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1、舒城中学2020学年度第二学期第四次统考高一英语第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a hotel. B. In a clinic. C. In a library.2. When is the woman able to get her photos?A. Hal

2、f an hour later. B. One hour later. C. Two hours later.3. Why doesnt the woman buy the necklace?A. Because she doesnt like itB. Because she thinks it is expensive.C. Because she considers it of low quality.4. What is the man probably?A. A taxi driver. B. A policeman. C. A train station worker.5. Wha

3、t does the man suggest?A. Booking a table.B. Meeting around 6:00.C. Meeting inside the restaurant.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What is the mans major?A. Finance. B.

4、Business administration. C. English literature. 7. What course did the man like best as a student?A. Project management. B. English literature. C. Computer engineering.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Why didnt the woman go to school yesterday?A. Her throat hurt. B. She caught a cold. C. Her leg was broken.9. What

5、 does the man advise the woman to do at first?A. Have enough rest. B. Take another day off.C. Drink plenty of water.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How much does the four-week course cost?A. l,000. B. 1,100. C. 1,200.11. Which course will the man choose?A. The one in July. B. The one in August. C. The one in S

6、eptember.12. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Stay with a family.B. Send the college his picture.C. Write to the college with his information.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How does the woman find Hainan Island?A. It deserves visiting.B. It is sunny all year around.C. It is cool all year around.14.

7、 What is the Hainans average temperature in July?A. 6 to 16. B. 16 to 24.C. 25 to 29.15. Which month is among the rainy seasons in Hainan?A. June. B. March. C. December.16. Which is famous for history? A. Yalong Bay National Holiday Resort.B. The Five Officials Memorial Temple.C. Nanshan Cultural an

8、d Tourist Zone.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When do people celebrate All Saints Day every year?A. On November 1. B. On October 30. C. On October 31. 18. Who may like Halloween best?A. Children. B. Women. C. Adults.19. Which vegetable is the mark of Halloween?A. Tomato. B. Potato. C. Pumpkin.20. What do the

9、 adults give to the children?A. Fruit or candy.B. Treat-money or candy.C. Treat-money or vegetables.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AAre you wishing for the days when your feed was filled with posts from friends you care about the most? The good news is t

10、hat you can fix your Facebook News Feed to show more posts that interest you and fewer that do not. By taking just a few minutes to fix your feed, you may be able to enjoy Facebook again.No need to unfriend anyone.Just set your feed to see what you want to see and hide what you do not want to see.Se

11、e important friends firstFacebook lets you choose which friends posts show at the top of your News Feed. Maybe you have dear friends who do not post often, but you want to be sure you see their posts first.You can easily choose whose posts you want to see first by changing your News Feed settings.Pr

12、ocedures:On the Facebook website, tap the Down arrow in the upper right corner of the blue bar at the top of the screen. Then, choose “News Feed Preferences”. Then click on “List who to see first.” Then choose the names of people whose posts you want to see at the top of your News Feed. The final st

13、ep is to click “Done” at the bottom.Block friends posts without unfriending anyoneYou may be best friends with someone in real life but have no interest in their Facebook posts. Maybe they post angry messages or childish videos. Facebook lets you secretly block friends posts from your feed. No one w

14、ill know you blocked them unless you tell them.Procedures:The process is simple. Tap the Down arrow in the upper right comer of the blue bar at the top of the Facebook page. Then, choose “News Feed Preferences”. Next, choose “Unfollow people to hide their posts”. Then, mark the friends you want to u

15、nfollow. This will prevent their posts from appearing in your News Feed. When you finish blocking, just tap “Done”.21. What does the text guide people to do?A. To update information on Facebook.B. To reset Facebook for receiving posts.C. To search for favourite posts on Facebook.D. To download an ap

16、plication for Facebook.22. How many steps does it take to reset your favorite posts?A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.23. Why do you want to block some of your friends posts?A. Because their posts may bother you.B. Because you are too busy to read them.C. Because they are not your best friends.D. Because you w

