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1、Module 2(Book 6) 导学案Vocabulary1.series n 系列,丛书1)译:After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test. 经过连续几次的失败,他最后终于通过了驾驶考试。小结:单复同形的单词:means,crossroads,species,sheep,deer等。2)Every possible means _(have) been tried to save the patient. (has)2. play a part in 在中起作用; take

2、an active part in 积极参加 take part in 参加(活动); for the most part 大部分,大体上1) The student could follow my lecture _.2) There are many competitors from all over the world who _ the Olympic Games every four years. 3) The part that the women _ in the war was very important.3. vanish v. 消失,不见了译:1). Many types

3、 of animals have now vanished from the earth. 2). The thief _ _ (消失在)the crowd.4. behave v. 举止;行为;举止端正 behavior n. 行为,举止学中用,英译汉(1)How is your new car behaving?(2) He has behaved shamefully towards his wife.(3) _ _(注意你的举止); dont make a fool of yourself.(4) She behaves (towards me) more like a friend

4、than a mother.(5) _ _ _ me(他们对我的态度) shows that they do not like me.5. hesitate v. 犹豫;迟疑;踌躇; hesitation n (1) She hesitated _ (hurt) the childs feelings.(2) She hesitated before replying. (译)(3)Dont hesitate to tell us if you have a problem. (译) (4) She replied _(毫不犹豫地). (5) Shes still hesitating _ s

5、ending her son to college. (填入介词)6. direction n. 方向,指导,用法说明(1) The investigation was carried out _(在 的指导下) a senior police officer.(2) Stones were flying about _(朝四面八方乱飞).(3) She was entrusted with the direction of the project. (译)7. exhaustion n. 疲惫,筋疲力尽,竭尽 exhaust v. exhausted adj. (1). The mine w

6、as closed _ (因矿源枯竭而被关闭).(2). The hard training _ (使疲惫) us.(3).After the climbing, they came back, _(疲惫不堪).8. long v 渴望,渴慕,热望longing n. 渴望,热望,憧憬 a. 渴望的,热望的 long for sth. long to do long for sb to do1). The lonely child is _(渴望母亲的爱抚) the care of his mother.2). We all _ _ the summer _(渴望) be over soon.

7、 3) He has a longing for success. (译) 9. scald n. vt 烫(烫伤,用沸水烫,用蒸汽烫)She was _(烫伤)when the boiler exploded. 锅炉爆炸时她被烫伤了。 10. invisible a. 看不见的,无形的 Germs _ _ _ _ the naked eye. (细菌用肉眼看不见.)11. sweep over vi. 环视四周(向.扩展,扫过)互译:1) . A wave of panic swept over her. 2). A huge wave_ _the deck. 一股巨浪从甲板上卷了过去。 3

8、). His fingers _ _ _ of the piano. 他的手指在钢琴键盘上轻快地移动12. cast about vt. 寻找, 想办法; cast away扔掉,丢下; cast down vt. 扔掉(使沮丧,推翻) cast off 舍弃;丢掉1). The dog is cast about for its supper. 这条狗正到处寻找它的晚饭呢。2). He _ _ desperately_ something to say.他搜索枯肠找话说.3) She cast about how she could avoid work. 她盘算着怎样才能逃避工作。13.

9、roughly ad. 概略地,粗糙地1). It should cost roughly 10. (about)2)._ _(粗略地说来) , I would say that about100 people attended the exhibit. 3) The speaker was roughly handled by the mob.( 演说者受到暴民的粗暴对待) 14. shape v. 定形;使.成形;塑造 shape n. (U)状态,状况 (C)形状,样子 in shape成形的,身体好的。反义词: out of shape学中用,互译。(1) It was the Gre

10、eks who_ _ _ (影响了的思维) of Western man.(2)These events helped to_ _ _ _.(后来从事的事业)(3)Youd better shape up, young man, or expect to be punished.15 . be laden with 充满;摆满 (laden adj 满载的) 1)The traditional picture of an English Christmas a table _ food and drink. 2). He _ grief. (他满怀悲伤)16. awake adj. 清醒 v.

