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1、(中职)英语基础教程(2) Uint 5电子教案Unit 5 I think its tome to have a change.一、单元内容分析 本单元的话题是健康。教学重点是应用关于描述健康状况及生活习惯的词汇和句型。具体为:能够听懂有关他人的生活习惯和培养健康习惯的建议的对话;正确及熟练运用英语就健康和生活习惯等话题进行交流;能读懂关于生活习惯的文章;简单描绘自己的生活习惯并给出合理的建议;同时了解有益身心健康的生活习惯和运动项目,了解并有意识的培养健康的饮食、生活方式,养成积极健康的生活习惯。本单元的语法点为宾语从句。本单元是健康这个话题,和学生的生活联系比较紧密。学生在以前的学习中接

2、触过部分词汇和句型。本单元既是对以前词汇和句型学习的一个总结和复习,又增加了一些具有时代气息的话题,吸引学生的兴趣。因此,针对中职学生的实际情况,教师可通过合理的设计帮助学生巩固旧知同时,融入新内容,有效的完成听、说、读、写四个任务,重视语言的运用。在谈论有益身心健康的生活习惯和运动项目及阅读相关文章的过程中,提升学生的国际视野,潜移默化的渗透健康生活方式在学生人生中的重要性。本单元设计成四个课时:第一课时 Lead in + Listening and speaking第二课时 Reading and writing第三课时Grammar focus (Object Clauses)第四课时

3、 Vocabulary practice + Supplementary reading二、分课时教学设计第一课时 Lead in + Listening and Speaking一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础教程(2)第五单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:熟悉关于健康运动方式的词汇,听懂并能询问和回答有关空闲时间安排的对话,并给出建议。2教学重点、难点教学重点运动项目的词汇和句型。复习初中所学的关于运动项目的词汇和短语;听懂并能询问和回答有关空闲时间安排的句型和简单对话。教学难点在真实的情境中运用与生活习惯有关

4、以及提出相关建议的词汇和句型。二、教学目标1. 知识目标 掌握健康运动和给予建议的相关词汇和短语,如play volleyball,yoga,mountain biking,jump rope,gym,dizzy,get rid of,advice 掌握有关空闲时间安排、给出健康建议所使用的句型,如:-How do you spend your spare time?- I enjoy/prefer doing sth.- Im very fond of - arent my cup of tea.- it is bad for to.- I often feel a bit dizzy.-W

5、hy dont you get rid of the habit?-You can take up some outdoor activities. 2. 能力目标学生能听懂关于询问和回答有关空闲时间安排的对话,并给出建议;学生能应用基本句型表达空闲时间的安排,表达自己的观点;(3)对以上基本词汇和句型达到听、说应用的程度。3. 情感目标(1)在谈论空闲安排的活动中,区别健康与不健康的活动;(2)有意识的引导学生树立健康的生活观,培养学生健康的生活方式。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in 1. Brainstorm. Teacher: “How do you spend your s

6、pare time?” “What activities are bad for your health?”Have the students write down the activities on a card, then put them into different groups.Good for healthPlay basketballPlay badmintonPlay table tennis.Bad for health Play computer gamesWatch TV for a long timestay at home all day.(设计意图:本活动为头脑风暴

7、,通过头脑风暴激活学生已有的词汇知识,复习以前学过的单词和词组,并对新单词和短语有个基本印象;调动学生的积极性、主动性)2. Activity 1. Look and Match Have the student to work in individuals and match the words with related pictures. Words to be taught: jump rope,work out at the gym,play badminton (设计意图:通过图片与词汇的匹配活动,巩固新词汇,让学生了解有关健康活动的词汇,为后续的听说活动做好充分的热身活动。)3.

