“一定”发生了。否定形式为:cant / couldnt have v-ed, 表示过去不可能发生某事。(2) could have done表示推测过去某动作“很可

5、能”发生了。(3) may / might have done 表示推测过去某事“也许”发生了.(4) ought to / should have done 和 ought not to / shouldnt have done 用于对已发生的情况表示“责备”、“不满”,分别表示“本应该”和“本不应该”(5) neednt have done 表示过去做了某事,但没有做的必要, 意为“本没必要”。*did not need to do 动作并没发生。考点2. 特殊用法(1) should 表示惊讶1. I am surprised_ this city is a dull place to

6、live in.2006 A. that you should think B. by what you are thinking C. that you would think D. with what you were thinking (2) Cant but + V.,表示不得不,与have to同义。Cant help +Ving 忍不住。(3) cannot too / enough 表示 “无论怎么也不算过分”、“越越好”(4) may/ might as well + 动词原形”意为“最好,满可以,倒不如”,相当于had better(5) may well + 动词原形”,意

7、为“(完全)能,很可能” (6) may as well as还是好了 语法考点之三 :非谓语动词考点1:不定式(1) 考察哪些动词接不定式;(2) 考察哪些短语接不带to的不定式;Had better/had bestWould rather/would rather than/rather than/would sooner/would soonerthanCannot but/cannot help but/do nothing but/do nothing besides/do nothing than Why引导的疑问句(3)考察动词不定时的时态和语态:进行式to be doing,

8、 完成式to have done;一般式被动语态to be done; 完成式被动语态to have been done。另外,不定式短语有将来时的意思; 考点2:动名词(1) 常接动名词做宾语的词:mind(介意), miss(逃过), mention(提及), prevent, postpone, practice, risk(冒险), resist(抵制), consider(考虑), admit(承认), avoid(避免), appreciate(感激), fancy(幻想), finish(完成),feel like(喜欢), escape(逃脱), ensure(确保) , de

9、lay(延迟), deny(否认), resent, detest, imagine(想象), suggest(建议) (2) 介词后的ing:prevent/stop/keep sb /sth from doing 阻止做spend/waste time /money in doing 在做方面花钱、浪费时间或金钱;how /what about doing sth 做怎么样了?Have some difficulty/trouble in doing 在方面有些困难;There is no sense in doing (做是没有理由的)Thank / admire /praise/bla

10、me /scold/ punish sb for doing sth因做某事而感谢、羡慕、表扬、责备、惩罚某人(3) 接动名词做介词to 的宾语:apply oneself to致力于;be accustomed to习惯于;confess to供认;come to谈到;devote oneself to献身于;get down to着手做;give way to 对让步;lead to导致;look forward to期待;next to几乎;object to反对;pay attention to注意;stick to坚持;stand up to勇敢面对;turn to求助于;be us

11、ed to习惯于考点3:分词(1)从语态上看,现在分词一般表主动,过去分词一般表被动;(2)从时态上看,现在分词表示进行,过去分词表示过去。如果分词动作发生在句子谓语动词动作之前,分词用完成时。(3)现在分词的否定形式是not放在分词之前。*非谓语动词解题三步曲:一、首先确定主句;二、分析主动被动;三、分析动作先后1. _ should not become a serious disadvantage in life and work.2010 A. To be not tall B. Not being tall C. Being not tall D. Not to be tall2.

12、The man preparing the documents is the firms lawyer has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT . 2009A. the man who has prepared the documents. B. the man who has been preparing the documents.C. the man who is preparing the documents. D. the man who will prepare the documents.3. _ at in this way

13、, the situation does not seem so desperate.2000 A. Looking B. looked C. Being looked D. to look4. If not _ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.2004 A. being treated B. treatedC. be treated D. having been treated5. _, he can now only watch it on

14、 TV at home. 1998 A. Obtaining not a ticket for the match B. Not obtaining a ticket for the match C. Not having obtained a ticket for the match D. Not obtained a ticket for the match 6. He wasnt asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _insufficiently poplar with all members.1996 A. having