17、ant to stay away from them.24. What will happen if you mark your friends as “Unfollow”?A. They will not get in touch with you.B. You will make them angry with you.舒中高一统考英语 第4页 (共10页)C. They will not see your posts on Facebook.D. Your News Feed will not show their posts.B My shoe lesson number one Ba

18、ck in my days as a consumer salesman,I was on my way to deliver a speech in Newfoundland. Sitting comfortably in the airplane seat, my mind was bobbing aimlessly on an ocean of emptiness. Suddenly I broke out in a cold sweat as I realized I had forgotten my dress shoes at home. Yikes! I was wearing

19、running shoes for an important speech.I know, I could buy a new pair when I landed. It was too late, and the stores were already closed.What about in the morning? No, the next day was Sunday and my speech was scheduled at 9:00 a.m. Ninety seconds later, however, my cold sweat had miraculously been r

20、eplaced with a single idea.The next morning, I began my speech: “You might be wondering why I am wearing running shoes today. Well, its about this request here. When Im done speaking, Ill be running door to door and I want every one of you to come running with me, too.”My little mistake became a cle

21、ver demonstration of action speaking louder than words.My shoes lesson number twoMy brother was getting married. We had just witnessed the signing of the papers at their house, and they were rushing over to another place for the ceremony. As we locked up their house, my wifes sandal broke. She tried

22、 walking in it, but in vain. So off to the nearest shoe store we quickly went. We knew they would wait for us before starting the ceremony. What we did not know was how long they would wait.That day, my wife performed a miracle that no other woman had done before or since. She went into the store an

23、d came out just five minutes later with the perfect pair of sandals-breaking the old woman-shopping-for-shoes Olympic record into pieces!Perhaps the most important lesson here is that, contrary to popular belief, the shoes does not make the man (or woman). But the lack of shoes can build character.2

24、5. How does the author impress you with his first shoe story?A. He was very intelligent.B. He was too ambitious.C. He was strict and careful.D. He was really strict.26. Before entering the shoe store, the author thought it_.A. unlikely for his wife to finish shopping in a short timeB. a great pity t

25、o have to miss his brothers weddingC. important to test the quality of a new pair of shoesD. strange to be in a difficult situation for a second time27. What message does the author convey through the text?A. Emergencies can help shape our character.B. Its hard to charge our character overnight.C. Y

26、ou can never judge a person by his looks.D. Never buy shoes without trying them on first. CTens of millions of years ago, an asteroid(小行星)hit what is now the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. The event led to a global mass extinction that has been linked to the end of the dinosaurs. New research shows wh

27、at that great disaster led to is a modern age of fish.Sixty-six million years ago, the ocean was a different place. Sharks and octopus-like creatures were powerful. But scientist Elizabeth Sibert finds there were other important species as well. “There were also many reptiles(爬行动物)in the ocean that

28、were swimming around. And of course there were fish. Absolutely there were ray-finned fish around. Its just that they didnt play a major role.”Ms. Sibert is a graduate student at the University of California. She and her professor compared fossil fish teeth and shark scales in sediment(沉淀物)that date

29、d before and after the mass death. “Basically the deeper down you get, the older you get. So we looked at sediments from 75 million years ago to about 45 million years ago, looking every 200,000 years in some cases, and every 10,000 years in other cases.”Fossil evidence showed that the ratio(比率)of f

30、ish to shark changed sharply after the asteroid hit. “ We see that instead of having about equal number of shark fossils and fish fossils, we see that the fish fossils more double and that trend continues while the shark fossils stay more or less the same.” Ms. Sibert explains.The study suggests tha

31、t the mass extinction killed many animals at both the top and bottom of the ocean food chain. This permitted animals in the middle of the chain to increase their numbers. Those animals are the ray-finned fish that represent nearly all fish species today.Ms. Sibert says her next step is to go back to

