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1、 英语童话小故事正文 第一篇:英语童话小故事童话:海的女儿(一)Far out in the sea the water is very, very blue. You can see through it like glass. Far down in the water there are beautiful trees and plants. These trees and plants are so far from the top of the water that no one can see them. Fishes go in and out of the trees just

2、 like birds. This is the place where the Sea Kings city is.The Sea Kings wife died many years before, so his old mother looked after him. She loved the Sea Kings six children very much, and they loved their grandmother, too. These six children were beautiful princesses. The youngest princess was the

3、 most beautiful: her eyes were as blue as the sea and her body was white like a rose. But, like all her sisters, she had no feet. The top of her body was like a girls body; and the rest of her body was like the body of a fish.The six princesses often played all day in the big rooms inside the Sea Ki

4、ngs house. Beautiful flowers GREw out of the walls on all sides of them. When the windows were opened, fishes would go into the rooms just like birds come into our rooms. But the fishes were braver than birds They went up to the little princesses to eat food from their hands.In front of the Sea King

5、s house there was a large garden full of red plants and blue plants. The flowers of these plants were like the burning sun. There was a blue light over the garden; you would think that you were up in the sky not down in the sea.Each of the little princesses had her own little garden inside the large

6、garden. They could plant the flowers, which they themselves liked the most. The youngest princess planted red flowers in the garden, and she planted a red tree near the flowers. She was not at all like her sisters.在海洋的远处,水很蓝很蓝,你能象隔着玻璃一样,看透它。水底深处有美丽的树木和植物。这些树木和植物离水面很远,谁也看不到它们。鱼儿在树木间游来游去,就象鸟儿在天空飞翔一样。海


8、空中,而不是在海底。在这个大花园里,每位小公主都有一个自己的小花园,她们可以栽种自己最喜欢的花卉。最年幼的公主在她的花园里种上红色,靠近这些花,又种了一棵红树。她一点儿也不象她的姐姐们。童话:海的女儿(二)The little princess loved to hear about people who were not the same as she was. These people have feet and did not live in the sea: they lived on land. She made her grandmother tell her everything

9、 she knew about ships, cities, and men. She was very pleased when she heard that the flowers on land had a lovely smell: the flowers in the sea had no smell at all. She was very pleased, too, when she heard that the small fishes in the sky could sing. The old lady was speaking about birds, but she c

10、alled them fishes because the little princesses did not know about birds.When you are fifteen years old, you can go to the top of the sea,their grandmother said. You will then sit at night and see the ships go by. And you will know about cities and men. The next year the oldest of the sisters would

11、be fifteen. She was very happy, but the other sisters were unhappy. They could not go to the top of the sea. The oldest sister said that she would tell them about everything that she saw.But none of the sisters wanted to go so much as the youngest sister wanted to go. On many nights she stood by the

12、 open window, looking up through the blue water. She could see the sun and it looked very big to her. If a ship went by up there, above her, she thought that it must be a very big fish.The day now came when the oldest of the princess was fifteen and could go to the top of the sea.When she came back

13、she had many things to tell.这个小公主喜欢听跟自己不同的人类的故事。这些人有腿,不在海里生活,他们在陆地上生活。她让祖母把她所知道的一切有关船只、城市和人类的知识告诉她。当她听到地上的花儿有好闻的香味时,她很高兴。海里的花儿一点香味也没有。当她听说天上的小鱼儿会唱歌时,她也很高兴。老太太说的是鸟儿,不过她管它们叫鱼儿,因为小公主不知道什么叫鸟儿。“等你到你们满十五岁的时候,你们可以浮到海面上去。”她们的老祖母说,“你们晚上坐在那儿,看船只在身旁驶过去,你们就知道城市和人的一些事。再过一年,最大的姐姐就满十五岁了,她很高兴,但其她的姐妹却不愉快。她们不能到海面上去。大

14、姐姐说,她会把她看到的一切讲给她们听。可是,在姐妹中谁也没有象最年幼的妹妹那样,想上去想得那么厉害。有很多夜晚,她站在开着的窗口,透过蓝色的海水,朝上凝望。她看到太阳,对她来说,太阳看起来是那么大。如果一条船从她上方的海面驶过,她会以为那是一条很大的鱼。这一天来到了,最大的公主满十五岁,可以升到海面上去了。 她回来的时候,有许多事情要讲。童话:海的女儿(三)The thing which I liked to do the most was to look at a large city,she said. The city was near the sea and there were ma

