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1、精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除习题Chapter 1 ATMOSPHERE AND TEMPERATURE1. Which feature is associated with the tropopause?A. Absence of wind and turbulence. B. Absolute upper limit of cloud formation.C. Abrupt change of temperature lapse rate.2. What is a characteristic of the troposphere?A. It contains all

2、the moisture of the atmosphere.B. There is an overall decrease of temperature with an increase of altitude.C. The average altitude of the top of the troposphere is about 6 miles. 3. The average height of the troposphere in the middle latitudes is A. 20,000feet. B. 25,000feet. C. 37,000feet.4. The pr

3、imary cause of all changes in the Earths weather is A. variation of solar energy received by the Earths regions.B. changes in air pressure over the Earths surface.C. movement of the air masses.5. If the air temperature is +8 at an elevation of 1,350 feet and a standard (average) temperature lapse ra

4、te exists, what will be the approximate freezing level?A. 3,350 feet MSL(Mean Sea Level)B. 5,350 feet MSLC. 9,350 feet MSL6. The most frequent type of ground or surface based temperature inversion is that produced byA. ground radiation on a clear, cool night, when the wind is light.B. warm air being

5、 lifted rapidly aloft in the vicinity of mountainous terrainC. the movement of colder air under warm air, or the movement of warm air over cold air.7. What feature is associated with a temperature inversion? A. A stable layer of air.B. An unstable layer of air. C. Air mass thunderstorms.8. What are

6、the characterizes of a ground-based inversion? A. Convection currents at the surface. B. Cold temperatures. C.Poor visibility.9. Where is a common location for an inversion of the atmosphere? A. At the tropopause.B. In the stratosphere. C. At the base of cumulus clouds.10. Which weather conditions s

7、hould be expected beneath a low-level temperature inversion layer when the relative humidity is high? A. Smooth air and poor visibility due to fog, haze, or low clouds.B. Light wind shear and poor visibility due to haze and light rain. C. Turbulent air and poor visibility due to fog, low stratus-typ

8、e clouds, and showery precipitation 11.对流层中,对天气变化影响较大的气体是: A.氮气和氧气B.氧气和二氧化碳C.二氧化碳和水汽D.水汽和臭氧 12.对流层顶是一个强大的稳定层,因为: A. 它的上面是平流层 B. 空气干洁,能见度好C. 气流平稳,没有对流运动D 该处气温直减率小 13.在对流层顶以上飞行,常常是: A. 气流平稳,能见度好B. 有尘粒、烟粒等杂质聚积C. 会遇到高云,或积雨云、浓积云顶D. 有使飞机产生颠簸的扰动气流 14.局地气温的最低点通常出现在: A. 后半夜 B. 天亮时C. 早晨D. 日出时 15.能造成较大气温日较差的有利

9、天气和地理条件分别是:A.晴天,陆地 B.晴天,海洋C.阴天,陆地D.阴天,海洋 16.局地气温的非周期变化受下列那一个因素的影响最显著? A.太阳辐射强度 B.海陆分布C.季节 D.冷暖空气的水平运动 17.标准大气的海平面气温等于: A. 0B. 10C. 273.16 D. 288.16 18.气压相等时,较暖和较湿的空气密度分别比较冷和较干的空气密度要A. 小,小B. 大,大C. 小,大D. 大,小 Answers:1.C 2.B3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B10.A11.C12.D 13.A14.D15.A16.D17.D18.A习题Chapter 2 ATM

10、OSPHERIC PRESSURE AND ALTIMETRY1. Which pressure is defined as station pressure?A. Altimeter setting.B. Actual pressure at field elevation.C. Station barometric pressure reduced to sea level.2. What term describes an elongated area of low pressure? A. Trough.B. Ridge.C. Hurricane or typhoon. 3. If t

11、he ambient temperature is colder than standard at FL 310, what is the relationship between true altitude and pressure altitude?A. They are both the same, 31,000 feet.B. True altitude is lower than 31,000 feet.C. Pressure altitude is lower than true altitude. 4. Where is the usual location of a therm

12、al low? A. Over the arctic region.B. Over the eye of a hurricane.C. Over the surface of a dry, sunny region. 5. En route at FL 270, the altimeter is set correctly. On descent, a pilot fails to set the local altimeter setting of 30.57. If the field elevation is 650 feet, and the altimeter is function

