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1、四四.法律英语的语法及其翻译:转换法律英语的语法及其翻译:转换conversionconversion11.1.英语主语的转换英语主语的转换I.I.英语主语转换为汉语谓语英语主语转换为汉语谓语1.Complaints were frequent,especially from those who had seven minutes watching passengers with just hand baggage get out immediately.2.不断有人抱怨。有些乘客在7分钟的等待中,眼看着只携带手提行李的乘客马上出机场,这些人抱怨得尤甚。浙江大学 P.50 unit 221.H

2、is weariness and increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.2.他疲惫不堪,加上天气越来越热,于是他下决心一有合适的阴凉处就坐下来休息。3.3.Fathers good health and bouncing energy is source of my happiness.4.父亲身体健康,精力充沛,我感到非常高兴。31.4.Their lopsided stress on heavy industry to the neglect of agriculture and l

3、ight industry results in a shortage of goods in the market.2.他们片面地注重重工业,忽视农业和轻工业,因而市场上货物不多。3.5.The removal of shame from single parenthood is seen as contributing to the erosion of family values.4.未婚而成为父母的单亲家长不再受人耻笑,人们认为这削弱了家庭价值观。41.6.The delight of the children at the sight of the dish showed that

4、it was a rarity.2.孩子们看到这个菜就眉开眼笑,可知他们是难得吃这种菜的。3.7.The publics obsession with celebrities is pushing hard news off the front pages.4.公众过分关注名人,把硬新闻挤出了报纸头版。51.8.Delivery must be effected within the time stated on the purchase order,otherwise the Buyer may at its option cancel the order without cost to h

5、im,and charge the Seller for any loss incurred as a result of the latters failure to make such delivery.2.卖方必须在购货订单规定的时间内交货,否则,买方可取消订货,而不承担任何损失,并要求卖方赔偿因不交货所造成的一切损失。61.9.Payment shall be made by net cash against sight draft with Bill of Lading attached showing the shipment of the goods.Such payment s

6、hall be made through the Bank of China,Yantai Branch.The bill of Lading shall not be delivered to the Buyer until such draft is paid.2.凭即期汇票和所附表明货物发运的提单通过中国银行烟台分行以现金支付。汇票未付之前,提单不交给买方。71.Sight bill 即期票据2.Sight clause 即期条款3.Sight deposits活期存款,即付存款4.Sight exchange 即期汇兑5.Sight payment 见票就付6.Sight rate 即

7、期汇率,即期利率7.Sight test 当场检查81.10.Partial shipments shall be permitted upon presentation of a clean set of shipping document.2.可以允许分批发货,但需提出一套明确的装运单据。9 英语的主语转换为汉语的谓语往往是动作性的名词主语,且采用被动语态。译成汉语时,需要将英语的被动语态调整为汉语的主动语态,进行转换翻译。1011II.II.英语的主语转换为汉语的宾语。英语的主语转换为汉语的宾语。1.1Hope persisted in Marshall because the only

8、 alternative was a military solution.2.马歇尔舍不得抛弃希望,因为另外一条唯一的出路就是军事解决。3.I learned English when I was at college,but in later years it totally escaped my memory.4.我是在大学里学的英语。但没几年,我就彻底忘记了。121.3.Astonishment,apprehension,and even horror oppressed her.2.她感到震惊,心情抑郁,甚至惊恐不安。3.4.Power and place never went to

9、his head.4.他从来没有想谋取权利和地位。131.5.Should all or part of the Contract and its appendices be unable to be fulfilled owing to the fault of one party,the breaching party shall bear the responsibilities thus caused.2.由于一方过失,致使不能履行或不能完全履行本合同及其附件时,由过失方承担违约责任。141.6.If any terms and condition of this Contract a

10、re breached and the breach is not corrected by the breaching party within 30 days after a written notice thereof is given by the other party,then the nonbreaching party shall have the option to terminate this Contract by giving written notice thereof to the breaching party.2.如果一方违反本合同的任何条款,并且在接到另一方的

11、书面通知30日内不予以补救,未违约方有权选择向违约方书面通知终止本合同。15 补充:Exporters or foreign producers receiving questionnaires used in an anti-dumping investigation shall be given at least 30 days for reply.Due consideration should be given to any request for an extension of the 30-day period and,upon cause shown,such an extens

12、ion should be granted whenever practicable.1.应给予出口商或外国生产商至少30天时间,答复收到的反倾销调查中使用的调查表。对提出的延长30天期限的要求应给予充分的考虑;只要理由正当,并切实可行,就应当满足该延期要求。16 法律英语主语往往为普通名词,不像普通英语那样充满感情色彩,且常为被动语态,需将英语的被动语态转换为汉语的主动语态。1718III.III.英语的主语转换为汉语的定语英语的主语转换为汉语的定语如果主语和宾语之间的关系密切,或宾语本身就是主语的一部分,翻译成汉语时,为使译文符合汉语的表达习惯,往往把原文的主语转换成定语。191.1.Ea

