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1、精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案2020学年度第_学期任教学科: _任教年级: _任教老师: _xx 市实验学校育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planPEP BOOK1Unit3 Look at mePart A Let s learn/Let s do (teaching design)教材分析:本节课选自人教版小学英语三年级上册 Unit3 Look at me Part A Let s learn/Lets do 部分。教学主题为 Look at me,主要学习 单词 ear 、e

2、ye、 nose 、 mouth 、 face , 并 学 会 用 句 型 Look at me. This ismy/your.Touch your head .介绍自己和别人的五官 。这一话题与学生本身联系密切,学生有话可说。所以在教学设计中,笔者注意贯彻新课标理念,将英语教学与实际生活相结合, 运用多种教学手段和教学方法, 创设真实的情景,注重语言的大量输入与输出, 让学生在真实语言情境中联系和运用本节课的四会单词与重点句型。学生分析:本节课的学生对象三年级学生, 如何让他们保持对英语产生兴趣是关键, 游戏、歌曲、角色扮演等轻松的学习方法比较适合他们, 因此在教学中要关注各个层次的学生,

3、 时时尊重他们的主体性, 利用多媒体搭建学习平台, 创造合作交流学习的机会,发挥他们的学习主体性,以达到学以致用的目的。. Knowledge objectives:(1) Key words: ear 、eye、nose、mouth、face(2) Key sentences: Look at me. This is my/your.Touch yourheadLet s do. Aim of the teachinga. knowledge and cognitive aims:育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planEnable

4、 the pupils to understand and make dialogues by using thesentences“Look at me. This is my/your.Touch your.”Make sure that the pupils can use them in real situations.b. Ability aims:(1) To train the pupils abilities of listening and speaking.(2) To develop the pupils ability of using the sentence pat

5、terns appropriately in real situation.(3) To foster the pupils abilities of co-operation and communication.c. Emotional aims:To tell the pupils that we should love our organs/body! . Key points of this lessonMake sure that the students can communicate with others by using the sentence patterns. . Di

6、fficult points of this lessonExpand the sentences. Help the pupils use another sentences.e.g. This“ is your. Touch your. ” .Teaching Methods1. Communicative approach2. Situational approach3. Total physical response . Teaching Materials育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planCAIcardsheaddre

7、sses .Blackboard design .Teaching ProcessPart 1 DialoguesStep1. Warm-upFree talkT: Look at the screen. Today is a special day, Merry Christmas day!What s this? This isS1:This is Teddy bear.T: He is in our English book. Turn to page25.【 Purpose:上课当天恰巧是圣诞节, 我通过圣诞老人引荐学生喜闻乐见的Teddy 熊,导入课文内容。拉近距离且不陌生。】Ste

8、p2. Presentation1. Lead in Show “ear,” “two ears”T: look at me. I have two ears, do you? Ss: Me too!CAI 呈现 “Ear ear ear,This is my ear. Touch your ear”. Show “eye”,“two eyes,”“eye I ”(同音词)T: look at me. I have two eyes, do you? Ss: Me too!CAI 呈现 “Eye 、eye、eye, This is my eye. Touch your eye.”育人犹如春风化

9、雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan Show “o”“no”“nose”CAI 呈现 “Nose、nose、nose, This is my nose. Touch your nose”. Show “ou”“mouth”CAI 呈现 “Nose、 nose 、nose, This is my nose. Touch your nose”. Show “a” “ fa ” “ face ”CAI 呈现 “Nose、 nose、 nose, This is my nose. Touch your nose”.【Purpose:利用畅言提供的可见

10、素材将单个的五官独立强调出现,用原音输入带读,并通过音标拼读法, 同音词,单复数变化的拓展。 在小组读、接火车读、个人读、男女生读的反复操练后形成一个由五官单词组合成的简短Chant,将Let s do的动作融合进去。让生用所学句型This is对所学知识进行回顾,复习旧知识,拉进师生距离,以此为新课作铺垫。在做Chant 时,学生通过TPR 既巩固已学的动词短语和句子,又活跃了课堂氛围。】2. Let s chantEar、ear、ear, This is my ear. Touch your ear.Eye、eye、eye, This is my eye. Touch your eye.N

11、ose、nose 、nose, This is my nose. Touch your nose.Nose、nose 、nose, This is my nose. Touch your nose.Nose、nose、nose, This is my nose. Touch your nose.【Purpose: 自编的 Chant 将本节课的主要句型与下面即将学习的Let sdo的主要句型糅合在一起,朗朗上口,易于操练,达到复习旧知、分解难点,打牢基础的目的。 】3. Sing the song(“Teddy bear )”and make a new song育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬

12、成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan【 Purpose: 英语教学设计与方法的选择其目的不在于花哨而在于如何让学生更好的吸收与运用。 笔者认为最接地气的做法就是 “就地取材” ,“Teddy bear ” 的旋律很轻快, 节奏也很容易掌握, 在学生唱会和操练熟悉后。 笔者进行一个大胆试炼:请一位学生上讲台, 笔者在他的背后指着自己的五官, 其他学生根据笔者所指的器官和讲台上孩子的姓名编歌曲唱, 站在讲台上的学生根据台下学生的唱词指出大家所唱的五官。 全班学生包括后进生参与积极, 气氛活跃,效果很好。】Step3. Practice.1.what s missi

13、ng?T: Class look! What s missing? Look carefully! 2. point and say(work pairs)This is my.This is your.3. Let s drawDraw a snowman by yourself. Then introduce it to us.This is its.【 Purpose:通过 CAI 制作将 Bear的五官分别遮掩起来让学生观察猜测的方式,集中他们的注意力、强化单词记忆。而后播放视频创设学习情境,并先通过请一位学生上讲台和笔者互相指着对方的五官并用本课主要句型作介绍的师生示范方式,引导生生

14、合作, 根据图片的提示完成口语输出练习。最后联系生活实际请学生设计自己的雪人, 画下来后将它介绍给大家作为拓展练习,弥补了层次差异。】 .Summary Consolidation1. T: Class, discuss with your partner. what have you learned today?T: Class, Look what s this? That we have learned.育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan2.用 PPT 展示 “爱牙日 ”“爱鼻日 ”“爱眼日 ”“爱耳日 ”,让生感知保护身

15、体各个器官,维护健康的重要性。3. Show the proverb. “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”【 Purpose: 板书的回顾总结是一节课的成果所在,只有这样才能让学生形成对本节课的整体意识。 口头讲解不如亲眼目睹, 通过电子白板的屏幕批注功能导入 PPT 课件中的图片展示让学生了解小世界中的大文化,帮助他们拓展视野并进行文化意识的培养。】 . Homework :Homework: Listen, read and say the new words and sentences. Write the new words three times on the exercise books. Practice the sentences: “Look at me. This ismy/your.Touch your.”with your friend.XI . Blackboard design :Unit 2 look at meThisismy.Thisisyour.育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰

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