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1、精品资料BK6 教师用书 Unit 1.Unit 1Paper TigersWesley YangAdditional Background Information (About Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)What follows is a comment on Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Elizabeth Chang, an editor of The Washington Posts Sunday Magazine, which carried the article on January 8th, 2011

2、.The cover of was catnip to this average parents soul. Although the memoir seems to have been written to prove that Chinese parents are better at raising children than Western ones, the cover text claims that instead it portrays a bitter clash of cultures, a fleeting taste of glory and how the Tiger

3、 Mother “was humbled by a 13-year-old.” As a hopelessly Western mother married into a Chinese family living in an area that generates immigrant prodigies as reliably as clouds produce rain, I was eager to observe the comeuppance of a parent who thought she had all the answers. And, in many ways, Tig

4、er Mother did not disappoint. At night, I would nudge my husband awake to read him some of its more revealing passages, such as when author Amy Chua threatened to burn her older daughters stuffed animals if the child didnt improve her piano playing. What Chinese parents understand, Chua writes, is t

5、hat nothing is fun until youre good at it. By day, I would tell my own two daughters about how Chua threw unimpressive birthday cards back at her young girls and ordered them to make better ones. For a mother whose half-Chinese children played outside while the kids of stricter immigrant neighbors c

6、ould be heard laboring over the violin and piano, the book can be wickedly gratifying. Reading it is like secretly peering into the home of a controlling, obsessive yet compulsively honest motherone who sometimes makes the rest of us look good, if less remarkable and with less impressive offspring.

7、Does becoming super-accomplished make up for years of stress? Thats something my daughters and I will never find out. Chua is a law professor and author of two acclaimed books on international affairs, though readers of Tiger Mother get only a glimpse of that part of her life, with airy, tossed off-

8、lines such as Meanwhile, I was still teaching my courses at Yale and finishing up my second book while also traveling continuously, giving lectures about democratization and ethnic conflict. Her third book abandons global concerns to focus intimately on Chuas attempt to raise her two daughters the w

9、ay her immigrant parents raised her. There would be no play dates and no sleepovers: I dont really have time for anything fun, because Im Chinese, one of Chuas daughters told a friend. Instead, there would be a total commitment to academics and expertise at something, preferably an instrument. Thoug

10、h Chuas Jewish husband grew up with parents who encouraged him to imagineand to express himself, he nonetheless agreed to let her take the lead in rearing the children and mostly serves as the Greek chorus to Chuas crazed actions. In Chinese parenting theory, hard work produces accomplishment, which

11、 produces confidence and yet more accomplishment. As Chua notes, this style of parenting is found among other immigrant cultures, too, and Im sure many Washington-area readers have seen it, if they dont employ it themselves. Chuas older daughter, Sophia, a pianist, went along with, and blossomed, un

12、der this approach. The younger daughter, Lulu, whose instrument of Chuas choice was a violin, was a different story. The turning point came when, after years of practicing and performing, Lulu expressed her hatred of the violin, her mother and of being Chinese. Chua imagined a Western parents take o

13、n Lulus rebellion: Why torture yourself and your child? Whats the point? . I knew as a Chinese mother I could never give in to that way of thinking. But she nevertheless allowed Lulu to abandon the violin. Given that the worst Lulu ever did was cut her own hair and throw a glass, my reaction was tha

14、t Chua got off easy in a society where some pressured children cut themselves, become anorexic, refuse to go to school or worse. No one but an obsessive Chinese mother would consider her healthy, engaging and accomplished daughter deficient because the girl prefers tennis to the violinbut thats exac

15、tly the point. And, oh, what Chua put herself and her daughters through before she got to her moment of reckoning. On weekends, they would spend hours getting to and from music lessons and then come home and practice for hours longer. At night, Chua would read up on violin technique and fret about t

16、he children in China who were practicing 10 hours a day. (Did this woman ever sleep?) She insisted that her daughters maintain top gradesBs, she notes, inspire a screaming, hair-tearing explosion among Chinese parents and the application of countless practice tests. She once refused to let a child l