13、ch Party is liable to the Joint Venture Company only up to the limit of the capital subscribed by it.2.各方对合营公司的责任以各自认缴的出资额为限。201.2.The Guarantee Period shall start from the exact date on which the Purchaser receives notification in writing from the Vendor that Plant is ready for dispatch from the Wo

14、rks.2.担保期限的具体日期自买方收到卖方发出的、并告知已随时可从工厂发运的书面通知起开始计算。211.Dispatch 派遣,调遣,发送(货物),(海商法)(卸货时所要求的)速遣,迅速处理,(利索地)杀死2.Dispatch station 调度时间3.Dispatch time 调度站4.Dispatch department expense调度部门费用22Exercise 1-5:1.1.走过草地几步,我们来到一家华丽的大旅馆。2.A few steps across the lawn brought me to a large,splendid hotel.231.2必须特别强调我国

15、某些高级官员贪污腐败的严重性。2.)We must put great emphasis on the seriousness of corruption and embezzlement among some high-ranking officials in China.3.)Special emphasis must be placed on the gravity of corruption and graft among some high officials in China.241.3.我兴奋得什么话也说不出来。2.Excitement deprived me of all po

16、wer of utterance.3.4.得知我通过了入学考试,别提有多高兴了。4.My delight knew no bounds when I learned that I had pass the entrance examination.251.5.知彼知己,百战不殆。2.)Knowledge of the enemy and oneself enables one to fight a hundred battles without defeat.3.)If you know the enemy and yourself,you can fight a hundred battle

17、s without defeat.261.动词名词化组合方式众多,容量大,表达见解客观。这种现象在WTO文本中表现非常突出。为了使国际法规具有威严性,同时又避免出现真正意义上的执行者,动词名词化就让原来的施动意义隐含在结构深层里面,其表达语气也从“动”到“静”,更符合文本目的,也更容易为译入语读者所理解与服从。272 2英语定语的转换英语定语的转换2.12.1英语的定语转换为汉语的谓语英语的定语转换为汉语的谓语 一般来说,英语是静态的,汉语是动态的,当英语的形容词作定语修饰名词时,通常把英语定语转换为汉语的谓语,使之和被修饰的名词一起构成汉语的主谓词组或小句,这样汉语译文更加地道流畅。281.

18、1.Before going up into the blue hills,Tomas Gomez stopped for gasoline at the lonely station.2.群山苍翠。加油站孤零零的。进山之前,汤姆斯戈麦兹在这儿停车加油。291.2.Better roads and better vehicles induced the wealthier classes to live in the suburbs of the cities.This tendency is now spreading rapidly downwards,concentrating manu

19、facturing activities,business,government,and pleasure in the centers of the cities,but pushing the homes outward even at the cost of the discomfort of commuting.2.道路更加平坦畅通,交通工具更加高速舒适,使得富裕阶层开始居住市郊。这一趋势目前正发展到下层社会,生产活动、商业贸易、政府机关和娱乐设施都集中在市中心,许多家庭不惜忍受上下班的车旅劳顿之苦,居住到郊外。301.3.The technological design of thi

20、s bed cushion is advanced with novel structure,beautiful shape and various patterns.They are comfortable and convenient to carry.2.这种床垫工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式多样,舒适大方,携带方便。311.4.The sample of the machine submitted by the Seller is featured by novel shape,easy operation,high calorific efficiency and low fue

21、l consumption.2.买方提交的样机的特点是造型新颖、操作简便、热效率高、油耗低。3.5.We look forward to an ever increasing volume of business with your glass factories.4.我方盼望与你方玻璃厂的交易日渐增高。322 2)英语定语转换为汉语的状语)英语定语转换为汉语的状语1.英语是静态的,含有动作意义的名词经常转换为汉语的动词,原来名词前的形容词或分词定语,也就可转换成汉语的状语。33定语短语:定语短语:1.1.我偶尔抓到一条鱼。2.1.I caught an occasional fish.3.2

22、.医生定期来诊视我。4.2.The doctor pays me regular visits.5.3.我偶然到杭州走走。6.3.I take an occasional trip to Hangzhou.344.这两个朋友偶然碰头。4.The two friends had a casual meeting.5.每小时都有一班火车开往伦敦。5.There are hourly services of trains to London.6.迈克并非一下就成功的。6.Mike did not have instant success.7.病人恢复缓慢。7.The patient made a s

23、low recovery.351.8.Any dispute arising from the execution of,or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly consultations between both Parties.In case no settlement can be reached through consultations,the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration.2.凡由执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方

24、应友好协商解决,如果协商不能解决,应提交仲裁。361.The Joint Ventures products to be sole in China may be handled by the Chinese Materials and Commercial Departments by means of agency or exclusive sales,or direct sale by the Joint Venture Company.2.合资公司内销产品可由中国物资部门和商业部门代销或包销,或由合资公司直接销售。371.10.Payment for the goods specifi