15、ny lights. I heard people singing and men speaking. I saw big houses and I heard bells ringing. And I wanted to go into the city.The youngest princess wanted to hear about everything again. The next night when she stood by the open window and looked up through the sea, she thought she could hear the

16、 bells ringing.The next year another sister became fifteen and went to the top of the sea. She went there just as the sun was going down in the sky at night.This was more beautiful than any other thing I ever saw,she told her sisters when she came back. The sky was golden, and I cannot tell you how

17、beautiful it was.It was soon time for another sister to go to the top of the sea. She was the bravest of the six, and she went up a river. She saw hills with woods and houses and she heard the birds singing. Many children were jumping in the water. Then a little dog ran after her. She became afraid

18、and went back to the sea.Nothing can be more beautiful,she said when she came back home. I have seen ships on the water: they were so far away that they looked like white birds.译文:“我最喜欢做的事就是凝视一座大城市。”她 说,“这座城就在海边,那里灯火辉煌。我听到人 们在歌唱,我听到男人们在讲话。 我看到高大的 房屋,听到钟声叮当响。 我真希望到这个城市去。最小的公主希望统统再听一遍。第二天晚上, 她站在开着的窗户边

19、,透过海水朝上望着的时候, 她认为她能够听到钟的响声。第二年,另一个姐姐满十五岁,浮到海面上去 了。她升到水面上的时候,太阳在黄昏的空中刚刚 下落。她回来以后,告诉姐妹们说:“这比我看到过 的任何东西都美丽。天空是金黄色的,我无法形容 它有多美。”不久,另一个姐姐该到海面上去了。她是六姐 妹中最大胆的一个,她游到一条河里去了。她看到 了有树木和房屋的小山,听到了鸟儿歌唱。许多孩 子在水里跳跃。这时,一条小狗来追逐她,她害怕起来,就回到大海。“没有什么比停留在海上更美的事,”她回家 后说,“我看到了水里的船只。这些船太远了,看 上去象一些白鸟。”海的女儿(四)The year after thi

20、s, another sister became fifteen. She went up to the top of the sea. But the water was cold and there was much snow everywhere on the land. She soon came back. The five sisters were very happy when they went to the top of the sea to look at ships, cities, and men. But they did not remember these thi

21、ngs for long. Their own home soon began to look more beautiful than anything which they saw at the top of the sea or on the land. The five sisters went up to the top of the sea many times. They went hand in hand and they sang beautiful songs. When there was rain or snow, they went in front of the sh

22、ips and sang to the people on the ships. They sang, Those who live down in the sea are so happy! Then they told the people on the ships not to be afraid. Come down to us,they cried. When the sisters went to the top of the sea at night, the youngest princess stayed in the fathers house, looking up at

23、 them. She wanted to cry, but sea people cannot cry. So they are more unhappy than the people on land. Oh, I want to be fifteen! she said. I know that I shall love the land and the people on it.英语童话小故事:海的女儿(四)一年以后,另一个姐姐满十五岁了。她升到海 面上,但水是冰冷的,陆地上到处都是雪,因而她很快就回来了。这五个姐妹来到海面上看到了船只、城市和人 类,都觉得很开心,但她们并没永远记住这些

24、事。 不久,她们觉得自己的家比她们在海面上或陆地上 看到的任何东西都美。五个姐妹多次到海面上去,她们手挽着手唱着 好听的歌儿。下雨或下雪的时候,她们浮到船的面 前,对着船上的人们歌唱。她们唱道:“住在海底多么幸福!”然后她们 告诉船上的人们不要害怕。“下来吧,到我们这儿来。”她们大声说。当姐妹们晚上浮出海面的时候,最小的那位公 主待在她父亲的宫殿里瞧着她们。她想哭一场,不过海里的人是不会哭的,因此他们比陆地上的人更 加不幸。“哦!我要是十五岁就好了!。”她说,“我 知道我会喜欢陆地和陆地上的人的。”童话:海的女儿(五)英文At last she became fifteen.Now you c