11、 唤醒译:1). He awoke the sleeping child. 2). The letter awoke old fears. 用适当的词填空: 3) He was _ awake. 4) The child was _ asleep.17. bend v. 弯曲,屈服 n. 弯 bent adj. 弯曲的 bend to 屈服于,顺从于1) The branches _ in the wind last night. 2) The stream takes _- _ _to the east.3) We wont _ the will of anyone.18. revenge

12、n.报仇,复仇,报复 v. 报仇,报复1) I did not do it _ (出于报复).2) The knight swore he would _(对行为报仇)his fathers death.3) They swore to _(向敌人报仇)the enemy.19. punish v. 惩罚publish v.出版1) His book was _ the next year. 2) He was _ for not doing his work.20. appeal v. 求助;诉请;呼吁学中用,英译汉(1) He was appealing for funds to buil

13、d a new school.(2) She appealed to the high court against her sentence.(3) The police _ _ (呼吁)the crowd not to panic. (4) This book does not _ _(投合的兴趣)children.21. gifted a. 有天赋的,有才华的 gift n. 天才,天赋 He is gifted for art=He _ art.22. associate n. 同伴,伙伴 v. 联合,联想a. 副的be associated with / have something

14、to do with / be connected with译:1).She associated happiness with having money. 2) I got a new job and a new set of work associations. 3) I dont want to _ myself_ them (和他们交往) any more.4) . At the time, I _ _ _ _(我跟他一起) him in a large law firm. 23. burden n. 负担,重载 v. 使负重,装载,烦扰1) Dont _ yourself _ unn

15、ecessary problems.2) He didnt want to become_(家里的一个负担).3) We _too much work.24.adjust v. 调整;校准,使适于(vt); 适应(vi)adjustment n.用中学学中译He cant adjust himself to the modern life in this big city.She carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out. My eyes havent_ _ the dark yet.(适应)25. critici

16、ze v批评,评论 critical adj批评的,爱挑剔的,决定性的,危险的 criticism n. 批评,评论1). He was _(因受批评) not performing his duty. 2). The teacher _ _ _(爱批评)his students.译:3). We are at a critical time in our history. ). I have two criticisms of your plan.26. restrict v. 限制,约束 restriction n. 限制、限定、约束; be restricted to局限于1) Rece

17、nt laws have tended to restrict the freedom of the press.2) I _ _ _(限定自己)smoking two cigarettes a day.3)You _ _ _ (不得超过)eight liters of duty-free wine.27. distribute v. 分配,散布 distribution n.译:1). The mother distributed candy among children. 2). The teacher distributed papers to his students.3). The

18、books in the library _ _ (按科目分类)according to subjects. 4). Some types of plants are _widely _(分布得很广). 28. attain v. 达到,获得学中用译中学1. The country attained its independence in 1972.2. She pulls every string to attain the end.3. Im determined to _ _ _ (达到目的) at any cost.29. ahead . ad. 向前地,胜于,在.前面1). He w

19、ill be _(超过) others in English.2). The way _(前面的) was blocked by fallen trees.3). London is about five hours _(早五小时左右) New York.30. possess v. 持有,克制,为.着迷 possession n. 财产,所有,拥有1) They_ three cars. 2) She _(突然感到害怕).3) He is _ the company= The company is _ him.4) He is possessed with the idea that he

20、is being followed. (译)选词填空: wealth possession fortune 5) He came to a large _ from his father.6) He gained his _ by publishing works of famous people.7) He lost all his _ in the earthquake. Reading and vocabularyThe Cat That Vanished P16-171.Will put down his shopping bag and held out his hand, and

21、the cat came up to rub her head to knuckles, just as Moxie did.1) put down 放下,镇压,记下;该短语为副词短语,后接宾语,可分开使用。2) The army _ _ _ _ _all opposition.军队决心镇压所有的反抗活动。 I put down his address. 相关链接:put 短语小结 put aside :put his work aside 搁置一旁 put aside some money 储蓄 put away :put the toys away 收拾,收起来 put back :put