32、 the micro-fossil record. She will try to learn from it how the fish dealt with other stresses in the ocean, like global warming.28. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?A. There were more sharks than reptiles before the asteroid event.B. Fish were already very powerful before the asteroi

33、d event.C. The dinosaurs disappeared partly because of the asteroid event.D. Animals on the land suffered more from the event than those in the ocean.29. In her research, Ms. Sibert studied sediments covering _.A. 10,000 years B. 75 million yearsC. 200,000 years D. 30 million years30. After the aste

34、roid hit, _.舒中高一统考英语 第6页 (共10页)A. the number of sharks almost doubledB. the number of fish fossils fell greatlyC. the number of sharks didnt change muchD. the number of fish and sharks became equal31. What could be the best title for the text? A. The Base of Ocean Food Chain B. Why Did the Dinosaurs

35、 Die Out C. Asteroid Event Leads to Rise of Fish D. Global Warming and the Dinosaurs DAs Canadians approach the ends of their career, they start to wonder how much they need to save to maintain their standard of living in retirement. This is not an easy question as many variables are unknown. The fi

36、rst is life expectancy(平均寿命).Life expectancy is one of the most misunderstood aspects of retirement income planning yet, it is one of the most important factors. Most people assume that life expectancy is the same as lifespan(寿命). This is not correct. Instead, life expectancy is a medium number of y

37、earssuch that 50 percent of a particular age group will die before this number of years, and the other 50 percent will die after this periodHow you save for retirement is also important. What you care about in retirement is how much income you have after tax and after inflation. You want to know wha

38、t lifestyle you can maintain in retirement.If you saved for retirement only using registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), you will need a larger account balance, as every dollar that you redeem from an RRSP is fully taxable(纳税的) while funds withdrawn from a tax-free savings account (TFSA) are fre

39、e of tax. And if you were lucky enough to save funds outside these structures , only the earnings on these funds are taxable.Government pension rights are important in retirement income planning. Old Age Security (OAS) offers up to $ 569 a month and the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) gives a maximum of $

40、 1,065 a month. The average right for new beneficiaries is $640 a month.But lets look at this from another point of view. When you retire, one of the greatest risks that you have is running out of money. If you can maintain your lifestyle on your personal investment, then delaying the start of your

41、CPP pension can be viewed as a version of longevity insurance (保险).32. Why is it difficult to solve the question mentioned in paragraph 1?A. Because of peoples mind. B. Because of living standard.C. Because of peoples lifestyle. D. Because of changeable factors.33. Which of the following factors is

42、the most important on saving for retirement?A. Life expectancy. B. The way to save.C. Personal investment. D. Government pension rights.34. How do people avoid risks after retirement according to the text?A. Keeping account balanced.B. Making a spending planning.C. Saving funds outside the mentioned

43、 structures.D. Maintaining personal investment and delaying CPP.35. What might be the best title for the passage?A. Canadians Pension Plan B. Saving For RetirementC. Extending Life Expectancy D. Managing Personal Account第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 What

44、 causes culture shock?To understand culture shock helps to understand what culture is. 36 What you might not know is that your environmentyour surroundingshas a big effect on your appearance and behavior as well.Your environment isnt just the air you breathe and the food you eat, though. 37 . Cultur

45、e is made up of the common things that members of a community learn from family, friends, media, literature, and even strangers. These are the things that influence how you look, act, and communicate. 38 . For instance, the way you shake hands with someone when meeting them, when you eat your meals

46、each day, the kind of things you find funny, or how you view religion.When you go to a new place, such as a new country or even a new city, you often enter a culture that is difficult from the one you left. 39 . Other times, they can be very different. What might be perfectly normal in one culture-f

47、or instance, spending hours eating a meal with your family-might be unusual in a culture that values a more fast-paced lifestyle. 40 . You may encounter unfamiliar clothes, weather, and food as well as different people, schools, and values. You may find yourself struggling to do things in your surro