25、an go to the top of the sea, said her grandmother.When she went up to the top of the water, the sun was just going down. A big ship was on the sea. The men on the ship were singing. When night came, there were hundreds of lights on the ship.The little sea princess went near the ship. She looked thro

26、ugh the windows. She saw many richly dressed men; the most beautiful of them all was a young prince with big blue eyes. He was not much older than the sea princess herself. It was so light in the ship that everything could be seen. Oh! how happy the young prince was!The little sea princess could not

27、 go away from the ship and the beautiful young prince. She stayed looking through the window of the ship. The ship began to go more quickly through the water. There was a big noise and it began to rain. The big ship was thrown about from side to side. Water came into it.The little sea princess thoug

28、ht that all this was very nice, but the people on the ship were afraid. All at once the ship broke. It went down in the sea.The little sea princess looked for the young prince. For a time, she thought, Now the prince must come to my city in the sea.But she said, Can men live in water? If the prince

29、ever comes to my house, he maybe dead!Die? No, he must not die! she cried out.She went quickly to the prince and held his head out of the water. His eyes were shut; he was nearly dead. She said, I must save him!译文最后,她满十五岁了。“现在你可以到海面上去了。”她的祖母说。当她升到海面上时,太阳刚刚下落。海上有一条大船,船上的人在歌唱。夜幕降临了,船上点着 几百盏灯。 小海公主向这条船

30、游去。她透过窗户往里张望,看见许多服饰华丽的人;他们之中,最美的是那个有一对大蓝眼睛的年轻王子,他比海公主自己大不了多少。船里灯火辉煌,什么东西都看得清清楚楚。哦!这位年轻的王子多么幸福啊! 小海公主离不开这艘船和美貌而年轻的王子。 她待在那儿,透过船窗注视着里面的东西。船在水里加快了速度。忽然一声巨响,天下起雨来。大船 左右摇晃,水涌进船舱。小海公主觉得这一切都很有趣,但船上的人们 却很惊慌。突然间,船体破裂,沉下海去了。小海公主找寻年轻的王子,她一度想道:“现 在王子会到我们的海中城市来了。”但她又说:“ 人能在水里生活吗?如果王子到我们家来,那他可能已经死了!” “死?不成,他决不能死!

31、”她叫了起来。她很快地游到王子身边,把他的头拖出水面。 他的眼睛闭着,他快死了。她说:“我一定要救活他!”童话:海的女儿(六)英文She saw the land with its hills covered with snow. There was a wood near the sea: in the wood there was a big white building. Some young girls came out to walk in the garden. The sea princess went away and hid near some stones.One of t

32、he young girls saw the prince. She was afraid, for she thought the prince was dead. She ran back to call her sisters. The little sea princess saw that the prince had opened his eyes. He was alive!The young prince did not look for the sea princess. He did not know that she saved him. People came and

33、took the prince into the house. The princess became very sad. She jumped into the water and went back to her fathers house down in the sea.He sisters asked her,What did you see? But the little sea princess did not answer.She went back many times to the big white house where she put the young prince.

34、 The snow went from the hills and flowers GREw up in the woods. But she never saw the prince. So she always went back sadly to her home in the sea. She did not even like her own garden any more.At last she told the story to the other princesses, and they told it to their friends. One of these friend

35、s remembered the prince. She know the country where the prince lived.Come, little sister! said the princesses. And they all went to the top of the water. They came out of the sea, arm in arm, just in front of the princes house.中文她看见陆地和积雪覆盖着的小山。海边有一片 树林,树林有一幢高大的、白色的建筑物。几个年轻的姑娘出来,走进花园。海公主游开,躲在几块 石头旁边。

36、有个年轻的姑娘看见了王子,以为他已经死了 ,害怕起来,就跑回去叫她的姐妹们。小海公主看到王子睁开眼睛,他还活着!年轻的王子没有寻找海公主,他不知道是海公 主救了他。人们来了,把王子抬进屋里去。海公主很悲伤,跳进水里, 回到海底她父亲的宫殿里去了。她的姐妹们问她:“你看到了什么?”但小海 公主没有回答。她多次回到她曾经放下年轻王子的高大的白色的房屋那儿去。山上的雪融化了,林中开满了鲜花。但是她从未见到过那个王子,所以她回到海底的家里,总是很忧伤。她连自己的小花园也不喜欢了。最后,她把自己的心事告诉了一个姐姐。姐姐把这件事告诉了别的海公主,她们又告诉了她们的朋友。这些朋友之中有一位知道这个王子,她