15、considered B. was considered C. was being considered D. being considered 7. He noticed the helicopter hovering over the field. Then to his astonishment, he saw a rope ladder_ out and three men climbing down it. 1995 A. throwing B. being thrown C. having thrown D. having been thrown 8. This missile i

16、s designed so that once _nothing can be done to retrieve it.1995 A. fired B. being fired C. they fired D. having fired 考点4:独立主格(句中没有连接词,逗号分开两个句子,存在两个主语。形式:名词/代词分词)。(1) 分词短语作状语时,有自己独立的逻辑上的“主语”,相当于各种形式的状语,表示一种伴随的动作、情况或表原因(2) 介词(with)+名词+形容词/副词+分词,表示伴随行动做或补充说明1. Agriculture is the countrys chief source

17、 of wealth, wheat _ by far the biggest cereal crop.2003 A. is B. been C. be D. being 2. Time _, the celebration will be held as scheduled.2003 A. permit B. permitting C. permitted D. permits 3. There _ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.2000 A. to be B. to h

18、ave been C. being D. be 4. _ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom.1996 A. There was B. Since C. Being D. There being 5. The countrys chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars _the most important of these. 1994 A. have been B. are C. being D. are being6. The tape recorde

19、r_ out of order, the students did not know what to do.1990 A. was B. Being C. has been D. was being 语法考点之四 :定语从句关系代词:which(指sth 作主语或宾语),that(指sb或sth 作主语或宾语),who(指sb作主语或宾语),whom(指sb作宾语),whose(指sb或sth,作定语),as(指sb,sth 作主语或宾语);做宾语的时候, 关系代词可以省略。关系副词:when(指时间 on which),where(指地点 at which),why(指原因 for whic

20、h)考点1. 先行词为人时引导词who和that (1) 只能用who不用that:1)当先行词为one(s), anyone, those时;2)当先行词为人称代词时。(2) 只能用that不用who:1)当主句已经出现who时。2)关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。1. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man _ he was twenty years ago. 2003 A. which B. that C. who D. whom 考点2. 先行词为物时引导词that和which (1) 只能用that

21、不用which:1)先行词为much, little, few, nothing, none, anything, no, all等不定代词。2)先行词既有人又有物。3)先行词被形容词的最高级或序数词修饰。4)先行词被the very, the only, the last, just, all, any, every, no等修饰。5)关系代词在从句中作表语。6) 在疑问词who、which、what开头的句子中。7) 主句是there be句型。1. I was very interested in _ she told me.2009 A. all that B. all which C

22、. all what D. That2. There is no one in the world _.1991 A. that ever made mistakes B. that has ever made mistakes C. that never makes mistakes D. that sometimes makes mistakes(2) 只能用which不用that: 1) 定语从句中的介词前置时关系代词只能用which;We depend on the land from which we get our food. 2) 引导非限制性定语从句时只能用which,其先行词

23、可是一个词, 也可是整个主句或主句的某一部分。1. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, _is something we had not expected. 2003 A. which B. it C. that D. what 2. Weve just installed two air-conditioners in our apartment, _should make great differences in our life next summer

24、.2002 A. which B. what C. that D. They考点3:介词+关系代词 (which/ whom)(1) 关系代词前介词的确定方法:定语从句的动词与先行词的逻辑关系,或者从句的动词、形容词的习惯性搭配。1. The party, _I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable.2006 A. by which B. for which C. to which D. at which2. Ive never been to Lhasa, but thats the city _.1999A. Id most li

25、ke to visit B. which I like to visit mostly C. where I like to visit D. Id like much to visit3.I have never been to London, but that is the city _.1997A. where I like to visit most B. Id most like to visit.C. which I like to visit mostly D. where Id like most to visit(2) Whose从句1. Above the trees ar

26、e the hills, _ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.2003 A. where B. of whose C. whose D. which考点4:关系副词的运用 先行词为“时间的名词”用when1. She remembered several occasions in the past _she had experienced a similar feeling.1998A. which B. before C. that D. when 先行词为“表示地点的名词”用where1. Have you