8、Practice. Have the students recite the phrases and have a check. The following activities may be your choice.a. Have the students say the words out according to the pictures. Or the teacher says the words in Chinese and the students say the words in English. Hold a competition if necessary. Use the

9、sentence pattern as likely as possible. I enjoy. I am fond of.b. Ask students to order the sport activities according to operating frequency, as quickly as they can. See which group is the fastest to finish it. Common activities Play volleyballJump ropePlay badminton.Uncommon activitiesPractice yoga

10、Go mountain biking Work at the gym.(设计意图: 看图说词有利于提升学生对于词汇的熟练程度,配合句型来表达有利于学生语感的形成,同时也为对话中的句型做好铺垫。)Step Two Listening and speaking 1. Activity 2. Listen and tick. Students listen to the tape and circle the topic they heard.T: Lisa and Richard are classmates. Listen and tell us what are they talking ab

11、out? (设计意图: 听第一遍录音,了解谈论主题和识别关键词。)2. Activity 3. Listen and choose. Read the questions in activity 3 with the students as a whole, listen to the tape again, and then choose the correct answer. (设计意图: 听第二遍录音,对应人物识别关键信息。)3. Activity 4. Listen and complete. Ask the students to listen to the tape and fil

12、l in the blanks (设计意图: 听第三遍录音,填写细节关键信息。)4. Activity 5: Listen and repeat. Students listen to the dialogue and underline the key sentences about activities in spare time. How do you spend your spare time? I enjoy/prefer doing sth. Im very fond of arent my cup of tea. it is bad for to. I often feel a

13、bit dizzy. Why dont you get rid of the habit? You can take up some outdoor activities. Practice the key sentences: Play the tape sentence by sentence and lead students to repeat them. Then the teacher makes up short dialogues with several students.T: How do you spend your spare time?S: I enjoy/prefe

14、r m very fond of/ care for/am interested in . What about you? T: isnt my cup of tea. I think it is bad forto. Why dont you get rid of the habit? You can take up some outdoor activities. S: Thanks for your advice. (设计意图: 跟读让学生纠正自己的发音;边听边选出重点句型,突破重点单词、短语及句型)5. Practice: Have the students to work in pa

15、irs with the activities in the chart and ask some students act it out. Lisa: How do you _ your _, Richard?Richard: I _ playing _. How about you?Lisa: I prefer _ at the _ and going _ .Richard: You dont play online games? Im _ of them. Sometimes I play all night.Lisa: Well, online games arent my _ . I

16、 think its _ your eyes to _ .Richard: Yes, I often feel a bit _ .Lisa: Why dont you _ the habit? You can _ some _ activities.Richard: I think its time to _ . Thanks for your _ .(设计意图:为学生后面的产出搭建阶梯,增强学生完成后面任务的自信心。)Step Three Production Activity 6: Practice and talk.Use the key phrases and sentences to

17、 discuss the activities which related to their life and identify what kinds of activities are good for health and what are bad, then complete the form and practice in pairs. Have some pairs to demonstrate. Give proper comments on the students performance.Activities good for health:Go swimmingPlay ba

18、sketballPractice yogaGo hikingGo joggingGo mountain bikingWork at the gymPlay volleyballJump ropePlay badminton.Activities bad for health:Play mobile phonePlay computer gamesRead novels (for too long)Stay at home to watch TVChat on the Internet (for a long time).(设计意图:通过对话操练,复习本节课所学单词和运用表示个人喜好及提出建议的

19、句型,并结合学生的生活实际让其讨论哪些活动对健康有益,哪里有害,让学生初步意识到良好生活习惯的重要性,并及时反馈学生的掌握情况。)Step Four Summary Make a short summary of what weve learned today. (1)Key vocabulary and phrases:play volleyball,yoga,mountain biking,jump rope,gym,dizzy,get rid of,advice (2)Everyday English about activities: How do you spend your spa

20、re time? I enjoy/prefer doing sth. Im very fond of arent my cup of tea. it is bad for to. I often feel a bit dizzy. Why dont you get rid of the habit? You can take up some outdoor activities. (设计意图:对本课时所学集体做个小结,让学生明确本节课学习目标。) Step Five Homework 1. Recite the dialogues in activity 5. Make up a new di