17、eave the piano bench to use the bathroom. She slapped one daughter who was practicing poorly. She threatened her children not just with stuffed-animal destruction, but with exposure to the elements. She made them practice on trips to dozens of destinations, including London, Rome, Bombay and the Gre

18、ek island of Crete, where she kept Lulu going so long one day that the family missed seeing the palace at Knossos. Sometimes, youre not quite sure whether Chua is being serious or deadpan. For example, she says she tried to apply Chinese parenting to the familys two dogs before accepting that the on

19、ly thing they were good at was expressing affection. Although it is true that some dogs are on bomb squads or drug-sniffing teams, she concluded, it is perfectly fine for most dogs not to have a profession, or even any special skills. On the one hand, she seems aware of her shortcomings: She is, she

20、 notes, not good at enjoying life, and she acknowledges that the Chinese parenting approach is flawed because it doesnt tolerate the possibility of failure. On the other hand, she sniffs that there are all kinds of psychological disorders in the West that dont exist in Asia. When not contemptuous, s

21、ome of her wry observations about Western-style child-rearing are spot-on: Private schools are constantly trying to make learning fun by having parents do all the work, and sleepovers are a kind of punishment parents unknowingly inflict on their children through permissiveness. Readers will alternat

22、ely gasp at and empathize with Chuas struggles and aspirations, all the while enjoying her writing, which, like her kid-rearing philosophy, is brisk, lively and no-holds-barred. This memoir raises intriguing, sometimes uncomfortable questions about love, pride, ambition, achievement and self-worth t

23、hat will resonate among success-obsessed parents. Is it possible, for example, that Chinese parents have more confidence in their childrens abilities, or that they are simply willing to work harder at raising exceptional children than Westerners are? Unfortunately, the author leaves many questions u

24、nanswered as her book limps its way to a conclusion, with Chua acknowledging her uncertainty about how to finish it and the family still debating the pros and cons of her approach (anyone hoping for a total renunciation of the Chinese approach will be disappointed). Ending a parenting story when one

25、 child is only 15 seems premature; in fact, it might not be possible to really understand the impact of Chuas efforts until her daughters have offspring of their own. Perhaps a sequel, or a series (Tiger Grandmother!) is in the works. But while this battle might not have been convincingly concluded,

26、 its engagingly and provocatively chronicled. Readers of all stripes will respond to Tiger Mother. Structure of the TextPart I (Paras. 1-2)The author, an Asian living in the United States, introduces himself as a banana. Part II (Paras. 3-5)The author describes how he believes Asians are generally v

27、iewed in the United States and how he views Asian values himself. It is clear that his overall attitude toward his cultural roots is negative.Part III (Paras. 6-8)The author agrees that Asians (especially Chinese) are over-represented in American elite schools and that, percentage-wise, more Chinese

28、 earn median family incomes than any other ethnic group in the United States. However, he does not accept the idea that the Chinese are “taking over” top American schools. He particularly ridicules the idea that the United States has to worry about a more general Chinese “takeover”, as Amy Chuas boo

29、k seems to suggest.Part IV (Paras. 9-14)In these paragraphs, the author tells the story of a Chinese American whose experience as a graduate of one of the most competitive high schools in the U.S. proves that while Asian overrepresentation in elite schools is a fact, the success of Asian students is

30、 not an indication of their higher intelligence but rather of their constant practice of test-taking. The fear that U.S. schools might become “too Asian” (too test-oriented) in response, narrowing students educational experience, has aroused general concern.Part V (Paras. 15-22)The author points out

31、 that the ethnic imbalance in elite schools is not only resented by white students and educators, but that even Asian students are beginning to raise serious doubts. They are tired of the crushing workload and believe there must be a better way. They envy their white fellow students who finally get

32、to the top - strong, healthy, with a high level of academic achievement, and with time even for a girlfriend or boyfriend. They cannot help but still feel alienated in this society.Part VI (Paras. 23-28)In these Paragraphs, the author tells the story of another Chinese student who describes the subt