13、ing properly, what will it indicate upon landing? A. 585 feet.B. 1,300 feet.C. Sea level. 6. What is corrected altitude (approximate true altitude)? A. Pressure altitude corrected for instrument error.B. indicated altitude corrected for temperature variation from standard.C. Density altitude correct

14、ed for temperature variation from standard. 7.常用于研究水平气压场的气压是: A. 本站气压B. 场面气压C. 修正海平面气压D. 标准海平面气压 8.飞机起降时,用于调整高度表的气压通常是: A 本站气压B. 场面气压C. 修正海平面气压D. 标准海平面气压 9.航线飞行时,用来调整高度表的气压是: A. 本站气压B. 场面气压C. 修正海平面气压D. 标准海平面气压 10.飞机进入较强下降气流和上升气流区时,高度指示会分别比实际高度: A. 偏高,偏低B. 偏高,偏高C. 偏低,偏高D. 偏低,偏低 11.当飞机按气压式高度表保持一定高度飞向低

15、压区时,其实际高度的变化是: A. 逐渐变低B. 逐渐变高C. 先变低,后变高D. 先变高,后变低 12.当空气密度低于标准大气时,对飞机的起飞载重量或起飞和着陆滑跑距离的影响分别是: A. 减少,加长B. 减少,缩短C. 增大,加长D. 增大,缩短 13.飞机所处位置的密度高度,在冷天和热天通常分别为: A. 低密度高度,高密度高度B. 高密度高度,低密度高度C. 低密度高度,低密度高度D. 高密度高度,高密度高度 Answers:1.B2.A3.B4.C5.C6.B7.C8.C9.D10.A11.A12.A13.A习题Chapter 3 WIND1. At lower levels of

16、the atmosphere, friction causes the wind to flow across isobars into a low because the friction A. decreases windspeed and Coriolis force. B. decreases pressure gradient force.C. creates air turbulence and raises atmospheric pressure. 2. What causes surface winds to flow across the isobars at an ang

17、le rather than parallel to the isobars? A. Coriolis force. B. Surface frictionC. The greater density of the air at the Surface. 3. What is a feature of air movement in a high pressure area? A. Ascending from the surface high to lower pressure at higher altitudes.B. Descending to the surface and then

18、 outward.C. Moving outward from the high at high altitudes and into the high at the surface. 4. What is indicated by close spacing of isobars on a weather map?A. Weak pressure gradient and weak windsB. Weak pressure gradient and strong windsC. Strong pressure gradient and strong winds5. Which type w

19、ind flows downslope becoming warmer and dryer? A. Land breeze.B. Valley wind. C. Katabatic wind. 6. At which location does Coriolis force have the least effect on wind direction?A. At the poles.B. Middle latitudes (30 to 60).C. At the Equator. 7. How does Coriolis force affect wind direction in the

20、Southern Hemisphere?A. Causes clockwise rotation around a low.B. Causes wind to flow out of a low toward a high.C. Has exactly the same effect as in the Northern Hemisphere. 8. Which force, in the Northern Hemisphere, acts at a right angle to the wind and deflects it to the right until parallel to t

21、he isobars?A. CentrifugalB. Pressure gradient.C. Coriolis 9. Which weather condition is defined as an anticyclone?A. Calm.B. High pressure area.C. COL. 10. Winds at 5,000 feet AGL on a particular flight are southwesterly while most of the surface winds are southerly. This difference in direction is

22、primarily due toA. a stronger pressure gradient at higher altitudes. B. friction between the wind and the surface. C. stronger Coriolis force at the surface. 11. What relationship exists between the winds at 2,000 feet above the surface and the surface winds?A. The winds at 2,000 feet and the surfac

23、e winds flow in the same direction, but the surface winds are weaker due to friction. B. The winds at 2,000 feet tend to parallel the isobars while the surface winds cross the isobars at an angle toward lower pressure and are weaker. C. The surface winds tend to veer to the right of the winds at 2,0

24、00 feet and are usually weaker. 12. A jet stream is defined as wind of A. 30 knots or greater.B. 40 knots or greater.C. 50 knots or greater.13. Jet stream winds occur at which location?A. South of highsB. Parallel to troughsC. Breaks in the tropopause14.西北风可表示为: A. 135或SEB. 300或NWC. 315或NWD. 340或WN

