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1、屯字中学中学八年级英语(上)讲学稿系列Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 1a1c课题:period 1 课型:新授课 主备:慕 萌 审核:赵雪梅教学班级: 教者姓名: 教学时间: 、【教学目标】1、知识与能力:(1)What do you think of ?句式在不同人称中的使用极其几种不同的答语方式。(2)掌握一般现在时的运用,鼓励学生大胆开口,积极参与课堂活动,培养实际交际能力。(3)词汇:news, educational, hope,

2、discussion, stand, talent show, learn from., plan/hope to do sth.(4)能熟练地用英语表达自己对事物的不同意见及不同程度的喜好。2、过程与方法采用practicing, listening, saying and role playing 等多种策略,利用图片和游戏积极开展pair work等活动。3、情感目标:让学生了解各类电视节目,对各类电视节目有筛选型的进行收看,通过本单元学习,让学生认识时尚,理解时尚。、【教学重难点】1 How is the weather ? Its raining.2 Whats he doing ?

3、 Hes playing basketball .3 How is it going ? Great / Pretty good / Not good/ Terrible 、【教学方法】感知-合作探究-互动-发现-训练-反思、【教学课时】一课时、【教学步骤】【教前准备-感知】(一)预习33页单词,并理解意思。 (1)个人自读,记忆单词(2)小组互相检查读、写情况(3)写出下列单词并展示计划_ 希望_ 预料_ 忍受_情景喜剧_ 新闻_肥皂剧_(4完成1a 将单词与图画匹配.(二)预习检测(1)同桌互相提问短语。(2)把1a词组译成汉语。1. talk show_2. soap opera_3.

4、sports show _4. sitcom _5. game show _ 【疑难摘录-发现】 【合作探究-互动】 1、完成1b听力练习,了解马克对电视节目的看法。认真听1b;完成1b听力练习;检查答案;2、两人一组合作练习1c, 要求用其他词语替换练习。 A:What do you want to watch?B:What do you think ofA: B: Then lets watch3、两人一组全班表演1c。4、1b是马克对电视节目的看法,1c是自己的看法。对比人称变化后,谓语动词的变化: 5、讨论如何询问第三人称喜好和计划的句型 (1)A: What does he thin

5、k of? (2)A: What does he plan to watch?B: He loves it./He likes it./ B: He plans to watch (2)What do you think of?=How do you like?你认为怎么样?/你觉得怎么样?【达标测试-训练】 一、下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正。1. He dont mind the wallet. _2. I dont have a watch, a scarf and sunglasses._3. Each student in our school wear a uniform._4

6、. I often watch sitcoms, so I like them. _5. How does your mother think of the belt? _二、汉翻英1.你认为肥皂剧怎么样?_do you_ _ _ _?2.我无法忍受。太令人厌烦了。I_ _ it. Its too boring.3.他很喜欢数学课,很有趣。He_ math classes. They are _.【拓展延伸-中考链接】1、He wants the game show.A. watch B. see C. to watch D. to see2、What do you the sports sh

7、ow? -Its great!A. think B. like C. think of D. look like3、I the sitcom. Its too long.A. like B. dont mind C. cant stand D. love4、Can you help me what time the train leaves?A. find out B. look for C. watch D. see5、I like watching news. I want to know what is around the world.A. go on B. goes on C. go

8、ing on D. went on【错题集合】 【教学反思】 【板书设计】 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 2a2d课题:period 2 课型:新授课 主备:慕 萌 审核:赵雪梅教学班级: 教者姓名: 教学时间: 、【教学目标】1、知识与能力:(1). 掌握词汇:, educational, hope, discussion, stand, talent show, learn from., plan/hope to do sth.(2)掌握句型:- What do you think of game shows? - I

9、 like them. / I love them. / I dont like them. / I cant stand them. /I dont mind them. (3)有关的词汇和句型并学会询问人的现状。2、过程与方法采用practicing, saying and role playing 等多种策略,利用游戏积极开展pair work等活动。结对活动和小组活动完成2a -2d练习。3、情感目标:学会制定计划的表达。Do you plan to watch the news tonight?、【教学重难点】句型练习: Hows it going? GreatHows the we

10、ather? Its snowing. 、【教学方法】感知-合作探究-互动-发现-训练-反思、【教学课时】一课时、【教学步骤】【教前准备-感知】1个人自读,记忆单词2.小组互相检查读、写情况3 .写出下列单词并展示脱口秀 肥皂剧 游戏节目 体育节目 才艺表演 不喜欢 不介意 不能忍受 4.询问第三人称喜好和计划的句型(1)A: What does he think of? B: He loves it./He likes it./ (2)A: What does he plan to watch?B: He plans to watch 【疑难摘录-发现】 【合作探究-互动】1、2人一组朗读2