33、le influence of his Chinese upbringing, which makes it difficult for him to be culturally assimilated. Part VII (Paras. 29-36)In these Paragraphs, the author discusses the problem of the “bamboo ceiling”the fact that in spite of high academic achievement, virtually no Asians are found in the upper r

34、eaches of leadership. The author believes that this is because Asian upbringing fails to provide children with the requisite skills for leadership.Part VIII (Paras. 37-43)Between Para. 36 and Para. 37 in the original essay, there are many more case studies reflecting vividly the negative effects of

35、Asian culture. But in order to limit the essay to a manageable length, we (the compilers) were unable to include them. Therefore, in this section, the essay comes to a somewhat abrupt conclusion. Interestingly enough, the author feels that the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is well worth reading al

36、though he does not agree with Amy Chua, because, in his opinion, the book provides all the material needed to refute what the Tiger Mother stands for. More importantly, the author thinks that Amy Chua should be praised for her courage to speak out and defy American mainstream views.Detailed Study of

37、 the Text1. Millions of Americans must feel estranged from their own faces. But every self-estranged individual is estranged in his own way. (Para. 1) Millions of Americans must feel alienated (separated) from the essence of themselves by their own faces.The author is referring here to ethnic minori

38、ty people in the United States, especially Asians.Note that “face” here does not refer to skin color or facial features alone, but also to cultural differences. His point is that these attributes force him into the category of “immigrant”, though he doesnt feel like one.2. You could say that I am a

39、banana. But while I dont believe our roots necessarily define us, I do believe there are racially inflected assumptions wired into our neural circuitry. (Para. 2)A banana is white inside and yellow outside. The term is often used ironically to refer to an Asian American who is like all other non-Asi

40、an Americans people except for the color of his skin.The author admits that people can call him a banana, but he does not like it, because he does not believe his Asian roots determine who he is. However, he has to admit that there are racially inflected assumptions wired into many Asian Americans n

41、eural circuitry.racially inflected assumptions: racially based prejudices, beliefs and ideaswired into our neural circuitry: deeply planted in our brains (in our minds)3. Here is what I sometimes suspect my face signifies to other Americans: An invisible person, barely distinguishable from a mass of

42、 faces that resemble it. A conspicuous person standing apart from the crowd and yet devoid of any individuality. An icon of so much that the culture pretends to honor but that it in fact patronizes and exploits. Not just people “who are good at math” and play the violin, but a mass of stifled, repre

43、ssed, abused, conformist quasi-robots who simply do not matter, socially or culturally. (Para. 3)This is how I sometimes guess other Americans look at us. (This is what I sometimes think my face means to other Americans.)An invisible person: a person much the same as others of the same group; a pers

44、on who is hardly distinguishable; a person nobody will pay special attention todevoid of any individuality: without any individualityAsian culture is said to stress uniformity or conformity. The individual is encouraged to merge with the collective. Self-promotion or assertiveness is considered in b

45、ad taste whereas invisibility is regarded as a sign of modesty.icon:n. 偶像The successful Asian student has become a symbol to be worshipped. to patronize and exploit: to treat somebody in an offensively condescending manner and make use of him or herThe author says that American culture pretends to h

46、onor the Tiger Child (the successful Asian) as an icon (a symbol of success and everything it represents), but actually it treats Asians in a condescending way and makes use of them. a mass of stifled, repressed, abused, conformist quasi-robots: a large number of people who are not allowed to act or

47、 express themselves freely, treated in a harsh and harmful way, and made to behave similarly, like robots.do not matter socially or culturally: do not have much social or cultural importance.4. Ive always been of two minds about this sequence of stereotypes. (Para. 4)of two minds: (BrE: in two minds

48、) not decided or certain about something.this sequence of stereotypes: this series of stereotypes. On the one hand the author is angry that Asians should be viewed this way, and he thinks it racist, but on the other hand, he has to admit that these views do apply to many Asians.It is ironic to note

49、that the author himself seems to be especially influenced by these racist prejudices. One may also wonder whether the stereotyped views some people have when they first encounter people of other races necessarily have devastating effects. For example, Chinese thought of Westerners as a mass of blue-

50、eyed, yellow-haired, big-nosed, hairy chested aliens at one time. Fear of the unknown or unfamiliar is a common human reaction.5. Let me summarize my feelings toward Asian values: Damn filial piety. Damn grade grubbing. Damn Ivy League mania. Damn deference to authority. Damn humility and hard work.