27、 ever been in a situation _ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him?2002 A. by which B. that C. in where D. Where 先行词为“表示原因的名词”why:reasonwhy(表示原因的名词只有一个)考点5:as与which引导的定语从句as 放在句首句中都可以,which 必需放在句中,但下列情况多用as: 1) 关系代词引导的定语从句居句首时。As is known to everybody, the moon travels roun

28、d the earth once every month. 2) 当与such as或the same连用时,一般用as。3) as 引导的定语从句应与主句在意义上和谐一致,which无此限制: He went abroad, as which was expected. 他出国了,正如大家预料到的。 He went abroad, which was unexpected. 他出国了,这让大家感到很意外。(不用as) 1. Only take these clothes _really necessary.1994 A. as were B. as they are C. as they w

29、ere D. as are2. _ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produced no concrete proposals. 1994 A. That B. It C. This D. As 注意:定语从句中主谓一致问题:从句中的动词在人称和数方面应该与它的先行词保持一致。He is one of the teachers who know English well. He is the only one of the teachers who k

30、nows English well.(特殊)语法考点之五:状语从句考点1:时间状语从句连接词:when, while, as, till/until, before, after, since, once, as soon as, every time, the moment, the minute, no sooner .than hardlywhen等(1) whenever1. Come and see me whenever _. (1997) A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to

31、you D. it will be convenient to you(2) No sooner than/ hardly .when/ scarcely.when 一 .就.用于句首要求倒装1. The couple had no sooner got to the station _ the coach left.2009 A. when B. as C. until D. Than考点2:条件状语从句连接词:if , unless so/as long as, on condition that(条件是),as (so) far as (据.所知), provided that(要是,如

32、果),in case(假使,如果),only if(只有)等 only if只有1._ both sides accept the agreement _ a lasting peace be established in this region.2004 A. Only if, will B. If only, wouldC. Should, will D. Unless, wouldunless 除非1. You wont get a loan _ you can offer some security.1996 A. lest B. in case C. unless D. other

33、than 2. _ I was very much mistaken, there was something wrong with Louise. 1995 A. Unless B. As C. Though D. Since 考点3:原因状语从句连接词:Because, since, as (放句首) , for, now that(既然,由于), when(既然), considering that(顾及到-), seeing that(由于),in that 因为, 既然1. Men differ from animals _ they can think and speak.2008

34、 A. for which B. for that C. in that D. in which2. Barry has an advantage over his mother _ he could speak French. (2001) A. since that B. in that C. at that D. so that考点4:让步状语从句连接词:though, although, as, even if/though, whatever, however, wherever, while等引导。(1) while 尽管1. _I sympathize, I cant reall

35、y do very much to help them out of the difficulties. 2001 A. as long as B. as C. while D. even (2) as/though引导让步状从倒装As/though引导让步状语从句时,必须将表语、状语或动词原形提到as前面。Try again as / though he will, he cant succeed.此时应注意:一、若提前的表语是没有形容词修饰的单数可数名词,要省略不定冠词;Child as / though he is, he knows much about the society.二、若

36、提前的是动词原形(多为不及物动词),与之连用的通常是may, might, will, would等,这些词都要保留在原来的位置上(主语后)。Swim as / though he can, he cant swim so far.三、as引导的让步状语从句一定要倒装,though引导的让步状语从句不一定要倒装,although引导的让步状语从句不要倒装。四、让步状语从句中,有though,although时,后面的主句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用。1. Fool _ Jerry is, he could not have done such a thing.2010/20

37、02 A. who B. as C. like D. that2. _, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.2005A. Although he is a socialist B. Even if he is a socialist C. Being a socialist D. Since he is a socialistEven if 即使,让步 (3) much as 虽然,尽管1. _ he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had

38、to stay behind to finish his assignment.2008 A. Much though B. Much as C. As much D. Though much2. _I like economics I like sociology much better.2003 A. As much as B. So much C. How much D. Much as 3. _ he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the bank. (1998) A. Much as B. M

