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1、电大社会保障学期末复习资料一、单项选择题1、( B )是一种特殊的社会保障。P5A、社会救助B、社会优抚C、社会福利 D、社会保险2、通常被称为“最后的安全网”,也是最低的社会保障,是人类社会最悠久的一种保障形式的是(A)。P5或218A、社会救助B、社会保障 C、社会福利 D、社会保险3、(C)是最高层次的社会保障制度。A、社会救助B、社会保障 C、社会福利 D、社会保险4、“从摇篮到坟墓”是形容(B)的社会保障模式。P8A、社会保险型模式B、福利国家型模式C、强制性储蓄型模式D、国家保险型模式5、我国实行的是(D)社会保障基金的筹集模式。P45A、社会统筹模式B、个人帐户模式 C、现收现付

2、制 D、A和B6、(D)被誉为西方“福利国家橱窗”。P76A、美国B、英国C、德国D、瑞典7、(B)是建立现代意义上的社会养老保险制度的第一个国家。P76A、美国B、德国C、新加坡D、智利8、中国享受基本养老保险金的条件之一是参加保险缴费期限要满(C)年。P80A、5年B、10年C、15年D、20年9、中国养老保险制度中的“老人”是指(A)。P89A、1997年前退休人员B、1997年后退休的人员C、1997年后参保的人员D、1997年前参加工作,1997年后才退休的人员10、企业年金计划是企业举办的一项(B)P97A医疗保险计划 B养老保险计划C工伤保险计划 D失业保险计划11、1883年(

3、C)政府颁布的疾病保险法标志着医疗保险强制性社会保障制度的确立。P102A、美国B、英国C、德国D、中国12、我国城镇职工基本医疗保险筹集中,个人缴费费率为本人工资收入的(B)。P124A、1% B、2% C、3% D、4%13、我国城镇职工基本医疗保险水平的封顶线控制在当地职工年平均工资的(C)倍左右。P126A、2 B、3 C、4 D、514、我国法定劳动年龄范围是(C)。P131A、16-50 B、18-50 C、16-60 D、16-6715、在我国完全由政府承办,没有商业保险公司参加的保险是(D)。P131A、养老保险 B、医疗保险 C、生育保险 D、失业保险16、世界上第一个强制性

4、失业保险制度是(B)政府建立的。P136A、美国B、英国C、德国D、中国17、在中国失业保险雇员的缴费率是(A)。P137A、1% B、2% C、3% D、4%18、我国经历了(C)次失业高峰。P140A、3 B、4 C、5 D、619、1884年(C)颁布了世界上第一部工伤保险法。P160A、美国B、英国C、德国D、中国20、以下哪项属于可认定为工伤的?(B)P170A、醉酒死亡B、患职业病C、自残或自杀D、因犯罪伤亡的21、我国2002年(C)首次将工伤康复纳入到工伤保险范围。P189A、北京 B、上海 C、广州 D、天津22、我国产假标准目前为(C)天。P198A、30 B、60 C、9

5、0 D、12023、1993年6月1日,(B)市正式实施最低生活保障制度,标志我国最低生活保障制度正式建立。P237A、北京 B、上海 C、广州 D、天津24、(C)是国家专门为伤亡的军人、人民警察和国家机关工作人员提供抚恤的社会保障制度。P284A、社会福利 B、社会救助 C、社会优抚 D、工伤保险25、对于贫困的农村居民而言,(A)是最后一条保障线。P329A、农村最低生活保障制度 B、农村“五保”制度 C、农村救灾救济制度 D、农村临时性救助制度26、目前中国中西部地区农村的最低生活保障标准每年为(C)。P330A、300 B、600 C、600-80 D、1000-200027、农村临

6、时性救助制度的标准一般不超过2000元,每年每户一般不超过(B)次。P336A、1 B、2 C、3 D、428、在中国新型农村社会养老保险制度中,地方政府对参保人缴费给予补贴标准不低于每人每年(A)元标准。P338A、30 B、60 C、80 D、10029、前苏联以及我国在“文革”之前的劳动保险是采取(D)管理模式。P366A、政府和公法机构共同管理模式 B、政府与私人企业共同管理模式 C、政府直接管理模式 D、政府和工会共同管理模式30、在我国社会救助、社会福利和社会优抚的业务管理由(C)部门承担。P387A、社会保险经办机构 B、财政部 C、民政行政部门 D、卫生部二、多项选择题1、社会