11、a单词,明确汉语。听录音,完成2a将听到的电视节目排序并相互核对答案。2、听录音,完成2b部分的句子并相互核对答案。3、完成3c,学会制定计划的表达。4、不定式做宾语的用法及练习。动词不定式是由“不定式符号to+动词原形”构成的一种非谓语动词结构。有些动词不定式不带to,动词不定式可以作句子的主语、表语、宾语、定语、补语、状语或单独使用。不定式保留动词的某些特性,可以有自己的宾语、状语等。动词不定式和它后面的宾语、状语等一起构成短语,叫作不定式短语。1、动词不定式(短语)可以放在一些动词后面用作宾语,能以动词不定式作宾语的动词有:begin,start, want, forget, remem

12、ber, show, learn, like, hate, love, ask等。例: I want to tell you a story. 我想给你讲个故事。2 *如果and连接两个动词不定式,第二个动词不定式一般省“to”例:(1)He wants to go and have a swim with us. 他想和我们一起去游泳。 (2)若作宾语的动词不定式(短语)很长,可用it作形式宾语。 I find it interesting to learn English with you. 我觉得和你一起学英语很有趣。 He found it hard to catch up with

13、others. 他觉得赶上别人很困难。3.动词decide, know, learn, show, teach, tell.,介词结构on.可用疑问词带to的不定式短语作宾语,但why后面的不定式不带to。【达标测试-训练】根据句意及所给的首字母或汉语提示, 完成单词拼写。1. What do you t_ of your English teacher?We love her very much.2. I cant s_ soap operas. Theyre boring.3. He doesnt _ (介意) sitcoms.4. In f_, Im a little hungry no

14、w.5. There is _ (没有什么) in the box but a ring.【拓展延伸-中考链接】1.(2006陕西) What _ Maria think of Ann? A.does B.do C.is2.(2009海淀区一模) Henry doesnt like the movie, I dont _.A.too B.either C.also【错题集合】 【教学反思】 【板书设计】Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A Grammar Focus3c课题:period 3 课型:新授课 主备:慕 萌 审核:赵雪

15、梅教学班级: 教者姓名: 教学时间: 、【教学目标】1、知识与能力:(1)会读背单词:news, educational, plan, hope, discussion, stand, talent show, learn from., plan/hope to do sth.(2)谈论各类电影和电视节目的名称(3)句型: expect to V hope to be2、过程与方法采用practicing, listening, saying and role playing 等多种策略,利用游戏积极开展pair work groupwork等活动。3、情感目标:学会用sectionA所学习的

16、本单元的基础知识创造属于自己的信息,以对话的形式用一般现在时表示自己从事的活动的看法等。、【教学重难点】1. 学会询问他人对某事物的观点并会正确表达自己的看法。2动词不定式用法 expect to V hope to be 、【教学方法】感知-合作探究-互动-发现-训练-反思、【教学课时】一课时、【教学步骤】【教前准备-感知】1、生词预习;2勾画短语。had a discussion about TV shows.I cant stand them. like to follow the storysee what happens next. I dont mind soap operas.

17、may not be very exciting,expect tolearn a lot from them. 【疑难摘录-发现】 【合作探究-互动】1、like to V be like doing和like to do 可以互换当表示喜欢某事物,而且以前就喜欢,还可能持续,用like doing ,如:He likes cooking in his house.She likes singing.这些都可以表示一个人长期的爱好。like一词具有多种词性和词义,以及多种用法。 一、用作动词: like+名词/代词,意为喜欢某人或某物。 I like to swim with you tod

18、ay.今天我喜欢和你一起去游泳。 二、用作介词: be like, look like后接名词或代词作宾语,意为像;跟一样。例如: What is he like? 他 2、expect to V be请读下面的句子,注意expect的用法。I expect a snowstorm. 我预计会有一场暴风雪。【及时归纳】expect是及物动词,意为“预料,盼望”,它有以下常见用法:1. expect + n. / pron. 预计可能发生;期待某人或某物 2. expect + to do sth. 料想做某事 3. expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事 4. expect

19、 + 从句 预计 / 料想 【达标测试-训练】1.What do you think _ game show?2.Miss Zhang likes the dress very much. What _ you?3.We can learn a lot _our mistakes(错误).4.Mr. Chen is a good teacher and he is _ a good father.5.Dont play jokes _ me.Translate the following sentences.【拓展延伸-中考链接】补全对话(一空一词):( ) 1. - _ do you lik

