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1、新编大学英语第二版第五册练习答案新编大学英语第二版第五册第一单元练习答案Vocabulary1. Fill in the blanksDirections: Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.1)They stood in a semi-circle round the teachers chair and answered questions.【译文】他们半圆形围坐在老师椅子旁边回答问题。2) The lady we visited the other

2、 day lived in a semi-detached country house, which she liked very much.【译文】我们前几天拜访的那位女士住在她非常喜欢的乡下半独立式别墅内。3) The two winners of the semi-finals will play against each other for the championship.【译文】这两个半决赛的赢家将要互相比赛争夺冠军。4) I met an old friend of mine at he semi-annual conference held in Birmingham.【译文】

3、我在伯明翰的半年度会议上遇到了一个老朋友。5) She is semi-retired; she still works two days a week.【译文】她现在半退休了;她每周仍然工作两天。6) In my parents time, even a semi-automatic washing machine was a luxury.【译文】在我父母生活的时代,连半自动洗衣机都是奢侈品。7) I played semi-professional soccer for Walsall.【译文】我为沃尔索耳英国英格兰中部城市足球队踢半职业赛。8) When he was taken to

4、o the hospital, he was semi-conscious.【译文】当他被送到医院的时候,他是半昏迷状态。9) Semi-tropical regions are cooler than equatorial regions.【译文】亚热带地区要比热带地区凉爽一些。10) There live a large number of semi-literate people in that village.【译文】在那个村子,很多人至今仍是半文盲。3. 句子译文:1)I was still working on and off as a waitress to support my

5、self.【译文】我仍然从事服务员的工作以养活自己。2) She meets her old boyfriend for a drink now and then.【译文】她不时见一次前男友, 喝上一杯。3) There are a few books here and there, but apart from that the room is quite bare.【译文】房间里只有零零落落的一点书,此外空空的什么也没有。4) Like most married couples weve had our ups and downs, but lifes like that.【译文】像大多数

6、的夫妻到一样,我俩的婚姻波折迭起,但生活就是这样。5) When the terrible fire happened, volunteers came from far and near to help put it out.【译文】当火灾发生时,志愿者们从四面八方赶来帮忙。6) I still see her for lunch now and then, but not as I used to.【译文】我仍然能在午饭时间时不时看到她,但是不像以前那么频繁了。7) He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football game

7、.【译文】他一直跳来跳去,像一个孩子在足球场的表现一样。8) The noise is absolutely dreadful- you can hear the traffic day and night.【译文】这种噪声真是怕人,日夜都能听到这种来来往往的车辆声。9) These factories were working continuously day and night throughout the year.【译文】这些工厂全年不分昼夜地开工。10) Because it rained on and off all day, we cancelled the picnic.【译文

8、】因为一天来时不时地老下雨,我们取消了野餐聚会。新编大学英语第二版第五册第二单元练习答案2. Fill in the blanksDirections: Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases given below. Change the form if mit gather up acknowledge help out inhabit be destined to indication chase derive from observe 1) After he received the phone call, John gathered

9、 up his papers and left the room.【译文】接了一个电话之后,约翰收起他的论文离开了房间。2) He was obviously in some kind of trouble, but I didnt know how I could help him out.【译文】他显然是碰到了某种麻烦,但我不知道该怎样帮助他解决。3) Tim felt he had committed a faux pas and left quietly.【译文】提姆觉得他犯了失礼的错误,悄悄地离开了。4) We must not fail to acknowledge his ser

10、vices to the town.【译文】我们一定不要忘了感谢他为镇上所做的事情。5) You can certainly derive a considerable amount of information from that picture.【译文】你当然能够从那张照片中知道很多的事情。6) Thomas Brown had always felt that he was destined to lead his country.【译文】托马斯布朗总觉得他注定是国家的领头人。7) No one has inhabited that island for over 100 years.【

11、译文】100多年来从没有人在那个岛上居住过。8) This law has been faithfully observed by the Italian government.【译文】这项法律为意大利政府忠实地奉行。9) There are indications that the weather is changing.【译文】有迹象表明天气正发生变化。10)The police car was going so fast, it must have been chasing someone.【译文】警车跑得这么快,一定是在追什么人。 新编大学英语第二版第五册第三课练习答案Vocabula