7、保障相关主体主要包括:(ABCD)P3A、政府 B、保险经办机构 C、用人单位 D、参保人2、社会保障的核心内容有(ABCD)三大部分。P4A、社会救助 B、社会优抚 C、社会福利 D、社会保险3、社会保障基金的全部内容包括(ABC)。P37A、筹集 B、支付 C、管理 D、模式4、社会保障基金筹集的原则包括(ABD)。P41A、适度原则B、公平原则C、最大化原则D、依法筹集原则5、我国目前企业职工社会保障基金的投资方式主要是(AD)。P61A、国债B、股票C、基金D、银行存款7、中国医疗保险制度中的“两定点”是指(AD)。P107A、定点医院 B、定点赔付 C、药品目录 D、定点药店8、中国



10、D、妇女儿童福利19、社会优抚是一项综合性的社会保障制度,具体包括(ABD)。P285A、优待 B、抚恤 C、全民性社会福利 D、安置20、中国农村的扶贫开发是指对农村有一定生产能力的贫困人口,给予(ABCD)等方面的扶持。P342A、思想 B、政策 C、资金 D、信息21、农村社会救助制度主要包括:(ABC)。P352A、农村最低生活保障制度 B、农村五保供养制度 C、农村临时救助制度 D、农村社会保险制度三、判断题1、社会保障基金的内容无非是“收、支、管”,即社会保障基金的筹集、支付和管理。()P42、新中国成立后建立了“社会保险型”的社会保障体制。()P93、在社会保障概念中,平等的一定













23、保障关系到人们的福利,社会保障政策就成为普通百姓最关心的国家政策之一,其任何变化都会引起民众反响。三、在经济方面,社会保障既能成为经济发展的动力,也能成为经济发展的阻碍,关键是适度,符合国情,与经济发展水平相适应。四、在社会方面,社会保障总体上社会更加稳定,另外,社会保障制度降低了家庭的保障功能,养儿防老的必要性下降,对出生率和家庭解体起了推波助澜的作用。Visa-free policy brings Chengdu biz, tourism boost. Making national headlines several times, Chengdus 72-hour visa-free p

24、olicy has attracted wide attention from both Chinese and foreign experts and businessmen since it took effect on Sept 1 last year. The program permits citizens from 51 countries and regions including the United States, Australia, Canada and Japan who have valid visas and flight tickets to a third co

25、untry to spend three days in the city. The capital of Sichuan province is the first city in the western region of China to offer foreign tourists a three-day visa and the fourth nationwide to adopt the policy following Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. Li Zhiyong, deputy dean of the tourism institute

26、 at Sichuan University, said the move contributes to a large increase in the number of overseas tourists and raises the citys level of internationalization. The policy will also bring direct economic revenue, Li said. Chengdu has many cultural legacies and is also a paradise for panda lovers with th

27、e worlds largest breeding and research center. Three days are long enough for foreign visitors to visit those iconic tourist spots, he noted. The city is home to the remains of the Jin sha civilization that dates back more than 3,000 years as well as the Qing cheng Mountains and the Du jiang yan irr

28、igation system. Qing cheng has long been recognized as the birthplace of Taoism, Chinas ancient indigenous religion, while Du jiang yan is considered to be the oldest functioning water-control project in the world. Chengdu ranked third in tourist facilities, management and services among 60 Chinese

29、cities in a customer satisfaction survey released last year. But, Li added that efforts are still needed to develop more tourism products, improve English services and provide accurate translation of traffic signs and scenic billboards. Zhao Yun, chairwoman of British Chamber of Commerce Southwest C

30、hina, told China Daily that his colleagues found the policy very convenient. A British client once flew here and stayed for just one day to check her ordered goods, she said. Zhao was born in Shanxi province, but she has lived in Chengdu for more than 10 years. My life was like a running race moving