20、e it? - Very much. A. How B. What C. Why D. When( ) 2. - What _ she think of the book? - She loves it. A. do B. is C. was D. does ( ) 3. I like soap operas, she likes _, too. A. it B. they C. them D. the ones( ) 4. Do you mind _ the windows? A. to open B. opens C. opening D. opened( ) 5. I dont like

21、 Mr Bean. _, I dont like comedies. A. In fact B. Im sorry C. Really D. Because ( ). -_ going shopping this weekend? - That sounds great. A. Why dont you B. Please C. Lets D. What about【错题集合】 【教学反思】 【板书设计】 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B 1a1d课题:period 4 课型:新授课 主备:慕 萌 审核:赵雪梅教学班级: 教者

22、姓名: 教学时间: 、【教学目标】1、知识与能力:(1)学会谈论自己的喜好,并准确表达对电视节目的看法。 (2)掌握不定式作宾语的用法。 (3) 学会制定计划的表达。 2、过程与方法采用热阿reading,practicing, saying and writing 等多种策略,积极开展pair work ,groupwork等活动。3、情感目标:描述在不同场合下人们即将的进行的动作,提高与人交流的能力。、【教学重难点】学会询问他人对某事物的观点并会正确表达自己的看法。- What do you think of game shows? - I like them. / I love them

23、. / I dont like them. / I cant stand them. /I dont mind them. 学会制定计划的表达。、【教学方法】感知-合作探究-互动-发现-训练-反思、【教学课时】一课时、【教学步骤】【教前准备-感知】按要求写出下列单词的相应形式:无聊的_有趣的_令人兴奋的_愉快的_有意义的_放松的_精彩的_严肃的_有教育意义的_可怕的_喜剧片_卡通片_动作影片_恐怖影片_碰巧做某事_忘记做某事_尝试做某事_尽力做某事_多于一个_【疑难摘录-发现】 【合作探究-互动】1、朗读1a单词,并写出其中文。Educational serious wonderful rel

24、axing meaningless enjoyable exciting boring3 )ask sb. about sth问某人某事ask for 向请求2、明确这些形容词的用法,位于联系动词后,作表语;位于名词前,作定语。3、用这些形容词造句。4、完成1a任务。小组完成1b、1c 1d4、1b Listen and circle the description words you hear in the box in 1a. 5、1c Listen again. Write down the words John and Mary use to describe the TV shows

25、 or movies.6、check the answers in pairs.7、listen and repeat after the tape.8、read the diologue aloud. 9、talk about John and Mary use the words to describe the TV shows or movies.(1d)【达标测试-训练】按要求改写句子。Mary loves her belt very much.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Mary _ _ her belt?Mike is a boy of twelve.(改为同义句)Mike is a

26、 _ boy.Why not have a party?(改为同义句)_ _ _ a party?What do you think of the pen?(改为同义句)_ do you _ the pen?I think this picture is beautiful.(对划线部分提问)What _ you _ _ this picture?【拓展延伸-中考链接】根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。1. 你妈妈认为访谈节目怎么样?What does your mother _ _ talk shows?2. 她从不看体育节目。She _ _ sports shows.3. 你计划看体育节目吗?D

27、o you _ _ watch sports shows?4. 妈妈不同意我的想法。My mother doesnt _ _ me.【错题集合】 【教学反思】 【板书设计】Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B 2a4课题:period 5 课型:新授课 主备:慕 萌 审核:赵雪梅教学班级: 教者姓名: 教学时间: 、【教学目标】1、知识与能力:(1). 能够比较熟练地掌握与评价相关的用语。(2)会读会背单词:culture, famous, appear, become, rich, successful, might, main

28、, reason, common, film, unlucky, lose, ready, simple, (3)学会运用本单元所学句型描述对其喜好程度并客观地评价事物。2、过程与方法采用自主探究、pair work ,groupwork等方式完成下面的练习题。3、情感目标:进一步掌握现做计划的表达方法,提高与人交流的能力。、【教学重难点】 1. Master some new language points. 2. How to train the Ss reading ability efficiently.、【教学方法】感知-合作探究-互动-发现-训练-反思、【教学课时】一课时、【教学步

29、骤】【教前准备-感知】1、朗读课文2、勾画短语并翻译think of came out the first cartoon with sound and music In the 1930s One of the main reasons 3、朗读并翻译课文【疑难摘录-发现】 【合作探究-互动】1.小组合作完成2a2. 小组一起读3a 短文,完成题目要求并核对答案。 2b Read the passage and complete the time line on the next page.3.小组讨论短文意思,然后全班交流,教师点拨。4再读3a小短文,完成2c2c Read the pas