12、ry1. Match the verbsA B1) pursue6) opponents2) adopt2) a new management system3) reduce1) opportunities4) fulfill8) profits5) retain4) social needs6) excel5) independence7) consume3) costs8) earn7) resources2. Complete each of the following sentences Directions: Complete each of the following senten

13、ces with the appropriate form of a word in the box. Add a preposition where necessary.vital impact substitute adapt excel conflict1) The resignation of the president has made a significant impact on government policy.【译文】总统的辞职对政府的政策造成了显著的影响。2) Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life-style

14、?【译文】你能让你的思维方式适应新的生活方式吗?3) Andrew and Rebecca are in conflict over who should be responsible for the accident.【译文】安德鲁和丽贝卡在谁应该对事故负责上存在分歧。4) If you cannot go yourself, please find someone to substitute for you.【译文】如果你自己不能去,请你找人代你去。5) Ive never excelled in/at diving, although Ive always been a good swi

15、mmer.【译文】我从来不擅长潜水,尽管我一直是一个不错的游泳者。6) The directors final decision is vital to the future development of this company.【译文】主管的最终决定对这个公司的未来发展是至关重要的。 3. Complete each of the following sentences Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate form of a word in the box. Add a prep

16、osition where necessary.1) He refused to give me any more money as a matter of principle.【译文】他拒绝给我更多的钱,这是一个原则问题Windmills differ in design, but all operate on exactly the same principle.【译文】风车存在不同的设计,但所有的操作原理完全相同。2) Diversity in ones diet- such as eating vegetables, fruit, fish, and grains- is import

17、ant for good health.【译文】饮食的多样性- 比如吃蔬菜、水果、鱼类和谷物- 都是对健康很重要的食物。There is a(n) diversity of opinion about what to do.【译文】在怎么做这个问题上大家有不同的意见。3) The gas fire was turned low for reasons of economy.【译文】为了节省而把煤气取暖器开小。Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the countrys economy.【译文】旅游业给这个国家的经济带来了好几百万英镑的收入。4)

18、Students will gain competence in a wide range of skills.【译文】学生将会在各种技能范围内取得竞争胜利。Understanding the instructions requires a ninth grade reading competence.【译文】理解这个指令需要九年级的阅读能力。5) There is a popular myth that you cant be struck by lightning twice.【译文】有一种流行的说法,你不可能被闪电击中两次。The myth tells of how the gods s

19、ent fire to the earth in flashes of lightning.【译文】这个神话讲述了神是如何把火种以闪电的方式送到人间的。6) Large numbers of rare and beautiful Alpine plants are threatened with extinction.【译文】大批稀有的美丽的高山植物面临着灭绝的危险。Some people predict the extinction of family life as we know it today.【译文】有人预测现在我们所熟知的家庭生活频临灭绝。7) I am confident th

20、at I will be a tremendous asset to your company.【译文】我深信我将成为贵公司的一笔巨大财富。Liquid assets are money, or things which can easily be changed into money.【译文】流动资产是钱,或者是可以很容易变成钱的东西。8) New machinery has enhanced the companys productivity and competiveness.【译文】新机器增强了企业的生产力和竞争力。Her enthusiasm and competitiveness

21、rubbed off on everyone.【译文】她的热情和竞争力感染了每个人。9) Radio was the medium for family entertainment before television.【译文】在电视机发明之前,收音机是家庭娱乐的媒介。Radio communication needs no physical medium between two stations.【译文】无线通信在两个站点之间不需要物理媒介。10) The essence of his teachings can be summed up as “to know yourself”.【译文】他

22、教义的精髓可以概括为“认识你自己”。In essence, leadership involves accomplishing goals with and through people.【译文】从本质上来说,领导艺术包括和别人一起并通过这些人顺利达成目标。新编大学英语第二版第五册第四课练习答案Vocabulary3. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word. Directions: Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Change the for

23、m if necessary.casual critical interval constitute mission sparkle superficial temperament vacation (v.) assume polish leave off draw out draw upon primarily strike up 1) Despite their superficial similarities, the two novels are in fact very different.【译文】尽管它们表面上类似,这两部小说实际上是很不相同的。2) The party was c