21、alogue about your weekend activities with your partner. 2. Complete the parts “Language application” and “Complete the dialogue” in the workbook .四、板书设计Unit 5 I think its time to have a change. Lead in + Listening and Speaking Key vocabulary and phrases:Play volleyballJump ropePlay badmintonPractice

22、 yogaGo mountain biking Work at the gymGo hikingGo jogging.Key Sentences:How do you spend your spare time? I enjoy/prefer doing sth.Im very fond of arent my cup of tea. it is bad for to.I often feel a bit dizzy.Why dont you get rid of the habit?You can take up some outdoor activities. Unit 5 I think

23、 its tome to have a change.Unit 5 Im loving it!(第二课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础教程(12)第五单元的第二课时,包括Reading and writing部分,具体内容为:了解认识一些解关于爱好“电脑迷”和“电视迷”背后的故事和对健康生活的建议的新的英文表达;读懂关于描述他人爱好的短文;能根据关键句型写出自己或他人爱好并陈述理由建议;能够正确对待自己的不健康习惯,并有意识的改变潜移默化中感悟对生活的热爱。;同时也渗透了英美文化。2教学重点、难点教学重点 掌握重点词汇和短语; 复习用like,enjoy,hate,be

24、 crazy about, am interested in, be fond of等单词和短语描述自己或他人爱好的句型; 读懂他人的爱好; 能根据关键句型写出自己或他人爱好并陈述理由。 学生能通过阅读,读懂有关“电脑迷”、“电视迷”的内容,提高获取相关大意和细节信息的能力; 培养学生阅读并整合信息的能力,而且能读以致用,通过阅读能写出改进健康习惯建议的小文段。教学难点 灵活正确使用描述爱好描述“电脑迷”、“电视迷”和生活习惯的相关句型; 能根据关键句型写出改进健康习惯建议的小文段。写出自己或他人爱好并陈述理由。二、教学目标4. 知识目标 掌握兴趣爱好健康故事的相关的词汇,如:artist,

25、common, couch, describe, handbook, mouse, official, screen, snack, unusual, couch potato, mouse potatohip-hop, car racing, parkour, baking, enjoy, in ones blood, life style, take up hobbies, update 掌握描绘兴趣爱好生活习惯所使用的的句型,如:He/Her hobby isA . enjoys Victor enjoysYou should.is Annas hobbybad for your hea

26、lth.She lovesWe take up hobbies because they can bring us many things like happiness, friendship and knowledge. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can have a hobby.A hobby makes our life colorful.5. 能力目标a) 能看懂关于“电脑迷”和“电视迷”背后的故事和对健康生活的建议灵活正确使用描述爱好的句型; (2)能写出改进健康习惯建议的小文段能根据关键句型写出自己或他人爱好

27、并陈述理由。6. 情感目标能够正确对待自己的不健康习惯,并有意识的改变;能了解英美文化趣事通过对爱好的深入了解,潜移默化中感悟对生活的热爱。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-inGameRevision:Have the students to list the healthy and unhealthy lifestyle as much as possible.Which group is the best? Revise the words and phrases they learnt about hobbies. The teacher can use the games me

28、ntioned in the previous period. 1. (设计意图:通过过分组比赛复现短语,游戏,让学生巩固所学知识,在轻松的氛围中复习所学短语,为后面熟练准确的运用做好准备。)aActivities good for health:Go swimmingPlay basketballPractice yogaGo hikingGo joggingGo mountain bikingWork at the gymPlay volleyballJump ropePlay badminton.aActivities bad for healthPlay mobile phonePla

29、y computer gamesRead novels (for too long)Stay at home to watch TVChat on the Internet (for a long time).2. Activity 7 WatchGuess and answertick. Teacher presents a picture and asks the students to think about the questions: Students watch 3 short videos about hip-hop, car racing, parkour, and discu

