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1、翻译的定义和内涵:(Definition and Connotation)Translation is an art/ a science/ a craft?翻译是把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来”(现代汉 语词典)。1. 美国的韦氏新大学辞典给翻译的定义是:翻成本族语言或另一种语言(to turn into ones own language or another language)。2. 苏联语言学家巴尔胡达罗夫在语言与翻译中说,翻译是把一种语言的连贯性话 语在保持共内容即意义的情况下改变为另一种语言的连贯性话语的过程。c.英国著名翻译教育家纽马克(Peter Newmark)

2、则认为,翻译是按作者的创作意图把一 篇文章的意思用另一种语言描述出来的过程(It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended in the text.) (A Textbook of Translation)。我国著名革命家兼文学家瞿秋白说:翻译应当把原文的本意,完全正 确地介绍结中国读者,使中国读者所得到的概念等于英俄日德法.读 者从原文得来的概念.”等等。唐朝(618907)贾公彦在义疏中对翻译作了明确的界定:译即易, 谓换易言语使相解也。”宋代(9

3、60 一 1279)法云(I 0881158)在其所编翻 译名义集自序中进一步指出:夫翻译者,谓翻梵天之语转成汉地之 言。音虽似别,义则大同。”这就是说,翻译即将一种语言一源出语 (the source language)转换成另一种语言目的语(the target language)或曰接受语(the receptor language),而意义保持或大抵保持不变。著名英国学者约翰逊博士 (Dr. Samuel Johnson, 17091784)对翻译也作 过类似的界说;To translate is to change into another language, retainingth

4、e sense”。时至今日,关于翻译的定义虽有种种不同提法,但仍保持上述基本框架,只是日趋全面、完整和系统。1) “翻译”溯源1. Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style, (Eugene A. Nida & Charles R. Taber: The Theory and Practice

5、of Translation, 1969)所谓翻译,是在译语中用最切近的自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首 先是意义,其次是文体。2. 80年代后期,我国首部翻译学专著的作者、翻译家、翻译理论家黄龙教授用英语写 至上 Translation may be defined as follows: The replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)翻译可作如下界定:用一种语言(目的语)的文本材料对等地再现另 一种语言(源语)的文本

6、材料。(3) A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition, (A. F. Tytler: Essay on the Principles of Translation

7、. 1791)译文应完全复写出原作的思想。译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同。译文应和原作同样流畅。2) 翻译的本质(1) Some professional translation take considerable pride in denying that they have any theory of translationthey just translate. In reality, however,all person engaged in the complex task of translating posses some type of underlying or cove

8、rt theory, even though it may be still very embryonic and described only as just beingfaithful to what the author was trying to say. (Nida )Note: 1. underlying or covert: basic, inner; concealed, not open, secret 2. embryonic: in an early stage of development一些职业翻译工作者相当得意地称他们没有翻译理论一他们只顾埋 头翻译。然而,事实上,

9、所有从事翻译这项复杂工作的人都具有或隐或 掩的理论,尽管这种理论尚处在萌芽状态,或者被轻描淡写地说成,忠实于作者想要说的”。(奈达)(2) It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended in the text. Common sense tells us that this ought to be simple, as one ought to be able to say something as well in one language as i

10、n another. On the other hand, you may see it as complicated, artificial and fraudulent, since by using another language you are pretending to be someone you are not. The translation cannot simply reproduce, or be, the original. And since this is so, the first business of the translator is to transla

11、te. (Peter Newmark)Note: fraudulent: deceitful or dishonest翻译,就是像原作者把思想变成文字那样,把一个文本的意思译成另一 种语言。常识告诉我们翻译应该是简单的,就如一个人能够用一种语言 自如表达,也能够用另一种语言自如表达一样。但从另一方面来说,你 也许会觉得翻译是复杂的、做作的以及虚假的,因为在使用另一种语言 的时候,你实际上在扮演一个非你的角色。翻译不可能是简单的复制,或者,也不可能是如出一辙的原本。既然如此,译者的第一任务就是翻 译。(纽马克)3)翻译的标准Translation is first a science, whic

12、h entails the knowledge and verification of the facts and the language that describe them - here, what is wrong, mistakes of truth, can be identified;Secondly, it is a skill, which calls for appropriate language and acceptable usage;Thirdly, an art, which distinguishes good from undistinguished writ

13、ing and is the creative, the intuitive, sometimes the inspired level of the translation;Lastly, a matter of taste, where argument ceases, preferences are expressed, and the variety of meritorious translation is the reflection of individual differences. (Peter Newmark)Note: entail: make sth. necessar

14、y; involve首先,翻译是一门科学,它需要对事实的认知、核查,需要懂得描述 这些事实的语言-错误的内容,错误的事实,应该得以鉴别。第二,翻译是一种技巧,它需要恰当的语言和约定俗成的用法。第三,翻译是一门艺术,它识优辨劣,是一种创造性的、凭直觉的,有时是闪烁灵感的翻译。最后,翻译是一种风格,它弥合了分歧,显示了个人的偏爱,形形色色 精彩纷呈的译文折射了译者的特点。(纽马克)2.中国几位翻译家的理论(influential translation principles ):严复:信达雅-faithfulness/expressiveness/elegance.The “three chara

15、cter guide/principle is regarded as a plumb-line of long standing to measure the professional level of translating.傅雷:神似-spiritual conformity/close in spirit/alike in spirit/spiritual similarity.Emphasizing the reproduction of the spirit of the flavor of the original.强调 原作神韵再现。钱钟书:化境-sublimed adapta