24、asual, so we all wore shorts and T-shirts.【译文】聚会很随便,所以我们都穿着短裤和T恤。3) Nuclear weapons constitute a real threat to world peace.【译文】核武器对世界和平构成真正的威胁。 4) Do you remember the time when we were vacationing in Hawaii?【译文】你还记得我们在夏威夷度假的那段时光吗?5) This was a critical moment in her career.【译文】这是她的职业生涯的关键时刻。6) The

25、interval between these two dates is about three months.【译文】两次约会的时间间隔大约是三个月。 7) Johns got an excitable temperament.【译文】约翰有一个容易激动的脾气。8) He is planning to go to evening classes to polish his English.【译文】他打算上夜校提高自己的英语。9) Frank is quite different at partieswitty, outgoing, he really sparkles.【译文】弗兰克在派对上相

26、当不一样诙谐、外向,他真的活力四射。 10) They sent him on a mission there at the end of the war.【译文】在战争结束的时候,他们派他到那儿去执行一项任务。11) There was a short round of applause when the chairman finished his speech. Then a band struck up the national anthem.【译文】当主席结束他的讲话的时候响起了一阵短时间掌声。接着乐队奏起了国歌。12) The new responsibilities draw ou

27、t/ draw upon his potential talents.【译文】新的责任激发了他的潜能。13) We drew upon her experience throughout the project.【译文】我们在整个项目中利用了她的经验。14) He sat down at the piano again and started playing from where he had left off.【译文】他又坐在钢琴旁从他停下来的地方开始演奏。15) This research is concerned primarily with prevention of the dise

28、ase.【译文】 这项研究主要和预防这一疾病有关。16) In his dreams, the mountains assumed enormous importance. 【译文】 在他的梦里,山脉显得极为重要。 新编大学英语第二版第五册第五课练习答案Vocabulary1. Directions: Match each word in Column A with its synonym in Column B.Column A Column Bextrovertedconflictingragedepressioncompetingbiasedmythicalvariablegloomth

29、oughtpreservefuryprejudiceddisprovealternative fictitiouschangeableoptionrevealmaintainreflectionoutgoingexplodeshow2.Fill in the blanks with an appropriate wordDirections: Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form if necessary.restraint preserve undertake ill

30、usion exceed intimate indulge pursuit capacity deprive ground (v.) optimistic1) I discussed with my intimate friends whether I would further my studies after graduation.【译文】我和我的好朋友探讨毕业后是否要深造。2) The book describes a young man whose relentless (坚持不懈的) pursuit of excellence is conducted with single-min

31、ded determination.【译文】 该书描述了一个一心一意追求卓越的年轻人。3) Paul had been wondering what research he should undertake in order to get his doctorate (博士学位).【译文】 保罗在想为了拿到博士学位,他应当做哪方面的研究。4) They have been deprived of the fuel necessary to heat their homes.【译文】 他们用于家庭取暖的燃料被拿走了。5) If you use the method with great care

32、 and restraint, you will always be able to get the same results.【译文】如果你能小心翼翼地、有限制地使用这种方法,你总能得到同样的结果。6) Our capacity for giving care, love and attention is limited.【译文】我们给予关心、爱和注意的能力是有限的。7) The president says he is optimistic that an agreement can be worked out soon.【译文】总统说他对达成协议持乐观态度。8) The represen

33、tatives of the citizens suggested preserving the character of the town even if the facilities are improved.【译文】民众的代表建议即使改善城镇的设施,也应当保留城镇的特色。9) In the hot sun the surface of the road seems wet, but that is only a(n) illusion.【译文】在烈日下,路面看起来有点潮湿,但那只是幻觉。10) Their fears are grounded in superstition.【译文】他们

34、的恐惧植根于迷信。11) He returned to Britain so that he could indulge his passion for football.【译文】他回到了英国,又可以重温对足球的热爱。12) The success of our campaign has exceeded our wildest expectations.【译文】我们的活动的成功超出了我们最大的期望。新编大学英语第二版第五册第六课练习答案Vocabulary2. Choose an appropriate explanation STEP ONEWork in pairs to choose

35、an appropriate explanation from Column B for each of the words in Column A.Column AColumn Bbrag a. in the endoffensive b. say or declare in a proud waytriumph c. highly irritating or annoyingfierce d. physically and mentally dependent onaddictede. tell or describeconcernf. worry or anxietyrestraintg