22、 the record back where it was放回原地put forward提出(要求、事实、计划、建议等) 把(钟或表)的针向前拨;拨快 put off推迟(约会、旅行、访问等);推迟和(某人)的约会put on 穿上;上演 put out 拿出;伸出; 熄火;发表put up张贴;悬挂;举起;提高1) Its good to have some money _ for old age.2) The plan that he _ at the meeting seemed very practical.3) Never _ till tomorrow what you can d

23、o today. 4) He _ a sign on the edge of the garden saying “Keep off the grass”.5) She _ all the lights before going to bed.6) Please _ the following facts.2.hold out 伸出;维持、持续;坚守;not hold out没有多大希望He held out his hand in friendship. 他伸出友谊之手。I think the car will hold out till we reach London。我想这辆车能维持到伦

24、敦。1) 医生帮助她康复的希望甚微。2) 我不是故意瞒你.我的确不知道他在哪里.3) 敌人轮番轰炸, 他们仍英勇地抵抗.4) We can stay here for as long as our_ _ _(我们的供应品能维持).3. come up to朝走过来;达到, 符合;等于1). He didnt _(符合) my need. 2). His new book did not _(达到预期水平) expectation. 3). He _(朝走过来) smiling to me. 4. 用下列短语填空:turn away转身跑开 turn down拒绝,拧小; turn up出现,拧

25、大; turn to转向,求助于; turn out结果,证明(是)1) Some refugees were _. There were too many hungry mouths to feed already. 2) In the long journey Tom _ to be an interesting guide. 3) In the strange city he can find nobody to _.4) He said he would come to the party, but he hasnt _ yet. 5) I found it strange he _

26、my offer of help when he was in need of it.5She reached out a paw to pat something in the air in front of her, something quite invisible to Will. 1) reach out 伸出手触及 He reached out for a piece of cake._.The beggar reached out his hand for money._.相关链接:Beyond aboveout of the reach of sb=beyondabove ou

27、t of sbs reach (adjadv)手所不能及之处,能力所不能及His thought is beyond the reach of my imagination._.2) pat vt. 轻拍 老奶奶轻拍那个小女孩的头。_.拓展:pat sb on the head 轻拍某人的头,若打拍在结实的部位(如head,shoulder,back等)常用介词on;若拍打在肉多的部位(如leg,eye,face 等)前面常用介词in;类似的动词还有pat,hit,touch,beat,strike等。另外还有“pull,take,hold等+sb+by+the身体部位”结构。The litt

28、le girl held her mother by the arm.=_.那个小女孩抓住她妈妈的胳膊。3)in the air There is a feeling of unrest in the air._.我们的计划仍悬而未决。_-.6. Then he stood still, close to the truck to the trunk of the nearest tree, as a truck came round the circle and swept its lights over him.1) stood still静静地站着;still a. 静止不动的;keep

29、/stand/lie still_ _(别动)while I tie your shoe.2) close to 接近于,在近处,该短语为形容词或副词性短语,后接名词或短语,在句中作状语或表语。 The old church is _ _(接近于)close to the school.3) come around 来,迂回而至;随兴来访(to)My mother complains that her birthday comes around too quickly.Can I _ _ (顺便来访)to your place tonight?7. It looked as if someon

30、e, had cut a patch out of the air , about two metres from the edge of the road, a patch roughly square in shape and less than a metre across.1) as if 引导从句所表示的情况不是事实,而且如果是主观的想象或夸大性比喻时,谓语动词常用虚拟语气。 The American girl speaks as if she _a Chinese. (be) He acted as if nothing _.(happen) 2) patch 小块,斑 n. 猜一

31、猜: This is a black dog with a white patch on its neck._She sewed a patch onto the knee of the trousers._The ground is wet in patches. _4) edge n. 边,边缘He lives _ _ _ _the forest. 他住在森林边上。(be)on edge 紧张不安的,兴奋的,易怒的She was a bit on edge till she heard he was safe.她听到他安然无恙才_.4)square adj.正方形的,公平诚实的; n 正方