51、 Damn harmonious relations. Damn sacrificing for the future. Damn earnest, striving middle-class servility. (Para. 5)Now the author is talking about much more serious things. He is talking about his feelings toward Asian values rather than features or skin color, and his attitude is one of total rej

52、ection and condemnation. While we must realize that all cultures or civilizations have drawbacks, and we have every reason to listen to the bitter reactions of angry young Asians toward our shared culture, we should also remind ourselves that young peoples judgments may be hasty, imbalanced, and imm

53、ature.Damn: Note that this word is generally considered extremely offensive and obscene in all its usages, and is therefore avoided, but here the author is so bitter that no other expression seems adequate. Indeed, he may have deliberately chosen this word to shock the Asian community, especially As

54、ian parents.filial piety: love for, respect for, and obedience to ones parentsgrade grubbing: striving for high academic scoresivy league mania: craze, obsession regarding entry to ivy league universitiesdeference to authority: respect for and submission to authorityhumility and hard work: modesty,

55、humbleness; diligenceearnest striving middle-class servility: Middle-class people usually “hope to rise and fear to fall” (Bunyan) and therefore work slavishly and behave submissively. One may wonder whether what the author describes here is racially determined or mainly a reflection of social and e

56、conomic conditions. Many of the values listed above are similar to those of the American Puritans when obedience, respect for the old, diligence, thrift, simple living, family loyalty, discipline, and sacrifice were considered essential virtues.6. I understand the reasons Asian parents have raised a

57、 generation of children this way. This is a stage in a triumphal narrative, and it is a narrative that is much shorter than many remember. (Para. 6)The author says that he understands why Asian parents have raised their children this way. It is natural for most Asian parents to try to improve their

58、childrens lives through education.a stage in a triumphal narrative: A stage (the beginning stage) of a success story. And many Asians have achieved success in a much shorter time than people realize.7. Asian American success is typically taken to ratify the American Dream and to prove that minoritie

59、s can make it in this country without handouts. (Para. 7)to be taken to: to be considered toto make it: to succeed8.Still, an undercurrent of racial panic always accompanies the consideration of Asians, and all the more so as China becomes the destination for our industrial base and the banker contr

60、olling our burgeoning debt. (Para. 7)But there always exists a feeling of racial panic, though it may not be obvious, whenever people think of Asians. This undercurrent is now becoming stronger as more American industrial companies move their manufacturing base to China, and China has become the ban

61、ker controlling our growing national debt.9. But if the armies of Chinese factory workers who make our fast fashion and iPads terrify us, and if the collective mass of high-achieving Asian American students arouse an anxiety about the laxity of American parenting, what of the Asian American who obey

62、ed everything his parents told him? Does this person really scare anyone? (Para. 7)The author is pointing out the contradiction here: If, then what about? It is clear that he doubts if there is any reason for Americans to be afraid of the Asian American who obeys everything his parents tell him. Chi

63、ldren brought up in this submissive culture cannot pose any threat.fast fashion: This is a contemporary term used to refer to products designed and brought to market quickly in order to capture ever-changing fashion trends.10.Earlier this year, the publication of Amy Chuas Battle Hymn of the Tiger M

64、other incited a collective airing out of many varieties of race-based hysteria. But absent from the millions of words written in response to the book was any serious consideration of whether Asian Americans were in fact taking over this country. (Para. 8)to incite a collective airing out of many var

65、ieties of race-based hysteria: To provoke many people into stating openly various kinds of strong racist opinionsbut absent from the millions of wordswas any serious consideration: But there was no serious consideration in all these millions of words11.I mean, Im proud of my parents and my neighborhood and what I perceive to be my artistic potential or whatever, but sometimes I feel like Im jumping the gun a generation

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