31、 from place to place. I also lived in Beijing and Shanghai before, she said. But Chengdu is a place that you never want to leave once settling down. It is now my second hometown, she said. If the environment is further improved, the city will attract more people to visit and live, with the 72-hour v

32、isa-free policy and compelling conditions in transportation, culture, climate and cuisine, he said. Foreigners also gave positive feedback on the policy. A spokesman from Dell Inc said the company has a global hub of operation in Chengdu, so the three-day visa has an immediate and positive influence

33、 on the companys business development. Rudy Buttignol, president of the public broadcasting company in British Columbia, Canada, said his work requires frequent travel to Chengdu and the policy makes the trips easier. Data from the citys public security bureau shows some 100 foreign visitors enjoyed

34、 the 72-hour policy by the end of March, most of them from the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany. Chengdu also reported robust growth in its overall tourist industry last year. Official statistics show that it received some 150 million tourists last year, an increase of 28 percent from 2

35、012. Around 1.7 million came from abroad, an increase of 12 percent. Total revenue from tourism surpassed 133 billion yuan ($21.7billion). During his visit to Kazakhstan in September, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed that China and Central Asia join hands to build a Silk Road economic belt to b

36、oost cooperation. The idea has been widely echoed in Central Asian countries, becoming an encouraging blueprint for Chinese areas along the Silk Road that has linked Asia and Europe for more than 2,000 years. In the next three weeks, China Daily reporters will travel through the belt in China and in

37、 Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkey. They will show the progress and expectations of the countries, businesses and peoples on the route. Shaanxi - the start of the ancient Silk Road - has positioned itself as the new starting point for the development of the Silk Road Economic Belt, which will streng

38、then Chinas cooperation with Central Asian countries, a senior official said. Shaanxi Governor Lou Qinjian said the province is fresh, rich and unique, as it was when it anchored one end of the ancient Silk Road. It is the best option for accommodating industrial transfers from East China or the wor

39、ld at large, he said on Wednesday in Xian.Lou held a joint interview with 27 media, including China Daily, the first in a series of interviews entitled Chinese Media Along the Silk Road. The interviews will be in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces and the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, as well as Kazakh

40、stan, Uzbekistan and Turkey.The media group held the first interview on Wednesday morning in Xian, the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, a trade channel established more than 2,000 years ago linking China, Central Asia and Europe.请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2016年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄Basketb

41、all can make a true claim to being the only major sport that is an American invention. From high school to the professional level, basketball attracts a large following for live games as well as television coverage of events like the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) annual tournament

42、and the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA) playoffs. And it has also made American heroes out of its player and coach legends like Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Earvin Magic Johnson, Sheryl Swoopes, and other great players. At the heart of the game

43、is the playing space and the equipment. The space is a rectangular, indoor court. The principal pieces of equipment are the two elevated baskets, one at each end (in the long direction) of the court, and the basketball itself. The ball is spherical in shape and is inflated. Basket-balls range in siz

44、e from 28.5-30 in (72-76 cm) in circumference, and in weight from 18-22 oz (510-624 g). For players below the high school level, a smaller ball is used, but the ball in mens games measures 29.5-30 in (75-76 cm) in circumference, and a womens ball is 28.5-29 in (72-74 cm) in circumference. The coveri

45、ng of the ball is leather, rubber, composition, or synthetic, although leather covers only are dictated by rules for college play, unless the teams agree otherwise. Orange is the regulation color. At all levels of play, the home team provides the ball. Inflation of the ball is based on the height of

46、 the balls bounce. Inside the covering or casing, a rubber bladder holds air. The ball must be inflated to a pressure sufficient to make it rebound to a height (measured to the top of the ball) of 49-54 in (1.2-1.4 m) when it is dropped on a solid wooden floor from a starting height of 6 ft (1.80 m)

47、 measured from the bottom of the ball. The factory must test the balls, and the air pressure that makes the ball legal in keeping with the bounce test is stamped on the ball. During the intensity of high school and college tourneys and the professional playoffs, this inflated sphere commands conside