30、ss them with the students using the following questions:1) What can you see in the videospicture?2) Which activities do you like? WhyWhat does it stand for?Have the students workdiscuss in groups individually and match the words (hip-hop, car racing, parkour) with the pictures. Have a check with the

31、 students as a whole.Discus question 2 with your group member.(设计意图:通过视频图片,引出新单词,设置悬念,帮助学生理解新单词的意思激发学生的兴趣,并自然引入如果有机会去选择这些活动,会选择哪个,并简单说说理由。将学生带入即将设定的语境阅读的文段里,帮助学生完成阅读任务。)Step Two Reading and writing1. Activity 8 Read, circle and underline. Have the students read passage, circle the activitiespeople t

32、hat mentioned and underline the key sentences onabout hobbiesmouse potato and couch potato in the passage.Have a check with the students as a whole. (设计意图:第一遍阅读,浏览大意。)2. Activity 9. Read and choose. Students read passage again and choose the answer.Explain the following words and phrases to the stud

33、ents; bakingunusual(use picture to explain) e.g. It was not unusual for dad to come home late. describe e.g. He described what he had seen. Jane described the accident very carefully. Ccouch (use picture to explain) e.g. He got used to take a nap on the couch after lunch. snack e.g. He ate some snac

34、ks while watching TV. stare at(use picture to explain if possible) e.g. She stared at me in surprise. official1) e.g. It is an official report.enjoy +ingin ones blood: e.g. Tennis is in my blood. Ive played ever since I was old enough to pick up a racket. Jack, I do envy your ability to learn Chines

35、e so fast. But it seems you dont need any effort to pick it up - it must be in your blood.life style: e.g. Can you adapt your way of thinking to the newlife style? Getting married often means a sudden change inlife style.take up:e.g. He left a job in the city to take up farming. Angela used to be a

36、model and has decided to take it up again. 2) Fill in the blanks, try to remember these sentences.We _ _hobbies because they can bring us many things like _, _ and _. Anyone, rich or _, old or _, _ or well, can have a hobby.A hobby makes our life _._ (设计意图:第二遍阅读,寻找细节,通过老师的讲解,处理阅读材料中的生词,让学生更深刻理解重要词汇的

37、用法。并掌握新单词新短语的用法。)3. 3. Activity 10. Think and replacetranslate. Have the students think individually, find out the rule about these sentences and replace these sentencesfill in the blanks.A _enjoys _ on the couch, and eating snacks while _TV screen _long.You should spend more time doing sports and _

38、outdoor activities.The phrase _people who_ a lot of time _computers.Too much time _a TV and a computer is _ your health.He/Her hobby isVictor enjoys.is Annas hobby.She loves(设计意图:通过学生比较,发现句型的规律,替换填空,将句子补充完整,巩固关键词句,为下一步的输出做准备。) 4.Activity 11 Answer and write. Ask the students to write down the answer

39、s on the board according to the questions. (设计意图:通过回答问题,帮助学生理清写作思路,树立学生书写小文段的信心。)Step Three Production1. T: Write “my hobbiesAdvice for Couch Potatoes and Mouse Potatoes” on the paper, using the sentences we have learned just now, tell your classmates your hobby in group, and then hand in your paper

40、s to your teacher. 2. Teacher chooses some students to read the information in the paper and ask other classmates guess: Who is he/she in my class? Focus on the third person.check it in the class.(设计意图:通过阅读材料并模仿例子,结合实际写出对“电脑迷”和“电视迷”的小建议,以巩固课堂上所学内容,并能学以致用,同时也让学生通过写作,就自己的不良生活习惯进行反省。让学生运用课堂中所学的写自己的爱好,并

41、在小组进行介绍,达到学以致用的目的。通过游戏,转化为第三人称,为后面的语法学习鉴定基础,同时使学习变得有趣,让同学之间更加熟悉。)Step Four Summary Make a short summary of what weve learned today.(1) Key vocabulary and phrases:hip-hop, car racing, parkour, baking, enjoy, in ones blood, life style, take up hobbies, updateartist, common, couch, describe, handbook,