36、. cause to feel determined or willing to do somethingeventuallyh. outstanding success or achievementmotivatei. calm, controlled and unemotional behaviorrelatej. very intense, great and strongKey: b, c, h, j, d, f, i, a, g, eSTEP TWONow complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate wor

37、d from Column A. Change the form if necessary.1) He didnt talk about his top exam results in case people thought he was bragging. 【译文】他从未提起考试的高分成绩,以免人们认为他是在夸耀。2) Witnesses to the same crime related the events completely differently.【译文】证人们对同一个犯罪事件的描述大相径庭。3) There is fierce competition to join the Sp

38、ecial Branch, which investigates terrorist and political crimes.【译文】想加入这个特别机构要通过残酷的竞争,因为这个机构负责调查恐怖犯罪和政治犯罪。4) It is said that at the start of the broadcast the interview contained language that some viewers might find offensive.【译文】在开始的广播采访中就告知大家有些语言一些观众可能会觉得反感。5) He insists there is no cause for the

39、 growing public concern for the nations poor economic performance.【译文】他坚持没有必要为国家的贫穷经济发展引发过多的公众关注。6) Eventually he realized he was in the wrong and had to eat his words.【译文】他终于意识到他错了,他不得不收回他自己的话。7) The director, with characteristic modesty, does not see the film as a personal triumph.【译文】导演,以他一贯的谦逊,不

40、把这部电影作为他个人的胜利。8) I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become hopelessly addicted.【译文】我知道,如果我开始看一部肥皂剧我马上无可救药的上瘾。9) He was angry but managed, with great restraint, to reply calmly.【译文】他很生气,但以极大的克制,冷静地回答。10) More than half of those interviewed said that their bosses were unable to

41、 motivate them or solve their problems. 【译文】超过一半的受访者说,他们的老板是无法激励他们或解决问题。3. Filling the blanks with an appropriate word Directions: Complete each of the following sentences by choosing an appropriate word from the box. Change the form if necessary. Each word can be used only once.scholarly angle (n.)

42、 expert entitle admiration outshine allowance grossoverwhelming blaze proclaim detain immune confess1) This dictionary was compiled by a group of scholarly people.【译文】这本字典是由一大批学者共同编撰而成的。2) Parents usually want their child to outshine his or her fellow pupils.【译文】父母通常想让自己的孩子比朋友家的孩子在学习方面更出色。3) The bai

43、t contained a kind of poison, which rats in this area are mostly immune to.【译文】这种诱饵含有毒药,但此地大部分的老鼠已经对(这种诱饵)免疫了。4) A new device(An infra-red eye: 红外眼) is used to detect the movement of any animal within an angle of 110 degrees at up to 10 meters.【译文】一个启用的新装置能够探测到110度角范围内远至10米的任何动物的活动。5) This article i

44、s very touching and I have great admiration for the author.【译文】这篇文章太感人了,我对作者充满了仰慕之情。6) Their educational qualifications entitled / entitles them to a higher salary.【译文】他们的学历资格,使他们有权利要求更高的薪水。7) We were forced to use special powers to detain him when it became clear that he was out of control.【译文】我们被迫

45、使用特殊权力扣留他,因为那时很明显他已经失控。8) Your managers reported that the reforms in the company are an overwhelming success.【译文】你的经理报告说,改革在公司取得了巨大成功。9) The ringing bells proclaimed the news of the birth of the prince.【译文】钟声宣布了王子的诞生。10) To my delight, the rooms were all heated by blazing log fires.【译文】让我高兴的是,所有的房间被

46、熊熊大火热得暖洋洋的。11) I confess that I have not completely realized what this means to me.【译文】我承认,我没有完全意识到这对我意味着什么。12) Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling allowances.【译文】大多数人出于工作的出行都有差旅津贴。13) Now Ms. Olsen is satisfied and will continue with her job without being subjected to gross insult.【译文】现在奥尔森女士感到满意并将继续工作,不再遭受莫大的侮辱。14) Dr. Tai, an expert in herbal treatments (草药治疗), has supplemented the medical store by harvesting local plants.【译文】泰医生,一个中草药治疗专家,在药店收购了大量的本地药材。8

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