25、15.海上风与陆地风相比,主要区别是: A. 海上风速大,风向与等压线交角大B. 陆地上风速大,风向与等压线交角小C. 陆地上风速大,风向与等压线交角大D. 海上风速大,风向与等压线交角小 16.海风和山风分别出现在: A. 白天,晚上B. 晚上,白天C. 白天,白天D. 晚上,晚上 17.在北半球9000米高度,由低压区飞向高压区,则航线上吹: A. 右侧风B. 左侧风C. 逆风D. 顺风 18.在北半球自由大气中,如果航线是左侧风,则高压区在航线的: A. 右侧B. 左侧C. 后方D. 前方 19.自由大气中风随高度变化的主要原因是: A. 气温的水平差异B. 气温随高度的变化C. 气压的

26、水平差异D. 气压随高度的变化20.对流层自由大气中,高度增加,风的一般变化规律是: A. 风向趋近于东风,风速增大B. 风向趋近于西风,风速减小C. 风向趋近于东风,风速减小D. 风向趋近于西风,风速增大 21.地面风的阵性表现较明显的时间和季节分别是: A. 早晨,冬季B. 早晨,夏季C. 午后,冬季D. 午后,夏季 22.地面风的阵性表现较明显的地区特点是: A. 地表粗糙,性质差异大B. 地表平坦,性质差异小C. 地表粗糙,性质差异小D. 地表平坦,性质差异大 Answers:1.A2.B3.B4.C5.C6.C7.A8.C9.B10.B11.B12.C13.C14.C15.D16.A

27、17.A18.C19.A20.D21.D22.A习题Chapter 4 CLOUD AND PRECIPITATION1. To which meteorological conditioned does the term dew point refer?A. The temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated. B. The temperature at which condensation and evaporation are equal. C. The temperature at which dew will

28、 always form. 2. The amount of water vapor which air can hold largely depends onA. relative humidity. B. air temperature. C. stability of air3. Clouds, fog, or dew will always form whenA. water vapor condenses. B. water vapor is present. C. the temperature and dew point are equal.4. What weather con

29、dition occurs at the altitude where the dewpoint lapse rate and the dry adiabatic lapse rate converge?A. Cloud bases form.B. Precipitation starts. C. Stable air changes to unstable air.5. What are the four families of clouds?A. Stratus, cumulus, nimbus, and cirrus.B. Clouds formed by updrafts, front

30、s, cooling layers of air, and precipitation into warm air.C. High ,middle, low, and those with extensive vertical development.6. The suffix “nimbus”, used in naming clouds, means a A. cloud with extensive vertical development.B. rain cloud.C. dark massive, towering cloud.7. A high cloud is composed

31、mostly of A. ozone.B. condensation nuclei.C. ice crystals.8. Stability can be determined from which measurement of the atmosphere?A. Low-level windsB. ambient lapse rate C. atmospheric pressure9. What determines the structure or type of clouds which form as a result of air being forced to ascend?A.

32、the method by which the air is lifted.B. the stability of the air before lifting occurs. C. the amount of condensation nuclei present after lifting occurs.10. Unsaturated air flowing up slope will cool at the rate of approximately (dry adiabatic lapse rate)A. 3 per 1000 feet.B. 2 per 1000 feet.C. 2.

33、5 per 1000 feet.11. What type of clouds will be formed if very stable moist air is forced up slope?A. First stratified clouds and then vertical clouds.B. Vertical clouds with increasing height.C. Stratified clouds with little vertical development.12. What type clouds can be expected when an unstable

34、 air mass is forced to ascend a mountain slope?A. Layered clouds with little vertical development.B. Stratified clouds with considerable associated turbulence,C. Clouds with extensive vertical development.13. Which of the following combinations of weather producing variables would likely result in c

35、umuliform-type clouds good visibility rain showers and possible cleartype icing in clouds?A. Unstable moist air and no lifting mechanism.B. Stable dry air and orographic lifting. C. Unstable moist air and orographic lifting,14. Which family of clouds is least likely to contribute to structural icing

36、 on an aircraft?A. Low clouds.B. High clouds. C.Clouds with extensive vertical development.15. Which clouds have the greatest turbulence?A. Towering cumulusB. cumulonimbusC. Altocumulus castellanus16. The presence of standing lenticular altocumulus clouds is a good indication of A. A jet streamB. Ve

37、ry strong turbulence.C. Heavy icing conditions.17. Fair weather cumulus clouds often indicateA. Turbulence at and below the cloud level.B. Poor visibility C. Smooth flying conditions18. A ceiling is defined as the height of the A. highest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena aloft that covers over