48、undings that were easy back home. Dealing with the differences can be very unsettling; those feelings are part of adjusting to a new culture.A. Sometimes your culture and the new culture are similar.B. Youll probably find that your difficulties will pass.C. These things have become second-nature to

49、you.D. A big part of your environment is culture.E. You may know that genes determine a big part of how you look and act.F. How can you begin to feel comfortable in your new surroundings?G. Cultural differences can make it difficult to adjust to the new surroundings.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共

50、20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上讲该项涂黑。I moved to New York City after college. I quickly learned that smiling, for the most part, was not a good thing. A smile attracted _41_attention, especially from men who would stop me as I walked down the street. Being an i

51、nexperienced young woman, I didnt know how to deal with such _42_. I felt powerless, _43_, and disturbed. _44_I found a kind of neutral(中立的)_45_ that I wore every time I went outside. If I _46_ at a stranger, it was forced, a polite return of a smile. My true smile came out only for my loved ones.On

52、e day, in a book store I _47_the story that changed my outlook about the way I looked as I walked through the worldThe Smile, which _48_ “The Smile was a magic moment when two souls recognize each other.” I _49_that moment too because I had experienced it several times and to me it felt so full of_5

53、0_ and possibility. The next morning on my way to work I stopped in a cafe and bought a cup of tea. When the _51_ handed me the cup I smiled and said thank you. He _52_back and for a moment looked_53_. Then he smiled and said, “Ive been doing this all morning, _54_ youre the first person to smile at

54、 me.” I just _55_, smiled again and left.I couldnt _56_how good I feltI actually felt more like myself! As I continued to smile throughout the days, weeks and months I noticed an amazing_57_: The more I smiled, the_58_ everything seemed; and the friendlier everything seemed, the more I smiled. It al

55、so seemed to me that the smiles I received_59_ were not just polite smiles. I felt a momentary_60_ with the person, as though we had come to an agreement that all was right with the world.41. A.illegal B.unwanted C.informal D.impossible42. A.change B.belief C.decision D.behavior43. A.annoyed B.surpr

56、ised C.satisfied D.shocked44. A.Equally B.Actually C.Eventually D. Frequently45. A.clothes B.shoes C.glasses D.expression46. A.glared B.smiled C.stared D.laughed47. A.came across B.thought of C.wrote down D.came up with48. A.wrote B.spoke C.told D.read49. A.purchased B.recognized C.improved D.please

57、d50. A.hope B.symptoms C.sadness D.hardship51. A.waitress B.customer C.writer D.waiter52. A.ran B.stepped C.pushed D.paid53. A.scared B.amused C.confused D.concerned54. A.if B.but C.so D.as55. A.shouted B.cried C.nodded D.shook56. A.consider B.doubt C.believe D.understand57. A.story B.lie C.idea D.c

58、ycle58. A.friendlier B.rare C.crueler D.stronger59. A.in return B.in turn C.in contrast D.on time60. A.consultation B.connection C.conversation D.argument第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确行使,并将答案写在答题卡上。I was driving home with my daughter. Two hours 61 , I had picked her up at

59、 her university in Reno. Somehow, I drove onto a wrong road as a result of 62 (careless). We ended up in Mammoth Lakes, California, 63 (catch) in a snow storm. I was driving a very small car and we did not have 64 (it) tire chains on. I was very terrified since I am not familiar 65 driving in snow.

60、What was 66 (bad), we did not have any cell phone signals and it was getting dark. I would see that we were on the side of the mountain and if we 67 (slip), we could have been in a bad accident.We were getting desperate 68 a man and his wife stopped and asked us to follow them down the mountain. Whi

61、le we were on the way down the mountain, I lost control of the car and it got into a ditch. 69 (fortunate), we were then in the lower part of the mountain. I thought the 70 (stranger) had left, but they didnt. When they did not see us in the mirror, they came back to look for us. They stayed with us

62、 until a tow truck pulled our car out of the ditch.I dont know their names, but my daughter and I are grateful to them forever.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或者修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均只限一词。 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处

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