37、知道这位王子所在的国家。“来吧,小妹妹!”公主说。她们都朝水上游 去,手挽着手游出了海面,正好来到王子宫殿前。童话:海的女儿(七)英文The house was made of white stone. The princesses looked into the large rooms through the windows. The rooms were so beautiful that the six sea princesses were very happy just to look at them. The little sea princess knew that this w

38、as the house of her young prince. So she went there every night. She went nearer and nearer to the land. She often stayed just stayed just outside one of the rooms and looked in at the young prince.Sometimes she saw him in a little ship on the river. She then hid in the long grass near the side of t

39、he river. On one night she heared the fishermen talking about the prince. He is so brave, they said. She was very happy, for she remembered how she saved his life.She GREw to like the people on the land more and more each day. She wanted to be one of them.They could go to so many places and they cou

40、ld do so many things. They could go over the sea in their ships; they could go to the top of the hills; and their woods and houses and gardens were so big.There were many things that she wanted to know about, but her sisters could not tell her. Again she went to ask her grandmother.Do men live for e

41、ver? she asked.They must die like us; but their life is not so long as ours,answered the old grandmother. We live for three hundred years. When we die, our bodies become water in the sea. We have no souls and we can never live again. People who live on the land have souls: their bodies die and becom

42、e dust: but their souls do not die.They go to a beautiful place in the sky.Why have we no souls? asked the little sea princess. I would not want to live for three hundred years if I had a soul. When my body died, I should be able to live for ever in that beautiful place in the sky. 中文这座宫殿是由白色的石块建筑的,


44、。她又去问她的祖母了。“人会永远活下去吗?”她问。“他们和我们一样,也是要死的,但她们的寿命比我们还要短呢。”老祖母回答道,“我们能活到三百岁。等我们死了,我们的身体变成海里的水。我们没有灵魂,不能再活了。生活在陆地上的人有灵魂,他们的身体死后化成尘土,而他们的灵魂还活着,升到天上一个美丽的地方去。“为什么我们没有灵魂?”小海公主问,“如果我有灵魂的话,我愿意放弃我能活三百岁的生命,等我的身体死去,我可以在天上美丽的世界得到永生。”童话:海的女儿(八)英文You must not think of that, her grandmother answered. We live longer a

45、nd we are far happier than people on land.But the little sea princess said, If I die, I can never go to the top of the sea again. I can never hear the lovely noise of the sea, never again see the beautiful flowers and the sun! Tell me, grandmother, is there any way by which I can get a soul?The gran

46、dmother answered, If a person on the land loves you more than his father or mother. If he says that he will love you for ever. Then his soul will go into your body. You can get a soul from a person on the land who loves you. But that can never be! The people on the land are not like us. They think t

47、hat feet are beautiful!I will go to the old woman who knows all about magic,said the sea princess. I have always been afraid of her, but she can help me.The little sea princess looked sadly down. Most of her body was beautiful. Just like the bodies of people on the land. But she had no feet. There h

48、er body was like the body of a fish.So the little sea princess went to the old woman.There were many ugly plants round the old womans house; they had long arms; they caught everything that was near them. The little sea princess was afraid. She want to go back, but she remembered the prince. This mad

49、e her braveand she went by these ugly plants. She saw that the plants had dead people in their arms. At last she came to the old woman.I know what you want to ask me, She said to the little sea princess. I shall give you what you want, but it will make you unhappy. You want me make all your body lik

50、e the bodies of the land people. You want two feet, then a young prince may love you and you makeget a soul. I will make you something to drink. You must take it to the land. When you drink it, you will get two feet. Your body will become like the bodies of the land people. But the change will give

51、you GREat pain. You will be very beautiful. But when you walk, you will hav much pain. Your feet will be very painful. Do you still want to become like the people on land?中文“你决不能这么想。”她祖母回答道,“我们的寿命比陆地上的人长,我们的生活比他们幸福。”但小海公主说:“要是我死了,我就再不能到海 面上去了。我再也听不到大海可爱的涛声,再也看不见美丽的花朵和太阳!告诉我,祖母,有什么办法让我得到一个灵魂?”祖母回答道:“