38、 6/10 of the sky.B. lowest layer of clouds that contributed to the over all overcastC. lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena aloft that is reported as broken or overcast19. What enhance the growth rate of precipitation? A. advective action B. upward currentsC. cyclonic movement20. The presen

39、ce of ice pellets at the surface is evidence that A. these are thunderstorms in the area B. a cold front has passed C. there is freezing rain at a higher altitude.21. What temperature condition is indicated if wet snow is encountered at your flight altitude?A. The temperature is above freezing at yo

40、u altitudeB. The temperature is below freezing at your altitude.C. You are flying from a warm air mass into a cold air mass22. Which precipitation type normally indicates freezing rain at higher altitudes?A. Snow B. Hail C. Ice pellets23. Select the characteristic (s) associated with the Cumulonimbu

41、s Clouds. More than one characteristic may apply.A. HailB. DrizzleC. LightningD. Stable airE. TurbulenceF. Restricted visibility for long periods24.云体高大,底部阴暗,云顶呈园弧形重叠的云是: A. CuB. TCuC. CbD. Sc25.决定大气稳定度的主要因素是: A. r值B. rd 值C. P值D. T值 26.一般情况下,大气最不稳定的时间和季节分别是: A. 中午,冬季B. 早上,夏季C. 早上,冬季D. 午后,夏季27.一般情况下,

42、大气最稳定的时间和季节分别是: A. 中午,冬季B. 早上,夏季C. 早上,冬季D. 午后,夏季28.速度最大的垂直运动是: A. 对流B. 系统性升降运动C. 乱流D. 大气波动29.对流运动的水平范围一般为: A. 几公里B. 几十公里C. 几到几十公里D. 几百公里30.对流上升运动形成:A. 积状云B. 层状云C. 波状云D. 堡状云31.大气不稳定时,常产生的垂直运动是:A. 对流和系统性升降运动B. 系统性升降运动和波动C. 波动和乱流D. 乱流和对流32.地球表面热力性质差异大的地区容易产生的垂直运动是: A. 对流和系统性升降运动B. 系统性升降运动和波动C. 波动和乱流D.

43、乱流和对流33.形成层状云的运动是: A. 对流B. 系统性运动C. 波动D. 乱流34.层状云包括: A. Ns Sc As StB. Sc As Cs FsC. Ci Cs As NsD. Fs Ns As St35.积状云包括: A. Cu TCu Cb FcB. TCu Fc Cc ScC. Cb Sc Ac CuD. Fc Cu Cb Cc36.严重影响飞机起降的低碎云主要是: A. Ns Fc StB. St Fs CuC. Fn St FsD. Fs Ns Fn37.国家气象部门和民航总局规定的计量云量的方法分别是: A. 十分制,八分制B. 八分制,十分制C. 十分制,十分制

44、D. 八分制,八分制38.中云的云底高度通常规定为: A. 15004000米B. 25005000米C. 30006000米D. 25006000米Answers:1.A2.B3.A4.A5.C6.B7.C8.B9.B10.A11.C12.C13.C14.B15.B16.B17.A18.C19.B20.C21.A22.C23.ACE24.B25.A26.D27.C28.A29.C30.A31.D32.D33.B34.C35.A36.C37.A38.D习题Chapter 5 AIR MASSES AND FRONTS1. An air mass is a body of air that A.

45、 has similar cloud formations associated with it B. creates a wind shift as it moves across the Earths surfaceC. covers an extensive area and has fairly uniform properties of temperature and moisture2. What is indicated about an air mass if the temperature remains unchanged or decreases slightly as

46、altitude is increased?A. The air is unstable.B. A temperature inversion exists.C. The air is stable.3. Which weather condition is an example of a nonfrontal instability band? A.Squall line.B. Advective fog. C.Frontogenesis.4. The general characteristics of unstable air are A. good visibility, shower

47、y precipitation, and cumuliform-typed clouds.B. good visibility, steady precipitation, and stratiform-type cloudsC. poor visibility, intermittent precipitation, and cumuliform-typed clouds.5. What are some characteristics of unstable air?A. Nimbostratus clouds and good Surface visibility B. Turbulen

48、ce and poor surface visibilityC. Turbulence and good surface visibility6. What are the characteristics of stable air?A. Good visibility, steady precipitation, and stratus-type cloudsB. Poor visibility, intermittent precipitation, and Cumulus-type cloudsC. Poor visibility,Steady precipitation, and St

49、ratus-type clouds7. Which are characteristics of an unstable cold air mass moving over a warm surface?A. Cumuliform clouds, turbulence, and poor visibilityB. Cumuliform clouds, turbulence, and good visibilityC. Stratiform clouds, smooth air, and poor visibility8. Which atmospheric factor causes rapi

50、d movement of surface fronts?A. Upper winds blowing across the front.B. Upper low located directly over the surface low.C. The cold front overtaking and lifting the warm front. 9. What weather difference is found on each side of a dry line?A. Extreme temperature difference.B. Dewpoint difference.C.