30、sage again and fill in the facts about Mickey.What does he look like?Who created him?What was his first cartoon?Who is his girlfriend? Why is he popular? Mickey Mouse 【达标测试-训练】1.Its _ for the boy to get the last book on the desk.A. luck B.lucky C. luckily D.unlucky2.Walt Disney made 87 cartoons with

31、 Mickey _ 1930s. A. at B. for C.in D.on3.We decided to try _ best to help him. A. us B. our C. we D.ours4._ , the boy lost his parents in the earthquake (地震).A Lukky B. Lukkyily C. Unluky D. Unluckily5.I didnt see him yesterday because he didnt _ at all.A. appear B. happen C. leaves D. goes6.Were yo

32、u born(出身) _ July 11,1999? A. in B. on C. from D. at【拓展延伸-中考链接】My name is Gina. I like comedies very much. But my parents dont like them. They like documentaries. They dont think comedies are interesting, and I think comedies are boring. So I never go to the movies with my parents. I often go to the

33、 movies with my good friends.John is my friend. Tom Hanks is his favorite actor. He collects the pictures, reports, and movie VCDs of him. But I love Harrison Ford best. Hes old but attractive(吸引人的). My cousin Ann also loves Harrison Ford. Ann and I have many things in common. For example, we both l

34、ike comedies. And we also like thrillers, though theyre so scary.Ginas parents like _.A.comedies B.documentaries C.both A and BGina thinks documentaries _A.boring B.interesting C.funJohn _ Tom Hanks.A.doesnt like B.cant stand C.likesAnn _ Harrison Ford.A.loves B.doesnt mind C.hatesThe _ are scary, b

35、ut Gina likes them.A.comedies B.action movies C.thrillers 【错题集合】 【教学反思】 【板书设计】 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B 3a4课题:period 6 课型:新授课 主备:慕 萌 审核:赵雪梅教学班级: 教者姓名: 教学时间: 、【教学目标】1、知识与能力:(1)复习本单元单词。(2)学会写作:客观描述自己及他人对事物的看法及意见。2、过程与方法采用自主探究、pair work ,groupwork 教师点拨、教师讲解等方式掌握本单元的重点的知识,并完成课后

36、练习及配套练习册。3、情感目标:客观描述自己及他人对事物的看法及意见,提高与人交流的能力。、【教学重难点】 1. 复习本单元单词。2. 学会写作:客观描述自己及他人对事物的看法及意见。、【教学方法】感知-合作探究-互动-发现-训练-反思、【教学课时】一课时、【教学步骤】【教前准备-感知】 1.Mary told me some interesting _ (新闻) this morning.2.Lets have a _ (讨论) about the time when well go to Beijing.3.Last year his sister _ (成为) a reporter.4.

37、At about eight oclock, his uncle _ (出现) at the party.5.Just now your mother told me two interesting _ (笑话).6.They feel tired. They e to go to see an relaxing movie to relax themselves.7.-Do you know the f singer from America? She sings very well. -Sure.8. The man is r in money,but poor in knowledge.

38、9. Two weeks later, the new students (变得) familiar (熟悉) with each other.10. -What are you doing? -Im getting (准备好的) for the coming test.【疑难摘录-发现】 【合作探究-互动】小组学习3a1、组长带领阅读3a方框里的单词并明确其含义,写出汉语。fantastic shows action want comes from played about like exciting plan2、组长带领阅读3a课文并明确短文大意。3、完成空格内容。4、核对答案。四、总结(

39、引深探究 15分钟)调查What do you and your partner think of these TV shows or movies? Write description words for each one. 写作1、完成3b问题,写出自己的答案。2、将提示词语写成完整的句子。3、将写出的几个句子连成作文。【达标测试-训练】翻译句子. 1.有关音乐方面的东西,我学到了许多。 I _ a lot _music。 2. 我父亲也喜欢这部电影。 My father _ _the movies. 3.我很喜欢肥皂剧。 I like _ _ _very much. 4. 我认为这部电影

40、很有趣。 _ _this movie is exciting.5. 吉姆认为这是部可怕的恐怖片。Jim _this is a_ _.【拓展延伸-中考链接】补全对话A:What day is it today? B:_Saturday.A:Do you _to go to a movie? B: _,I do.A:_kind _ movies do you like?B: I like action _.I _its _.A: Good! Lets see _action movie.B:That sounds _. 【错题集合】 【教学反思】 【板书设计】 - 12 - Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

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