16、tion/sublimation/reach the acme/point of perfection.Focus on the translators smooth and idiomatic Chinese version for the sake of the Chinese reader.刘重德:信、达、切-faithfulness/expressiveness/closeness.金堤: 等效翻译理论-equivalent effect translation theory.3. 中国翻译史上的论争:鲁迅:宁信而不顺-rather to be faithful than smooth

17、.目的:引入英文句 式的表达法梁实秋、赵景深:宁顺而不信-rather to be smooth than faithful.目的: 可读性强,便于交流。4. 直译与意译:直译-literal / word for word translation意译:free translation直译的例子:crocodile tears鳄鱼的眼泪;armed to the teeth武装到牙 齿;chain reaction 连锁反应;gentlemens agreement 君子协定;onecountry, two systems 一国两制;the three religions and the ni

18、ne schools of thought 三教九流;paper tiger 纸老虎;breath ones last-断气;go to ones external rest-安息;the long sleep-长眠;see Marx 见马克思;Go west 上西天;go to heaven 上天堂;blow out the candles 吹灯拔蜡;kick the bucket 蹬腿。直译不等于死译(dead translation):e.g. 1)街道妇女应动员起来打扫卫生。Women in the street should be called on to do some clean

19、ing.“In the street should be replaced by “in the community.2)她一大早起床,进城,见到了她的公爹。She got up early, went to the town and saw her public father.Public father should be father-in-law.意译的例子:It rains cats and dogs / at sixes and sevens /Adams apple雨下得很大。/七上八下/喉结句子比较:Little fish does not eat big fish直译:小鱼不吃

20、大鱼 意译:胳膊拧不过大腿试译:天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福: 直译:Storms gather without warning in nature and bad luck befalls men overnight.意译: The unexpected always happens.The weather and human life are both unpredictable.Human fortunes are unpredictable as weather.有人说,翻译是带着镣铐跳舞(translation is like dancing in fetters);还 有人说,翻译像

21、女人,忠实的不漂亮,漂亮的不忠实。实际上,忠实与 通顺的关系是辩证关系。5 .归化与异化(domestication/adaptation or foreignization / alienation)归化的翻译在理论上是把语言看作交际工具;在实践上,强调通俗易懂, 避免多义或歧义。习惯认为,当原文与译文之间因文化差异而出现不能 通达的情况时,要用译语文化替代原语文化即把在译语中找不到对等 的外语词汇改头换面,或套用译语中与之相似的现成的表达法,把它们 变成读者熟悉的译语文化形象。归化派代表人物尤金奈达(Eugene A. Nida )提出:Functional Equivalence功能对等

22、What is functional equivalence?The receptors of the translated text could respond to it with comprehension and appreciation in essentially the same manner and to the same degree as the original receptors of the message; Translation should arouse the same feeling in its receptors as the feeling of th

23、e readers of the original Nidae.g. 1) as white as snow通常译为白如雪/但没有见过雪的人可以将其 翻译为白如白鹭毛,以达到功能对等的目的。2) Spring up like mushrooms.如雨后春笋般涌现出来。3 ) Everybodys business is nobodys business.三个和尚无水喝。(互相 推托;踢皮球)4) Among the blind the one -eyed man is king,山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。(矮子里面挑将军。)(When the cats away, the mice will p

24、lay.)然而,翻译负有文化交流的使命,即尽可能把一个民族的语言和文化习 惯介绍给另一个民族。鲁迅先生就特别强调译文要“保留原文的丰姿”。 在南京大学姜秋霞教授举办的一次翻译调查中,多数读者认为,读异国 文学是为了欣赏异国作品特有的韵味和语言风格,他们在读译文之前就 已经对不同文化的差异有了一定的心理准备,有些人读译文的目的之一 是想了解外国人与中国人之间的异同究竟在什么地方。因此,从促进世 界文化交流这个角度上讲,我们在处理英译汉或汉译英时,都应着力于 全面、完整地向译语读者介绍对方(己方)的全部意蕴,包括文化。特别 要强调的是,在汉译英中,我们尤其要树立这种文化意识,积极创造条 件,弘扬中

25、华文化,帮助英语读者扩大加深对中华文化的了解。异化的 翻译无疑在文化交流方面起了巨大的作用。异化派代表人物韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti): e.g. 1) All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马。 不能译成:殊途同归2) To teach ones grandmother to eat eggs.教老祖母吃鸡蛋。不能译成:班门弄斧(班门弄斧:show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter.)3) Make hay while it is sunshine / t

26、he sun shines.未雨绸缪。不能译成:趁热打铁(Strike while the iron is hot.)4) If I slapped someone, he would see the way to Cracow.要是我给谁一巴掌,准会把他扇到克拉科去。不能译成:一巴掌扇到西天去。5) 武松要吃酒,哪里听他人发说,一转身道:“放屁!放屁!” sheernonsense 不能译成:pass your wind6.段落翻译练习:沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走, 夜晚更加寂寞。荷塘四面,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。路的一旁,是些 杨柳,和一些不知道名字的树

27、。没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有 些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。参考译文: Beside the lotus pond, there is a small tortuous cinder path. This is a secluded road even by day, more isolated still at night. Around the pond, there are many trees rich in leaves, lush and green. There are some willows along the path, and some trees whose names I do not know. When there is no moonlight, the road and pond have a haunted disconcerting feel to them. Tonight is not bad, even though the moon looks pale.

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