42、mouse, official, screen, snack, unusual, couch potato, mouse potato (2) Everyday English about hobbies: A . enjoys You should .is bad for your health. He/Her hobby isVictor enjoys.is Annas hobby.She lovesWe take up hobbies because they can bring us many things like happiness, friendship and knowledg

43、e. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can have a hobby.A hobby makes our life colorful.(设计意图:对本课时所学集体做个小结,让学生明确本节课学习目标。)Step Five Homework 1. Modify the composition “Advice for Couch Potatoes and Mouse Potatoesmy hobbies”.2. Complete the parts “Reading” in the workbook .四、板书设计Unit 5 I

44、 think its time to have a change.Unit 5 Im loving it! Reading and writingartist, common, couch, describe, handbook, mouse, official, screen, snack, unusual, couch potatomouse potatohip-hop, car racing, parkour, baking, enjoy, in ones blood, life style, take up hobbies, updateHe/Her hobby isVictor en

45、joys.is Annas hobby.She lovesWe take up hobbies because they can bring us many things like happiness, friendship and knowledge. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can have a hobby.A hobby makes our life colorful.A . enjoys You should.is bad for your health.Unit 5 I think its toime to

46、have a change.Unit 5 Im loving it!(第三课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础教程(12)第五单元的第三课时,包括Language in use中Grammar focus部分,具体内容为:宾语从句一般现在时肯定句的用法(含第三人称单数的用法由that引导),以及否定句、疑问句的基本用法。2教学重点、难点教学重点 a. 一般现在时的肯定句用法宾语从句的基本概念; Bb. 一般现在时第三人称单数的用法宾语从句的引导词和语序; c. 一般现在时否定句、疑问句的基本用法宾语从句的时态。教学难点 正确使用由that引导的宾语从句的语序和时态。一般现

47、在时第三人称单数的用法二、教学目标7. 知识目标宾语从句的基本概念一般现在时的肯定句构成和用法;宾语从句的引导词和语序一般现在时第三人称单数的构成和用法;(3)宾语从句的时态 一般现在时否定句、疑问句的基本用法。2. 能力目标 能够正确运用一般现在时的肯定句;能识别由that引导的宾语从句;能运用宾语从句来转换话语能够正确运用一般现在时第三人称单数的用法 ;能在恰当的情境中正确使用宾语从句(3)能够正确运用一般现在时否定句、疑问句的基本用法。3. 情感目标通过宾语从句进行交流,运用宾语从句来提出改善健康的有针对性的建议,养成积极健康的生活习惯描述my daymy subjectmy weeke

48、nd等有意识引导学生健康积极的志趣。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-inShow a picture of the doctors: Watch the video/PPT “my day”, take notes of the part of verb. A Chinese student writes to his American pen friendT: I have invited some doctors to give us advice.Show the sentences on the book. I think its bad for your eyes to sp

49、end too much time online. I think its time to have a change. You need tio remember that too much time in front of a TV and a computer is bad for your health. It means you like to sit on the couch. He doesnt think they will like the idea.“ I am a student of Vocational High School in China. I live in

50、students dormitory. We often get up at 7 oclock and have breakfast at 7:30, then go to the classroom. We have 4 lessons in the morning and 2 lessons in the afternoon, such as, computer, etiquette, dancing, English, practice class and so on. At noon we have lunch at school. After school, we usually t

51、ake part in different kinds of clubs or activities. They are very interesting. In the evening, we have night lessons. We usually go to bed at 10 oclock. Would you tell me your life in school?”They are simple present tense. (设计意图:用故事图片的形式导入,将宾语从句的使用放入真实的场景,引起学生的兴趣。故事内容联系学生学校生活,贴近学生实际。)Step Two Langua