25、ed herein shall not mean a full acceptance thereof by the Buyer with regard to its quality.All goods shall be accepted only after the Buyers close inspection.2.对合同规定的货物付款不意味着买方已完全接受货物的质量,所有货物要经过买方仔细检验后方可接受。383 3英语状语的转换英语状语的转换1.1.1 1)英语的状语转换为汉语的主语)英语的状语转换为汉语的主语2.合同英语中有些介词短语在句子中作状语时,往往在意义上和主语有密切的联系。为了

26、强调其在句子中的地位,翻译时常将这类状语转换成汉语的主语。391.1.For the purpose of this Contract,the Party B desires to introduce the Patent and engage in production cooperation in accordance with the technical know-how specified in the Patent.2.本合同的目的在于乙方希望引进专利,按专利提供的技术诀窍进行合作生产。401.2.The products fair will be held at the Stand

27、ard Electrical Co.,Madrid,Spain with the Buyers representatives.2.买方代表将参加西班牙马德里标准电器公司举行的产品博览会。414 4英语宾语的转换英语宾语的转换 1.If its verdicts seem excessive,one must keep in mind the impossibility of determining the money value of such intangibles as pain and suffering or loss of reputation.1.陪审团的一些裁决也许言过其实了点

28、,但有一点必须牢记,某些精神上的痛苦折磨、名誉的损害是无法用金钱来衡量的。421.2.Stronger adaptability to market changes,lower management costs and higher labor intensity have ensured these companies comparative advantages and,consequently,competitiveness in the global market.2.这些公司善于适应市场变化,管理成本较低,劳动密集度较高,因而具有相对优势,在全球市场上有竞争力。431.3.Extre

29、mely keen competition between European and Japanese chemical manufacturers in the plastics business has compelled us to bring down the price for the time being.2.欧洲和日本化工厂商在塑料生意方面竞争得异常激烈,迫使我们不得不暂时降价。441.4.The moderate price coupled with the superiority of our goods will induce you to pass us orders.2

30、.由于价钱公道,品质优良,相信贵公司乐于向我们订购。45Exercise:1.6.中华民族的传统文化博大精深,源远流长。2.The traditional Chinese culture,extensive and profound,enjoys a long history.461.7.The pompous vanity of the old school mistress,the foolish good humour of her sister,the silly chat scandal of the elder girls,and the frigid correctness of

31、 the governesses equally annoyed her.2.译文:校长最爱空架子虚面子;她妹妹脾气好得痴呆混沌;年纪大些的学生喜欢说些无聊的闲话,讲讲人家的隐私;教师们又全是一丝不苟的老古板。这一切都同样叫她气闷。3.分析:本句由四个名词短语组成的主语全都升级为句子,然后添加外位语代替主语传达的意思,和原句末尾的谓语部分合起来译。四个短语的处理方法也不尽相同,短语的中心词前都有修饰语,杨必没有受其羁绊,把它们的内在语义关系译了出来。471.8.We claim for shortage in weight and low quality on the consignment

32、of wheat shipped per s.s“Princess Victoria”.2.“维多利亚公主”号轮装运的小麦短重且质量低劣,我方对此提出索赔。481.9.In this contract,the Packing Clause stipulates for one gross to a polythene bag,covered with paper box,50 paper boxes to an inner carton,2 inner cartons to a wooden case.2.合同中的包装条款规定为:每一聚乙烯袋装一罗,然后装入纸盒。五十盒装一纸箱,两纸箱装一木桶

33、。3.Gross 罗,一罗12打,144个491.10.The EEC today is seeking stable and diversified supplies of energy,raw materials and nonferrous metals.2.欧洲经济共同体现正从各方面寻求能源、原料和有色金属的稳定供应。501.The Licensee shall promptly notify the Licensor,in writing,of any acts of infringement or suspected infringement or acts of unfair c

34、ompetition involving the Trademarks and of any applications or registrations of confusingly similar marks which may come to its attention.511.The Licensee shall not be entitled to take any proceedings or call on the Licensor to take any proceedings in any of the aforesaid matters;provided,however,th

35、at the Licensor may,at its own discretion and cost,prosecute or otherwise stop or prevent such actual or threatened infringement in the name of both the Licensor and the Licensee or either of them,and in each case the Licensee shall render all reasonable assistance required by the Licensor.521.一旦被许可

36、方获悉涉及商标行为或涉嫌的侵权行为,或涉及商标的不正当竞争行为,以及引起混淆的类似商标的应用和注册,被许可方应立即书面通知许可方。被许可方无权就上述任何行为起诉或要求许可方起诉,但许可方可自行决定并自付费用,以许可方和被许可方双方名义或任一方名义,对实际发生或似将发生的商标侵权行为提起诉讼,或以其他方式阻止或防止该等侵权行为。无论许可方采取前述何种行动,被许可方均应提供许可方所要求的一切合理协助。53谢谢观看/欢迎下载BY FAITH I MEAN A VISION OF GOOD ONE CHERISHES AND THE ENTHUSIASM THAT PUSHES ONE TO SEEK ITS FULFILLMENT REGARDLESS OF OBSTACLES.BY FAITH I BY FAITH

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