48、rable attention. Basketball is one of few sports with a known date of birth. On December 1, 1891, in Springfield, Massachusetts, James Naismith hung two half-bushel peach baskets at the opposite ends of a gymnasium and out-lined 13 rules based on five principles to his students at the International

49、Training School of the Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA), which later became Springfield College. Naismith (1861-1939) was a physical education teacher who was seeking a team sport with limited physical contact but a lot of running, jumping, shooting, and the hand-eye coordination required in

50、handling a ball. The peach baskets he hung as goals gave the sport the name of basketball. His students were excited about the game, and Christmas vacation gave them the chance to tell their friends and people at their local YMCAs about the game. The association leaders wrote to Naismith asking for

51、copies of the rules, and they were published in the Triangle, the school newspaper, on January 15,1892. Naismiths five basic principles center on the ball, which was described as large, light, and handled with the hands. Players could not move the ball by running alone, and none of the players was r

52、estricted against handling the ball. The playing area was also open to all players, but there was to be no physical contact between players; the ball was the objective. To score, the ball had to be shot through a horizontal, elevated goal. The team with the most points at the end of an allotted time

53、 period wins. Early in the history of basketball, the local YMCAs provided the gymnasiums, and membership in the organization grew rapidly. The size of the local gym dictated the number of players; smaller gyms used five players on a side, and the larger gyms allowed seven to nine. The team size bec

54、ame generally established as five in 1895, and, in 1897, this was made formal in the rules. The YMCA lost interest in supporting the game because 10-20 basketball players monopolized a gymnasium previously used by many more in a variety of activities. YMCA membership dropped, and basketball enthusia

55、sts played in local halls. This led to the building of basketball gymnasiums at schools and colleges and also to the formation of professional leagues. Although basketball was born in the United States, five of Naismiths original players were Canadians, and the game spread to Canada immediately. It

56、was played in France by 1893; England in 1894; Australia, China, and India between 1895 and 1900; and Japan in 1900. From 1891 through 1893, a soccer ball was used to play basketball. The first basketball was manufactured in 1894. It was 32 in (81 cm) in circumference, or about 4 in (10 cm) larger t

57、han a soccer ball. The dedicated basketball was made of laced leather and weighed less than 20 oz (567 g). The first molded ball that eliminated the need for laces was introduced in 1948; its construction and size of 30 in (76 cm) were ruled official in 1949. The rule-setters came from several group

58、s early in the 1900s. Colleges and universities established their rules committees in 1905, the YMCA and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) created a set of rules jointly, state militia groups abided by a shared set of rules, and there were two professional sets of rules. A Joint Rules Committee for c

59、olleges, the AAU, and the YMCA was created in 1915, and, under the name the National Basketball Committee (NBC) made rules for amateur play until 1979. In that year, the National Federation of State High School Associations began governing the sport at the high school level, and the NCAA Rules Commi

60、ttee assumed rule-making responsibilities for junior colleges, colleges, and the Armed Forces, with a similar committee holding jurisdiction over womens basketball. Until World War II, basketball became increasingly popular in the United States especially at the high school and college levels. After

61、 World War II, its popularity grew around the world. In the 1980s, interest in the game truly exploded because of television exposure. Broadcast of the NCAA Championship Games began in 1963, and, by the 1980s, cable television was carrying regular season college games and even high school championsh

62、ips in some states. Players like Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, and Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) became nationally famous at the college level and carried their fans along in their professional basketball careers. The womens game changed radically in 1971 when separate rules for women were mo

63、dified to more closely resemble the mens game. Television interest followed the women as well with broadcast of NCAA championship tourneys beginning in the early 1980s and the formation of the WNBA in 1997. Internationally, Italy has probably become the leading basketball nation outside of the Unite

64、d States, with national, corporate, and professional teams. The Olympics boosts basketball internationally and has also spurred the womens game by recognizing it as an Olympic event in 1976. Again, television coverage of the Olympics has been exceptionally important in drawing attention to international teams. The first professional mens basketball league in the United States was the National Basketball League (NBL),

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