52、ge in use1. 宾语从句的定义一般现在时肯定句的构成 (1)主语+ am / is / are +表语 出现在及物动词后面的句子成分是宾语,当从句出现在及物动词后面时,这个从句就叫作宾语从句。宾语从句一般由that引导,that有时可省略。例如:I hope(that)I will be better soon. I think (that) you are right. He believes (that) he will become a doctor in the future. 2. 宾语从句的用法 ( am is are 用法歌诀) I用am ,you 用are ,is 连着

53、他、她、它;单数用 is , 复数一律都用are。(2)a. 主语+ 实义动词+ 其它 1). 用that引导的从句作宾语的情形最为普遍,在很多动词后面都可以使用,如say、think、see、believe、know、hope、remember、understand等。这种宾语通常都紧跟在动词后面: The letter says that they are leaving on the 13th. 信上说他们十三号动身。 I believe theyve finished their work. 我相信他们已经完成了工作。 2). 宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,即“引导词 + 主语 + 谓语

54、+ 其它成分”。 3). 引导词that在有些情况下可以不用。例如在believe、think、suppose等动词后通常不用that;在say、see、know、hear、understand等动词后,that有时用有时不用,但大多数情况下还是以不省略that为好。 4). 在跟随think、believe、suppose、expect等动词的宾语从句中,有时尽管从句的谓语应该是否定意思,却不用否定形式,而将think等词变成否定形式: I dont think you are right. 我想你是不对的。 I dont believe theyve finished their work

55、. 我相信他们还没有干完。 5). 时态:主句用一般现在时,从句可用任意时态 主句用过去时,从句用表示过去某个时态 主句用过去时,从句是真理时,只用一般现在时,如: He knew (that) he should work hard. 他知道他应该努力学习。 Our teacher told us that the earth moves around the sun. 老师告诉我们地球绕着太阳转。(设计意图: 通过呈现句式结构, 归纳演绎,让学生整体把握宾语从句的最基本用法。)b.单三人称主语+实义动词单三人称+其它 (用法歌诀: I 、you、 we 、they 动词用原形;he 、sh

56、e、 it 动词用单三人称) 动词单三人称形式的构成:1. 一般的动词词尾+S。2. 以sh/ch/s/x 结尾的词+es.3. 以辅音字母Y结尾的把Y变成 i,+es。4. 辅音字母+o结尾的+es.)2. Fill in the blanks.My favorite subject at school _ (be) PE. I _ (like) team, especially basketball. I _ (play) for the school team on Saturdays. (Blake, 15)I _ (like) dance in the gym, but I _ (h

57、ate) doing sport outside in winter when the weathers cold and wet. (Megan, 14)I think PE _ (be) boring and I_ (be) not good at any sport. I prefer playing computer games. (Jared, 17)I _ (play) football for our school team and I _(love) it. We _ (train) after school and _ (play) matches against other

58、 schools every week. (Drew, 16)We all _ (hate) our school PE kit, the T-shirt and shorts were so old-fashioned! So our school had a competition to design a new PE kit and my design won! (Ella, 15)8. Rewrite the sentences according to the example.E.g. His favorite subject at school is PE. He likes te

59、am, especially basketball. He plays for the school team on Saturdays. (Blake, 15)_3. Complete activity 13. (设计意图: 通过情景导入, 总结一般现在时肯定句的构成,通过情景应用练习。谈论他人的爱好,引入第三人称,把语法的练习融入情景中。)4. 一般现在时否定句的构成(1)主语 +am / is / are + not +表语 如:She is not a nurse. We are not in the same class, but we are in the same grade.(

60、2)a. 主语 +dont +动词原形 +其它 b. 单三人称主语+doesnt +动词原形+其它 如:I dont play soccer after school. Wang Junfeng doesnt go to the park after school. 5. 一般现在时一般疑问句的构成(1)Am / Is / Are +主语 +表语 ? 如:Is your mother a teacher?你妈妈是老师吗? Are you from China. 你来自中国吗?(2)a. Do + 主语 +动词原形 +其它 ? b. Does +单三人称主语+动词原形+其它 ?如: Do you speak English? Does your brother ha

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