39、uch though C. As much D. though much(4) for all+n 尽管 1. _, he is ready to accept suggestions from different sources. (1997) A. Instead of his contributions B. For all his notable contributions C. His making notable contributions D. However his notable contributions(5) however+adj./adv.1. _ he always

40、 tries his best to complete it on time. (1999) A. However the task is hard B. However hard the task is C. Though hard the task is D. Though hard is the task 考点5:地点状语从句: where/ wherever (wherever - 无论哪里)考点聚焦:地点状语从句和where定语从句的区别:Tips: 判断是定语从句还是地点状语从句,要看从句前是否有先行词,有先行词的是定语从句,否则是状语从句。考点6:方式状语从句1. She did

41、 her work _her manager had instructed. 2002 A. as B. until C. when D. though 考点7:结果状语从句连接词:so that (=in order to), sothat, suchthat(太以至于)(1) so much so that 到这样程度以致1. -Does Alan like limburgers?2003 -Yes. So much _ that he eats them every day. A. for B. as C. to D. so(2) such that达到这样的程度以致1. The bri

42、lliance of his satires was _make even his victims laugh. 1996 A. so as to B. such as to C. so that D. such that 考点8:目的状语从句 连接词:so that, in order that, for fear that(为了防止), lest(以防)1. Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone_ an opportunity to hear the speech.2006 A. ought to have B. must

43、 have C. may have D. should have语法考点之六:名词从句一、常见考点:考点1:主语从句(1) that引导主语从句句型: that引导的主语从句直接放在句首的较少,更常见的是用it作形式主语置于句首,而将that引导的主语从句放在句末,因此,下列都是常见的主语从句句型:1) It is +过去分词+ that从句:It is reported that It is believed that It is generally thought that It should be noted that It has been found that It must be

44、pointed out that同样可用的动词还有: say, expect, know, estimate, forecast2) It is +形容词+ that从句:It is clear that It is likely that It is possible that It is natural that It is certain that It is strange that It is fortunate that It is necessary that3) It is +名词短语+ that从句:It is a pity that It is a fact that It

45、 is good news that It is a good thing that It is no wonder that It is a shame that It is an honor that It is common knowledge that It is my belief that It is a miracle that4) It +不及物动词+that 从句:It seems that; It follows that; It happens that; It turns out that; It comes about that5) 其他结构:It dawns upo

46、n/ on sb that; It occurs to sb that; It makes no difference that; It doesnt need to be bothered that; It is of little consequence that(2) whether 及连接代词或连接副词引导主语从句一般放在句首。考点2:宾语从句what/whatever/whoever/whomever whoever是人称代词的主格形式,一般在句子中作主语;whomever是人称代词的宾格形式,故一般作宾语。这两个词都等于the person that。what/whatever等于

47、the thing(s) that。可以理解为“先行词+that”。1. _ the boss says, it is unreasonable to ask me to work overtime without pay.2009 A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whichever D. However2. The government has promised to do _ lies in its power to ease the hardships of the victims in the flood stricken area. (2004) A. howe

48、ver B. whichever C. whatever D. wherever3. She managed to save_she could out of her wages to help her brother.2002 A. how little money B. so little moneyC. such little money D. what little money She gave him what money she had.You may bring what photos you like.what用作关系形容词,通常与表示少量含义的little,few连用(注:不

49、能与表示多量含义的many,much连用),表示“虽然少,但把所有的都 ”。例如:The scholar spent what little money he had on books.I spent what little time I had with my familyI will give what little help I can“It was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give$5 and$10 and $20 to the cause.”4. After

50、 _seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personnel managers office. (1999) A. that B. there C. what D. it 5. We can assign the task to _ is capable and trustworthy. (1994) A. whomever B. who C. whom D. Whoever考点3:表语从句(1) 表语从句通常是置于系动词,尤其是is后边。1. Quality is _ counts most.2008 A. which B.