32、形,广场 v使成正方形 a square room_ I want you to be square with me._5) in shape 从形状上,介词in 表示在某方面 They are different in interest. 他们喜好不同。 Children are weak in judgment. 儿童的判断力差。 拓展:在人口上_ 在宽度上_ 在颜色上_ 在高度上_ 在数量上_ 在年龄上_ 在性格方面_ 在温度上_ 在重量上_8. But Will knew without the slightest doubt that-doubt n / v. 怀疑,疑惑 in do

33、ubt adj可怀疑的, 不确定的; without doubt 必定的, 无疑的(1). There is no doubt _ we will be successful.(2). There is some doubt _ his ability. (3). I doubt _ he will keep his word. (4) The cause of the accident is still _. (5) He will be back before Friday _.译:There is (no) room for doubt.9. What he saw made his h

34、ead swim and his heart thump harder, but he didnt hesitate.本句是what引导的主语从句。从句主语通常由从属连词that, whether, if和连接代词what, who, which, whatever, whoever 以及连接副词how, when, where, why等词引导。that在句中无实义,仅起到连接作用;连接代词和连接副词在句中既有自己的意义,又起连接作用在句中充当句子成分。1) After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, _our astronauts d

35、esire to do is walk in space.A. where B. what C. that D. how2) Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _a cure for AIDS will be found. A. which B. what C. that D. whether仔细体会以下句子:1) Whether the sports meet will be held is not certain now.2) Which car you will choose to buy makes no differenc

36、e.3) When and where we shall hold the meeting will be discussed at todays meeting.注:that, what都可引导主语从句,what充当成分,可作主,宾,表,而that仅起到连接作用,不可省。练一练: A. _ you doing seems very different.B. _ her hair was turning grey worried her a bit.10. But this was the centre of a broad boulevard, and at the side of the

37、boulevard was a line of cafes and small shops- Just beside him was that bare patch in the air, as hard to see from- 这两句话都使用了全部倒装结构,都为:介词结构(表地点,处所)放句首谓语主语 Away went the boy. 那男孩走了。 Up and up go the prices.价格越涨越高。 拓展:(全部倒装口诀)全部倒装谓在前,情况请记这几点:介词短语表地点,表语前置就有三,位置副词there 句,neither, nor, so也如此,有时句子找平衡,贺词祝愿也

38、如此。(高考链接)In the dark forests_, some large enough to hold several English towns.(05辽宁)A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakes C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand11Behind him the full moon shone down over a distant prospect of great green hills- Shine down over 照在-上 太阳火辣辣的照在草地上。_ The moon shone down o

39、ver the lake._12. With a dawning light-headedness, the feeling that he was dreaming but awake at the same time, he stood up and looked around for the cat, his guide. 1) look around for 四处寻找We are _ _ _(到处寻找)a house in this area.拓展: Look down upon look for look forward to look into look through look

40、up练习:To look healthy, Professor Johnson _cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired. A. look up B. made for C. caught on D. carried out 2)time 用法回顾: ahead of time (in advance)_all the time _ at no time_ at a time _ from time to time _at one time _ have no time for _in time _ kill time _

41、take ones time _练习:一、短语翻译 1在起重要作用_ 2. 放下、记下_ 3. 伸出_ 4. 朝走过来_ 5.经过_6.注视、盯着看、注意_ 7. 照在上_8. 四处寻找-_ 9. 复仇-_ 10.对某人施魔法_ 11. 站着静止不动_12.搜索、搜寻_13.竖直_14.举止奇怪_15.没有一丝疑惑_-16.发现自己正站在-_ 17.弥漫在、充满着_18集中在_ 19.走开_ 20.向扩展-_二、根据课文完成以下句子。1. Will _(累得脑子都木了), and he might have gone to the north, or he might have_(头枕草地)u