51、Stratus versus cumulus clouds. 10. TrueFalseWhen an air mass is warmed from below,it becomes more stable11. TrueFalsePassage of a fast-moving cold front creates a narrow frontal zone with less severe weather than the passage of a slow moving cold front.12. Steady precipitation with little turbulence

52、 precedes what type of front?A. Cold frontB. Warm frontC. Occluded front13. What is the most reliable indication that you have flown through a front?A. Change in pressureB. Change in temperature C. Change in wind direction14. What conditions favor the formation of a frontal wave?A. A fast-moving war

53、m front overtaking a cold frontB. A deep low pressure are allocated northeast of a ridgeC. A stationary front or slow moving cold front with a strong temperature gradient15. Steady precipitation, in contrast to showers, preceding a front is an indication of A. Stratiform clouds with moderate turbule

54、nce.B. Cumuliform clouds with little or no turbulence.C. Stratiform clouds with little or no turbulence.16.飞机由冷气团一侧垂直穿过稳定的缓行冷锋,首先看到的云是: A. 卷云B. 雨层云C. 高层云D. 高积云 17.不稳定的急行冷锋经过机场时,通常会出现的天气现象是: A 晴朗微风的天气 B. 小雨和雾 C. 层状云和低能见度 D. 积状云、地面大风、阵性降水18.下列在我国能产生地面大风的天气形势是: A. 冷锋后的偏北大风B. 冷锋前的偏北大风C. 冷锋前的偏南大风D. 冷锋后的偏

55、南大风Answers:1.C2.C3.A4.A5.C6.C7.B8.A9.B10.F11.F12.B13.C14.C15.C16.A17.D18.A习题Chapter 6 TURBULENCE1. A pilot reporting turbulence that momentarily causes slight, erratic changes in altitude and /or attitude should report it as A. light turbulence.B. moderate turbulenceC. light chop 2. If you fly into

56、severe turbulence, which flight condition should you attempt to maintain? A. Constant airspeed (VA) B. Level flight attitude.C. Constantan altitude and constant airspeed.3. If severe turbulence is encountered during your IFR flight,the airplane should be slowed to the design maneuvering speed becaus

57、e theA. maneuverability of the airplane will be increased.B. amount of excess load that can be imposed on the wing will be decreased.C. airplane will stall at a lower angle of rang of attack, giving an increased margin of safety4. (Refer to Microburst figure below.) If involved in a microburst encou

58、nter, in which aircraft positions will the most severe downdraft occur?A. 4 and 5.B. 2 and 3.C. 3 and 4. Figure Microburst5. (Refer to figure above.) When penetrating a microburst, which aircraft will experience an increase in performance without a change in pitch or power?A. 3.B. 2.C. 1. 6. (Refer

59、to figure above.) What effect will a microburst encounter have upon the aircraft in position 3? A. Decreasing headwind.B. Increasing tailwind.C. Strong downdraft. 7. (Refer to figure above.) What effect will a microburst encounter have upon the aircraft in position 4?A. Strong tailwind. B. Strong up

60、draft.C. Significant performance increase. 8. (Refer to figure above.) How will the aircraft in position 4 be affected by a microburst encounter? A. Performance increasing with a tailwind and updraft.B. Performance decreasing with a tailwind and downdraft.C. Performance decreasing with a headwind an

61、d downdraft. 9. What is an important characteristic of wind shear?A. It is an atmospheric condition that is associated exclusively with zones of convergence.B. The Coriolis phenomenon in both high- and low-level air masses is the principal generating force.C. It is an atmospheric condition that may be associated with a low-level temperature inversion, a jet Stream, or a frontal zone.10. Which wind-shear condition results in a loss of airspeed? A. Decreasing headwind or tailwind. B. Decreasing headwind and increasing tailwind.C. Increasing headwin

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