52、如果陆地上有一个有爱你,把你当作比父母还亲切的人。如果他说,他永远爱你。那么,他的灵魂就会转移到你的身上,你可以从陆地上爱你的人那里得到一个灵魂。但是,这种事情是永远不会有的!陆地上的人们不象我们,他们认为腿是美丽的!”小海公主悲伤地向下看着。她身体的大部是美丽的,和陆地上的人的身体一样。但她没有腿,她的下半身同鱼的身体一样。“我要到那个懂得所有巫术的老巫婆那里去。”海公主说,“我一直怕她,但她可以帮助我。” 于是小海公主去找那个老巫婆。老巫婆信的房子周围长着很多丑陋的植物。它们全有长长的手臂,捕捉附近的每样东西。小海公主害怕了。她想转身回去,但她想起了王子,就又有了勇气,穿过那些难看的植物。

53、她看到在植物手臂里的死 人。最后她来到老巫婆住的地方。“我知道你是来求我什么的。”她对小海公主说,“我会给你你所要的东西,可是这会使你痛苦的。你想叫我使你全身都和陆地的人类一样。你要两条腿,这样,年轻的王子就会爱你,而你可以得到一个灵 魂。我要让你喝一点东西,你必须把这东西带到陆地上去,喝下去以后,你就会有两条腿,你的身体就会 变得跟陆地上人类的身体一样了,但这种变化会使你非常疼。你会变得非常美,可是你一走路,就会疼, 你的脚非常疼。你是不是还要变成陆地上那样的人呢?”童话:海的女儿(九) 英文Yes, I do, the princess answered. She remembered h

54、er prince and the soul which she might get.You can never again become a sea princess. You will never get back your fishs body. You can never go back to live with your sisters. The prince must love you so much that he will go away from his father and mother. If he does not marry you, you will die. Th

55、e you will be changed to water in the sea.I still want to become like the land people, said the little sea princess.There is one more thing, said the old woman. You now speak and sing very beautifully. When you are like the and people, you cannot speak and sing. You will not to be able to speak and

56、sing.But how can I make the prince love me if I cannot speak to him? the sea princess asked.Your beautiful body, the way you walk, and your speaking eyes, the old woman answered. It will not be hard to make him love you. Do you still want me to make you like the land people?Yes, said the little prin

57、cess.Here is the magic drink, said the old woman. The little princess took it in her hand.She went away from the old womans house.She looked once again at her fathers house. There was no light in it: everyone was asleep. She did not want to go in. She was going away from her home for ever.She was ve

58、ry sad. She went into the garden and took a flower from each of her sisters little gardens. Then she went through the blue waters, up and up.Before the sun came in the sky the sea princess went to the princes house. She drank the magic drink which the old woman gave to her. It ran through her body.

59、Then it gave her GREat pain. She fell down and knew nothing more. When the sun came into the sky, she awoke. There was a burning pain in her arms and in her feet. But she saw the beautiful young prince standing near her.中文“是的,我愿意。”公主回答道。她想起了她的王子,想起了她可能得到的灵魂。“你再也不能变成海公主,再也不能有你的鱼身体,再也不能回来和你的姐妹们一同生活了。王



62、钱关系的批判,对真善美的讴歌。以下是小编带来的小王子英语读后感,希望对你有帮助。小王子英语读后感(一)Little Prince is about to tell a story of alien children to live in a very small planet, that planet there is only one him, he has to take care of the planet, he is the planet the little prince, grown up, he went to other planets travel, has encount

63、ered all sorts of people (aliens). Finally he came to the author encountered on Earth, and then died hereLook at this book, adults should not ripe to look at the mentality, to the point of view of your heart to understand it. the Little Prince has a pure heart and a rich imagination.When the little

64、prince left his planet, on the road, when a king, and that King would just like to control all rational, this is not like us? Especially when the teacher, like to go to other people, because order that other people can find themselves high up above and become a king, others only obeys. The second en

65、counter is love are people who love to be admired him, praise him anything except hear, in fact, we ourselves do they not? Others as long as one to praise himself, we do not carried away on it? Through this we can easily become conceited person, but also easy for the offensive.There drunkard, but also a businessman, even to light lamps and geographer, I think those people is equivalent to our portrayal of the real world,

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