42、nder one of those trees and slept.2. She _(从花园走出来)on the Oxford side of the road.3. She_,_and_,tail_.(她向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖起,尾巴僵直的伸着)4. And _, it enticed him to stoop and look further.(仅仅是这个理由)5. He knew it at once,_.(就好象他知道火会燃烧,善意是美好的一样)6. The hot night _the scent of flowers and with the salt smell of the

43、 sea.(弥漫着)7.But this was the centre of a broad boulevard, and _(路的一侧是)a line of cafes and small shops, all_(灯火通明),_(还在营业), and _(所有的店铺都静悄悄的)and empty beneath a sky thick with stars.8.Just beside him was that bare patch in the air ,_,(无论是从这边还是从那边都很难看见)。9.He _(不禁一颤,转过身来): whatever this new world was ,

44、it had to be better than what hed just left. Grammar-Adverbial clauses with -ing 1.He crossed the road , keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating . 其中keeping his eyes on the spot 为伴随状语 . Eg : _(放下 ) his shopping bag ,Will held out his hand . _(生气地大叫 ) , the man waved his swo

45、rd at the stranger . _(捡起 ) the cat , she rubbed its head affectionately .keep /have / fix / focus ones eyes on 注视,注意,盯着看keep an eye on sb /sth 照看,留神,留意 1)He went out of the office , with his eyes _ me .A keeping B . kept C . fixed on D fixing2) Please keep an eye on the road . 请看着路。2 On seeing her

46、, the king immediately falls in love with her .其中on seeing her 为时间状语, “ 一就”的表达法很多,常见的如下:1) on + v-ing /或表示动作的词 n Eg :_(一回到宫殿),the king marries the woman . _(他一回来), he began to help me with housework.2) at +表示静态的 n _(一听到这个消息 ) , I changed my plan . _( 一看到我),the little boy cried .3) as soon as _( 我一见到

47、他),Ill tell him the matter .4) the moment / minute / second/ instant I recognized her _(我一看见她).5) immediately / instantly / directly Tell me _(她一到).6) Hardly .when. / No sooner than. _ /_ he heard of the news, _/_he cried out . (一就.)7)我对她一见钟情。(汉译英)_ Rewrite the underlined part in each sentence, usin

48、g non-finite verbs ( to do, doing or done).1. When she was cooking in the kitchen, she burnt her finger.2. While he worked in the workshop, he made many friends there.3. After he finished the meal, he turn on TV to watch a cartoon program.4. Because he was highly praised by the manager, the man work

49、ed harder.5. After we were shown the library. We were taken to visit the lab.6. If you have another look, you will see the mistake in the sentence.7. He stood in the shade and waited for his friend.8. He had an accident and lost his arm.9. The boy who is running ahead of the other is my classmate.10

50、. The bike which are made in the factory are of good quality.Speaking,Listening ,Vocabulary and Function3.Each person in the group takes turns to tell part of the story . take turns to do sth / at doing sth in turn / by turns We_(轮流开车)。 We drove the car in turn /by turns .4. The witch puts a spell o

51、n the king and becomes the rulers of the land . put /cast a spell on / over sb 用符咒镇住某人 break a spell 解除符咒 under the spell of her beauty 被她的美艳迷住1) The witch _(想用符咒镇住) the boy . Reading : The story of J.K Rowling and Harry Potter P22-23Para 1:1 .But the idea for Harry Potter came to her while she was

52、on a delayed train between Manchester and London .Eg: An idea / A thought came to me / occurred to me / hit me / struck me . (英译汉)Para 4 :1 . The fifth book , The order of the Phoenix sold about seven million copies the day it was published . 其中the day 为名词词组作连词,引导一个句子,常见的有:the moment /minute /instant ;the day/ week /year;the spring / summer /autumn /winterthe first/last /next time;each /every /any timeEg: 1) _ (他一说话 ), we recognized his voice . 2 )we can go home _( 运动会举行的那个星期).3 )_(他参军的那年秋天 ),his grandmother passed away .词组翻译:1.天才创造者_ 2.延迟的火车_3.给框架添加骨肉_ 4. 与联系在一起_5.额外负担_

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