51、 that C. what D. where考点4:同位语从句(1) “名词+that +陈述句”句型:(2) no doubt+that/doubt+whether1. There is no doubt _ the company has made the right decision on the sales project. (2001) A. why B. that C. whether D. when语法考点串讲之七:主谓一致1) “就远原则”:在“A +(with, together with, along with, as well as, but, except, besid

52、es, like, including, rather than, more than, no less than)+B”结构中,谓语动词的单复数与之B一致。1. Mr Wells, together with all the members of his family, _ for Europe this afternoon.2004 A. are to leave B. are leaving C. is leaving D. Leave2) 就近原则:neithernor, (either)or, not onlybut also, notbut等并列结构作主语时采取就近原则:谓语动词的

53、数由与其最接近的那个主语的数决定。1. It is futile to discuss the matter further, because _ going to agree upon anything today.2003 A. neither you nor I are B. neither you nor me is C. neither you nor I am D. neither me nor you are3) more than one + n/ Many a + n/ Every A and every B / No A and no B/ one and a half +

54、n 谓语动词用单数。注意:more 复数名词+than one 用复数,More members than one are against your plan.4) 由and连接的多个成分,若表示一种事物或一种概念时,用单数动词;若表示的是多个不同的概念时,则用复数动词。并列主语如果指的是同一个人、同一事物或同一概念时, 谓语动词用单数形式。如:bread and butter, bread and cheese, a knife and fork, a cart and horse, needle and thread, law and order, fish and chips, meat

55、 and potatoes5)如果主语由“the形容词”结构担任时,表示一类人,为复数概念,谓语用复数。6) people, police, cattle, militia是复数名词, 接动词复数形式。Peoples指民族。sheep , deer, fish , means, aircraft works单复数同形, 动词根据名词的单复数决定。7) 常见的表示成对概念的复数名词,如:pants, trousers, scissors, scales(天平),glasses, binoculars(双筒望远镜),spectacles, bifocals(双光眼镜)。谓语动词用复数。8) 形式上

56、是复数(词尾加s),但表示单数概念的词,谓语用单数。Works(工厂)、gallows(绞刑架)、politics, statistics, measles, diabetes。若statistics不表示学科,而表示 “统计数据”时,则需要复数。1. The statistics_that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.2006 A. proves B. is proving C. are proving D. prove9) 书名、片名、格言、剧名、报名、国名等的复数形式,其谓语

57、动词通常用单数形式。1. All the Presidents Men _ one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal.2007 A. remain B. remains C. remained D. is remaining10) “数量词+名词”结构的主谓一致只与可数名词连用只接单数的EachEvery单数谓语只接复数的A couple of,Several, A number of复数谓语只与不可数名词连用A great deal of,A large amount of单数谓语与可数

58、名词复数或不可数名词连用均可Not any, Some, A lot of, Plenty of, Most, all, a pair of接可数复数名词时用复数谓语;接不可数名词时用单数谓语。语法考点之八:倒装句考点1:全部倒装(1) 在以now, down, away, here, there 等副词开头的句子里。There stands a tall tree in front of our school gate. Now comes your turn. (2) 表示地点的介词短语位于句首时。考点2:部分倒装(1) Only+状语位于句首时Only in this way can w

59、e make great progress. (2) 否定副词及短语位于句首时。常考的词或词语有not, seldom, hardly, little, nowhere, by no means, in no time等。1. Little _ about her own safety, though she herself was in great danger.2009 A. she cared B. she may care C. may she care D. did she care(3) so neither nor 位于句首时。 1. So +助动词+主语:也一样。 2. So

60、+主语+助动词:确实如此。承前肯定so只能指定一件事情,两件事情用so it is(the same) with sb1. It is going to be fine tomorrow. _.2009 A. So is it. B. So it is. C. So it does. D. So does it. 3. Neither 和 Nor 用于否定句,表示“ 也不,也没有”。Neither Nor +助动词+主语1. He is not under arrest, _ any restriction on him. (1995)A. or the police have placed B. or have the police placed C. no

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